10 Advantages of Hiring an Online Marketing Agency in Trivandrum

SMBs and medium- sized businesses now keep a separate budget for their online marketing efforts. But when looking for online marketing agencies, most businesses focus their search in Bangalore or other metropolitan cities.

India as an IT country is so much more than the metro cities. Trivandrum, for example has the largest IT Park in Asia in terms of built-up area.

So, let’s look at the major advantages of hiring an online marketing agency in Trivandrum:

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1. Fast-growing IT Sector

Trivandrum has a fast growing IT Infrastructure that expands far beyond the walls of Technopark. Major IT Companies in the country has identified huge value in shifting to the city.

In the process, it has become a popular choice for the best talent in the country. This bides well for getting highly talented digital marketing resources from around the country as well.

There are many start-ups and It professionals from the city who has made their mark in the international IT scene.

2. Low Cost of Living

This is a huge factor that has attracted companies from around the globe. Lower cost of living means less expense on resources. It reflects on the final product as well, enabling brands to provide more affordable services to digital marketing clients.

3. Literacy Rate

Kerala was the first state in India to achieve 100% literacy. Trivandrum being the capital of Kerala has a well-educated population that is Internet-savvy.

Most people in the city know how to write decent English even though people who speak well are lesser in number. This is ideal for a major online marketing requirement – original, quality content.

4. Knowledge-hungry Population

The people of this city are truly knowledge-hungry. There are a huge number of print publications and News channels that run successfully in the city due to this characteristic of the people.

To be a quality digital marketing or an SEO/SEM professional, curiosity and a hunger for knowledge are basic traits to have. The next generation kids of the city are hooked to the Internet just like kids from any metropolitan city.

5. Communication

Digital marketing is all about proper communication, to the client and to the audience. What better place than a 100% literate state to have great, clear communication. A huge percent of the population is exposed to foreigners as the state is also a popular tourist destination.

6. Well-connected

Despite being near the southern tip of India, Trivandrum is connected extremely well via roadways, airways, railways and even waterways.

If a digital marketing client wants to make visits onsite, it’s very easy to do so. At the Jointviews Trivandrum office, we often have frequent visitors from different parts of the world.

7. Creatively Inclined

Creativity is a key trait for any quality digital/content marketers. They frequently face challenges and have to find creative solutions on the fly.

An online marketing agency in Trivandrum will have majority resources sourced locally. If you look at Trivandrum, the city has been a cultural hub throughout the centuries.

The natives are very creative. It is partially due to the calm and serene atmosphere provided by the city. Online marketing is a high stress work segment, and the peaceful city offers plenty of opportunities for the professionals to unwind. This allows online marketers to produce creative work.

8. Social

On any given day, apart from the rare occasion of hartal, you can see the streets are abuzz with life during the evenings. All types of people communicate with each other every day. Trivandrum has a very social population.

This also means that online marketers in the city socialize with people from the same industry quite often, either directly or through social media. Hence they are able to share a lot of ideas and maintain very high standards.

9. Internet Savvy

Kerala is a consumer state, and the people are always looking out for a bargain buy, especially online. Almost everyone in the city has an internet connected smartphone.

This helps and pushes those working in the digital domain to stay on top of the latest news and developments. Staying updated with the latest is a great asset to have in all online marketers as there are numerous changes happening every day.

10. Increasing Number of Online Marketing Agencies

Slowly but steadily, the city is embracing Online Marketing. This has given rise to a higher number of agencies, and there is stiff competition between them to outdo each other.

The customer is the beneficiary in such a scenario, as they reap the rewards of having a highly competitive workforce.

With so many benefits to offer, Trivandrum is a great choice to hire an online marketing company. You get your job done in the best way at affordable rates as agencies here have a strong pool of resources to bank upon.

Guide to Hire an Google AdWords Specialist

Pay per click or PPC is an essential part for digital marketing mix. SEO combined with PPC campaign will give your business quicker conversions and more traffic. After all, 64% clicks for high commercial intent keywords go to paid results on Google. Designing, launching and monitoring an Adwords campaign requires a lot of learning, experimentation and experience. Here are guidelines to hire an Adwords Specialist who can get conversions for you:


This is the most important factor to consider. An Adwords specialist must have experience handling numerous Adwords campaigns in the past. Here are the things that count as good experience:

  • A professional experience at a well-known digital marketing firm is good to have. Someone who has worked a full time job will have formal training under experienced person. This is always better than someone who is self-taught.
  • Consider the number of years they have been using Adwords. More number is usually a good sign. However, remember that the candidate with the most experience may not necessarily be the best. Consider this point along with the quality of work and success ratio.
  • Each professional will have managed a different portfolio and may have different area of expertise. Ask if they have specialized in any particular industry or campaign type. We will talk more on different types of campaigns below.


An Adwords specialist will have Google Adwords certification at the very least.  Having Adwords certification means that individuals or partners have taken the exam and earned a certification in Adwords from Google. There are various specialization that one can take up in the certification:


Remember that qualification and degrees are an incomplete way to assess anyone in digital marketing. The Google certification exam is fairly simple and does not guarantee best results by the certified partner. These certifications should be looked at as minimum qualification required before assessing other skills.

You can find a certified Adwords Partner in your area here. (https://www.google.com/partners/#a_search)


These are the skills a good Adwords specialist should have:

Analytical Skills: As a PPC campaign managers have to deal with a lot of data, numbers and statistics to analyze the campaign. You need someone who is comfortable with numbers and has an analytical mind. Adwords specialist should be able to draw insights from these number regarding campaign success buyer’s behaviour. Excel skill would be an add on as it helps to draw insights from number.

Time Management Skills: An Adwords specialists has to manage campaign time limits, budget limits, A/B testing variations for multiple clients or campaigns.  This can get too much to handle without to-do lists and weekly planner.

Readiness to Change: User behaviors and Google algorithms are continuously updating and so should your Adwords specialist. He should be someone who is ready to unlearn and try out new strategies. Campaign managers often set more than one variation of ads and test for better results. He should be flexible enough to throw away conventional knowledge and change with times.

Business empathy: Simply put business empathy is the ability to put himself in your shoes and understand your business deeply. Campaign strategies and best practices may vary business to business and Ads needs to be tailored by keeping your prospective customers and business industry in mind.

Service Agreements

 Make sure you have clear answers to following questions before you sign up an Adwords specialist or agency:

  • Who will be handling your account in person and what is his domain experience and certification
  • What is the breakup of the cost quoted. There will be at least two components to the cost. Campaign budget and campaign management fees that the agency or specialist is charging you. There could also be other additional costs. Ask for a formal breakup of the quote
  • Will the agency give you access to your Google Adwords account. And how will the account be handed over in case of termination of contract.
  • What will be the reporting parameters and reporting frequency? Ideally they should connect your Adwords account to your Google analytics data and report in context of traffic from other sources. Other reporting parameters could be costs per sale, cost per click and conversion rates.

Technical Knowledge

 Check for technical knowledge of the specialist. Here are some of the basic terms for your knowledge. You can ask questions on the application of these for your business campaign:

CPC – Cost per click is the price you pay for each click on your ad.

Campaign type – There are two types of campaigns possible. One is on the search network where your ad will show up on the Google search result page. The second one is display network where your as will show on the sites and popular video platforms with content related to your keywords. You can ask the Adwords specialist on what campaign would be a good fit for your business.

Negative keywords – These are keywords that you don’t want your ad to show up for. These could be words that come along with your keywords but have no buying intent. Eg: Evening gowns to share on Pinterest

Geo-targeting This feature of Adwords allows you to target and limit your ad to a particular chosen region only.

Remarketing- This feature displays ads to visitors who have come to your website recently and interacted with your business. Eg: Ad of Makemytrip.com on your Facebook page right after you have checked flight prices on their website.

Split A/B testing– Adwords allows you to run two of more variations of ads for the same campaign. This is for Adwords user to test which variation works better. For eg: You may keep the location as Chennai in one variation and Kolkata in another. It is recommended to vary only one parameter at a time to understand which works.

Share your goals with the prospective hire and ask them how they can help you achieve your business goals. The answers should show you a logical and attainable strategy.

Beware of one person claiming to be a specialist in all the fields of digital marketing such as SEO, content writing, content marketing, Email marketing etc. Follow the above guidelines and hire an agency/person that instills confidence in you by their knowledge and expertise.

Rising Popularity of Chat Bots in Marketing

A chatbot is a computer program that imitates real humans to communicate with users via audio or text. The main reason for using chatbots is to drive customer engagement. Customers find it easy to interact with chatbots to find answers to their queries than taking the pain of searching for information in the websites.

Chatbots were considered ineffective during the beginning stages of researches on Artificial Intelligence. However, nowadays, chatbots seem to revolutionize communication. Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, Microsoft’s Cortana are all examples of popular chatbots.

Chatbots are normally used to answer simple customer queries or to provide product/company information. Some apps even use chatbots to answer more complex questions. In future, chatbots are expected to be smarter.

It may learn from previous conversations to give more effective answers. This expectation is the main reason to chatbots’ rising popularity. They started as experimental projects and now, chatbots are taking over the world!

It’s said that 2017 will see more of chatbots in marketing, where it will be used by businesses to communicate and engage with their customers.

The following features of chatbots are making it immensely popular among marketers:

  • Automated customer service

At present, chatbots are serving only first line customer assistance by answering to simple queries.  Tougher questions are passed on to humans in the customer service department to handle. Weighing the capabilities of chatbots, it’s not too far from them actually handling the entire customer service department, thus reducing the workload for the employees and saving time, money and other resources for the company.

  • Tracking of user data

Even one interaction with the customers can give away loads of valuable data to collect. For a human to do it can be a herculean task especially when the main aim is to provide good customer service.  However, with chatbots, it is easy to collect the data while satisfying the customers by answering to their queries.

The analytics and data collected gives an insight of the customer needs and therefore, helps the company to provide with what is demanded. Though the data tracked by chatbots are put to temporary use as of now, it’ll be entirely used for the same in the years to come.

  • 24/7 availability

The chatbots are capable of answering the customers’ query at any time of the day. Also, the instant response by the chatbots will leave the customers satisfied. This will help improve brand awareness and your customers may even promote your brand through positive word-of-mouth.

  • Versatility

Chatbots offer more than what you think. Apart from customer service, it can be put in any branch of marketing to improve customer experience, steer customer loyalty and to reduce workload. Also, even if it’s to collect customer data or to answer to customer’s queries, chatbots are capable of using their own behavioural data to estimate the best approach to be taken while interacting with customers.

  • Mobile-optimization

These days, people prefer mobile phones over other gadgets. Therefore, if anything your business offers digitally isn’t compatible in their phones, you are in trouble. The chatbots come mobile-optimized, making it easy for you, saving you from additional expenses and work.

Now, how can this rising popularity of chatbots put to use in various aspects of marketing? Well, here’s how:

  • Ecommerce

Chatbots mimic human behaviour and hence can be used to provide customer support for e-commerce apps. It can be used to communicate with the customers and inspire them to purchase the products. Since chatbots come with defined rules set for them to intelligently answer to customer queries, there is no doubt of providing relevant answers to the customers and rightly guiding them to what they need.

Also, since the chatbots answer instantly, customers will feel that they can actually trust the brand. Remember, the chatbots’ role in e- commerce doesn’t end with customer support. They can also be used to automate the order process, sell the products and build customer loyalty.

  • Customer service

By customer service, we don’t mean just responding to the customer queries. It’s much more than that. Chatbots can be used to provide customer service 24/7. It saves you from the additional expense of appointing a customer service staff and providing them with monthly salary.

Chatbots can also be used to introduce a new product to the customers, offer promo codes, obtain customer feedback and provide notifications regarding shipping of products.

  • Customer acquisition

Chatbots can be used to instantly connect to the customers. When the customers see that they are being supported, they’ll start trusting the brand. Also, they may recommend the brand to the people they know, thus widening the brand’s customer base.


It’s true that chatbots are going to impact the future of marketing. However, it is necessary for businesses to familiarize themselves with chatbots to put them to good use.

8 Types of Digital Content Created by Content Marketing Agencies

Your blogs might have been to be a hit among the audience in the past with lots of user traffic, visitors etc. But then, the pace remained the same forever or a bit slower with visitors leaving your site on a daily basis.

What could have gone wrong? Of course! They got bored of the same type of content you kept on giving them.

Being creative is now the only way for your content to get notified. Try a different type of digital content and there, you’ll get to see your site buzzing with visitors.

However, it shouldn’t stop here. Keep trying different types of content from time to time to help your business thrive.

Here’s a list of different types of digital content created by content creation agencies, for you to choose from:

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Long form blogs

So, what are long form blogs?  Some claim that those blogs with a word count of may be 1500 words while some say that long-form blogs are those with a word count of about 3500 words.

Whatever, the truth is, the idea is to create an article that goes on until you get tired of scrolling. Long form content has always been there; but, it started getting noticed only by 2013-2014.

It has now become the most popular style among bloggers. Long form blogs have become much popular these days because:

Google said it: According to Google, longer content contain more information and therefore, helps solve many queries of the audience at once. Also, some SEO experts suggest that long form blogs rank better in Google search results.

Popular bloggers said it: Bloggers, big and small, have been suggesting for a while that long form blogs are important.

Short form blogs

Short form blogs are those with maximum word count of 1000 words. The fact that short form blogs have lesser word count, that may go down to 250 words or lesser, can make it less popular in SEO.

Therefore, it’s important the blogs being short, should also be precise and unique. The content should be good enough for the audience to stop and take notice.


Digital content in the form of video gives you a large variety of choices. Regardless of the type it is, a good video always remains etched to the audience’s memory.

If a video is done well, it can be extremely compelling. The duration of the video depends on your requirements (it can be educational, business, marketing). You can check out this blog for using video in your marketing or promotional campaign.


Podcasts are digital audio files that are used to share information through computers or any portable music devices such as MP3 players or iPods.

Businesses usually use podcasts to share information regarding their new products, about the company or about the general happenings in the industry.

Podcasts provide an insight to the audience about how much a business knows about the industry, thus helping to build trust among them. Also, the audience feel directly connected to the business as they get to hear the voice of the presenter.

Podcasts are affordable compared to other marketing technique as the location of creating podcasts do not matter, be it an office or home.

All it needs is a computer, a microphone and software to edit the recordings. Remember, regular podcasts can help your business in attracting your target audience, thus helping to build brand awareness.  You can even publish the podcast transcript, thus, adding to the SEO value.


Social media content

Majority of people around the globe use various social media platforms due to which they have found a place in the marketing strategy.

You may not find another medium to reach your content to the audience  in a short span of time and the benefit is that, you get to connect directly with your potential customers.

Remember, your content must say more about your brand while keeping the audience interested. Keep reminding them about what you offer. After about five to six exposure, the audience will surely feel compelled to go for your products.


Copywriting is the process of writing advertising materials such as blogs, newsletters, marketing campaigns etc. The words should be persuasive enough for the audience to take an action, thus driving traffic to your business website. Effective copywriting includes:

  • Attention grabbing headlines that compel the audience to click the link to read further
  • Content that provides just the information that the reader needs
  • Interesting content that helps the audience to easily connect with your business, while building trust and brand recognition
  • Content that tells the audience what to do next, such as signing up for newsletters, click a link to visit a website, social media page etc.

You can implement your own copywriting strategy for promoting your products and services to the right audience. You can use Definitive Guide to Copywriting by Quicksprout as your reference material.


Infographics refers to the visual representation of information. The fact that visuals tend to stay in people’s minds than text works in favour of infographics.

As a result, infographics is the most shared content compared to other digital content types. Infographics can include anything such as general information, data, statistics etc.

Almost everyone is making infographics these days and therefore, it is important to be creative with your infographics for audience to take notice.

You can also create gifographic, which is a type of infographic, but contains animated GIF images instead of static images like in normal infographics.


E-books consist of large content of a minimum word count of 10,000 words, in PDF format and are downloadable. An e-book gives an insight of your knowledge about an industry and is the most effective way of sharing your knowledge with others.

While creating an e-book, make sure that the content is divided into topics making it easier for the users to read. Remember, your e-book’s title plays an important role in the audiences’ decision regarding downloading your e-book. Therefore, make sure that the title is catchy and relevant.

An e-book with just texts is usually considered not worth reading. Therefore, try to include graphics and make sure that the e-book’s content is formatted well to grab attention.

It is always best to create both PDF and HTML versions of your e-book. You can add video and audio to the HTML version.


Rather than using one type of digital content for all of your marketing campaigns, you can use different types as mentioned earlier.

These days, content marketing agencies try to experiment with their content with the aim of attracting target audience, increase engagement, and share to others.


6 Reasons You Should Hire an Online Marketing Agency

The internet has opened up a lot of options to grow business and reach your target market.  Anyway, it is important that you cut through the clutter and establish yourself on the internet. Most of the companies do not have the expertise and knowledge on how to do this and hence it is a good idea to have a professional agency to take care of this.

Here are top six reasons why you should hire an online marketing agency:

1. Things are changing fast

Keeping up with the current trends across search engines, social media and platforms is a full time job. It is impossible to manage this with day to day tasks and most of the companies either have an in-house digital marketing team or outsource their works. You need to do the cost-benefit analysis of both and choose the best option. This brings us to the next point.

2. Cost Savings

A functional team for online marketing will include SEO Manager, social media manager, graphic/ visual designer and a project leader. This will not cost you anything less than INR 20,00,000 a year (average industry CTC taken).  Add to this the resources and training required by this team. This cost to company can be reduced drastically by outsourcing online marketing to a professional digital marketing agency.

 You May Also Like: Common Services Provided By A Digital Marketing Agency [Infographic]

3. Industry Benchmark

Hiring an external agency is also a great way to keep tabs on your industry and your competitors. Since digital marketing agencies are out there doing their job day in and day out, they probably have a good idea on your competitor’s agency and their online marketing strategy. Even if they do not have this information directly they are well aware of the industry benchmark and best practices.

4. Novelty

It is too easy to get caught up in your own projects and miss the big picture when you work within the company. Working with an external agency infuses fresh ideas and keeps your vision broad.

5. Access to Essential Tools

Do you have access to best of web analytics software?  Photo collection sites like Shutterstock and keyword research tools like Moz are must have tools for digital marketing. Premium subscription to these software can cost you anywhere upward of INR 60,000 a year. You can avoid these expenses once you assign work to a professional agency.

6. Quality Content is important

Online content is the voice of your brand on the internet. Quality content is very important today to cut through the clutter and reach your customers. The quality of your content not only affects your SEO result but also has a direct impact on your transaction potential. A research conducted by Global Lingo has revealed that bad content would make 59% of your users leave the site. A professional team will have the expertise to draft a compelling content message, devise a content marketing strategy and deliver the content to audience.

Read Also: 10 Outdated SEO Practices You Need to Discard in 2017

Digital marketing requires a lot of research, know-how and learning. You cannot afford to put so much time and effort into something that is neither your core business nor your key role. Hiring an online marketing agency will give you the edge of having an expert team at a significantly affordable cost.

Common Services Provided By A Digital Marketing Agency [Infographic]

Nowadays, businesses sell more products via online. For successful online marketing, businesses need to hire a Digital Marketing Agency. They can help you with their online marketing strategies and amazing services.

Having an idea about the common services provided by marketing agencies help you to hire the right agency to meet your business needs.

Here is an infographic illustrating the common services provided by a Digital Marketing Agency.


What are the Common Services Provided by a Digital Marketing Agency?

As everyone knows, today, businesses sell more products via online. For effective online marketing, businesses need to hire a Digital Marketing Agency. They can help you with their effective online strategies and amazing services.

If you are doing any online business you should know more about the Digital Marketing agencies. Do you have any idea about the services provided by these agencies?

Having an idea about the services offered by marketing agencies helps you to choose the right agency for your business purpose. We are trying to give you an idea about the basic services provided by a Digital Marketing Agency.

Read Also: 7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency in India

Here are some of the popular services provided by them.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

“Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” – Wendy Piersall

The above quote tells you how important is SEO for your business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the popular services offered by all digital marketing agencies. SEO decides the popularity of your website. As you might know, SEO is a technique to improve the visibility of a website in search engines. It will drive more visitors to your website from search engines. SEO can play an important role in bringing potential leads to your site by making your site visible in search engine’s top organic results.

Usually, a digital marketing agency use top softwares available in the market to create relevant strategic keywords. Right keywords will help to build your campaign on.

A recent study by MediaPost reveals that 51% of people visit a business website via organic search, while paid and social search drives only 10% and 5% respectively. These figures will give you enough proof why SEO is important to begin a winning digital campaign.

Blogging Service

It’s clear that selecting the right keywords is the first step to drive visitors to your site. But, at the same time you’ve to generate blogs based on these keywords to attract the right customers to your website.

Blogs can speak about the nature of your business and industry. Blogs are very useful to build a strong relationship with your customers.

According to various research on blogs, approximately there are 329 million blog readers in the world.

Many Digital Marketing Agencies use blogs as an effective tool for online marketing. In fact, blogging is the best form of content marketing. Many successful brands reveal that if you can create 15 blogs per month, there is nothing more to do to generate more leads to your brand.

Social Media Marketing

We have just discussed the importance of blogging. But blogging will give you leads only if right users read your blog. So, how will you promote your content? Here comes the relevance of Social Media Marketing.

Social media sites can act as an effective vehicle to carry your blogs to the right online business spots. That’s why digital marketing agencies offer marketing via social media in their marketing services list.

According to a recent study, 80% of business professionals get quality leads via social media sites. Another report says “Spending six hours per week on social media sites helped 66 % of marketers to increase leads to their sites”.

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Content Offer Creation

Now, you know about the relevance of Social Media Marketing services. But, remember you need to convert your readers into leads for better results. Content Offer Creation service will help you to do so.

Digital Marketing Services create a call-to-action at the end of each blog post. Readers have to furnish their e-mail id in order to download their free valuable content offers such as infographics, white papers, E- books, etc.

At the end of each blog post, we feature a call-to-action that invites the reader to download a free gift, in exchange for their personal information.

Lead Generation Service

Finally, marketing services utilize all the above mentioned services to change your leads into customers. For instance, after collecting email id via content offer creation service, they contact the users via deliberate emails, telemarketing calls to convert them to customers.

It’s seen that these inbound marketing tools have helped many successful brands to gain the right customers.

Hope you get an idea about the common services offered by a digital marketing agency. So, keep in mind all these facts when you hire a Digital Marketing Agency for your business growth. Good luck!

7 Tips to Choose a Great Digital Marketing Agency

A digital marketing agency works with a lot of businesses today to help them reach the right audience. It helps businesses increase brand awareness and customer base. If you are in any business, you’d surely want to find a reputable company to help you market your brand. Since digital marketing agencies can provide great impact for your business, it’s crucial that you choose the right one.

Read Also: 7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency in India

  • Goals– As with any marketing campaign or business idea, you must have clear goals and objectives. And you must make sure your agency is aware of them before you begin. By doing this, you will be able to find out whether your chosen agency can offer the expertise you need and deliver what you want.

  • Go traditional– One way to find a good company is to ask for recommendations. Find out what agency has been working for a friend or a colleague. Ask about their experiences with the agency. Learn how the agency has helped them and if the results were satisfactory.

  • Check out for awards– One way to find out if an agency is good is to check for industry awards. Good companies have been awarded with certifications for their astonishing works.

  • Reliable contact– As online marketing can be long-lasting and difficult, you should hire an agency which can provide you a consonant project manager. Several agencies will provide you upper-level managers to give pitch, so just ask them that who will work for you and when you can meet them.

  • Best technology– Always select a digital agency which can provide you the best technology so that you can maintain competing advantage and adhere to security standards. For a single project, there are many solutions available, so it is better to ask your agency about what technology they are going to use for your project and why they are using that particular one among others. If they fail to give proper answer then choose another agency.

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  • Expertise– Digital marketing has a lot of aspects, and different agencies can provide several services for you. Some services are inbound marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, etc. So when you are aiming for inbound marketing, find the digital marketing agency that specializes in it; the same goes for the other services.

  • Results– This is one factor that you need to focus on. You need to find out if the agency has provided good results for other businesses. You need to make sure that they were able to help businesses achieve their goals in terms of marketing. If your research shows that the agency was able to help the business increase its sales, its customer base, and its market share, then you’ve got a winner.

With these above few tips, you can choose the digital marketing agency meeting your needs.

7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency in India

Today, it’s a known fact that much of the business is via online marketing. Unfortunately many of the businesses are still not using the full potential of digital marketing. Since the ways of marketing are constantly changing, you may find it difficult to keep up with the latest trends.

Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency in India can make a difference to your business strategy. Their inbound marketing strategies will help your business reach incredible heights.

Here are some reasons to hire a Digital Marketing Agency in India.

  1. Marketing Expertise

Since a Digital Marketing Agency has a vast expertise on dealing with various businesses they will guide you to follow the best practices for online marketing. A team of professionals is there to help you with social media marketing, Search Engine Optimization, e-mail marketing, content marketing, App Store Optimization, web designing etc.

Hiring in- house marketers will not give you targeted results as they don’t have as much knowledge a digital marketing agency does.

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  1. Consistency

Consistency is a notable quality of digital marketing agencies. As they strive 24/7 accomplishing online marketing campaigns their focus will be on fulfilling the client’s requirements. Since in – house marketers do not get enough time to handle all the campaigns as a digital marketing agency does, the latter is many times more effective than the former.

As a digital marketing agency, we, Jointviews have an exact track record of things we deliver. Our team work passionately to consistently deliver value across digital properties of our clients.

We believe in quality and make sure to include all the essential aspects to give an incredible digital experience for our clients.

  1. Strategy – Matching Latest Market Trends

If you are an entrepreneur, sometimes you get puzzled thinking what works best in digital marketing business. Don’t worry; digital marketing agencies are there to help you. They know what best strategy to apply to your business matching current market trends. This is because they have a wide experience of dealing with clients doing different businesses.

  1. Some aspects on tools and technologies

A lot of tools are available to increase productivity and efficiency. It’s not possible for you to afford these expensive tools if you run a small or medium sized business.

Since marketing agencies are equipped with these amazing tools, you will get the targeted output.

Like any other Digital Marketing Agency in India, Jointviews also use some brilliant tools and technologies. Some of the tools we use are Aweber, LeadConnectio and also many other useful analytical CRM software. In addition to these adapted tools we have an efficient team in charge of developing new tools to give better results for our clients.

  1. Search Engine Optimization for Better Results

If your brand doesn’t have a strong online presence better forget online marketing. You have to optimize your website for better search results in all major search engines. It’s common that people depend on search engines for all their queries.

A digital marketing agency can help you to make sure your website stays ahead among your competitors in search results. They adopt several Search Engine Optimization techniques to give your site a better visibility.

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  1. Proficiency in community building

Unless you have a fixed plan and know how to attract customers, you can never increase your brand’s popularity. You cannot build the community you focus by simply posting online. This is where digital marketing agency can help you by building micro communities.

For instance, at Jointviews we manage many content communities, brand based communities, etc. to help your brand succeed. We always try to promote content to a larger audience and then build communities; this may help small businesses which don’t have enough money to invest.

  1. Technical Support

Hiring a digital marketing agency can offer you technical assistance as well. Many of these agencies keep skilled web development experts in their team. As you have direct access to these experts, they will take care of your website related issues.

We hope all these 7 reasons will give you an idea about hiring a Digital Marketing Agency in India. Keep in mind all these aspects, we wish you good luck!

6 Tips to Create Kickass Infographics


Do you have to convince your audience about topics which are complicated and confusing; which are important but boring? Every digital marketing agency is faced with this problem. Infographics is the best solution for effectively expressing complicated information.

It lets you pack information in less space intelligently. Often, a digital marketing agency will have to create efficient information presentations focusing on a lot of facts and figures. Over the years, comparing things like prices or representing a long list of serial data has seldom been practical that you had to put them into written content. With infographics, you can distribute data in a visually appealing way.

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Let us look at some tips that will help you create kickass infographics.

1. Catchy Headline

Your infographics headline is extremely important. It is the backbone of your presentation. Since the amount of content in an infographics is ideally kept to the possible minimum, the attention

Your infographics headline is extremely important. It is the backbone of your presentation. Since the amount of content in an infographics is ideally kept to the possible minimum, the attention

2. Include Visual Representations for Your Data

Infographics as the name suggests, lets you represent information visually. The info that is represented should be clear-cut and accurate because discrepancies are bound to get noticed faster when you represent data visually. There should be a balance maintained between the written content and graphical data that goes into your infographics.

Though visual elements are important, do not overload it with too much designs or flashy colors. Limit the number of different colors used to three. Use appropriate images, charts and diagrams. Whenyou want to represent lengthy data, use line graphs and when you want to represent proportional data, use pie charts. Use compact and standardized designs for more serious topics.

3. Keep it Simple and Focused

The main reason infographics is widely adopted is due the simplicity with which data could be represented compared to the written content. Overloaded data and design complexity can create confusion and it will get misinterpreted by the viewers. To get a simple design, you should concentrate on things such as limiting the number of colors and font sizes used, readability of font types selected etc. Also use simple understandable language and appropriate charts.

Another important thing that you need to focus on is the ‘focus’ itself i.e., the idea represented in the infographics should be focused. Do not drift away from the subject under discussion. Cut elaborations and unwanted references. When you have a lot of data to put into your infographics, divide them into sub-headings and put them in separate infographics that focus on each individual idea.

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4. Create a Natural Flow

When presenting the information in an infographics, it is best advised to be arranged in a sequential format. Do not dump the ideas together or throw them randomly without any connection between them. Ideas should be integrated and should flow from one to another in an ordered fashion.

5. White Spaces are Important

Spacing the content is important for readability and cognition of the data. The right arrangement should have the perfect balance between used space and unused space in the infographics. Overly packed graphics could repel the viewer from reading through the content, and too much negative spacing will generate the opinion in the reader’s mind that the infographics is not worth reading.

6. Check your Facts and Figures

It is important that you always double check the facts and figures. An infographics reader could pinpoint contradictions and errors more accurately since there is more readability of the facts and figures. Once viewers find a single inaccuracy, they will resort to thinking that the whole information presented can probably be wrong. Keeping a close check on these tips is crucial for the success of infographics created by your digital marketing agency.