Choosing Good Content: Criteria by Google


Google is a God among search engines. It is the most-used search engine world wide. Google handles more than three billion searches per day.

Having a website in the first page of Google is not at all easy. But what makes a page relevant enough to be placed at the top of search results? The answer is simple, it’s the CONTENT and how you promote it.

“Content isn’t King, it’s the Kingdom.” Lee Odden

Google has introduced numerous filtering procedures that reject low-quality content from search results. For increasing the traffic of a page, stuffing the keywords and building thousands of links were previous methods of content marketing.

New and fresh technologies are introduced by Google day by day which resulted in drastic changes. It was after the introduction of the new technology that search engine optimization has undergone radical development and these two methods of stuffing and building yields no results at all. Pages consisting of original and quality content gain the very best ranks in Google search results.

Read Also: What Is Content Curation? How Is It Relevant To Digital Marketing

The new technology made it possible for Google to exclude all those pages with low-quality write ups and no information. Users can easily get access to high-quality materials without wasting time on useless materials.  Few strategies help good content to stay in their position for a long time

 “Content is the reason search begun, in the first place.”  Lee Odden

Follow these steps to help your content retain its position:

Updating your content:

  • Update at least once a week
  • Quicker the content is updated, higher the chances of people visiting the page
  • Frequent updating keeps the page active and content can retain good position

Construction of content:

  • The content must be organized attractively
  • Spelling mistakes should as less as possible
  • Grammar errors are prohibited in good content
  • A good content have less than three spelling mistakes and four grammatical errors
  • Google uses check feature in Microsoft Word in order to check the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes in contents
  • Proper nouns, new words or words from other languages are not included in the list of probable errors
  • Short sentences always win the game: a good write-up has short but to the point sentences
  • A paragraph must contain only 3-4 sentences with each sentence consisting of 10-12 words
  • Bullet points can make things more clear and make a write-up interesting. People usually concentrate more on points to paragraphs

For the popularity of a page, good content is absolutely necessary. A writer’s skill plays an important part in deciding how Google views a web page. Gone are the days of stuffing keywords and link building. Now, quality speaks.

Quality content is the backbone of any website. Google’s algorithms have now evolved to detect duplicate content. They also take into consideration a lot of other factors such as user engagement, links, image optimization, page load time and other 200 plus factors.

Recommended Read: Importance of Strategy in Content Marketing

Tips for Creating Good Content:

  1. Original Content Always
  2. Create Strong Headlines
  3. Your Content Should be Actionable
  4. Provide Answers in the Content
  5. Always be Accurate about the Reports
  6. Be double sure about the source of information
  7. Content must be Thought-Provoking
  8. Communicate with the audience through the content by Adding Images and Video

Keep your sentences short and to the point

Why Is Segmentation Important In Email Marketing?


When we talk about email marketing, the success of your effort is mainly affected by the nature of your email segmentation. By knowing how to segment your email audience properly, you can create more effective email campaigns for enterprise level marketing and can achieve your goal efficiently.

When we discuss the significance of this type of email list separation, you must know exactly why segmentation is important in email marketing? It’s quite simple:

  • All Your Customers are Not the Same. Generally businesses serve more than one type of clients. Even if you deal with only single product or service, there are various types of clients that should be treated independently, with a specific end goal to get their attention in the most effective way.
  • You’ll Create Your Fame. It could be excessive, but here it’s one more of a chance: If you send focused, significant emails with luring content to your potential client base, you will come to be more fascinating and captivating to your customers. This will result in finding increased number of subscribers.

Read Must: 10 Best E-Mail Subject Line Formulae to Rock Your E-Mail Marketing Campaigns

  • You Need More and More Leads. The more you speak to your different customers about the value of your services, the probability of them purchasing from you is also higher. If you furnish content that speaks and relates to your clients, you will develop a bond with them. This bond creates an interest your emails, and they will come to see it! What’s more, with such a relationship, you will be the main priority when they want to buy a product.

Once you have segmented your lists, no matter to what extent, it’s vital to keep the categories up-to-date. Segmenting your lists can be tedious. This can be helpful when you have both prospects and buyers on the list. When someone becomes a customer, they can easily be moved from one segment to another without any kind of subscription process.

So, it’s necessary as it helps you to comply with applicable laws and send the right messages to your contacts. And you can expect immediate positive responses from your customers once you’ve gone through the process.

Instagram Tops Twitter, Hits Over 400 Million Users

Instagram has just dealt a significant blow to its rivals”

Instagram has more than 400 million users, with over 80 million pictures shared via this platform.

Most of the latest subscribers are European or Asian, with the likes of Brazil, Japan and Indonesia standing out with significant surges in subscribers.

Instagram was created and launched by Mr Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. It gained popularity quickly and had attained over 100 million active users by April 2012.

Read Also: Social Media Sites and Applications to Be Exempted From the Encryption’s Domain Policy

“When Instagram launched nearly five years ago, 400 million seemed like a distant dream,” said the company in a blog post.

“Now, we continue to strive to improve Instagram – helping you experience the world through images and connect with others through shared passions.”

The company introduced a new app, Layout from Instagram. With this users can select and combine three photos into a single image that too in several layouts.


Social Media Sites and Applications to Be Exempted From the Encryption’s Domain Policy


New Delhi: Shortly after a debate emitted over government’s proposal to explore each message send by an individual by WhatsApp, SMS, or Google Hangouts, the Department of Electronics and Information Technology cleared up in a draft that online networking sites and applications will be exempted from the Encryption’s domain Policy.

The draft posted by Deity indicates that there are classifications of encryption products that will be excused from the draft’s domain national encryption policy.

Encryption products, which are as of now being utilized in web applications, social media sites, and social media applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter etc are excluded from the purview of the draft National Encryption Policy, confirmed a proposed addendum to the policy posted on the department’s website.

Encryption items utilized as a part of Internet banking and payment gateways, and for e-commerce and password-based transactions will be exempted as well.

Read Also: Facebook Introduces SIGNAL, A Social News Gathering Tool for Journalists

Earlier Deity had proposed that all the messages which are sent through encrypted messaging services like WhatsApp (Android version supports encryption), Google Hangouts or Apple’s iMessage, must be stored safe for 90 days.  Privacy concerns triggered heated debate.

The draft of New Encryption Policy proposes that upon demand users of encrypted messaging service must reproduce same text, transacted during a communication before law enforcement agencies. It should be in a plain format. Failing to do so may result in imprisonment of the user as per the provisions.

The proposed policy of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology will be made applicable for everyone including government departments, academic institutions, normal citizens and for all kind of communications.

All the modern messaging services like WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Google Chat, yahoo messenger etc, has high level of encryption and many times security offices think that it is difficult to catch these messages.

“All information shall be stored by the concerned B/C entity for 90 days from the date of transaction and made available to Law Enforcement Agencies as and when demanded in line with the provisions of the laws of the country,” the draft said.

The ‘B category’ in the draft is defined as all statutory organizations, executive bodies, business and commercial establishments, including all Public Sector Undertakings, Academic institutions.

The draft has defined ‘C category’ as all citizens including personnel of government and business performing non-official or personal functions.

The user should provide the readable plain text along with the corresponding encrypted information if they communicate with foreigner or entity abroad.

As per the draft, all service providers located inside or outside India which uses encryption technology for providing any type of services in India should register themselves with the government.

Recommended Read: Facebook to Finally Introduce “Dislike” Button

The New Encryption Policy is introduced under section 84 A of Information Technology Act 2000, as proposed by the draft. Through amendment in 2008, this section was introduced. Sub-section 84 C introduced through the amendment has provision of imprisonment for violation of the act.

“Encryption products may be exported but with prior intimation to the designated agency of Government of India. Users in India are allowed to use only the products registered in India. Government, reserves the right to take appropriate action as per Law of the country for any violation of this Policy,” the draft said.

October 16, 2015 is the last date for public to comment on the draft.

“Having a draft on issue is a welcome step. It looks at everything with prism of law enforcement. It will create a license raj. There is very much concern around privacy of citizen. The policy wants messages to be given on demand. If my private information is sought by government, it should be done through courts,” Arun Sukumar,Head Cyber Initiative, said.


What Is Content Curation? How Is It Relevant To Digital Marketing


Content curation is an art of collecting, analyzing, organizing, and displaying relevant information that can boost traffic to your website.

Content marketing is one of the key strategies any digital marketing agency offers. With the release of Google’s Panda and Penguin updates, digital marketers, as well as website owners have become very careful in maintaining their website with fresh, informative and search engine friendly content.

Content curation is an ideal way to attract targeted traffic to websites. To make it simple, Wikipedia explains content curation as the process of collecting, organizing and displaying information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest.

In this form of content marketing, a publisher collects the best content related to a specific topic and targeted to a specific audience. Then, that content is enhanced by adding personal opinions and expertise. This unique content that includes your personal insights can help readers understand why the information you’re citing is valuable and relevant to them.

This form of content has incredible benefits for credibility and brand awareness. Promoting the insights coming from your original content helps to facilitate a stronger relationship with your content consumers – encouraging them to come back to your organization as a source for quality content and a richer experience when navigating through the web. It also gets you ranking for both long and short tail keywords.

Recommended Read:  Importance of Strategy in Content Marketing

Types of curated content are – Aggregation (collection of relevant information on any topic in a specific location), Distillation (curating information into a more simplistic format only with relevant ideas), Elevation (identifying a larger trend or insight), Mashups (merging existing content is used to create a new point of view) and Chronology (gathering information on a particular topic for a specific period of time).

Done properly, content curation can be an excellent piece of your content marketing services campaign. Digital marketing agencies can provide services from experienced content writers to help businesses with content curation.

Tips for including content curation into your content marketing strategy:

  1. Publish curated content in the form of social media blog posts as well as email newsletters
  2. Avoid duplicate content. The more unique content you add, the better the content will perform in search engines, and the safer you’ll be with regard to future algorithm changes.
  3. Avoid promotional stuff. Include informative content.
  4. While curating content, link only to high-quality sites. Less trustworthy sites can impact your performance in search engine rankings.
  5. Target your audience. Add value to the reader. Unless your audience likes the content, they’re not going to share it.
  6. Take permission to add content from curation sources and build a relationship with them that can maximize your reach and value.

Read Also: 8 Reasons Blogging Is Vital For Your Digital Presence

Top Content Curation Tools for 2015

  • Pressly – This is a smart online platform that helps to aggregate the right content for your audience and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
  • – This tool will not only generate the most relevant articles to view and share, but it will also include complementary topics. This tool can not only get to curate content but you are also put in connection with other content curators, which helps to gain insight from leaders in various fields.
  • TrapIt – This “intelligent” tool allows marketers to set up content collections–called “traps”. It delivers a constant feed of real-time, relevant content based on these trapped topics and how you interact with the content.
  • Feedly – This RSS feed is ideal to curate blog content that can be used as resources for future posts or give you great ideas for upcoming content. Free for the basic service, this is an easy to use tool .

An established digital marketing agency with relevant experience in the field can help your business find right source of information online and personalize it, thus attract more readers and improve your brand awareness in short time.

Facebook Introduces SIGNAL, A Social News Gathering Tool for Journalists


Facebook unveiled SIGNAL, a new tool to help journalists to gather social news.

News is sourced from both Facebook and the Facebook-owned Instagram platform. It is made for journalists using social media as a part of their reporting efforts.

The tool will be free for journalists.

“We came to know from journalists that they need a simple way to make Facebook a more important part in their newsgathering,” Andy Mitchell, director of media partnerships, posted on Facebook.

Read Also: Facebook to Finally Introduce “Dislike” Button

The tool is the newest effort of Facebook to interlink itself with the media publications and journalists who achieved success in attracting large number of viewers by social community.

“Search functionality makes it easy to surface content directly related to a topic or story they are tracking,” Mr. Mitchell stated.

Journalists can access the lists of public figures that are mentioned most on Facebook, including real-time conversations across authors, politicians, actors, sports teams, musicians, players, etc. more.

This is a first step to help journalists using Facebook and Instagram more effectively.


Facebook to Finally Introduce “Dislike” Button


As per popular opinion, Facebook “Dislike” button has long been overdue. The company finally seems to be listening. During a town hall meeting at the company’s California headquarters, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said the feature would be coming soon.

He also said that the “Dislike” button would not “downvote” posts, but instead let users express other emotions.

“People have asked about the ‘dislike’ button for many years, and probably hundreds of people have asked about this, and today is a special day because today is the day that I actually get to say we are working on it, and are very close to shipping a test of it,” said Zuckerberg

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Whatever the intentions, the public might have a different opinion.

Also, Facebook is where news publishers manage to get a majority of their traffic to their websites these days. So a “dislike” button might influence the traffic inflow. In that case, brands would have to change their content strategy and approach.


8 Reasons Blogging Is Vital For Your Digital Presence


In the current internet based world, your service or product needs great online presence to reach the desired heights. It will help bring large number, of traffic to your site and stand out among your competitors.

To improve the online presence of your business, you can seek search engine optimization. SEO is highly effective in bringing your business in front of the whole world. Blogging is a vital part of an SEO strategy.

Reasons Why Blogging Is Essential For Your Digital Presence:

Higher Ranking In SERP – Making use of blog in a regular basis is a better way of adding relevant content in your site. These blogs play an important role as they are useful to your customers. It is one of the best ways to increase your search engine ranking.

Your website gets one more indexed page every time you write a new blog, increasing your chances of a higher ranking in SERP (search engine results page). Blogging can increase your web page indexing by 434%. Linked posts will get Google to index your website for high-quality keywords as well.

Read Also: 6 Essential Steps to a Successful Blog Post

Social Media Presence – Blogging also helps you to get social media presence as people can share these blogs on Social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and many more. This results in getting new, audience to your business. If you have a blog for your website, then you don’t have to ask your social media manager to come up with new content for your brand on a frequent basis.

More Inbound Links – Blogging helps to generate 97% more inbound links. If you share relevant and quality posts, then many people will link to your blog. This will result in generating traffic to your business. Quality inbound links is another factor that can influence search engines positively.

Helps To Bring Traffic – With regular posting, your blog will generate traffic to your site on a large scale. Thus, they will come to know about your brand. In time, brand, trust would grow manifold.

Convert Traffic Into Leads – You will get more sales and high-quality traffic when people find your blog through Google. When you get such traffic, it will be easy for you to convert them to leads with strategic placements of CTAs (call to actions) placed at right places in the blog.

Builds Trust and Reputation – Blogs are where you begin to influence, persuade and move your prospects to act. It’s where they begin to know, like and trust you. Reading about genuine information will make them come back to your website and look for more relevant topics. This builds trust in their mind, leading to better reputation for your website.

Read Also: SEO  Two Secret Ingredients for SEO Success 

Create Conversations – Keeping your audience engaged is always a good way to build your brand. Blogs create two-way conversations with prospects, customers, and industry peers. It strengthens interaction, comments and feedback.

Knowing Your Audience Better – Blog analytics enables you to track readers, popular topics, click-through, share and comments. By analyzing such data, you will be able to learn more about your audience. Knowledge thus gained can be utilized for furthering marketing strategies.

The earlier you start blogging, the faster your business will obtain its benefits – and don’t forget to set a goal. If you think there are more benefits to blogging, please share with us in the comment section.

Why Your Website’s Design Is Too Important To Be Left To Web Designers


Your company website looks outdated, whereas rival websites are looking fantastic. So you hire a designer or a designing agency to give your company’s website a new start.

But does a believable, compelling website design really matter?

Yes, it does. But, the important thing is that it should not be just good looking. It should also be user and search engine friendly. Your best bet is a digital marketing agency, unless you yourself are a digital marketing expert.

The following is a list of 5 key components, which an online marketing agency keeps in mind while designing a website:


The navigation of a website is very important as it can make or break a website. It is especially true for websites with several pages. Website navigation normally includes a list of labels or navigation bar which organizes its pages for easy access. Web designers sometimes get carried away with fancy typefaces and designs while designing navigation. Good navigation must be simple to find and understand, making for quick and easy travel through the entire website.

Read Also: Design 2015: Changing Trends In Web Design

Brand Consistency

If your firm has a logo which is being used often in print materials (i.e. Pamphlets, business cards, letterheads, etc.), the logo/brand colors, logo, brand messaging and imagery utilized in print should be carried over into the website design.

It is significant for your clients to be capable enough to identify your brand in all forms of communication so that they can associate your promise and brand position with your business.

When the visual communication gets changed to a brand, it can make the clientele feel uncomfortable, which leads them to make a negative association with your firm. At the same time, a smart digital marketing agency will be able to enhance your relationship with the customer through clever usage of branding elements.

Reading Patterns and SEO

Many folks are comfortable in reading the whole website the same way they read a book. Web designers keep this in mind while designing a website. Most of the designers make sure to place the vital info on the upper left-hand column. This will aid you to get the message worldwide more efficient from the visitors who could be potential or current clientele.

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The content in your website is essential. Mainly because it communicates your company’s brand promise and brand position directly to your customers. There are other very essential elements which are taken into consideration when a copywriter writes the content and the designer designs the corresponding visual environment related to the content.


Making and maintaining trust amid your clientele is really essential, but it will not happen till you really get to know about them and their values. Marketing methods can help you find more about your probable customer’s requires.

Website design is much more than a fancy, eye-candy layout. It is an ideal way to make a user-friendly environment where folks come for necessary tips. A properly designed and managed website can see clients continuously returning to your website and doing business with your firm.

Google Has A New Logo!

Have you noticed a difference in the google logo? Yes, the search giant has updated its logo. It’s the same colours, but now, according to the official google blog, the logo has been designed considering people interact with Google products across many different platforms, apps and devices.

Check out the evolution of the Google Logo over time here: