Why Businesses Should Hire a Content Marketing Agency in India

Gone are the days when people used to buy things based on TV advertisements. Despite the fact that your business gets the greater part of its clients through verbal referrals and recommendations, the customers will undoubtedly go online to know about your company and products before purchasing your products.

Hiring a Content Marketing Agency in India will help your brand, products and services to get noticed. Today, people go online in order to find out products that they require, and they research, analyze and shortlist. If you want to attract potential buyers, you need to have an effective Content Marketing strategy for your products and services.

Read Also: List Some Successful Brands Which Make Use of Content Marketing Services

Why Hire a Content Marketing Agency in India

Relevant and high quality content is necessary to keep your website lively. This is important to stay focused in the competitive market. In any case, what about the time it takes to develop a solid Content Marketing strategy? Majority of the entrepreneurs are tied up with their most important and limited resource – their time. In addition, their lack of expertise on Content Marketing.

However, there are businesses that attempt and do it independently without understanding the result they are getting. Truth to be told, you are losing potential buyers by experimenting with your content. It may even contrarily affect the trust of the existing customers in your company.

No need to worry, hiring a best Content Marketing Agency in India can solve your content related issues. They are fully equipped with a team of business analysts and content strategists. You will get expected responses from your targeted audience owing to their professional guidance on developing a content strategy.

As per a survey conducted by Roper Public Affairs, 80% of business decision – makers depend on blogs to get details of a company. 70% said better content make them closer to business firm, while sixty percent revealed that owing to the content provided by entrepreneurs enable them make smarter purchasing decisions.

Role of a Content Marketing Agency

A Content Marketing Agency can help you by providing with better content strategy, web content writing, SEO and social media marketing. These aspects will definitely boost your business in the competitive market.

Here are some of the aspects that Content Marketing Agency does for their customers:

  • They will analyze whether your current online presence is set up in such a way to meet your business goals

  • Examine if your brand’s messaging is working well with your business goals from an outsider viewpoint

  • They will put forward suggestions on content and websites issues

  • A baseline report provided by the agency will help you ensure that if you are moving in the right direction or not when the contract is near completion.

Pick the right Content Marketing Agency in India

An expert Content Marketing Agency is skilful in analyzing the content related trends for businesses. Seeking the help of such an agency will give you results.

A top Content Marketing Agency in India is Devak Infomark. They are popular for providing quality services in content management system, web design, brand development, web application, web hosting and software development.

Interior Selection, Nano Jobs, Tech2Serve, MMB Tours, CompuSouk, Freight Reach Services are the popular clients of this agency.

Devak is famous for providing essential marketing elements like E- Commerce, Facebook Application Development, Mobile Website Development, Social media Marketing, SEO etc. This will help you to improve your online presence and boost your business.

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For content related needs, Deuce Technologies, Content Axis, Esmee Network are some of the best Content Marketing Agencies in India you can rely on. Esmee Network can help you in SEO content, content vamping, blog content, blog management, email marketing, website audit, etc.

6 Ways Hiring SEO Services in India is Vital for Your Success

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in increasing organic traffic to your website which will lead to higher sales and brand building.

SEO services includes all the things essential to optimize websites for better search engine rankings. As more and more business owners are opening online stores to offer products and services, it is important for you to promote  your business website. SEO services help in fulfilling this task through various tools and techniques. Learn why you need to hire SEO services in India for your online business website:

1.Reduces Gestation Period

Search engine optimization can help you in reducing the gestation period to great extent. Effective internet marketing strategies will assist you in promoting not only your company but also your products. These days SEO Companies have also started offering Social Media Optimization Services where your products or brand can be promoted at mass level. Apart from this, you can be benefited from organic traffic which would be coming from various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Alta Vista etc.

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2.Website Visibility

Having a website is not sufficient, you need to make it visible on the web. Visibility of a website is enhanced when it starts appearing among the top search engine results. This is an important reason to hire SEO services so that your website follows the right track to achieve recognition. There are also activities such as forum submissions, social bookmarking, etc which can reach a different set of audience.

3.Traffic Diversion

If your website is not visited by the targeted audience, there is no use of having a website at all. In order to obtain more and more web traffic to your website, you must have your website listed among the top search results. This can be achieved faster and in a practical way by hiring SEO services in India and around the world.

4.Keyword Research and Utilization

Keywords are the building blocks of search engine optimization. However, you need to find the right keywords related to your niche and use them effectively to achieve search engine visibility. It may appear easy, but requires a lot of skills which only an SEO expert can offer.

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5.Overcoming Competition

You are bound to face tough competition in your niche, as soon as you take your business online. Each of the rival website owners have the wish to appear among top search engine results. By hiring the expert search engine optimization services, you get the right platform to survive the competition.

6.Instant Results

The third reason for considering SEO Services is the availability of instant results. Once search engine optimization is done on your website, you will start seeing the results instantaneously. You can always search out for some professional SEO Service providers irrespective of the nature or type of your business.

Now a days, SEO services are essential for your online visibility. So you have to be careful while hiring an SEO Service provider. You must keep in mind that the service provider you choose must follow the guidelines provided by Google and other major search engines. Otherwise your website can get penalized for black hat tactics.

6 Reasons Why E-mails are Important for your Internet Marketing

Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches- at scale-David Newman

Today, email marketing is the most preferred online marketing tool for a wide range of businesses. Marketing through e-mails is a strong way to connect with people. Also, it helps to build loyalty and trust in the business.

It is found that most people use the internet for checking email and not just for visiting social media sites. Hence email is a great medium for companies to market their product or service successfully.

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Following are six reasons emails are important for internet marketing:

  • Email is more effective than social media

Though social media is a great channel for interacting with the audience, email is a great medium for customer acquisition. It is possible to personalize an e-mail and thus grab the attention of target customers easily.

  • It is cost-effective and economical

Email marketing is comparatively easy, effective and economic. It helps business owners to reach a large number of audience without much expense. For small business owners, it can be a better choice than seeking the usual advertising media such as television, radio or direct mail.

US retailers consider email marketing as one of the most effective customer acquisition tactics. One of the greatest benefits of using e-mails is that it is possible to get follow-up information by clicking on the website.

  • It is personal and customizable

In email marketing services, it is possible to segment the audience and send message to each of them according to their preference. The send mail should have some value to the audience. Also, it is possible to address people individually by name, split the topic according to the type of audience and eventually send to their personal inbox.

Emails subject lines with recipients’ name has higher chances to get opened over the others. Email marketing helps to build relationships with expectation, leads, current customers and even the previous customers as it gives a chance to interact with them directly. Unlike other medium, emails can be made friendly and personable.

  • It is action oriented

People often respond to emails. They either reply, forward or simply click through the mail. E-mail can be used to increase traffic and thereby boost sales. Using e-mails, one can track the growth and progress of the business.

  • It is measurable

By using email marketing software, you can track who opened the email, which all links were clicked and how many people unsubscribed. With such data, you get an idea about how email campaigns are performing, how to make adjustments and improve effectiveness of such campaigns.

  • It is possible to check email using mobile devices

Today, people can easily check emails from their personal mobile devices. This is convenient for them as it allows checking email anywhere at anytime.

Social media platforms might be more popular. But there is no chance that e-mails will completely lose their prominence. Most people use their smart phones to access e-mails instead of using social media.

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E-mail marketing has more impact than social media marketing as it delivers marketing messages directly to a target customer’s inbox. Most of the business owners use email newsletters to keep suppliers, employees and stakeholders informed about important changes and development.

Thus we can conclude that email marketing is the most effective and easiest means of communicating with the masses.

8 Social Media Marketing Benefits For Your Business

Social media is a powerful platform for marketers to reach out to prospects. They can be used for direct marketing as well as to maintain public relations. Facebook and LinkedIn are the two most leading social media platforms used for marketing. It is found that most of the users use social media for researching brand, products or services before making the decision to buy.

People were doubtful about social media marketing at first, but they were proven wrong as Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter among others became a hit among brands.

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The following are 8 ways business stand to benefit from implementing social media marketing:

Helps to cut the overall marketing costs

Social networks are one of the best cost-effective methods to popularize your brand among target customers. The overhead cost for tweeting a message, promoting through Facebook or pinning a photo of the product to Pinterest is minimal when compared to billboards, TV and newspaper ads.

If you have marketing budget, social media channels will offer advanced but affordable advertising which target the audience by using keywords, interest based and demographic campaigns. Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook offer more specific parameters for targeting.

One needs to create compelling and optimized content to make the domain seem high up on the search results page. By sharing this content through various social portals, they can capture the interest of readers who may visit, like or share content on the website and link to it from their own domains. Search engines such as Google and Bing consider these social signals to rank on the search results page.

Social media marketing is extremely useful and beneficial to discuss customer comments, concerns and questions. Customers can directly interact with owners through platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Owners can answer them in a public format so that other customers can realize the quality of company’s customer service. Quicker responses can be delivered by brands to customers through social media. This helps in building brand awareness.

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Provides an opportunity to associate with other businesses

Through social media, a company can not only interact with consumers, but also with entrepreneurs and owners of other businesses. They help to have a real conversation with important personalities who may not otherwise be accessible socially or globally in the real world.

By allowing customers to directly interact with company, they are able to get the best customer service. Each and every response of customers is seen by the public. Hence if one of the customers appreciates the service of the company, it will directly show in the good online reputation of the company.

Helps to gain competitive advantage

Social media marketing helps to cope with competition by connecting with current and prospective customers in an organic way across the web. It can help boost search rankings, connect with new business partners, offer better customer service, and thus create a better online personality.

So, if you haven’t started marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Pinterest among others, you might be missing some real opportunities. So, start now! Better late than never.

9 Successful Brands Which Make Use of Content Marketing Services

Content marketing is the method used by companies to create valuable and relevant content for attracting customer attention. More than 86% of businesses follow content marketing strategy to achieve success. Today we can see many Indian brands that make use of content marketing for being successful.

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Some Indian brands that successfully use content marketing servicesare as follows:

1. Zomato

Zomato is a restaurant search and discovery service. Some of their specialties are: they are having excellent creativity, know their audience well, understand well what make them use their service and thus turn on each of the customer’s foodie-self. They never follow the strict policy of posting every day in social media. Hence, customers eagerly wait for each of their posts. They are equally popular in social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Zomato shows how efficiently a brand can utilize multiple channels for content marketing. Their success mantra is producing an optimum number of content and thus promote them effectively on social networks.

2. Oreo India

Oreo India was able to grab the attention of the audience with the help of their content. They faced sufficient competition from their dominating brands like Parle, and Britannia. Hence, they started a brand awareness campaign titled DailyDunks whose brand ambassador was Bollywood Heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor. They have wide range of content ideas for different networks. Oreo India is equally active in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. Their success mantra is producing engaging content which focuses on their product. Also they made a celebrity association through the offline content marketing.

3. Amul

One of the greatest plus points of Amul is that they actively take part in every social issue. They try to focus on the opinions of the mass regarding that particular issue. In each content, there is the presence of the Amul girl which indirectly reflects the idea that it is she who is conveying those contents from her perspective. It is this presence which makes Amul brand different from other brands. It is active on Facebook as well as Twitter. To create a rapport with the audience they usually conduct social media contests. Their success mantra is that they understood how to reach the hearts of mass.

4. Vogue India

Vogue have taken a completely different approach in India. In spite of having expertise in fashion as well as lifestyle, with VogueEmpower they take lead in addressing issues. It is an initiative aimed for women empowerment and prevention of violence against women. They make use of top Bollywood celebrities to create glamor as well as buzz to the efforts of their content marketing. Apart from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google Plus; YouTube plays a greater role in their content marketing. Their success mantra is celebrity brand endorsement and great storytelling capacity.

5. FlipKart

One of the best thing about Flipkart is that their videos are interesting, funny and highly engaging. With their sense of humor, creativity and art of messaging leaves a smile on the face of every type of audience. Mostly they make use of child actors for their advertisements. Their success mantras are great customer interaction, engaging content, good re-marketing strategy and compelling offers.

6. Shaadi.com

Shaadi.com will include some of the interesting and emotional aspect of wedding which makes it different from other matrimonial sites. Though they are active on Facebook and Twitter, their content marketing leader is always YouTube. The strategy that they use in social media is completely different from the strategies that they use in YouTube as well as TV. Their success mantra is the tapping of wide set of human emotions for marriage along with its humor and narrating power.

7. Imperial Blue

The success mantra of Imperial Blue is its use of fresh content. Imperial Blue is an Indian whisky brand and it got most of their popularity through its campaign titled “Men will be Men”.

8. OLX India

OLX India is a brand which became popular with the song ‘Womaniya’. Every content of this brand indicates its tagline “Where Buyers Meet Sellers!”. Also they create compelling content which motivate the audience to use their service. Some of their marketing include the use of star power like their involvement with famous TV comedy star Kapil Sharma. They are equally active in Facebook as well as Twitter. Their success mantra include star association, addressing issues of target audience and humor marketing.

9. Simplify 360

The strength of Simplify 360 is their infographics and they have clients from 25 reputed companies. Ice Bucket Challenge is a campaign organized by this particular brand. They are active on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook and YouTube. Their success mantra is their unique way of collecting, examining, breaking and submitting data.

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From all these brands, we are able to understand that creativity is the most desired quality for content marketing services. Content created should be brief and suitable to the audience. Celebrity brand endorsement, video marketing and humor marketing will be a successful strategy in content marketing services of various companies.

Popular Myths of App Store Optimization

Today, app business is rocketing. With over a billion cell phones in the planet, not just are more individuals depending on applications to let them know where to eat, shop and go, but at the same time they are paying for more apps and making considerably more click- through to other related businesses.

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In any case, to take advantage of this flourishing industry and ensure your app is a piece of this sensation, you need to utilize a showcasing procedure called App Store Optimization or ASO.

App Store Optimization is a term that has been gliding over the web for a couple of years now, yet there are some usually spread myths about ASO out there, App Store Optimization myths that we arrive to break with some exceptionally straightforward strategies you can utilize to make the most out of your apps. Apps are truly hot at this moment, and there are numerous ordinarily spread myths about App store optimization.

Here are some popular myths about App Store optimization

Changing App’s Title Can Improve App Store Optimization

A myth has spread over the web that if you change the title of your app frequently it will be beneficial for ASO. While there is no doubt that the title of your app is a stand out amongst the most important tools of App Store Optimization, actually changing your title daily does not enhance your app’s ranking.

Truth to be told, doing this can really be negative to your app deals. Suppose news of your app starts to spread, and its rankings improve, then on the off chance that you change the name, individuals find it difficult to discover it and won’t be particularly upbeat about that. Therefore, stay with your unique title.

No Need To Worry about Keywords

For reasons unknown, ASO reports have been stating that keywords are not that important for App Store Optimization. That just isn’t valid. Catchphrases are basic, much like in Search Engine Optimization, and ought to be utilized in your title and your portrayal. That doesn’t mean you have to try too hard, however they should be there.

Applications with a catchphrase in the title have a higher positioning than those with a keyword in the title. They must be there, however you shouldn’t “compel” them.

Whenever a keyword is utilized, it ought to bode well and be totally significant. Each word pays.

Ratings is Everything in App Store Optimization

Reviews are, obviously, essential. They permit you to screen your improvement and figure out the business. Be that as it may, they aren’t the most vital thing, nor do they fundamentally direct the achievement of your app. Evaluations do now and then affect what number of individuals will navigate to your application, or even download it, however studies have showed that even a percentage of the top outline apps don’t have high ratings.

A few of the top apps might even have a couple of stars. YouTube, Snapchat, Expedia, Facebook and Messenger applications are in Top 10 Free Apps in the US and have 2-3 stars as it were.

If your app’s rating is low, that doesn’t mean your app is a failure.

If Your App is on the Store, It’s Enough

A few individuals trust that if the application arrives, individuals will notice it. Be that as it may, that just isn’t valid. With more than 1.5 million applications on the iTunes Store and 1 million on the Google Play Store, there are such a variety of applications to compete with. This implies you need something else, other than an awesome title and some superb catchphrases, to get visible and downloaded as well.

It can appear like a ceaseless cycle attempting to support downloads, yet you can expand these outside of the App Store through more customary promoting techniques. You can utilize online networking, mailing records and other internet advertising methods to advance your app.

App’s Description is not at all Important

Most App Store Optimization falls flat on the ground because of poor app descriptions. The description is a stand out amongst the most critical variables in App Store Optimization such as the title, catchphrases, icon, and screen shots. An amazing description joins application audits and catchphrases that are deliberately picked, set inside of the exceptional and fascinating stuff. Your initial 250 characters are critical, and it’s anything but difficult to make it remarkable.

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Keep in mind these five truths. Regardless of the possibility that you have officially fallen into some of these pitfalls, take after these top tips to put your application’s ASO back on track. Reassess your App Store Optimization and what you’re doing incorrectly, and attempt to keep focused the right way to make your application a triumph.

Why Outsource Content Marketing Services?

Companies have to stay ahead of their competitors by advertising and marketing their products. They have to come up with novel ad campaigns and catchy marketing slogans.

Many organizations find it expensive to hire specialized writers for their business writing services. This is where a professional company can help you out with your writing needs.

Here are some advantages of outsourcing content writing services.

Cost Effective

Outsourcing saves your money. When you hire a reputed writing agency to create content for your content marketing plan, it helps you save money.

By outsourcing your blog posts, articles, newsletters, and other content projects, you can be more flexible with your budget. When things get busy, hiring an outside firm to handle some of your content helps you to keep up without the cost of hiring part-time employees.

Saving money by outsourcing content creation helps you to invest money to other important projects and business objects.

Fast Turnaround and Multitasking Saves Time

Definitely you can save time by outsourcing. The best writing agencies are capable of delivering high-quality work in a relatively short period of time, depending on the scope of the project. For instance, short content pieces like blog posts and articles often take a week or less. You get the content you need when you need it.

You could complete multiple projects at the same time by hiring an outside writing firm. For example, while the firm publishes weekly blog posts, you can devote time you would have spent writing blogs on bigger projects like eBooks.

Read Also: Choosing Good Content: Criteria by Google

Take Advantage of Professional Guidance

You can make use of others knowledge and skills that you and your team don’t have. Using others’ expertise can take many forms, such as writing skills or knowledge of a particular medium or subject. Taking advantage of an outside writing service’s expertise builds your own expertise and thought leadership in the eyes of your audience, building your own appeal and spreading awareness of your brand.

Keep You Focused

Outsourcing content creation helps you stay excited about your business and products. Researching and content creation is a strenuous process; it may drain your enthusiasm. It’s hard to write passionate content your customers want when you feel burnt out.

A writing agency’s writers could inject the same passion and excitement that you have into the content they create for you. Therefore, both you and your customers can be excited about what you do.

Better Results for Your Investment

Professional content writers help you to get more engaged traffic for your website. They know how to optimize content to get more traffic from search engines. Content marketing services use calls to action and other techniques to convert visitors to leads.

If you and your team aren’t skilled at getting the kinds of results you need your content marketing strategy to deliver, outsourcing to an article or blog service helps you get more likes for your content.

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Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy

Reputable content writing services can dramatically improve your content marketing strategy. It is because, writing firms know:

  • What types of content are the most effective for different goals.

  • Which tools to use to create and promote your content.

  • How to evaluate and analyze content and results.

  • What to change to keep getting better results.

Greater Reach via Social Media

Many writing firms are proficient in social media; therefore they can help you to mould a strong social media marketing plan and share-worthy content.

Experienced writing agencies share your content with their own networks as well. As a result your content is seen and shared by more people, extending your reach exponentially.

Why Use App Store Optimization Services?

You would have developed an app out of passion or for business. You either want to make money or recognition. But, the app world is crowded with thousands of apps uploaded daily to app stores like Google play and Apple App Store. More than 60% of the apps are discovered via app store search.

So, how do you make your app visible?

App Store Optimization!

This is the single biggest reason to use App Store Optimization Services for your app.

If you just develop an app and upload it in an app store, it would remain as one of the zombies. Most of the users choose the app based on number of downloads, description, reviews and ratings.

You would have developed an app out of passion or for business. You either want to make money or recognition. But, the app world is crowded with thousands of apps uploaded daily to app stores like Google play and Apple App Store. More than 60% of the apps are discovered via app store search.

Why not Simply Fake It?

Faking reviews and gaming app store seems to be a practice that is getting used more broadly. But just like websites getting blacklisted for black-hat SEO, such apps would also get affected.

For instance, both the Apple App Store and Google App Store have made multiple changes to their algorithms over the past years. Also, while ratings and reviews definitely affect an app’s ranking, it can be difficult for an app developer to solely optimize his app.

Read More: How to Kickoff App Store Optimization the Right Way 

There are numerous advantages to using App Store Optimization services – the first thing being the usage of smart tools. There are plenty of optimization tools available in the market like App Mind, Mobile DevHQ, SearchMan SEO and Apptweak. Judicious use of these services would bring you more revenue via downloads.

Experience in handling several apps is another advantage you get to enjoy by employing App Store Optimization services. It doesn’t matter how much you have learned from the internet on ASO, actual working experience has no substitute.

Experienced hands also give you another benefit – you save time, and can make use of available time in the best way. And time is money.

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Definitely, by making use of such expertise, your app will get a lot of reach and downloads. Another major advantage is that you will be able to provide a different perspective to your app’s presentation.

If you are working on ASO of your app, there might be things you would remain unaware of. But by hiring App Store Optimization Services, you don’t need to worry about the technical side and can concentrate more on ensuring that the right message is sent across to the user.

So, make the right choice and enjoy the sweet taste of success.

How to Kickoff App Store Optimization the Right Way

For App Store Optimization (ASO), there are two types of people we have to deal with: the first group consists of people who have no idea about app store optimization and the second group who thinks that app store optimization is basically like search engine optimization. The opinion of second group is partly true but a bit more complex, deep and interesting.

The real difference between App Store Optimization and search engine optimization is after users enter a website or an app page. Once that’s done, the process ends for search engine optimization. SEO is done by carefully selecting and promoting keywords that are used for making the content appear among top search results whenever relevant.

But, in the case of App Store Optimization, the purpose is not to generate app-page traffic but making sure that our app is reached to relevant and loyal users who not only visit the page but also download it to use it on a regular basis. And it is more about conversion rather than traffic.To optimize for app stores, one needs to have special attention to various aspects during the potential user’s visit. For creating a compelling, creative and informative experience, these are the key steps to be followed:

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For creating a compelling, creative and informative experience, these are the key steps to be followed:

1. Keyword Research

This step is similar to Search Engine Optimization. The content should contain relevant terms that lead potential users to the app. For this purpose, you can make use of certain tools such as App Annie and Sensor Tower. The real purpose is to create an appropriate balance between traffic and difficulty.

2. App Description

For generating the best results in Google and Apple’s algorithm, keyword research can be of great help. But we cannot force them to read the app description and thus download the app. Hence it would be a bad idea to stuff the content with keywords and create a perplexing app description. App description should be brief, relevant, smart and attractive.

3. App Logo

The icon used should do more than just give a clear idea on what the app is all about. It has to be attractive and grab users’ attention. You can try innovative methods to make your app logo stand out. For instance, you can try creating a 3D effect.

Your logo is the first thing potential users notice. Make it catchy and you win their attention.

4. Screenshots

Screenshots must simply be considered as an advertising platform. Brands that are less popular can use screenshots as an opportunity. Rather than using a dull and simple banner it is better to use screenshots to tell a story.

5. Video Trailer

Video trailers are very much useful and handy. It gives users a brief idea about what a product actually does and how creative its makers are. At the same time, the users will be entertained and informed.

6. Competitive Research

One should be closely aware of their competitors. It is always good to have an eye on your competitors, especially about the techniques and possibly ignored keywords. The app page must be updated according to one’s common sense and existing measuring tools. For becoming an app store superstar, one should try something different and unique.

7. Reviews and 5 Star Rankings

It is obvious that users will carefully examine the previous user’s experience regarding the app. Review section is prominent and visible in Google Play. One should make sure that they immediately reply to negative comments and also highlight the positive reviews.

8. App Name

The name of the app should be informative, catchy, unique and memorable. Also, title should contain keywords. One of the biggest challenges in App Store Optimization is to choose the right name for your app. Always remember how keywords can influence ranking rather than make it funny and entertaining.

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9. Category

Ranking for a specific arena is always influenced by the choice of category. Based on the level of competition and generated revenue, choose the category most relevant to your app. As part of iOS 8, Apple introduced subcategories that divide app store into micro-segments and thus allow the developers to rank accordingly.

10. Price

If you plan on putting a price on your app, always be sure that the price tag makes sense to your customers. Launching special sales and offers during the holidays are good ideas that can boost your App Store Optimization.

11. Localization

App marketers and developers must speak the user’s language. App description should be appropriate for the preferred audiences.

12. Analytics

After creating title, screenshots and app description, one should constantly measure and optimize results. Add creative content, change keyword and app description for the best results.

All the above steps can be very much essential for app store optimization. Basically, ASO is a trial and error business. Always try to create an emotional shopping experience for your users and thus seek appropriate results.

Most Popular FAQs on WordPress SEO

Even someone with no programming knowledge can set up a blog or website in a matter of minutes. A lot of third-party plug-ins and themes are also available to be embedded with the regular wordpress platform to boost its functionality and appearance.

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In this blog, we will discuss some of the most frequently asked questions about doing search engine optimization for wordpress.

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform and CMs used by over one quarter of the world’s popular websites. The most loved feature that makes wordpress popular is its simplicity of use.

Q.1. Does WordPress come Search Engine Optimized?

No, it doesn’t. There are only search engine friendly content management systems, not search engine optimized ones. WordPress is a search engine friendly CMS. Still, there are a lot of manual SEO processes required to be able to rank your website or blog on Google’s top list.

Most CMS sellers publicize as though these platforms come with an inbuilt fully automatic SEO system that manages all the necessary SEO activities and all you need to do is a one-time install. Sadly, this is too far from what’s reality.

SEO doesn’t just happen automatically. You have to assign this job to a specialist or a digital marketing agency where a team of committed, qualified SEO professionals constantly monitor and devise plans and procedures that will raise your website/blog ranking from among the pile of other party websites.

Q.2. Where should I install WordPress actually? —On a New Domain, Sub-domain or Subfolder?

Great! You have finally decided to choose wordpress over other available CMSs. Now, you have to take yet another important decision regarding the best installation domain for wordpress- a new domain, a sub-domain or a subfolder. Well, all these three options are viable. But it is recommended that make your decisions based on the actual purpose behind your CMS installation.

When you have a temporary web marketing requirement it can be a wise idea to choose a new domain for wordpress. But when you want to host a new blog, although you can use new domains and sub-domains, it is always a better option to install wordpress in a subfolder of your website. This will give you the best SEO results.

Q.3. I am planning to install a Wordpress SEO Plug-in. That Means I don’t need any further follow-up with SEO, Right?

After creating your blog or website for the first time, you might have focused on ways that could take it to the front line and thought it was a good idea to install an SEO plug-in to suite all your websites/blogs SEO needs. But is it really enough? This is a very good question to ask when you are done with the preliminary steps.

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As told earlier SEO is not a one-time setup and it will manage itself procedure. It is not a piece of cake as so many would think. SEO is a continuous, run all year round process. No plug-in comes loaded with every functional elements needed for SEO. You are only taking your first step when you install your plug-in.

Constant status checking and updating the tools, procedures and methods used are one of the most important aspects when considering your SEO success. That is why you should consult a professionally qualified person who can understand what’s best for your website or blog to come up. The primary focus of any digital marketing agency will be on making a search engine friendly product.

Q.4. There are a lot of free WordPress themes available. Will it harm my blogs visibility if I use them?

Well, sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. It all depends on the particular theme that you’ve got installed. You can get thousands of free themes for your wordpress powered websites and blogs. It’s tempting and anybody would like to give it a try. And your users are going to appreciate it. But there is always the risk of posing SEO problems. When considering theme revision, check the following details:

  • Your theme is updated and there is no security threats posed.
  • The theme is reputed.
  • It adheres to Google’s quality guidelines.
  • There is no link spam associated with the theme.
  • The coding is written well and it follows all standards

Q.5. Does using/not using a user’s native language have any effect on SEO?

Directly, there is no dependency for your SEO on the language you use on WordPress. But the language you use can indirectly affect SEO. Using the visitor’s native language can increase the user experience, which in turn benefits SEO. WordPress is already available in many languages. It is also important that the extra plug-ins and themes used should be translated to the same language.

The most expected feature of a website or a blog is that they are search engine friendly. Although there are a number of other CMS and development platforms available, when you want to create a blog or a simple website, it is always recommended that you use wordpress. With the help of a good digital marketing agency, you can always get your website/blog top the search results.