Role of Visual Content in Digital World

People are connected as never before in the digital era. Internet has revolutionized marketing with digital methods. The rise of social media has further strengthened the prospects of digital marketing.

Gone are the days of limited dreams, digital marketing gives you wings to fly high, sky is not the limit. Digital marketing is a process of building and maintaining customer relationship. A major factor in this form of market is visual content.

What do you mean by visual content?

When you visit a website, it is the first impression created by the visuals that makes to stay or leave the website. Visuals would include a website’s design, videos, images, Infographics, illustrations, etc.

Why is it important?

Visual content helps to grab targeted audience without fail. Visual content has gone forth as one of the hottest digital marketing trends these days. Visual content attracts people and makes the complex messages clearer, consuming less time and effort. They leave a lasting impression on the customer compared to long pages of text.

Due to the busy life schedule, people find it difficult and monotonous to read massive content. On the other hand, visual content requires minimum time and would be exciting if done right. It can increase brand awareness and your SERP results gets benefited as well.

Types of Visual Content


A picture is worth thousand words. But visual marketing content is not simply about communicating a message, but it should be retained within the reader as well. Mere text based content cannot stay attractive. With a good and compelling visual, website viewers tend to stay longer and understand the accurate message the content is trying to deliver. It’s not about the image but the story the image carries that matters.


Video sites are full of viewers, ready to devour new ideas. Entertain the audience with a video; the chances of getting noticed are really very high. Human mind requires emotional input to make decisions. Emotional bonds, without doubt influences a person’s choice as well as actions. Videos can create this emotional bond by building trust and credibility effectively. And moreover, they are loved by search engines.


Presentations make things clear and to the point. Various aspects of a topic are presented simply and effectively after deep research about the topic. This helps audience to easily to understand complex ideas. Presentations can help sell both the idea and the product.


Information graphics or infographics is a graphic presentation of information which is intended to present complex information quickly and effectively in a very precise manner. A well designed infographics can turn boring and complicated topics into interesting and captive discussions. Like a capsule that functions multiple use, infographics serves multiple purpose very efficiently. High quality infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than text articles.


GIF, Graphic interchange format is a recent development that has created far reaching effects on digital marketing. They possess comparatively small file sizes; this implies that they can be used easily online as they can load quicker and still maintain quality. GIF helps to display a professional touch. GIF can express emotions and movement which a still image may not be able to. GIF is more than an image but less than a video. It’s really short but is still effective.

Beneficial Facts about Visual Content

  • Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text , and 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual
  • 40% people respond better to visual information than text .
  • Compared to plain text posts, posts with videos attract inbound links 3 times more.
  • 93%of all human communication is practically non-verbal.
  • 70% of all sensory receptors humans have are all concentrated inside a person’s eye out of which 50% of this visual information is processed by brain.
  • 94% views a topic if something compelling visual elements and graphics are available
  • According to studies, certain colors and color combinations can arouse certain emotions in humans; it can also influence how a particular viewer will take action, such as influencing their decision of purchase.
  • Use of visual content in Facebook campaigns generated 65% more engagement just after only a month’s practice.
  • 95% people are of the opinion that visual content is really very important for capturing attention.
  • 89% is already using or planning to use visual content in social media
  • 2 million blog posts are written every day, think how many of these contains visual content.

Even press releases published with photos generate more audience than normal articles.

Future of Visual Content

Since the introduction of Visual Content, it has entertained as well as educated people, making complex things simple and effective. All social networking sites have made use of visual content and have promoted its use because of the impact created in people.

Know your audience and deliver more than what they expect and future is secure. More companies are switching their focus from boring content to visually engaging content presentation. The lovers of visual content will only increase by time. The future of digital marketing itself is tangled with visual content which serves both purposes – development of the company as well as the entertainment based education of the audience. Future of visual content is immense and promising.