8 Types of Digital Content Created by Content Marketing Agencies

Your blogs might have been to be a hit among the audience in the past with lots of user traffic, visitors etc. But then, the pace remained the same forever or a bit slower with visitors leaving your site on a daily basis.

What could have gone wrong? Of course! They got bored of the same type of content you kept on giving them.

Being creative is now the only way for your content to get notified. Try a different type of digital content and there, you’ll get to see your site buzzing with visitors.

However, it shouldn’t stop here. Keep trying different types of content from time to time to help your business thrive.

Here’s a list of different types of digital content created by content creation agencies, for you to choose from:

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Long form blogs

So, what are long form blogs?  Some claim that those blogs with a word count of may be 1500 words while some say that long-form blogs are those with a word count of about 3500 words.

Whatever, the truth is, the idea is to create an article that goes on until you get tired of scrolling. Long form content has always been there; but, it started getting noticed only by 2013-2014.

It has now become the most popular style among bloggers. Long form blogs have become much popular these days because:

Google said it: According to Google, longer content contain more information and therefore, helps solve many queries of the audience at once. Also, some SEO experts suggest that long form blogs rank better in Google search results.

Popular bloggers said it: Bloggers, big and small, have been suggesting for a while that long form blogs are important.

Short form blogs

Short form blogs are those with maximum word count of 1000 words. The fact that short form blogs have lesser word count, that may go down to 250 words or lesser, can make it less popular in SEO.

Therefore, it’s important the blogs being short, should also be precise and unique. The content should be good enough for the audience to stop and take notice.


Digital content in the form of video gives you a large variety of choices. Regardless of the type it is, a good video always remains etched to the audience’s memory.

If a video is done well, it can be extremely compelling. The duration of the video depends on your requirements (it can be educational, business, marketing). You can check out this blog for using video in your marketing or promotional campaign.


Podcasts are digital audio files that are used to share information through computers or any portable music devices such as MP3 players or iPods.

Businesses usually use podcasts to share information regarding their new products, about the company or about the general happenings in the industry.

Podcasts provide an insight to the audience about how much a business knows about the industry, thus helping to build trust among them. Also, the audience feel directly connected to the business as they get to hear the voice of the presenter.

Podcasts are affordable compared to other marketing technique as the location of creating podcasts do not matter, be it an office or home.

All it needs is a computer, a microphone and software to edit the recordings. Remember, regular podcasts can help your business in attracting your target audience, thus helping to build brand awareness.  You can even publish the podcast transcript, thus, adding to the SEO value.


Social media content

Majority of people around the globe use various social media platforms due to which they have found a place in the marketing strategy.

You may not find another medium to reach your content to the audience  in a short span of time and the benefit is that, you get to connect directly with your potential customers.

Remember, your content must say more about your brand while keeping the audience interested. Keep reminding them about what you offer. After about five to six exposure, the audience will surely feel compelled to go for your products.


Copywriting is the process of writing advertising materials such as blogs, newsletters, marketing campaigns etc. The words should be persuasive enough for the audience to take an action, thus driving traffic to your business website. Effective copywriting includes:

  • Attention grabbing headlines that compel the audience to click the link to read further
  • Content that provides just the information that the reader needs
  • Interesting content that helps the audience to easily connect with your business, while building trust and brand recognition
  • Content that tells the audience what to do next, such as signing up for newsletters, click a link to visit a website, social media page etc.

You can implement your own copywriting strategy for promoting your products and services to the right audience. You can use Definitive Guide to Copywriting by Quicksprout as your reference material.


Infographics refers to the visual representation of information. The fact that visuals tend to stay in people’s minds than text works in favour of infographics.

As a result, infographics is the most shared content compared to other digital content types. Infographics can include anything such as general information, data, statistics etc.

Almost everyone is making infographics these days and therefore, it is important to be creative with your infographics for audience to take notice.

You can also create gifographic, which is a type of infographic, but contains animated GIF images instead of static images like in normal infographics.


E-books consist of large content of a minimum word count of 10,000 words, in PDF format and are downloadable. An e-book gives an insight of your knowledge about an industry and is the most effective way of sharing your knowledge with others.

While creating an e-book, make sure that the content is divided into topics making it easier for the users to read. Remember, your e-book’s title plays an important role in the audiences’ decision regarding downloading your e-book. Therefore, make sure that the title is catchy and relevant.

An e-book with just texts is usually considered not worth reading. Therefore, try to include graphics and make sure that the e-book’s content is formatted well to grab attention.

It is always best to create both PDF and HTML versions of your e-book. You can add video and audio to the HTML version.


Rather than using one type of digital content for all of your marketing campaigns, you can use different types as mentioned earlier.

These days, content marketing agencies try to experiment with their content with the aim of attracting target audience, increase engagement, and share to others.


Quality Content Still Matters in Content Marketing. Learn Why

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort- John Ruskin

This quote by John Ruskin is also true for content. So what makes it worth the effort in content marketing?

Quality content is that which creates a unique and value adding experience for your audience. Since the boom of content marketing started about a decade ago, marketers are continuously putting out content on their website and various other platforms. 72% of marketers say that they are putting out more content than last year. Let us see why it is all the more crucial for a business to have quality content in this saturated market.

  • Quality Content is the way to SEO

Search engine optimization values the quality of content. Gone are the days when keyword stuffing could get you on the top. The algorithms are now well equipped to measure the quality of your content by various parameters like user times on a page, number of shares and back-links. As technology advances, search engines will get smarter at ranking based on quality.

In fact, SEO and quality content go hand in hand. Good quality content has optimal keywords, user engagement and shareability by default. There can be no hope of ranking higher on SERPs unless you have consistent and quality content.

Recommend read: 10 Outdated SEO Practices You Need to Discard in 2017

  • Content is the voice of your brand

Your content is a continuous touch-point with the customers. It might even be the first interaction they have with your brand. Content is hence a part of your image to the audience and poor content means poor image.

According to a survey by Global Lingo, 74% of clients are concerned about the quality of the write-ups on the websites. Out of these, 59% percent indicated that poor grammar would prevent them from working with such companies. This is because they wouldn’t trust the company anymore to provide good service and quality content.

And this is the reason why many content marketing agencies of both start ups and small businesses have a PR team on board.

  • Investment in Content Marketing without Quality is Futile

How many visitors would you get if your page ranks 22nd on the search engine results? All the investment in the website, promotion and content creation would go waste if the content is not up to the mark. Content marketing has no ROI without quality content.

Read Also: How Content Marketing Will Help Your Small Business to Excel

  • Users are knowledgeable

The content market is now saturated and ripe for segmentation. Content must address specific needs and interests of the users. This means that content now has to go deeper into a domain rather than wider across broad topics. The audience consuming content has more knowledge of the domain and will be put off by content that is low on quality.

The quality of your content matters due to all these reasons. It is better to put up three quality content in a week than bombard your audience with ten worthless write-ups.  If you can whip up a continuous stream of quality content, then your SEO, user engagement and content marketing strategy will also fall into place.



How Content Marketing Will Help Your Small Business to Excel

Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” – Andrew Davis, Author of Brandscaping

Marketing your new business requires lots of effort. Being a startup, your major requirement now is to get the attention of potential customers. You might have created a well-designed and optimized website that highlights your products and services.

But is that enough?

Let us see what role content marketing plays in successfully running your business.

Several statistics prove that content marketing is the best brand marketing tool. According to a report from eMarketer, 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content daily.

This form of digital marketing is not only affordable, but it is also an effective form of marketing for reaching both your primary and secondary target audience—including everyday consumers and B2B customers.

Content marketing has a positive impact on small businesses, as it

  • Increases SEO rankings
  • Improves brand awareness
  • Creates an identity
  • Builds reputation as a reliable firm
  • Provides value to your target audience
  • Keeps your website informative
  • Improves social engagement
  • Distinguishes you from your competition

With significant changes in the digital landscape, content marketing has changed as well. Now the trend is that your content succeeds only if it provides something that your consumer is looking for. A reliable content marketing agency in India will provide services of experienced writers who can provide diverse types of content, including: Blog posts published on business blog, infographics, newsletters, white papers, e-books, podcasts, videos, downloadable workbooks or templates. 

Consider these Ideas to Improve Your Content Marketing Campaign

Provide What Your Audience Needs

Only relevant information adds value, leading to increase in your company’s exposure. Perform a quality research and find out what your targeted audience is exactly looking for and provide answers to their queries in the form of a content format. For instance, if they are concerned about your business process, better explain it clearly with an infographic content. A valuable content will make them feel the time they spent on it was a good investment. If you get them to think so, they might share this information with others; establishing your credibility and thus building trust with your customers as well as the online community.

Creative Video Content

High quality video content works. Live videos play a crucial role in digital marketing. According to recent study by Cisco, it has been predicted that by 2019, 80% of the world’s internet traffic will be video and online video will be responsible for four-fifths of global internet traffic. Also the news shared by HubSpot highlights that embedding videos in landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%. 90% of customers report that product videos help them make purchasing decisions. Video marketing provides value as readers show more interest in watching an informative video than taking the effort to read a blog or an article.

Make Content Social

Social media plays a vital role in everyone’s livesthese days. Social media strategies offered by a digital content marketing agency in India helps business to target the right audience and drive more web traffic. With millions and billions of users, social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Digg, Pinterest, Reddit, and more offers excellent opportunities for sharing your brand content.

These platforms are now offering more options for publishing content. Facebook has recently introduced instant articles for publishers to get more of their content in the news feed and thus capture the attention of more users. Such options can be incorporated into your content marketing strategy to create something that engages the customer.

Try E-books as Well

Use Ebooks as lead generation tools. Though time-consuming and expensive to produce, they offer many potential benefits for companies. Typically longer and more in-depth, they can be published less frequently than blog posts to attract visitors to a website. Make sure to link them from an interesting blog post. After reading the blog, visitors might require more content from an eBook to learn more valuable information for their business.

Also, consider 
infographics that can organize and visualize data in a more compelling way than words alone. Small businesses must be very careful in choosing an content marketing company. Make sure that the chosen content marketing services agency in India provides services of experienced content developers and content marketers.

Winning Clients and Influencing Markets through Content Marketing in Mumbai

As per recent reports, content marketing has doubled in terms of popularity in the past couple of years. You would have noticed the term being mentioned frequently in marketing circles.

Content marketing in Mumbai has proved to be an incredibly valuable technique for attracting target clients and influencing the market. If you have an active blog or website, you attract a target audience who specifically looks out for your content. This traffic is of high value to you.

By employing some smart strategies, you can do more than just targeting a few clients. You can increase brand awareness and reputation. Content marketing is highly beneficial for improved SEO rankings as well. If you are not employing online content marketing, then you are missing out on a huge audience.

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Content Quality

To attract audience, you need to avoid low quality content. You require content that is exceedingly informative and appropriately entertaining.

Content marketing has proved to be an effective method to communicate with probable customers without selling any product.

If you are aiming to create a high quality content marketing campaign, then it is important that you understand the value of associating yourself with videos.

It seems that everybody in this fast paced information era is easily distracted. Due to this reason, it has become mandatory to sustain the interest of blog visitors. This can be effectively done by making informative and entertaining videos.

Distribution of Content

After you have created informative content, distribution of the same is the next step. You can use social media, email marketing, blog commenting and more to assure that your content reaches a good number of relevant audience.

As for videos, you can add your videos to YouTube and Vimeo and include those links in your blog.

YouTube back links are among the most valuable as more and more value is being placed in videos.

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Back links and SEO

While using the likes of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook can be appropriately effective; article directories can be an equally potent option. High PR article directories will allow you to post content on their website. You would be able to include backlinks to previously written articles, blogs and website in such directory submissions.

Content Marketing in Mumbai Is Crucial To Your Business. Learn Why.

If you have come in contact with the online marketing world, the term “Content Marketing” might have grabbed your attention. The term’s popularity would have made you wonder what it is all about.

Content marketing is more than a popular buzzword. The concept of content marketing underscores a highly powerful technique for promoting a business on the Internet. If you create great content and market it the right way, your business will be presented with numerous potential customers.

Content marketing offers a huge number of channels for your marketing ideas. You can create video content, blogs, articles, press releases, infographics and many more distribute the same in numerous ways. Creating a content marketing strategy can be a game-changing moment for your business. Content marketing offers numerous advantages, but here are a handful of reasons to opt for the same if you are a localized business

Why hire a professional for Content Marketing in Mumbai?

Building Brand Awareness

Interesting content creates audience engagement, which spreads brand awareness. But for this to happen, your content should be relevant and of good quality. Any content you publish should reflect brand values.

Visual content such as videos, images, cartoons, comics and infographics are quite powerful in building brand awareness. They enable you to communicate your brand values with a potentially massive audience.

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Inbound Website Traffic

Marketing content is a powerful way of promoting your niche. It can bring customers to you rather than you going to them. With the right call to actions, individuals interacting with content can reach out to you as potential customers.

The best way to build quality inbound website traffic is to use your content to inform and teach your intended audience. Addressing pertinent issues, concerns and questions are considered to be the best way to achieve this particular target. Traffic coming from keyword specific articles can generate highly qualified leads.

Generating Natural Link Popularity for SEO

Quality content with the right marketing can reach to a wide audience, who would engage with it in different ways such as commenting, sharing, backlinking, etc. As a result, such content earns high level of authority. From an SEO standpoint, in case a web page holds a high level of authority, then outbound links coming from that particular page holds more value.

In case a content successfully generates a lot of buzz, in social media in particular, brings in a lot of traffic, and the SEO value of the content will increase drastically.

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So, these are 4 major advantages to using content marketing for your business.

In the current, highly competitive online business world, all 4 become crucial points for your success.

5 Incredibly Useful Tips for Successful Content Marketing in Mumbai for SMBs

Is your content marketing efforts not bearing fruit? There is a change in the rules of the game. Knowing the customer alone would not help. It’s about predicting their needs. Whatever content you promote – be it evergreen or tropical, fresh or seasonal it will be meaningless if it can’t provide your readers with excitement and the urge to read.

‘Content Marketing’ is one of those buzzwords people are talking about nowadays. In simple terms, it is the strategy to attract customers and retain them by creating valuable content. Here are some tips which you may follow for successful content marketing in Mumbai.

Business Strategy

Confirmed, fortified and planned business strategies are required before the start of content marketing. Off track starting point for lack of better work is one of the reasons why many content marketing strategies fail. Planned and systematic business strategies are required for success. Whimsical strategies will not do.

It is essential that you start with a business goal that is long term, say about 3 years or more. If your business outlook changes; learn to change the content strategies accordingly.

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Great writing skills

You have to pay a lot of attention to what people consume. Transforming the audience is the main goal of a professional writer. Great writers always help to see their audience through different perspectives, different eyes. With the help of their writings, you can change audience’ way of interacting online.

Learning to write for the audience is the best way you can be successful in this field. For, anyone making a complete sentence is not a big deal. Everyone can put words together and make complete sentences, but learning to create an impact through your writing is what a successful writer knows.

Valid Content

Every 24 hours, a minimum of 900,000 blogs alone are published and each minute, around 20 hours of video is added to YouTube. In such a competitive market, if you want to stand out, then you need to think outside the big box, something different, and something that others don’t think about. If you repeat the same content written by others there is no chance for you to succeed until and unless you already have a huge following. The quality of the content determines your dedication.

Personality Factor

A content connects to us more if it has a voice and personality behind it. On a corporate website, no one likes to read content because it’s impersonal and merely conveys information and nothing much.

Many content marketing strategies fail because they lack personality, emotion. The audience can’t relate to that. A powerful method of connecting with the audience is by infusing these elements into your content. Try to make your content scan able by using headlines, subheads, bold text which makes it easier for the audience to read it.

Thus, when they read, if they feel the parts catching their eyes are worthwhile, they will give it a read.

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Strong Headlines

Headlines can entice potential visitors to your content. So, try to write catchy headlines by following basic headline writing tips. If you don’t put a strong headline, there is every chance of your blog post being completely avoided by the audience. You won’t get much social media traction either. And there is hardly any chance for your white paper or PDF getting passed along.

It is more important in the field of Content marketing in Mumbai to be earnest, genuine and thoughtful than to be perfect. Minor flaws are forgivable, but wrong tone can cause online reputation management issues.

How a Content Marketing Agency in India is Beneficial for SMBs

As you might know, Content Marketing is the successful way of marketing for modern marketers. Many multi- national companies and popular brands have proved it as the most successful method of online marketing. Engaging and quality content has made remarkable changes in ROI’s of many popular brands.

Businesses, especially small businesses (SMB’s) and local businesses can improve the reach of their products with this innovative way of marketing. In fact, SMBs can stand out against their multi- national counterparts with the help of a Content Marketing Agency. But many marketers are still sceptical about the possibilities of this innovative marketing technique.

We are going to discuss how a Content Marketing Agency in India can help businesses, especially SMBs.

More Traffic to your Site

Right Content Marketing strategies can drive inbound traffic to your site. When people need a solution for a particular problem, they will google for it. If they get a solution from your website in the form guides, infographics, videos, etc., more people will visit your site again and again. Most probably, they will turn into your potential customers in the long run.

A Content Marketing Agency has the expertise to customize content according to the interests and needs of audiences. Professional content writers in their team know the reader psychology precisely owing to their past experiences with various clients. If your audience feels that your content is tailored to their interests and needs, they will trust you and your products as well.

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Brand Awareness

Publishing fresh and interesting content on your website will make your audience closer to your brand. Quality content reveals your attitude as well. If you can share your opinions on various topics via blogs, people will consider you as a thought leader. People always remember individuals who share impressive ideas.

If they like your ideas, definitely they begin to like your brand. Promote your content on social media, this will make you opportunities to connect with your target audience. If they are pleased with your content, they discuss it with their friends and followers, which help you reach even more people.

As you know, it is not easy for small businesses to rank against multi- national companies in search engine results. Building link popularity can help you improve your online visibility. If you publish quality content, people will link back to you. Hence, Content Marketing is crucial for your website to rank higher on a search results page.

Improved Leads and Sales

It’s obvious that if more visitors view your content, the chances are high for better conversions. If they are interested in your content, most probably they will become your potential customers in the long run.

People rely on website content and blogs before making purchase decisions. They really like to know more about your products and services. No matter whether you’re doing business in small scale or large scale, the purchase interests of people remains the same. Besides creating significant content to your company’s products and services, you should give an idea to your audience how they will benefit from doing business with you.

This will help you to make the impression that you are a trusted voice in the industry. People always like to buy from companies they trust.

Thought – Leaders always get Noticed

The more you publish relevant content, the more your audience will look to you as an expert in the industry, particularly if you can enlighten audiences with the right content that helps them to make purchase decisions.

If people consider you as a thought leader, they will approach you for the answers they need. To be precise, you will be their preference whenever they need an expert opinion. For small businesses, it’s an advantage. It shows your audience that you’re just as reliable as the reputed brands.

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Cost –Effective (Compared to Traditional Marketing)

Many reputed brands have proved that Content Marketing is the cost-effective way to get maximum business deals. Many businesses reveal that they are able to reduce half of their marketing costs with this innovative marketing method.

When it comes to small businesses, they can market their products more cost – effectively than more traditional forms of marketing. In fact, they can generate quality leads via inbound marketing with half of the money businesses usually spend on outbound marketing.

We hope that you understand the possibilities of Content Marketing. So, reinvent your business strategies with a Content Marketing Agency in India.

How Successful Content Writing makes Marketing Easier


As you might know, Content Writing Services are the key to success for modern marketers. In fact, publishing relevant content will boost the marketing efforts of businesses. Unfortunately, many marketers are still sceptical about the possibilities of Content Marketing. We are going to introduce some aspects of content writing via this blog.

Here are some tips to be a successful marketer via Content Writing in Mumbai.

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 How to Spot a Good Content Marketing Agency in India?

1. Create Feasible Goals

Content creation should be in such a way to meet your business goals. Make sure that your content has the quality to achieve desirable targets. A clear strategy with pre – defined goals is crucial for any successful venture. Content performance and production should be included in these strategies.

Usually businesses assign certain targets to their employees to ensure quality services. But you should think beyond that to excel in Content Marketing. Besides assigning target to your marketing staff you have to adopt ways to increase shares and clicks for your content. You can create maximum number of posts by brainstorming original ideas. Remember, creativity is always improvement of the original.

2. Try Out Crazy Ideas!

Content Marketing doesn’t give you impressive results unless you try out different strategies. As you might know content writing doesn’t have permanent rules to attract audience.

You should create content according to the changing trends. You can’t say what works in marketing until you attempt something. So, never hesitate to take risks. After all, successful marketing is all about taking risks.

Come out of your comfort zone and think about crazy content ideas. Just think what makes things go viral on social media sites. It’s nothing but crazy ideas that go viral on these sites.

3. Record your Content Strategy

Most of us create content in order to drive hits and conversions. If you are following the same pattern, then you are on the wrong path for sure. Unless you have a clear content strategy and editorial vision your content marketing efforts are in vain. A sensible content strategy and editorial vision will give you an upper hand in every stage of marketing and the purchase funnel. This will give an idea on which subjects your brand should speak in order to enlighten your audience.

Ensure you record your content strategies and share with your whole team. A recent survey by Content Marketing Institute reveals that businesses which fail to fare in online marketing lacks a clear content strategy. So, don’t let your content marketing efforts go in vain! Give professional touch to everything you do.

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4. Know your Audience

When you are into online marketing, make sure you have a clear picture of your audience. Your content creation and audience should be aligned in such a way to meet your goals. If it is not like that, you should reinvent your content writing strategies.

Suppose your objective is to help people planning to start a successful Data enterprise. Obviously, entrepreneurs or start ups might be your audience. Unless you know their goals and intentions, you can’t create a winning content about Data enterprises. In order to achieve content marketing momentum, it’s crucial to create engaging content for your audience.

5. Know the Trends and Stay Updated

You might think that hiring a reputed a content writing service is enough for successful online marketing. Truth to be told, it’s a wrong assumption. They need your ideas and support to boost your Content Marketing efforts.

It’s seen that many people left the writing to the Content Writing Services thinking that they will take care of your whole marketing efforts. Never do this if you need to make your marketing easier with content writing.

Find some time to discuss your ideas with the members of your content writing service. Subscribe some business publications and get updated what’s trending in the market. Tell your agency what you really want in your content. This will help them to publish content in tune with your business goals.

We hope these tips will be useful for your marketing efforts. So, explore the possibilities of content writing and be a successful marketer.

Top 6 Tips To Grow Your Content Marketing in Mumbai

As Content Marketing is making remarkable changes in ROI’s, it’s no longer just a trendy word for businesses. From startups to MNC’s, needs a sensible and professional Content Marketing strategy to meet their business goals. When it comes to online marketing, engaging is your watchword. Those who can engage the audience will succeed.

No matter the kind of business you are doing, whether it is business-to-business or business-to-consumer, if you follow a well- documented Content Marketing strategy you can transform your brand into a successful voice in the industry.

We are going to discuss 6 successful ways to improve your Content Marketing in Mumbai. Let’s have a look.

Think differently (Breaking Conventions)

Highly original content sets you apart from your competitors. So, think about including exceptional stuff on your Content Marketing strategy.

Say goodbye to uninteresting infographics and data documents. Instead, stand out among the popular brands by creating your own content in the form of ideas. If you are a thought leader people will recognize your brand as well. So, convert your simple observers into potential customers via engaging content.

Forget about conventions and create unusual content that has the chance to become viral.

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Think beyond blogs!

Some marketers think publishing blogs on a regular basis alone can bring in leads. If you are one among them, you are on the wrong path. Audience consider you as relevant only if you include different types of content in your Content Marketing Strategy such as  eBooks, social media posts, podcasts,  video blogs, etc.

Educate with Infographics

Publishing educational infographics can draw the attention of people. If it sounds informative people will appreciate your efforts. Sharing knowledge with your followers will be useful for your business in the long run.

Share your ideas with people before you ask them to pay for your services. This will ensure the involvement of your audience and most probably they will share your ideas. If more people share your content, more people will recognize your brand.

Your Approach Matters

For any venture, whether it is small or big, your approach determines its success. Always think ahead and outline your Content Marketing in such a way to meet your business needs.

Suppose you’ve to launch a new product and you want people to know about it. The information should catch the attention of maximum audience. How will you promote the impending date of launching?  You may have many suggestions in your mind. The most feasible action to launch a product would be teaser campaigns.

As you know, teasers can do wonders. It makes people enthusiastic to know what you have in store. Try to include compelling images and video content. This will help to build customer’s curiosity and eagerness. If your strategy is right, the result will be a winning product launching that converts into revenue.

Track your performance

A quality check is crucial to make sure that your Content Marketing efforts are up to the mark. Analyzing your performance on a regular basis will help you to revise your strategies if something is not working as expected. This will cement the bond between you and your audience.

Some of the aspects that require your serious attention are the bounce rate, number of visitors, leads converted into revenue, etc. Tracking all these details will help you know how much revenue generated from your strategy.

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Be versatile! Offer fresh content

Always, remember marketing via content is an innovative field. Your imagination plays a crucial role. So, experiment with your content and stay connected to the latest trends.

Think of all potential types of content to prop up your brand. The possible options may include videos, infographics, compelling images, texts, etc.  Observe which all things are giving you favourable results. Make necessary changes if something goes against your expectations.

It’s obvious that repetition of the content will attract users’ disapproval. So, avoid posting the same content that may lose engagement and will seriously affect your revenue. Be versatile and offer fresh content. Versatility is the key to success in any field.

Keep in mind all these 6 tips to grow an exceptional Content Marketing strategy in Mumbai. As people need quick, fun and shareable content in upcoming years, stay focused and create sensible content. Good luck!

How to Spot a Good Content Marketing Agency in India?

One of the biggest challenges for businesses is to pick a right Content Marketing Agency. The demand for content marketing services has increased the number of agencies offering a variety of content related services.

Truth to be told, many people offer content services, but a few of them know the essence of Content Marketing. It’s really tough to choose the perfect practitioners of this marketing technique.

If you want to create a successful brand, you should find a sensible marketing partner who can help you with right Content Marketing strategies.

You should consider many aspects while hiring an agency. Here are some tips that may help you to spot a good Content Marketing Agency in India.

  1. Strategic Capability is Important

A recent survey reveals that lack of a shrewd content strategy is affecting the content marketing initiatives of many brands. It’s evident from their ROI’s.

So, it’s crucial to choose a Content Marketing Agency that has powerful strategic capabilities. Analyzing the track record and methodologies will help you know their strategic capabilities.

Ask them to share their case studies and if possible contact their clients. Try to know if their content strategies have helped brands to get potential customers. In addition, make sure that their content marketing efforts are in such a way to meet your business goals.

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  1. Check Whether their Tools are Capable of Giving you Feasible Results

Before hiring an agency, you should make an attempt to know their tools that enhances marketing. Agencies use several methods to identify the progress of their marketing efforts.

You should make sure that their marketing efforts are in such a way to boost your ROI. Also, check whether they are able to identify problems and streamline your marketing efforts to achieve your business goals.

  1. Converse with the Team Members

It’s usually seen that businesses find an agency and sign the deal after meeting the head of the marketing team. In fact, this is a big mistake. You have to make sure that they have a strong project management system. You can confirm it by conversing with the members of their team.

Effective communication with your advertising partner is vital for the success of your brand. Ensure that the team members are experienced and they can communicate with you effectively on a regular basis. In addition, discuss your business goals with them. This will help them to meet the values of your brand.

  1. Marketing Technology Matters

As the competition is high, proficient marketing technology is crucial to survive. It can make a positive impact on your overall marketing efforts. It will help you measure the engagement of audience and find potential customers.

If you and your agency share a common technology, you should be careful about its user interface. It should be user friendly.

Marketing technology platforms help you to analyze the quality of Content Marketing efforts done by your marketing agency. So, if you have your own marketing platforms ask your agency how they are going to plug their campaign into it.

Read Also: 9 Ways Content Marketing in Mumbai Improves Advertising for Businesses

  1. Know their Clients and Validate their Efficiency

Last but not least, let’s talk about the clients who became successful via their content marketing efforts. Many Content Marketing Agencies promise quality services, but you should check whether they are able deliver services on time.

You can ensure the efficiency of an agency by contacting their clients. They can tell you whether the agency is able to deliver quality services on time.

So, keep in mind all these aspects. We hope our blog will help you to spot a Content Marketing Agency in India that can work well for you. Good luck guys!