Things Every Business Owner Must Know About Digital Marketing

Ever since it was introduced, digital marketing has been doing wonders in business world. With passing time, the opportunities that Internet provides are immense. As a result, the world of digital marketing is changing much faster than you can even imagine!

 But, the misconceptions among business owners regarding digital marketing prevail as it is. They cannot be blamed. After all, the primary duty of a business owner is just to run his/her business without any problems. They aren’t digital marketing experts. Therefore, you cannot expect them to know everything about digital marketing.

Digital marketing is a way to connect with your potential customers. So, business owners must not be completely unaware of it.  Here are some essential things you must know about digital marketing:

PPC isn’t the only option

A few years ago, PPC was the most advanced digital marketing option. At present, it doesn’t have much of an impact. But, people still spend lots of money on PPC like it is the only digital marketing option. Well, it’s not.

If you have already started with PPC for your business, let it stay. But, do not forget to look for other digital marketing options as well.

Money matters

If you thought that you will not have to spend a single penny to digitally market your business, you were wrong. Digital marketing is not a magic wand that you wave and voila! You have your website traffic increasing.

You will have to spend a decent amount of money for content marketing. It includes creating content, publishing it, promoting through social media etc. There are other options as well, that are available for free. But, you cannot be sure of the advantages. If you spend enough time and money in digital marketing, you‘ll surely reap the benefits.

Content is king

It always was, is and will be the king, until Internet exists. The digital world exists with the help of different articles, blogs, Infographics, videos, images etc.

In fact, digital marketing is meaningless without content. To have your presence felt in the Internet, you must have great content.

SEO is still valid

Many articles have been appearing in the internet, predicting the death of SEO. For your kind information, SEO is not dead. It will continue to stay until digital marketing era ends. Even now, some kind of optimization is being done on a daily basis while posting content online.  It is necessary to improve your page ranking.

SEO has undergone some changes in the past few years. It depends on the changes in the algorithm of search engines.

Mobile marketing is the latest trend

Myntra, the e-commerce giant, shut down its website and went mobile-only just few weeks ago.

The reason? They have already realized that mobile marketing is the next big thing!

From browsing websites to socializing, people have been using their mobile phones. As a result, mobile-friendly websites have become a demand than a desire.

Every business that wishes for an online presence must have a mobile-friendly website.

Conversion optimization for digital success

Conversion optimization is the fastest way to Internet success. It is the best way to expand your digital experience.

Conversion happens when audience does what you want them to do. It can be anything, like subscribing to your newsletter, buying your product etc. Website optimization attracts more users to do that.

Conversion Rate Optimization isn’t free. You have to spend money to hire professionals who can optimize your website and make the required changes. But you’ll never be at loss.

Digital marketing in the present era demands basic knowledge and immense action from the entrepreneurs. You need not know every bit of details about digital marketing. But you should be acquainted with the right things. 

Design 2015: Changing Trends In Web Design

No matter how well-planned your marketing efforts are, a well-designed website remains the core of any digital business. Not only from an aesthetic point of view, it is also vital for SEO, traffic generation, branding and of course conversions. So unless your website is up-to-date with the current trends in the market, you cannot expect to make a difference.

So, here a glimpse of the current trends in web design that will give you a competitive edge.

The Background:

Big background image with rich typography is the thing you should try in 2015. However, there are certain factors that you should take into consideration. Don’t let the background overpower, rather let it fall in line with your brand. The theme should be consistent throughout the website and also the backgrounds should not slow down the site. Make sure they download quickly without any glitch. Place of text is another important factor to be considered. Text should be placed in such a way that it’s easy to read.

Professional Quality Custom Photography:

If you had relied on stock imagery for your design purposes, then now is the time to switch to professional photography. Custom photography with the website and company theme in mind will give your website design a unique touch. Rest assured you will not have to worry about coming across the same images in other websites.

Long Scrolling Websites:

The trend that has become a hot favourite of many is long scrolling websites. Contrary to the popular belief that shorter the better, popular companies like Apple have tried and succeeded in long web pages concept. Earlier, long scrolling websites were frowned upon, but it will now work in your favour. The primary reason: users shifting from desktops to mobiles devices for web browsing. So, it becomes easier to scroll down sites, rather than clicking on different links to navigate from one page to another.

Responsive Web Design:

In the year 2015, a responsive design will be more of an essential element, rather than a trend. With more and more people using mobile devices for purchases and other transactions, designers will have to adopt a way to make your website fully customisable for different viewpoints. The most important point to remember is that every device has specific requirements and your site should be well equipped to reflect the same on all devices.

Ghost Buttons:

Buttons have not been given their due in the past, and the year 2015 will be the year to acknowledge their true potential. It will be their comeback year with new designs and new functionalities. Usage of Ghost Buttons is expected to top the list. Minimal and stylish, these buttons come with subtle hover animation.

Storytelling in Design:

The concept of storytelling in design is something everyone should experiment. This concept is a powerful tool that can convert visitors into potential customers. Putting together a story that explains your service makes customers relate to your company and also builds an emotional attachment.

Usage of Animation Elements:

Lot of web designers have started using subtle animations on buttons and off screen elements. This is one trend you can expect to see a rise in 2015. Animation will be a key pillar for any web, mobile or software app. Subtle, well-managed animation will not only delight users, but will also guide them and provide context. However, remember that too much of animation or jarring transitions can actually work against you. So, make sure you maintain the balance. 

Hidden Menus:

Hidden menus are gaining popularity by the day. Menus have always been a staple in any web design and no one questioned the inclusion of menus on the home page. But, now designers are experimenting by hiding navigation off screen. Only when the user interacts with an element on the top right or left of the screen, does the menu show up. Hidden menus come in handy especially when viewing on a small screen. It will not interrupt the shopper when he is doing more than just navigation. 

While, it is good to keep yourself updated with the latest trends, it certainly doesn’t make sense to just mimic what everyone else is doing. So, make sure you learn from the various techniques and strategies that other designers are adopting, but use the one that you think will make a difference.

Things to Know Before Stepping Into The World Of Mobile Marketing


Mobile marketing is touted as the next big thing in the field of online marketing. With the increase in popularity of smartphones, tablets and other wearable technology, mobile web is expected to become bigger than desktop usage.

Every marketer and advertiser would have understood by now that the future is in mobile marketing and would try every trick to utilize this increasingly burgeoning space. And in the rush to stay ahead in the business, many marketers are executing mobile campaigns that are poorly planned and bring out dismal results. So, before you venture into the world of mobile marketing, there are certain things you should know or else you might end up leaving an unfavourable impression with your customers. 

Understand Customers Mobile Habits

First and foremost it is very important to know the mobile habits of customers.  Did you know that these behaviour patterns if studied properly can have drastic impact on your business? For instance, it is found that 66% of mobile searchers usually visited the business, which is very beneficial if you have a local business with a physical location. And 48% of the mobile searchers visited the website, and 36% of them actually made a purchase from the website.

You should also be aware that the attention span of customers using mobiles is very limited. Most of the customers just wait 5 seconds for the page to load, before abandoning the site. And most of them are unlikely to visit your website again if it doesn’t work properly during their first visit.  So, you have research such customer mobile habits and find ways to covert mobile searchers into potential customers.

Start with Mobile Website

If you are planning to establish your presence in the mobile world, then you will certainly be on the crossroad of whether to design a responsive website or a native mobile app. It is a difficult choice to make, but it ultimately depends on the goal of your business. A responsive website is a cost-effective solution when compared to developing a mobile app altogether. It is accessible from almost any device. If your main purpose is to increase your brand visibility in the market, then a responsive website will help you do just. On the other hand, if you want to provide a mobile centric experience to your existing and loyal customers, then just a responsive website may fail to do so.

A responsive website is certainly isn’t a cure all solution. For a start it is a good choice, but it falls short in various aspects. For instance, it doesn’t give a unique experience like a mobile app, neither does it improve the speed. It also fails to incorporate smartphone features like camera or GPS, like the mobile app. So, ultimately the choice lies on the purpose. If you can afford it, then investing in both a responsive website and a customer-friendly mobile app will be beneficial.

Invest in Mobile Ads

If you are new to the field of mobile marketing, then starting off with mobile ads will be good idea. They are a great means to make your business visible to people on-the-go who constantly use their smartphones or tablets. While they browse through websites, in apps and video, your ads will appear on their mobile devices on their Google search results. This will be your medium to reach your most valuable customers, generate leads and also earn conversions.

For creating effective mobile ads, make sure you optimize your ads so that they are suitable for the majority of smartphones. Also consider the OS while creating mobile ads. For best results the ad format should be suitable for the OS. Keep yourself updated with the latest digital traffic trends and consumptions to know how it will affect your ads on mobiles.

To sum it up – making yourself accessible through mobile devices is beneficial for your business.  It will not boost your sales, but will also retain loyal customers as well as expand your reach. Having said that, there are a number of factors like intended purpose, available resources and target audience that need to be kept in mind before stepping into the world of mobile marketing.

30 Awesome Marketing Quotes That Can Inspire You

Inspiration is the door to possibilities. It can make a lot of difference. According to a recent research, inspiration can result in positive effect on people.

We all need some sort of inspiration from time to time. Great quotes by great people can change our attitude. There is always hope in quotes. Inspiration inspires for better.

Marketing is one such field that requires combination of strength, confidence and enthusiasm. Once you set out, there is no looking back. Quotes by great people can inspire you to do more.

Check out the 30 awesome quotes that restores hope:

  1.  “You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.” – Steve Jobs
  2. “You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything.” – Beth Comstock
  3. “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” –Vince Lombardi
  4. “Give them quality. That’s the best kind of advertising” – Milton Hershey
  5. “Before you create any more “great content,”  figure out how you are going to market it first” – Joe Pulizzi and New Barrett
  6. “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing”- Benjamin Franklin
  7. “You want to invent new ideas, not new rules” – Dan Heath
  8.  “Build it, and they will come” only works in the movies. Social Media is a “build it, nurture it, engage them and they may come and stay.” – Seth Godin
  9. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker
  10. “Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.” – Mike Volpe
  11. “We’re all learning here; the best listeners will end up the smartest.” – Josh Bernoff
  12. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates
  13. “Think big and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life’s too short to think small.” – Tim Ferriss
  14. “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  15. “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  16. “Bring the best of your authentic self to every opportunity.” – John Jantsch
  17. “Do or do not; there is no try.” – Yoda
  18. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
  19. “By listening, marketing will re-learn how to talk” – DOC Searls and David Weinberger
  20. “Be passionate about the culture and the business, and remain positive, because it inspires others.” – Barry Libert
  21. “Good is the enemy of great… The vast majority of good companies remain just that good, but not great”- Jim Coll
  22. “There is no black magic to successfully attracting customers via the web”- Rand Fishkin
  23. “The future of business is social”- Barry Libert
  24. “Marketing isn’t magic. There is a science to it”- Dan Zarrella
  25. “Think like a customer”- Paul Gillin
  26. “You want to invent new ideas, not rules”–Dan Heath
  27.  “If you do build a great experience, customers will tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful”- Jeff Bezos
  28. “Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes”- Zig Ziglar
  29. “The best vision is insight”- Malcom S Forbes
  30. “An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises” – Mae West

Why Images should be a part of digital marketing strategy

I read once that social media is much about sociology and psychology than technology. The more you are able to attract people, the more returns you get.

As Steve Jobs stated-"A lot of times People don't know what they want until you show it to them." This is the effect that an image creates in the mind.

Digital Marketing requires more than just a nice laid out text to create impact. Images help in grabbing that attention. A strategically placed image creates just the right effect. Research shows that content with image gets 94% more views than the one which has none. The reason is simple; the attention gets diverted to the image much easily than plain text.

As said, 'Marketing is a contest for people's attention' and Images help you get more of it. So here are few reasons why they should be an important part of your digital marketing strategy.

  1. Increases engagement– The more the images, the more the connection. Photos posted on social media can boost up your digital marketing strategy. It is often seen that pictures get more likes, retweets and shares than plain text. A user is more likely to get engaged with your product if he sees an image associated.
  2. The age of Visual graphics– In this era, with affordable cameras and video cameras available, people are getting more connected to images. Pinterest, Instagram are few of those examples which self-explain how important are images in today's world and for the success of business.

        For instance, Pinterest is the third most popular social network which works entirely on         images.

  1. Help in decision making– With the presence of more number of high quality images users can easily compare different products .It helps in making fast decisions. A customer always feels satisfied if he sees more relevant images with the product he intends to buy or use. It helps in gaining confidence.
  2. Image based information– Infographics can act like batteries for your e-business. If valuable statistics, information is presented in an engaging way it is the best method to enhance your business. The superlative part is that no added written content is required with the image. It helps user to visualize the content and grasp the points more easily.
  3. Image shows in google search– An optimized image shows up in google search results. It means more surfing and more viewership.
  4. Images are infectious– Yes, Images are easy to spread. They are easy to share on any social media platform. Sharing the picture with a link to the main article is the trick to gain views, likes and shares.
  5. Better Branding– The more aesthetic the site looks the better is the brand value. The customers feel more confident in a site which has more images tactically placed.

Let me tell you what kind of image should actually be included-

  1. Interesting and Relevant- The most important point is the relevance. The image should be talking about the content. It should be able to create a view about the article in the mind of reader. The key lies in making the image interesting with relevance. This can be done by adding some caption or title.
  2. Clarity- The quality of the image is another important criterion. The image should be bright and high definition. There is no point using a blurred or dull image as it makes the user loose interest.
  3. Number of Images- In e-marketing services, specifically this is one of the significant factors. With more number of HD images the visibility of a product increases.
  4. Placement of Image- While all the above factors are considered important, image placement is most crucial. The image should be strategically placed so that it appears in search engine, auto populates when shared, or create the right impact at the right time.

8 Trending Digital Marketing Tactics in 2015

Digital marketing has undergone a substantial change over the years. What worked a couple of years ago might be a total flop now. With evolving customer behaviours and changing business models, a marketer has to constantly keep evolving and think of ways to reinvent his business tactics. If you thought you had used all the tricks up your sleeve in 2014, then you’ll be surprised by the major digital marketing trends and predictions of 2015. Any smart marketer would want to get ahead of things and anticipate the next big trends to get an upper hand in the market. So, here’s a compilation of some major trends in digital marketing that are expected to dominate in 2015.

  1. Content Marketing

Content marketing had played a very important role in digital marketing over the past few years and will continue to be on the rise in the coming year too. This will be the year where content will finally get its due, and will become more about quality than about quantity. So, make sure you have a dedicated team of content writers, who will create successful content writing strategies and produce first-rate content. Reach out to your customers in writing. High-quality and relevant content will not only attract followers, but will also increase your search engine ranking as well.

  1. “Mobile-First” Approach

In 2014, if you have tried to make your website responsive, then the year 2015 will be the year for the Mobile-First approach. With a majority of consumers relying on their mobile phone for everything,you’ll have to make a shift from a mobile-friendly website to a mobile-first website. Design keeping a small screen and a slow connection in mind. Long load times can drive viewers away. So, prioritize on speed and make accessing your content on mobile easy.

  1. Video Marketing

Usage of videos for marketing purposes has worked in the past and will continue to do so in the year 2015. Given the response of consumers to original video content, it is not a surprise to expect this trend to continue in the coming year too. Brand video content will be a serious contender, so it is but wise to set aside a fund to invest in making some fabulous brand promotional videos.

  1. Personalized Marketing

A personalized approach to marketing is expected to be the next big thing in the year 2015. Companies who adopted this method in 2014 were able to notice a steady increase in the sales. The fact being that such content encourages consumers to stay longer on the website and also fosters customer satisfaction. So, focus on creating personalized content in the year 2015.

  1. Real-time Marketing

Real-time marketing is a marketers’ tool to close the gap between online and offline experience. According to a recent study, marketers not only noticed increased customer engagement, but also increased conversion rates and improved brand perception by using this technique. For this tactic to work, you have to have an “always on” social team in place that will understand your target audience and implement real-time marketing efforts.

  1. Minimalistic Approach

Yes! Less will more in the year 2015. There will be a shift in how content will be presented visually on websites, and simple, user-friendly designs will top the list. Endless scrolls, countless emails, too much text, complicated designs will be a definite no-no. Keep the design minimalistic with clean open space, bright colours and crisp edges. This will capture the limited attention span of consumers. Keep the content short and simple.

  1. Personalized Emails

Savvy marketers will swear by personalized emails. With most customers relying on permission-based e-mailers to get to know the latest promotions and offers, this is the right way to reach people effectively. It has been noticed that the click through rates and conversion rates are relatively high for personalized emails. So, if you have not personalized your emails still, then this is the right time to do.

  1. Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation will be the buzzword of the year 2015. If you think it’s just about automating tasks, then you are wrong. There is more to it than that. It’s about optimization. It’s about connecting with your customers in an authentic way by bringing together your data, relationships or channels. This technique will be your tool to streamline resources and manage data effectively and efficiently.

Building long-term relationships with customers using digital media

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the Chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else” – Sam Walton

When someone wants you to hear a story of their recent customer experience, it usually turns out to be a story with sad ending. But it doesn’t mean that good service is less likely to be seen. After all, providing customer satisfaction is the key part in enhancing the overall outlook of a company. Am I making sense? Yes. And that is what compelled me to appreciate and value the importance of satisfying customers and building a long-term relationship with them. Before I provide some insights on this 21 st century hot topic, I want you to really appreciate the value of gratifying customers through the following example.

Enriching people’s lives

We’re very simple people at Apple. We focus on making the world’s best products and enriching people’s lives” Tim Cook

Yes, the example is about Apple! The following story went viral after Apple launched iPad 2. A man bought iPad 2 online but was forced to return the product immediately. He attached a note in front of the device saying, “Wife said no”. The incident ultimately reached some Apple VPs. Guess what? Apple refunded it and returned the product to the customer attaching a Post-It that simply read, “Apple said yes.”!

Amazing!! Isn’t it? It would have been a nice surprise for the customer. And that too for free! So, this is what I am trying to communicate.

The emotional value of a product out shadows the monetary value of a company when it is achieved by creating a long-term relationship with the customer. In order to build that relationship, you need to adopt new ways of marketing. The power of digital media to enhance your relationship with customers is not to be neglected in this highly competitive world. So there you are…Thinking of the possibilities of strengthening your customer base through the power of digital media!

Needs, Perceptions

You have marketed your product quiet well and people bought it. They are satisfied with your product and are happy. You thank them and reward them in some cases. So, is your job done? No. Understanding the needs and perceptions of your customers is as important as delivering quality products. For that, you need to collect data regarding customer requirements. But how? Let me share some ideas.

  • E-mail surveys

You can choose appropriate questions and create an e-mail survey using websites or software which offers e-mail survey programs. Gathering data from customers about your product or service is an effective way of analyzing your customers’ preferences. Being a part of social media marketing, e-mail surveys help you to conduct market research in a cost-effective manner.

  • Building relevant data

You can learn more about your customers at key buyer stages by building relevant data regarding the buyer behavior. This not only helps you to understand the behavior of customers at the purchasing stage but also helps in analyzing the post-purchase behavior of customers. You can collect data from customers using tools which support you in customer-sourcing.

  • Feedback gathering

Knowing how happy or sad your customer is after buying your product helps you make necessary changes based on their needs. So, it’s very important to gather customer feedback to achieve customer satisfaction. Tools that help in gathering feedback from customers are becoming popular nowadays and it helps you to improve your business in an effective manner.

Engaging customers

You need to be connected with your customers and should keep them connected with each other as long as emphasizing the value of your brand is essential for the survival of your business. So what can you do? You can let your customers connect and share ideas about your product or service. Platforms can also be created for like-minded customers to share insights and views regarding the product or service of your company. Maintaining a social media presence would help advance the brand building efforts of your business drastically in the long run. After all, social media marketing is one of the powerful tools of digital marketing in this century.

Channels + Content + Marketing

Be it social networks, search engines or e-mail marketing , your efforts to reach your customers need to be clear and powerful. Integrating proper channels, valuable content and unique marketing strategies will help enhance your customer relationship management activities in exceptional ways. Integrated digital marketing has gained wide acclaim where diverse channels are used to strengthen the brand communication efforts. So in order to attract and retain your customers, you need to produce relevant and quality content.

Unfortunately, creating high quality content alone won’t make you successful. The selection of right marketing channels should be done after carefully considering your business’ long term perspectives. Just because your competitor achieved success through a particular strategy doesn’t mean that your business is expected to follow that. Every business is unique and so are their digital marketing strategies.

After all, what you really need is a mass of customers who rely on your product and value your business. You need to be careful while implementing your promotional plans. It is not necessary for all your plans to hit the market. Choose the right digital marketing channel, produce relevant content and strategize your marketing activity if you really want to build a long-term relationship with your customers!

Role of Digital Marketing in e-commerce

Driving or walking all the way to the shop, spending hours to purchase a thing or two and then waiting in the long queue to pay for it..

This was what shopping meant to everyone until e-commerce happened and then, the shopping routine changed to –

Going through different websites, purchasing products with a click and then paying online and waiting for the product to be delivered..

E-commerce makes it convenient for customers to shop at home and hence, it is trending. Due to its popularity, almost all businesses have gone online. But to list the businesses that made it big in the field of e-commerce, there may be very few of them; the reason? Most of them forgot a major element to their success- DIGITAL MARKETING!

Are you wondering what difference digital marketing can make to your e-commerce site? Let’s check out these aspects of digital marketing for e-commerce:

It takes months to find a customer and only seconds to lose one”

You create an e-commerce website and then you wait for customers to flock in and shop things from your site just like a physical shop! This dream of yours could have come true only if your website is the only E-commerce website existing online. But, unfortunately, it is not.

Marketing through online ads and various other methods may attract some web traffic. But, even that very small number of users may not stay in your website for long if they don’t find it easy to use. Greater the user experience, more will be the number of visitors to your website and for that, you need to have enough functionalities. Confused, are you? Well, don’t be. Improving the functionalities of your website is also definitely a part of digital marketing.

If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy in the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends”

That is the power of social media. Social media platforms are where you can find your customers belonging to the younger generation. Through proper marketing techniques, you can easily spread the word about your e-commerce venture in social media and win customers, causing your business to flourish. Therefore, social media marketing is always a great choice for brand building and word of mouth publicity.

Building a website without SEO is like building a road without direction”

Yes, it is true because you are not famous! Not everybody online knows you or your business. For people, to reach a website, it all starts from the search engine and it is common for them to click only those websites in the first page of the search results and just because you own a website doesn’t mean that you are there in the first page. That’s where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and PPC (pay per click) come to our aid.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”-R Collier

Success can’t come to you in a day and being a newcomer in the e-commerce field, you may be very well aware of it. It is not at all a loss if you really spend a very small amount of your money in the process. Yes! We are talking about affiliate marketing here, where an affiliate places your ad on their website and when a customer clicks the ad and converts the sale, it is tracked. The affiliate then gets a commission while you get a sale!

A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all”-Michael LeBouef

When it comes to business online or offline, customer is the king. If you happen to satisfy your customer’s need, you win. Digital marketing gives you the opportunity to connect directly to your potential customers. This in turn helps you in knowing what the customers think about your business and what they expect from you. Thus you can improve your online business and reach greater heights.

Creating an online presence for your e-commerce business isn’t that easy as you think, especially when you don’t know the ABCs of digital marketing. You can’t act “I-know-it-all” when it comes to business and you will have to depend on a team of experienced people well versed with digital marketing such as JointViews.

We keep track of the latest trends in digital marketing and hence our approach is always result oriented to make your presence felt online. Our team of content writers, SEOs, animators, graphic designers and word press developers make it possible through our efforts. If you are still doubtful of what we are capable of or if you think you need our service, feel free to Contact Us.

Role of Visual Content in Digital World

People are connected as never before in the digital era. Internet has revolutionized marketing with digital methods. The rise of social media has further strengthened the prospects of digital marketing.

Gone are the days of limited dreams, digital marketing gives you wings to fly high, sky is not the limit. Digital marketing is a process of building and maintaining customer relationship. A major factor in this form of market is visual content.

What do you mean by visual content?

When you visit a website, it is the first impression created by the visuals that makes to stay or leave the website. Visuals would include a website’s design, videos, images, Infographics, illustrations, etc.

Why is it important?

Visual content helps to grab targeted audience without fail. Visual content has gone forth as one of the hottest digital marketing trends these days. Visual content attracts people and makes the complex messages clearer, consuming less time and effort. They leave a lasting impression on the customer compared to long pages of text.

Due to the busy life schedule, people find it difficult and monotonous to read massive content. On the other hand, visual content requires minimum time and would be exciting if done right. It can increase brand awareness and your SERP results gets benefited as well.

Types of Visual Content


A picture is worth thousand words. But visual marketing content is not simply about communicating a message, but it should be retained within the reader as well. Mere text based content cannot stay attractive. With a good and compelling visual, website viewers tend to stay longer and understand the accurate message the content is trying to deliver. It’s not about the image but the story the image carries that matters.


Video sites are full of viewers, ready to devour new ideas. Entertain the audience with a video; the chances of getting noticed are really very high. Human mind requires emotional input to make decisions. Emotional bonds, without doubt influences a person’s choice as well as actions. Videos can create this emotional bond by building trust and credibility effectively. And moreover, they are loved by search engines.


Presentations make things clear and to the point. Various aspects of a topic are presented simply and effectively after deep research about the topic. This helps audience to easily to understand complex ideas. Presentations can help sell both the idea and the product.


Information graphics or infographics is a graphic presentation of information which is intended to present complex information quickly and effectively in a very precise manner. A well designed infographics can turn boring and complicated topics into interesting and captive discussions. Like a capsule that functions multiple use, infographics serves multiple purpose very efficiently. High quality infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than text articles.


GIF, Graphic interchange format is a recent development that has created far reaching effects on digital marketing. They possess comparatively small file sizes; this implies that they can be used easily online as they can load quicker and still maintain quality. GIF helps to display a professional touch. GIF can express emotions and movement which a still image may not be able to. GIF is more than an image but less than a video. It’s really short but is still effective.

Beneficial Facts about Visual Content

  • Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text , and 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual
  • 40% people respond better to visual information than text .
  • Compared to plain text posts, posts with videos attract inbound links 3 times more.
  • 93%of all human communication is practically non-verbal.
  • 70% of all sensory receptors humans have are all concentrated inside a person’s eye out of which 50% of this visual information is processed by brain.
  • 94% views a topic if something compelling visual elements and graphics are available
  • According to studies, certain colors and color combinations can arouse certain emotions in humans; it can also influence how a particular viewer will take action, such as influencing their decision of purchase.
  • Use of visual content in Facebook campaigns generated 65% more engagement just after only a month’s practice.
  • 95% people are of the opinion that visual content is really very important for capturing attention.
  • 89% is already using or planning to use visual content in social media
  • 2 million blog posts are written every day, think how many of these contains visual content.

Even press releases published with photos generate more audience than normal articles.

Future of Visual Content

Since the introduction of Visual Content, it has entertained as well as educated people, making complex things simple and effective. All social networking sites have made use of visual content and have promoted its use because of the impact created in people.

Know your audience and deliver more than what they expect and future is secure. More companies are switching their focus from boring content to visually engaging content presentation. The lovers of visual content will only increase by time. The future of digital marketing itself is tangled with visual content which serves both purposes – development of the company as well as the entertainment based education of the audience. Future of visual content is immense and promising.