How to Host Webinars to Increase Conversions

Deciding on the format of content is one of the key aspects of content marketing. There are many formats that your content can take.

This includes blog posts, podcasts, video, e-book, webinars, etc. How do you know which one is best suited for you?

Well the best format depends on your target audience and the stage of buyer’s journey they are in. Webinar is known to give great results in converting leads to customers.

According to Content Marketing Institute, over 60% of marketers are using webinars as a part of their content marketing programs. In this blog we will talk about webinars and how you can use them to convert more customers

What is a Webinar?

Webinar is just like a seminar event except that it is conducted online. It is a presentation that is done live for the people who sign up for it.

Presenter and attendees are also able to communicate through live chat.

What makes a webinar unique is:

  • It gives a personal touch
  • It gives you more focused attention as it is live
  • It gives you more time. A typical webinar is between 45 mins to 2 hours
  • t gives you a chance to resolve objections in real time
  • It builds relation through a two way communication
  • You can reach anyone across the globeYou can see that a webinar keeps your audience more involved than a blog or video post. It is the closest to meeting to your leads face to face.

What are the conversion rates for Webinars?

For this reason webinars also have a high conversion rate. Whereas email marketing has a conversion rate of 3-5%, most webinars convert between 10- 20% of attendees down the line..

Companies like Adobe, Buzzsumo and KISSmetrics have confirmed above 20% conversion rates through webinars.

How to Use Webinars in Your Marketing Funnel?

Webinars can be used at two stages in a digital marketing funnel. Firstly, they can be used to connect with your visitors.

Webinars can even be used as lead magnets to convert visitors into leads.

Secondly, they are especially effective in the conversion stage, the last stage of marketing funnel.

Someone attending your webinar has set aside an hour for you, which means that they trust you to deliver value.

Most of the webinar attendees are hence qualified leads that are ready to buy.

How do I host a Webinar?

Hosting a webinar is not difficult. There are many webinar software that are user friendly and intuitive.
Here are the steps to follow to host a webinar:

1. Decide on the Topic and Presenter- Pick a burning question that your readers have or a pain point they face in their lives. A headline that speaks out to the visitor is half the job done.

2. Make your presentation – Make you presentation ready. A BIG mistake for any marketer would be treat your webinar as a sales pitch. A webinar is first and foremost a valuable training session for your attendees.

Remember they signed up to learn what you promised in the title, not to buy your products and service. Make sure you are giving tons of value in return of one hour that they have allotted to you.

3. Choose webinar software – There are many options to host your webinar like Webinars on Air by Google, Go to Webinar, Cisco WebX, Mega Meeting etc.

Go to Webinar is the most popular one with impressive features and reasonable pricing. It has a free 7 day trial and a monthly fee of $79 after that.

The software is easy to use with intuitive design. They allow you to share your screen with attendees, set up email notifications and reminders, take polls and surveys, chat with attendees and view webinar dashboard.

Practice a mock presentation a few times for successful live webinar.

4. Promote Webinar- Start promoting your webinar on social media, web-site pop-ups, email lists and any other channels you may have to reach your audience.

Make sure your topic matches your audience’s requirement. For example, a high school student is more likely to sign up than an undergrad for a webinar on ‘How to prepare for SAT Entrance’.

5. Host Webinar and Follow up- Use the tips shared below to host your webinar. Most of the attendees don’t sign up immediately but do end up buying up from you eventually.

Add the attendees to your email marketing list and follow up with your offer within 48 hours. Nurture these leads over time by sending webinar recording and other valuable content.

Tips to Host a Successful Webinar

  • Be well rehearsed

If you are a B2B company share your company story along with your personal story too.

Learn all the functions of webinar software and make sure you know how to get over technical setbacks even if they occur. Being well rehearsed will also make you sound confident.

  • Arrive before time

Arrive at least half an hour before the scheduled time. This will give you time to check if everything is working.

It is also a good opportunity to strike up a conversation with people have arrived early and are eager to start. Ask them about their expectation from the webinar.

  • Keep it interactive

The beauty of a webinar is that you can get direct live feedback from your attendees. Keep your webinar interactive by asking questions and also receiving questions.

Keep moderators on your team who will answer questions in chats and keep everyone engaged. Take names of people who are responding, mention geographies from where people are logged in. All this will make attendees feel connected and part of a live event.

  • Bring your personality

An event is way to know each other personally. So share your story and connect with your audience.

Tell them how you landed up here and highlight the similarities between you and your audience.

If you are a B2B company share your company story along with your personal story too.

  • Keep it Light

One hour is a long time to ask for focused attention from your audience. If your presentation is long and boring they will either exit or drift off.

So keep your webinar light and entertaining. Use a lot of stories, short videos, jokes and real life examples.

There will be parts where you will be giving heavy information, but make sure you prepare your audience and spread out the heavy material throughout the presentation.

The rule of thumb is to keep no more than three slides of heavy concepts.

Final Notes

Hosting your first webinar may seem like a difficult job. However, it is easy once you get used to it. With a conversion rate of 20% you are sure to do more of them once you get started.

Is There any Such Thing as SEO for Mobile Apps

The increasing popularity of mobile apps has reshaped the world of iOS App Store and Google Play Store. The number of app downloads and the rating given by users drive the popular apps listed on these platforms to rank higher. This means that improving the visibility of your mobile app is becoming more  challenging today. However, better visibility would increase popularity and  number of downloads for the app.

App store optimization is the first thing that comes in one’s mind when we talk about SEO for mobile apps. But are you aware of the fact that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can actually be used for boosting your mobile apps download?  Just like SEO techniques help to improve your site’s rank on Google Search, there are also some tips and tricks that help to improve the ranking and visibility of your mobile app in the app store.

SEO tips to get Better Ranking for your Mobile App

If your app has a good Google visibility, then automatically app downloads increase. With increased number of app downloads, the app popularity increases and thereby, it achieves higher ranks on the app store. Hence, it is now a proven fact that higher the visibility on Google, higher would be your app store visibility. Below are a few tips of how you can ensure this in an organic manner:

Tip#1 – Your app name should be the brand name

The brand name should definitely come in the download page URL. You can use the brand name as the link on the page from where it can be downloaded.

Tip#2 – Provide link to download app on the home page or prominent page of your website

You should provide a link to download the app on the most prominent page of the website. These are small tips which majorly all website designers miss. You can build a page which has screenshots, tips, main features, reviews, ratings of the app highlighted. This can definitely leave an impact on the users and motivate them to download the apps.

Tip#3 –Use the brand name on the clickable link text which is used to download the app

You should not lose the opportunity of highlighting the name of your brand here. Many companies make this mistake. You should not have link text like – ‘Download iPhone app’ used for downloading the app. You should rather have link names with the brand name like ‘Download the Amazon iPhone app’. This way you can market your brand and also make it clear to the users what they are about to download.

Tip#4 – Provide QR link for app download

QR codes help to give desktop users an easy way to access the apps. Once you scan the right device with the QR code, the app download should occur. You should not forget to compress the URL length before generating the QR. If the URL length exceeds 50 characters, then the QR code that is generated is heavy and many a times scanning them becomes difficult. The best way is to use a compressed URL to generate the QR code. This concept is surely going to become very popular in the next one year. So, you should probably start experimenting on it from now.

Tip#5 –Promote your app to the browsers checking your website

The whole world is sitting for you to make the correct and suitable app search simpler for them. They want to be able to easily find the relevant apps or mobile pages. Every time any browser hits your website, you should prompt them to download the app for their device for ease.

There are several apps available today which are really good but most of them are either not very popular or not on any top lists. This is the main cause for all the owners of good apps to realize the urgency and need to optimize app pages for better ranking.

The brands with large amount of traffic, good content, and social popularity should use these digital opportunities to increase app popularity and increase ranking. App store and Play Store are new assets for mobile researchers.

So, get set go and start investing time in SEO for mobile apps, if you wish to improve your ranking and get more app downloads.

A Checklist for App Store Optimization [Infographic]

App Store Optimization (ASO) is a way of optimizing your mobile apps to ensure higher ranking in the app store search results and top charts rankings. Since it has similarities to search engine optimization (SEO), ASO is also referred to as mobile app SEO, App Store SEO and App Search Optimization. But, as a marketer how can you optimize your app for better discoverability in an app store?

To help you boost your app marketing strategy, we have created a checklist for effective App Store Optimization. Let’s go through this infographic and create a better app marketing strategy to improve your app’s discoverability in the app stores.



Is App Store Optimization Enough for Mobile App Marketing

In this competitive world it is important to market your mobile apps in the right manner so that your customers get to know about them and can access them when required. With discoverable mobile apps, brands become more accessible and reliable for customers.

App Store Optimization or ASO is a process of optimizing your mobile app to rank higher or improving the visibility of a mobile app in the app store.  That is just like search engine optimization (SEO) for websites, ASO is for mobile apps. Therefore it’s clear that ASO is a crucial piece of any marketing plan in the mobile app.  But ASO alone cannot boost your mobile app marketing efforts. ASO and an inbound marketing can be a good method of marketing strategy.

App Store Optimization involves both on-page and off-page marketing strategies. An effective ASO –

  • Targets your right audience
  • Research the right search keywords and optimize your app for these keywords
  • Design a suitable app icon
  • Provides quality content that provides details about your app to the readers
  • Encourages audience to submit reviews and ratings

The objective is to increase the visibility of your app for the target keywords and thereby drive more traffic to your app page in the respective app store. According to Forrester, 63% of apps are discovered through app store searches. This makes search, in the app store, the most used method for discovering and downloading new apps.

Recently, at Google I/O, Ankit Jain reported that “For the average app, search actually makes up the vast majority of installs.” Ranking higher in search results and top charts will drive more downloads for a mobile app. The higher your app ranks in an app store’s search results, the more visible it is to potential customers. Mobile apps can help your brand upgrade its business operations and enhance customer focus in the following ways:

  • Stay connected with your customers, audience all the time and retains more of them.
  • Through push notifications and localization tools, brands can better reach out to customers with the help of a mobile app.
  • Provide information about promotional offers, discounts and deals faster than any other means, keeping the customers informed.
  • ASO can boost the brand name at a global scale.

ASO act as a secret weapon that its ultimate objective is to drive more traffic, indexing, downloads, brand value and potential customers to your apps in the app store. An example for ASO is Apple’s Search Ads program. This program made many developers concerned because, it was just another way to award popularity to the highest bidders in the App Store. It works as however, while the ads technically operate on an auction system, there is more at play in landing a popular search ad than just paying a high amount.

It is not that App Store Optimization is the only method of marketing. It is that ASO and other marketing services go hand in hand. For instance, social media platforms can be used to increase your app’s visibility.

App’s quality too matters. “A satisfied customer will be a marketer for you”, this is rightly said, and that importance needs to be given to the user experience. It is just your app’s quality that keeps the users hold to your product.

To implement successful marketing strategies, keep on updating your app with more advanced features frequently. A thorough research of the competitors and prevailing market trends would help in better marketing. To perform all this, you need a perfect, strong and creative team of developers.  If your app is useful then the user will recommend your app to more and more people which could be an excellent marketing strategy apart from ASO and other optimizations.

ASO service providers in India is equipped with appropriate tools to perform research and incorporate the right keywords in the right way. Reliable companies also make sure to highlight the positive reviews and lapse the negative ones at foremost. This is important because the reviews of previous users would affect the credibility of your app to a considerable level.


Should Businesses Focus More on App Store Optimization?

What is App Store Optimization?

App store Optimization or ASO is the process of improving your ranking in app stores such as Google play (on Android phone) or App Store (on iOS phone). It is similar to Search Engine Optimization to rank higher on a Google search, the difference being that here you are vying for the top spots in an App Store search. An experienced app store optimization company can help you in achieving this ranking.

Why should I focus on ASO?

So, why should you focus on ASO and how is it going to help your business? According to Nielsen, 63% of customers search in app store to discover new app. Other channels like app discovery through media, word of mouth and advertisement rank lower than app search when it comes to app discovery. Simply put you are missing out on reaching a large number of potential audiences if you are not making efforts in ASO.

Building an app and putting it up on an app store is only half the job done. The app is not going to have significant benefits unless it is discovered and downloaded by many users. With little but consistent efforts in ASO you can reap the benefits of ranking higher in app searches and hence have more downloads.

How can you do it?

  • Keyword in Title and description

Just like keywords in SEO, Keywords play an important role in ASO as well.  According to MobileDEvHQ, apps that have the relevant keyword in their title rank on an average,  10.3% higher than those that do not. It is important to research what keywords the audience is using to search apps in your category.

Including the keyword in title and description will help the App Store to sift through the thousands of apps available in your category. It will also draw the attention of customers when they see clearly that the app addresses their requirement. The next point talks about how to get the title right once you have zeroed in on the keyword to be included.

  • How to get the title right

The title should be short, unique and navigational. Titles with more than 25 characters will run off the screen and are less likely to be downloaded.

Unique titles are the ones that are creative and stand out in the crowd of similar sounding apps. Eg: AirBrush: Easy Photo Editor is good versus Photo collage editor, Photo Editor, Photo editor Pro, PhotoDirector, Photo Editor etc.

Navigational titles are the ones easy to remember and don’t get lost in the generic names of the category. Eg: Tinder

  • Increase number of downloads

This is obviously something that is out of your control. Nevertheless, this is one of the criteria used to rank an app. All the other attributes remaining same, an app that has higher number of downloads is considered more useful by the app store and hence ranked higher.

  • Ratings and Reviews

Apps that have higher ratings are ranked higher and also have higher number of downloads. You can incentivize users to rate and review your app by giving offers, upgrades, discounts etc.

  • Ongoing process

ASO is not rocket science. An app with user centricity, simple user interface and good amount of thought and research is more likely to get great reviews and downloads. An app that addresses the core problems in a user’s life will definitely get huge word of mouth referrals.

ASO is more of a consistent effort everyday rather than getting a magical formula at launch. It takes time to get to the top in a world where millions of apps already exist. However, monitoring your app and making necessary tweaks every now and then will reap more benefits than possible otherwise.


The field of mobile marketing is changing daily and so are the rules. An experienced digital marketing expert can help you in app store optimization for Android  and iOS Apps.


7 Ways App Store Optimization will change in the Near Future [2016]

  1. App indexing will greatly influence app marketing & ASO

Does app indexing will become more relevant in coming years? Of course, yes. App indexing is going to make a serious impact on App Store Optimization in coming years. Recently, the CEO of Apptentive opined that the power of deep linking is going to be unveiled. He added “we have just started to analyze how deep linking will influence the app marketing industry globally”.

A notable change bring in by deep linking is app indexing. Let’s see, what the term app linking denotes. App indexing helps people to find and install apps on their iOS and Android smartphones during a web search result. Deep linking enhances app indexing. As search results are available within mobile apps, mobile web results are going to replace with mobile app search results in near future.

This transition clearly indicates that app indexing is going to influence app marketing and App Store Optimization. As ASO become more relevant, app developers will begin to explore more possibilities of indexing in their apps.

Read Also: How is App Store Optimization Different from SEO ?

  1. Ratings will become crucial

Many well-known ASO services providing companies have recommended that marketers should focus more on reputation management.

It’s clear that a user look for ratings and reviews before downloading app. App ratings/ reviews have not that much importance on the app store results in the past years, but it is going to make a huge impact in 2016. So, app publishers should focus on implementing new tactics to get positive reviews for their apps.

Utilization of tools such as LaunchKit, Sensor Tower will help you to analyze user feedback and reviews in the app stores. This will help you to find the right keywords to target in App Store Optimization.

  1. Real-time mobile analytics tools become more relevant

If you want to provide better services for your customers you should understand the needs of customers. Real – time analytics tools are useful in finding such needs. Experts believe that the role of real – time analytics tools will become more relevant in ASO in 2016. You can see the evolution of analytics tools in terms of ease of integration and precise reporting.

This will help you trace what all App Store Optimization methods are effective. You can customize your app according to the wishes of the customers.

Real- time mobile analytics tools such as AppAnnie and Sensor Tower will help marketers to examine the tactics of their competitors.

  1. An increase in Digital Marketing Agencies focuses ASO services

Usually marketers do not have much technical knowledge. Experts predict that marketers will recognize the relevance of App Store Optimization is as critical as SEO is for websites.

You will witness a considerable increase in the number of Digital Marketing Agencies providing ASO services in 2016. Agencies strive to stay ahead in the competition by offering crucial ASO tactics. This will help app publishers to gain maximum downloads.

  1. Businesses show more interest in real- time A/B testing on mobile

It‘s evident that A/ B testing has proved successful for web search results for years. Now developers begin to experiment A/B testing in the mobile app realm as well. Testing experts feel confident in the possibilities of A/B testing on mobile and they believe that standards will be defined for testing in upcoming years, especially in 2016.

Currently, developers are taking advantages of Google Experiments in conducting A/B testing. It helps them to identify how descriptions, icons and keywords can influence the performance of an app.

If businesses are convinced, they can implement ASO tactics successfully as they accomplished in their SEO strategies, definitely they will show more interest on real- time mobile A/B testing as well.

  1. More relevance for app description (than ever before)

It is predicted that the app description quality will become critical for ASO in 2016. Many business analysts anticipate that Apple is going to follow Google’s lead in 2016. So, developers should pay more attention while creating app descriptions.

Keep in mind; Google and Apple always give importance to readability. So try to write attractive and user friendly app descriptions.

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  1. Personalization and In- app engagement will become more classy

It is true that ads are relevant to get more downloads for an app. But in – app engagement and personalization will become more significant and valuable in upcoming years.

According to a business analyst, in – app engagement and personalization are very effective to engage customers and it is cheaper as well. As brands have more control over the message, customers’ trust on their products also increases.

You might know that app ranking is based on user retention in the app stores. It‘s because of the crowded nature of the app stores.

Push notifications, virtual currency are some of the features that boost the engagement in your app.

How is App Store Optimization Different from SEO?

Some facts on ASO and SEO

App store optimization, or ASO is in simple terms, a growing and effective method of building visibility of your app and conversion for your mobile app featured in app stores such as Google Play and Apple App Store.

Optimization of your app is important as no app store offers any aid to improve the visibility of apps.

You might know that many app developers think that there is no difference between app store optimization and SEO. Most business people know only about SEO and that’s why it happens.

We are going to explore the major differences that may help you understand how app store optimization is entirely different from search engine optimization.

If you find an app developing company works to list out popular keywords on web search, then they are on the wrong path. They have to optimize their app for searches specific to app stores, which would be entirely different from the popular searches in the web. Optimizing for web search will hardly give you any results.

Do you think is it sensible to target web search keywords where search for app store is needed? Or just think how people search for apps.

Criteria for people to discover and Install apps

A recent study on mobile apps reveals “majority of app users find apps by searching in app stores”. The second possibility for finding an app is via friends, as they drive people to make searches.

It’s obvious that mobile users are discovering and installing apps through the app stores.

If you want to build an optimized app page, you should know the basic difference between app store’s search and web search.

To be precise, the purpose of the user is the major difference.

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Some facts on App store and Web results

It’s clear that users expect one kind of results while searching the app stores and a set of different results during web search. Interestingly Apple and Google know this user psychology very well. For instance, if you search for a particular word in a web browser and in Apple’s App Store, results would be completely different for both.

To understand the search behaviour of users in app stores, App Store Intelligence software may help you.

Significant search coverage is important

Relevant coverage is important for changing your app’s targeted audience into installs and users. You have to optimize your app’s page with relevant phrases and keywords in order to get your apps discovered in app stores. Like that relevant coverage will give you results.

It’s obvious that your app will drive more installs if you can increase conversion rates. If your app’s visibility is higher for a specific search, it shows that your app is relevant as per the app store ranking algorithms of both Google and Apple.

It’s noted that Google considers conversion rates for their web search ranking algorithms. Like that if your app has an increase conversion rates among your clients’ portfolios result in higher rankings in Google Play.

For example, suppose there is an app on exercise which has badges to different running challenges in the app store. When someone searches for a game on free runner and if the exercise app were in those results, the rate of conversion would be less, since runner as a game has no connection to running as an exercise

In this case, Google consider that app store search for the running app is not significant for searches connected to game on free runner.

Ensure what to optimize!

Recommended Read: Popular Myths of App Store Optimization

You can do app listing effectively only if you know what to choose for optimization. In order to get maximum downloads for your app; the only app store optimization tactic you can adopt is relevant coverage of app store search.

10 Must-have Tools For Every App Store Optimization Company

Today, thousands of apps are uploaded to app stores like Google Play and Apple Store, creating huge competition among app developers. Such competitive ambiance has increased the importance of App Store Optimization Company.

In order to improve the visibility of apps in search results an App Store Optimization Company has to use several techniques. Judicious use of the right tools for ASO will increase the revenue via downloads.

Here is a list of must have tools for App Store Optimization

  1. SearchMan

Searchman is a popular ASO service founded by CEO Niren Hiro in 2012. With Searchman you are able to track search ranking, analyze keywords and improve visibility of apps. It offers you expertise from a team made up of ex- google and yahoo personnel.

Searchman tool offers you the following aspects:

  • Help to search track your iOS and Android app regularly. This will help you know the position of your app among your competitors.

  • The knowledge of the right store keywords will make your app more popular. The longevity of your app gets better via data driven keyword suggestions.

  • The ability to enhance your overall SEO. Better SEO will give you better search rankings, thus drive more downloads.

    Read Also: Popular Myths of App Store Optimization

  1. AppAnnie

The company describes itself as “The No.1 decision – making platform for the entire mobile app economy”. AppAnnie tool is very famous because of its top app ranking, analytics and market intelligence platform. It was founded in 2010 by CEO Bertrand Schmitt.

The goal of this company is to offer quality intelligence solutions for the flourishing app economy. Their services are being used by 90% of the best 100 publishers in the mobile world. Microsoft, Google, EA and Dropbox are some of their top clients.

Some of the best features of the service are the following

  • User friendly with handy features. Store stats is a brilliant feature by AppAnnie. This feature helps you to break down historical rankings of mobile apps in different platforms owing to the wide variety of charts provided

  • AppAnnie works In tune with your app store strategy

  • Your app publisher data across various app stores can be tracked with its analytics feature

  1. Distimo

Distimo is an experienced provider of ASO services, founded in 2009 by Vincent Hoogsteder. This service gives you freedom to select the data preferable to you.

A customizable dashboard is an attractive feature of their service. This will help you to track downloads, reviews, ratings, rankings and revenues.

Let’s have a look on some features offered by Distimo

  • You are able to track your app across all the major stores and networks via Distimo’s free analytics.

  • The company’s conversion tracking tool helps you to identify which marketing campaign is beneficial to you

  • The revenue for your apps via downloads can be estimated with the AppIQ feature

  1. Apptweak

Apptweak is an amazing tool which provides personalized app marketing reports. With this feature companies can increase their app store visibility.

This is a fantastic application which analyses if the title and description of your app is relevant. In addition, it helps to track your app statistics.

  1. Appstatics

If you are a developer, Appstatics will help you to track your iOS and Mac apps in Apple’s best 300 App Store rankings across the globe. You will get a global view of the App Store because of this feature. In a nutshell, Appstatics tool is the easiest and smartest method to track the performance of iOS and Mac apps in the App Store rankings.

  1. Gummicube

Gummicube’s slogan “You develop, we’ll optimize” itself hints the purpose of the tool. Developers are able to focus on their apps because this tool will do the optimization works. Since company provides access to its App Store Intelligence and exclusive data, subscribers can make wise choices and choose the best keywords for their app.

Company provides a turnkey ASO solution to developers which consist of keyword selection, content authoring and robust reporting.


MOBILEDEVHQ is a Seattle based ASO solution company offering organic app marketing platform. It will give you all the essential data to improve the searchability of your app, present it beautiful and make the graphs simple. Company provides iOS tracking and Google Play tracking in almost all countries.

In short, MOBILEDEVHQ is the next generation enterprise software for mobile marketers.

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  1. Mopapp

One of the smart features of Mopapp is its unified dashboard. It gives you customized automatic reporting, review lists and comparison charts. Developers are able to access real time intelligence owing to this feature.

These reports can be used to implement new marketing strategies. You can easily view the mobile analytics as it is available in the dashboard. This will help you know revenues via downloads for your app.

  1. MetricsCat

MetricsCat is an Estonia based company, focuses on analysis of app store reviews and app markets. MetricsCat tool helps you to perform solid analysis and track your app performance on all major online markets.

This tools offers three different packages, developers are free to choose according to their needs and requirements. Its most popular version is the ‘Professional’ package.

  1. Sensor Tower

The fully automated keyword app ranking tracking tool is a special feature of Sensor Tower. This will provide developers access to perfect data on a per- keyword basis. You are able to make improvements and changes in campaigns and can be tracked along with changes to actual app keyword.

Some other features of Sensor Tower tool are the following

  • Gives you a clear picture about competitor data on keyword basis
  • Improve traffic by generating right keyword
  • Track the overall performance of your app on all platforms

In short, mobile companies will get more organic users via the Senser Tower tool.


Popular Myths of App Store Optimization

Today, app business is rocketing. With over a billion cell phones in the planet, not just are more individuals depending on applications to let them know where to eat, shop and go, but at the same time they are paying for more apps and making considerably more click- through to other related businesses.

Read Also: Why Use App Store Optimization Services?

In any case, to take advantage of this flourishing industry and ensure your app is a piece of this sensation, you need to utilize a showcasing procedure called App Store Optimization or ASO.

App Store Optimization is a term that has been gliding over the web for a couple of years now, yet there are some usually spread myths about ASO out there, App Store Optimization myths that we arrive to break with some exceptionally straightforward strategies you can utilize to make the most out of your apps. Apps are truly hot at this moment, and there are numerous ordinarily spread myths about App store optimization.

Here are some popular myths about App Store optimization

Changing App’s Title Can Improve App Store Optimization

A myth has spread over the web that if you change the title of your app frequently it will be beneficial for ASO. While there is no doubt that the title of your app is a stand out amongst the most important tools of App Store Optimization, actually changing your title daily does not enhance your app’s ranking.

Truth to be told, doing this can really be negative to your app deals. Suppose news of your app starts to spread, and its rankings improve, then on the off chance that you change the name, individuals find it difficult to discover it and won’t be particularly upbeat about that. Therefore, stay with your unique title.

No Need To Worry about Keywords

For reasons unknown, ASO reports have been stating that keywords are not that important for App Store Optimization. That just isn’t valid. Catchphrases are basic, much like in Search Engine Optimization, and ought to be utilized in your title and your portrayal. That doesn’t mean you have to try too hard, however they should be there.

Applications with a catchphrase in the title have a higher positioning than those with a keyword in the title. They must be there, however you shouldn’t “compel” them.

Whenever a keyword is utilized, it ought to bode well and be totally significant. Each word pays.

Ratings is Everything in App Store Optimization

Reviews are, obviously, essential. They permit you to screen your improvement and figure out the business. Be that as it may, they aren’t the most vital thing, nor do they fundamentally direct the achievement of your app. Evaluations do now and then affect what number of individuals will navigate to your application, or even download it, however studies have showed that even a percentage of the top outline apps don’t have high ratings.

A few of the top apps might even have a couple of stars. YouTube, Snapchat, Expedia, Facebook and Messenger applications are in Top 10 Free Apps in the US and have 2-3 stars as it were.

If your app’s rating is low, that doesn’t mean your app is a failure.

If Your App is on the Store, It’s Enough

A few individuals trust that if the application arrives, individuals will notice it. Be that as it may, that just isn’t valid. With more than 1.5 million applications on the iTunes Store and 1 million on the Google Play Store, there are such a variety of applications to compete with. This implies you need something else, other than an awesome title and some superb catchphrases, to get visible and downloaded as well.

It can appear like a ceaseless cycle attempting to support downloads, yet you can expand these outside of the App Store through more customary promoting techniques. You can utilize online networking, mailing records and other internet advertising methods to advance your app.

App’s Description is not at all Important

Most App Store Optimization falls flat on the ground because of poor app descriptions. The description is a stand out amongst the most critical variables in App Store Optimization such as the title, catchphrases, icon, and screen shots. An amazing description joins application audits and catchphrases that are deliberately picked, set inside of the exceptional and fascinating stuff. Your initial 250 characters are critical, and it’s anything but difficult to make it remarkable.

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Keep in mind these five truths. Regardless of the possibility that you have officially fallen into some of these pitfalls, take after these top tips to put your application’s ASO back on track. Reassess your App Store Optimization and what you’re doing incorrectly, and attempt to keep focused the right way to make your application a triumph.

Why Use App Store Optimization Services?

You would have developed an app out of passion or for business. You either want to make money or recognition. But, the app world is crowded with thousands of apps uploaded daily to app stores like Google play and Apple App Store. More than 60% of the apps are discovered via app store search.

So, how do you make your app visible?

App Store Optimization!

This is the single biggest reason to use App Store Optimization Services for your app.

If you just develop an app and upload it in an app store, it would remain as one of the zombies. Most of the users choose the app based on number of downloads, description, reviews and ratings.

You would have developed an app out of passion or for business. You either want to make money or recognition. But, the app world is crowded with thousands of apps uploaded daily to app stores like Google play and Apple App Store. More than 60% of the apps are discovered via app store search.

Why not Simply Fake It?

Faking reviews and gaming app store seems to be a practice that is getting used more broadly. But just like websites getting blacklisted for black-hat SEO, such apps would also get affected.

For instance, both the Apple App Store and Google App Store have made multiple changes to their algorithms over the past years. Also, while ratings and reviews definitely affect an app’s ranking, it can be difficult for an app developer to solely optimize his app.

Read More: How to Kickoff App Store Optimization the Right Way 

There are numerous advantages to using App Store Optimization services – the first thing being the usage of smart tools. There are plenty of optimization tools available in the market like App Mind, Mobile DevHQ, SearchMan SEO and Apptweak. Judicious use of these services would bring you more revenue via downloads.

Experience in handling several apps is another advantage you get to enjoy by employing App Store Optimization services. It doesn’t matter how much you have learned from the internet on ASO, actual working experience has no substitute.

Experienced hands also give you another benefit – you save time, and can make use of available time in the best way. And time is money.

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Definitely, by making use of such expertise, your app will get a lot of reach and downloads. Another major advantage is that you will be able to provide a different perspective to your app’s presentation.

If you are working on ASO of your app, there might be things you would remain unaware of. But by hiring App Store Optimization Services, you don’t need to worry about the technical side and can concentrate more on ensuring that the right message is sent across to the user.

So, make the right choice and enjoy the sweet taste of success.