How To Be Successful On Instagram

If you are looking for ways to be successful on Instagram, you have come to the right place. There are more than 800 million active accounts, on a monthly basis, on Instagram. However, it is still possible for you to be successful on this social network.

All that you have to do is put in a little bit of effort to gain some targeted following. You have to take the trouble to implement a few strategies, but it is worth the effort. Read on to know more about how you can apply the strategies to personal or business accounts.

1. Provide A Proper Bio

It is very important that you include an attractive bio on your Instagram account. The bio should make it clear to your audience as to who you are and what is it that you do. It should definitely include a clear call-to-action to follow you on Facebook.

In fact, it is mandatory to include an impeccable bio if you want to be successful on Instagram. The audience that you are targeting will not follow you if they don’t see any value in what you are offering. Finally, your bio should be clear and concise.

2. Create Interesting Content

Now that you have sorted out your Instagram bio, you can start thinking about your content strategy. This social network is all about sharing interesting and high-quality content. If your content is not interesting and/or attractive, you cannot expect to have many followers.

The content should also not have too many words in them. In fact, you should include high-quality, eye-catching images and/or videos if your goal is to be successful on Instagram.

There are a number of tools such as Photoshop, Typorama, Canva, and Adobe Spark Post that are available on app stores and the World Wide Web to help you create superior content.

3. Add Content Regularly

Posting content on a regular basis is a prerequisite for succeeding on this social platform. This is to say that you need to be reasonably active on Instagram. Ideally, you should submit at least one post every day. If you are able to submit two or three posts in a day, you can expect to get a better reach and engagement.

It is not easy to post many times in a day, but you can use Schedugram to make it easy for you. It also helps you to automate your posting by setting up a content queue. In addition, it is important to identify the best times to post on this social network.

4. Identify The Best Hashtags

People make little mistakes ranging from not using hashtags to using non-related and random hashtags when posting content on Instagram.

When you share content, it is very important that you make use of the right and best hashtags. This is because it will help you to maximize your chances of reaching across to the target audience, keep them engaged, and ensure growth.

It is, therefore, a good idea to make use of all the 30 hashtags permitted to ensure maximum exposure. Further, it is also important to do in-depth keyword research regularly to identify the best hashtags so that your post shows up in the top nine contents.

5. Make Use of Stories Feature

You can use Instagram Stories feature in many ways. In fact, it is highly recommended that you use it on a regular basis, especially if more than 10,000 people are following your account.

It helps you to add hyperlinks within your posts. Actually, this is a great way to not only attract more traffic but also to generate more business through this social media platform.

In addition, you can create Instagram story polls to gather specific information as regards your followers. For example, you can create a poll to find out as to what type of content your followers prefer. You can also use this feature for announcing your new or next post. This will also help you to increase engagement quickly.

6. Make Use of Highlights Feature

If you have a fairly big account, then you should think of connecting with other large accounts as well as Instagram influencers. You can find out as to whether they are interested in collaborating with you.

However, if the size of your account is not as big as the other accounts or have the required engagement ratio, then you must consider providing value prior to asking them to collaborate with you.

This is really helpful in improving follower engagement and growth. It is also possible to effectively implement this strategy through Instagram Stories.

8. Instagram Live Streaming

Instagram Live has the ability to bring in a great deal of engagement as well as new followers. However, you need to provide value and share the same across your social networks.

If you promote live streaming well before the actual streaming with the help of hashtags through your stories and posts, then you are likely to add on a few new potential followers that are curious to know as to what you have to offer.

Instagram’s live streaming feature can also be used for driving traffic to your website if you have a large number of viewers. You can consider providing a few call-to-actions. For example, you can ask the viewers to click on the link included in your bio for receiving exclusive content.

Here are a few suggestions for making Instagram Live more interesting

  • Share a few things that happen behind-the-scenes.
  • Have a question and answer stream once in a week or month.

These will help your audience to get to know you better and you will also be in a better position to find out what they would like to know about you. This, in turn, would help you in generating more content ideas as well.

9. Engage with Your Targeted Audience and Followers

All said and done, if you want to achieve success on Instagram, you have to engage well with your followers. You need to show it to them that there is no bot and that you are the person operating your account by actively replying to your audience’s queries and comments through direct messages on a regular basis. This will encourage them to recommend your content and you to their family, friends, and followers.

The same applies to the content provided by you as well. You can leave a few likes, comments, and follow back your audience to build positive and healthy relationships. This will not only encourage engagement but also builds trust. This is an effective way to grow your account.

Contact Jointviews

Final Thoughts

Summarizing, the nine tips discussed in the post will help you to become successful on Instagram. However, you need to put in some effort and experiment with many different kinds of content and hashtags. You should never be scared of experimenting when it comes to marketing.

How to Market Your Business With LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not just limited to job seekers and professionals; nowadays, businesses also make use of this platform for their growth.

Using LinkedIn, you can generate leads by making connections, establishing partnerships and also for creating exceptional brand awareness.

LinkedIn is an expert professional social platform. Organizations have direct access to their customers where they can market with their status updates, pictures and other posts.

As the platform consists of an entirely different crowd, LinkedIn marketing requires an alternative way to get the results you need.

In order to explore LinkedIn as a marketing network, here are 12 marketing hacks you can use to discover new clients, make new contacts, and eventually develop your business.

1. First, make your own profile

You might be wondering why your own profile comes first rather than your company profile on LinkedIn. No! We are not wrong! It is because your profile and the profiles of other employees of your organization make up the roof for your organization’s image on the network.

When targeted audience searches for your name and visits your profile, you need them to discover something catchy that influences you to stand out from other employees of your competitors.

There are a lot of chances to excite the people who view your profile. Focus on completing your profile and after that streamline your profile in the long run; including your new aptitudes, accomplishments, and cases of your outstanding work.

2. Create an outstanding company page

Your company LinkedIn page is important as it showcases your company’s image. Your company page should be simple enough and be inviting for your targeted customers to understand about your organization, learn more about the employees in the association, and hook up with your content.

Creating a company page is of free for everyone, so you don’t need to worry how much to pay for your profile. Need guidance on how to start a free LinkedIn page, you can find it here.

3. Determine your marketing goals

It is crucial to determine your LinkedIn marketing goals which generally include creating leads and raising awareness of the brand.

When you have an idea of what you need to achieve, it will be quite simpler to determine your target audience.

For instance, if your company is making toys and currently only focus on developing their business on one area, you can set your ad campaigns in a manner that it will be only shown to people who come from that particular place or near that place.

4. Enhance company page to find targeted customers

It is important that you need to enhance your company page to find targeted customers. You need to optimize your company page in such a way that it should appear easily when someone is searching for your company details.

Also, company page should be SEO friendly; for that, you need to do the following:

  • Suitable Keywords: Make sure that you include suitable keywords for defining what your company offers. The keywords should be the one the target audience is most probable of searching on the internet.
  • Link to your company website: Linking the company’s LinkedIn page with your company website is crucial as it will help in increasing your search ranking.
    Not only your company website, you can even link to blogs and include marketing materials. Also, make sure employees of your organization update their LinkedIn profiles; as they add your company as their workplace, a link is made back to your company LinkedIn page.
  • Offer consistent content: A standout amongst other approaches to enhance your rankings and to include your company in search results is by consistently sharing relevant content.
    All the more often as possible you share content that engages the audience, the higher your company will show up in Google’s search results.
5. Add the maximum number of followers

When you get followers for your company page, your updates show up specifically on their LinkedIn page. The more followers you have, chances are also higher your updates will get more views.

Encourage your employees to share the content on their page so that it will reach more people. Also don’t forget to promote company page via emails, messages and so on to various people to attract more followers.

Make sure that you add ‘Follow’ button on your page so that the visitors only need to click on that to always get your updates.

6. Post first-rate content

Ensure that your content is of high-quality because it should be engaging and also focus to achieve two objectives. First, it should help others to take care of an issue or how to carry out their activity better.

What’s more, then it sets you up as an ideal thought leader in that space. If you are offering viewers with valuable content, every aspect of it normally prompts more business.

7. Sponsor your high engaging update

Not only constant updates are necessary, but also when one of the updates goes viral you should think of sponsoring that update. It is an advertising strategy where businesses pay to promote their update into a user’s LinkedIn feed.

LinkedIn users have the privilege to select their interested industries so that they don’t have to receive unnecessary updates and messages from other industry.

So a sponsored update can be a fantastic method to promote thought leadership content which is valuable basically for the targeted audience with a solid invitation to take action.

By promoting your content through this system, your business can focus on a speciality crowd, increase visitors to the website and create potential customers if the content is sufficiently convincing. Know more about here.

8. Constantly influence targeted customers

It is essential to have consistent updates on your page. Images, colours, and content should be consistent with your site and other social media profiles of your business.

The page needs to be updated always to create the impression that the brand is dynamic and active. Keep in mind that it makes a terrible impression on audience mind if the social media networks are updated once in a month or haven’t updated in months.

9. Make sure of your custom URL

Everybody should ensure that they have their custom URL with their name, for example, This is particularly critical for individuals who have a great deal of contact with potential customers..

When you ensure that you have your custom URL, you are also ensuring that your LinkedIn profile comes up in the search engine results.

10. Focus first on connections and then on relation building

Through LinkedIn, business owners or entrepreneurs can connect with their prospects, targeted partners, and other entrepreneurs. What’s more, once the connections are made, the owner can choose how to sustain those connections to build a relationship.

11. Utilize LinkedIn Advertisement campaigns

There are two ways of ad campaigns in LinkedIn – self-service ads and paid campaigns. Like setting up your company page, it is also critical to define the ad campaign goals to understand if it is boosting brand awareness, bringing leads, or building relationships.

12. Make use of LinkedIn analytics

When you are done with creating valuable content for your page, don’t think you are done with that. You also need to monitor your targeted audiences’ behaviours and preferences. For that, you need to make use of various analytic methods of LinkedIn.

  • For monitoring and enhancing your company page’s free campaign performance, you can make use of LinkedIn’s company page analytics.
  • Enhance your paid campaign performance with assistance from your LinkedIn campaign manager analytics.

Observing your LinkedIn analytics dashboard day by day can enable you to settle on information based choices that prompt better outcomes.

Sum Up

We hope that this article has helped you in getting an idea to launch and maintain your LinkedIn page to successfully market your products and services. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to share with us. We would love to hear you.


How to Boost Your Social Media Strategy

Social media is getting bigger each day. Social media networks play a vital role in developing your business because more people are using social media networks each day.

Statistics say that more than 2.5 billion people use social media networks and it is expected to grow more in future.

Marketers must depend on something beyond hashtags to take advantage of channels such as Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.

Social media marketers use a variety of refined strategies to boost their brand awareness, attract new customers and drive more business, and definitely satisfy the followers.

Let’s take a look at these 11 ways to boost your social media strategy.

1. Write down your game plan

Create a game plan for your brand and stick to it. Only a few marketers make use of a written social media strategy; the marketers with a game plan are more likely to be successful with their content marketing rather than those who don’t have.

Statistics states that marketers who write down their game plan have more than 80% success rate in their marketing. Begin with the goals you wish to achieve and develop a strategy to accomplish them.

2. Concentrate on multichannel

A few years ago, Twitter was the decisive platform for social media marketers. Not much later, Facebook took over the scene and now, Instagram is trending!

So in the future, it’s unpredictable that which social media platform will be the main focus for the social media marketers. Also, marketers should understand that it’s foolish to concentrate on a single media. Rather, they should concentrate on various social media channels to focus on their targeted customers.

Also, social media marketers must adopt a multichannel strategy for achieving prospects and clients. Make sure that you use each channel in a unique manner to attract more followers and encourage them to follow your brand.

3. Develop and follow a content calendar

It’s a high chance that you might miss out an important event which you could have utilized for your social media marketing. To avoid such situations, it’s never late to create a social media content calendar.

Social media content calendar can help you in following ways:

  • Your brand’s content will be organized
  • Provides fuel for inspiration and brainstorming
  • You will not miss important dates and events
  • Improves team performance
  • Saves time
  • Allot appropriate resources more efficiently
  • Provides a better understanding of what works for your brand and what not
4. Define your target audience

Most of the companies don’t have a proper idea of who are their target audience. So first, you have to define your target audience.

Social media gives you the option to filter your customers; it will filter who most probably will buy what your brand is offering. Thus, you will be able to save your money by avoiding marketing to ‘not interested’ category customers and also you only need to market to right customers. This will not only save your money but also your time and energy.

Analyse your brand followers and create content that suits their tastes and interests. Address their issues, concerns, and questions. Also, take advantage of Facebook ad tools to promote your content to attract more customers.

5. Set social media goals

Managing social media is a daunting task and chances are high that you will lose the battle easily if you don’t have a proper plan to stick on to it.

Many companies fail in this area because they haven’t set a proper goal for managing their social media activity. Not only for social media but also every investment for your business need to have a proper goal defined. By this way, you will be able to develop a strategy for it, execute it, analyze your efforts and results achieved. This will, in turn, establish Return On Investment (ROI).

Goals should be set for the following areas:

  • Increasing growth of the brand page which includes likes and followers
  • Customer engagement
  • Increasing traffic to landing page of your website
  • To increase leads and sales
6. Make an investment in influencer marketing

As per one of the latest study, almost 95% of marketers believe in influencer marketing and they claim it to be effective. Some of the popular brands such as Nike and Rolex depend on influencer marketing to target their followers.

Nowadays, internet users have turned out to be careful about advertisements that usually appear on the internet. So to battle this, a few brands depend on sponsored content made by social media influencers to create more connections with the targeted audience.

7. Quickly engage your commenters

Most social media networks depend on algorithms to figure out what content is displayed mainly and what content is avoided. Facebook and Instagram utilize engagement as an essential factor in figuring out what content should be displayed and what not.

One major type of engagement is comments. Posts that get more comments are frequently shown compared to other social media feeds.

To encourage individuals from your targeted group to engage more with your content more significantly, assign a designated person who is prepared to respond to user/customer comments immediately.

The quicker you respond to the comments, the more probable it is that various customers will engage with your content too. If you can comment in a way that feels on-brand and exceptional, you may even have the capacity to enhance brand sentiment in your targeted audience.

8. Reach out look-alike audiences

Incredible social media marketing doesn’t simply depend simply on content to increase reach for customers. It should also incorporate some paid elements to intensify reach, particularly once you have set up a solid strategy.

Look-alike audiences depend on the algorithms created by social media networks to enable you to connect with clients who are like your ideal customer profile.

You only need to upload a list of email address related to your best clients to a platform like Facebook, and it will recognize different clients with a comparable demographic and psychographic features.

At that point, you can run advertisements to drive viewers to your site or business page. In course of time, this strategy will help you to rapidly grow a more advantageous and healthier social media following.

9. Make use of analysis for measuring existing strategy

Analytics is an ideal approach to understand whether your social media strategy is working. Obviously, it is best to measure various metrics like follower growth, distribution, and engagement.

Based on what you discover using a tool like Google Analytics, you will know whether your current strategy will prompt significant business results.

10. Develop a unique brand identity

Social media networks are so much crowded with feeds which force customers to always reconsider what they do and don’t need inside their feeds. Therefore, it is crucial that your brand develops a convincing and unique identity. If not, your social media presence will end up like any other usual pages.

Build up a strategy that explains extraordinary and unique brand identity from a blend of multimedia content to lead your story.

11. Delight followers

Finding creative ways to please online followers is an awesome method to build more followers through word of mouth and amplification.

Build up an editorial calendar and ensure that you add delightful moments that impact followers to like your organization. The most outstanding way to do this by creating a fun midweek video that is engaging and entertaining can be an extraordinary approach to bring happiness to social media users in a different way.

Final Thoughts

Social media trends are always changing, so are the marketing tactics. However, strategies said above will remain the same.

Concentrate on multichannel social media strategy that conveys your brand’s image and brings enjoyment to followers. In course of time, you need to build up a large social media following suited for driving enormous business to your organization.

If you have any questions related to this article, please feel free to let us know.

How Secure is Your Social Media Profiles

Recently, you have been hearing so much about Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal. This makes us think about how much secure is social media profiles and what you can do to make it secure.

There are few things to keep in mind while handling social media. First, let’s take a look at the recent Facebook scandal and get an idea of what happened exactly.

What exactly is this Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal?

It all started when the voter-profiling company Cambridge Analytica gathered private data from the Facebook profiles of more than 50 million users without their authorization. This was one of the biggest data leaks in the history of the social network.

This breach enabled the organization to exploit the social media activity of a large population of the American electorate and creating techniques that supported its work on President Trump’s campaign in 2016.

After effects of Facebook Data Leak

This major data leak has affected the Facebook users worldwide. Not only normal users got agitated but also advertisers began pulling ads from Facebook, organizations started wiping out Facebook log-in functions, a large number of users are creating #deletefacebook campaign and more. What’s more? All these resulted in a dramatic drop in the stock price of Facebook.

Not only Facebook but also high profile Twitter accounts are targeted by cybercriminals. These criminals hack the Twitter accounts and direct message to the contacts in the victim’s account with purposeful publicity about their motivation or attempt and convince the victim’s contact to click on a scam link.

Also, these issues have raised a question in social media users about how secure is their information in social media. So it’s high time to concentrate on securing your social media accounts. Let’s take a look at the common kind of threats in social media and ways to avoid them and staying safe.

1. Identity theft

Cybercriminals gather your personal information from social media sites as said before. Regardless of opting for highest security settings, still there are chances of your information getting leaked.

Most of the social media sites have the basic data like the birth date or email address, which can be used by a hacker to hack your email address easily. Let’s take an example, cybercriminals commonly hack the information by using the common technique of “forgot password.”

When a user clicks on that and tries to recover the account by email address, then the hacker can easily access your data and at that point, they have the complete access of your social media sites.

No need to panic or to delete your social media accounts. You only need to take these precautions listed below:

  • Strong password

Ensure you have a strong password for your accounts. Make it hard enough to guess. Make use of a mix of special characters like symbols or capital letters while creating your password. Also, take note that you don’t use your birthday or spouse/kid’s name on your password.

  • Be careful while updating status

Cybercriminals usually search for status updates to get any vital information for them. The most common mistake we often do is posting status updates on birthdays of your parents and tagging them in that post.

From these posts, chances are high that the hackers, for example, get the maiden name of your mom which can be used by the hacker to answer the security questions like “What’s your mother’s maiden name?.” If you are sharing that kind of updates, you are risking yourself and your social media accounts.

  • Never reveal your location

Social media sites usually ask these questions and it’s not necessary that you correctly enter it. Use fake location or leave that column. Don’t let your actual location published on social media.

2. Phishing scams

Phishing scams are fake messages pretending to be sent from famous organizations that you are likely to trust. Those are sent via emails, text messages, social media platforms etc.

These scams often come with a link leading to a fake website where you will be tricked to enter your details which will be confidential such as online banking details, credit card details etc. So make sure that you never give usernames or passwords.

The best practice is to never click on the links from emails you are not expecting even if it sounds from a genuine site or an organization. Make sure that the link is safe, for that you need to check these:

  • Hover over the suspicious link

Before clicking a link, hover over it; then it will show the full URL in the lower corner of your browser. If you recognize that website, then go ahead and click that link.

  • Link scanner

If you are not sure about the authenticity link, use a link scanner. It is a website which allows you to enter the URL you are suspicious about and checks whether the URL is safe. URLVoid and MyWOT are some of the link scanners.

  • Shortened links

Shortened links are most commonly seen on sites like Twitter where the character count is limited. Sites like Sucuri checks whether the real URL is safe or not.

3. Cookie monster

When you use social media sites, you post a lot of your personal information. Once it is out, then it is not private. Your enemies can use this information to harm you.

Also, you visit lots of pages and hit “like” button on the pages you like. These pages can extract your information and use it for their purpose like we have discussed above.

The pages you subscribe, applications you have downloaded and social networking site’s games and all contain your personal data.

The pages you visit can put invisible cookies on your site which are used to track your activities and your online behaviours.

To avoid this, click on “Do Not Track” feature on these sites. Also, you can regularly clear cache and cookies on your browser to avoid any malpractices.

4. Don’t share your holiday plans

If you are going on for a vacation, you need not announce that on social media sites. Letting the world know that you are away from home can attract burglars to your house.

Don’t let the world know where you are going, how long you are going and where you are staying. Burglars are constantly searching for information and these updates can do no good than harm.

Keep these things in mind when you are going for vacations:

  • Never post about your holiday plans like where you are going, how long etc.
  • Even if you want to post pictures, post that only after coming home under a title like vacation album or something.
  • Opt for highest privacy control. Select the audience group for your pictures and posts like friends, relatives.
5. Never be overconfident

Most of the people think that if they have a firewall or an antivirus installed, they are safe. Also thinking that you don’t have data worth to be hacked, then you are wrong!

With the advanced technology, you are connected with more people. With your carelessness and negligence, you are also risking other people’s information also.

Avoid posting the following information online:

  • Information regarding banking activities
  • Address and birth date
  • Your spouse/kid’s name, school/work details, their birth dates
  • Your workplace location
  • Your daily activities

These kinds of information can be exploited by criminals for identity theft, to access your bank account, take loans or credit cards under your name.

Final Thoughts

Despite these threats, you can make use of social media sites; however, you have to play it safe to ensure that your data doesn’t get into the wrong hands.

Now that you know what are the possible threats that you are vulnerable to and the ways you can avoid it, we believe that these tips can help you in protecting yourself and your social media accounts.

If you have any questions, please feel free to share your thoughts. We would love to hear you.

How to Implement a Successful Personalized Marketing Strategy

If you have purchased products from Amazon or Flipkart, you will be able to see the amazing effects of personalized experience.

You will be able to see a list of suggestions based on your search history. Also, most probably you will receive a follow up email which contains similar collection of books based on your recent purchase.

We will not be surprised to see if you return to purchase more; it is because they are based upon your likes and interests.

This is why most of the marketers believe that personalized marketing campaigns are crucial for the success for their business.

If you wish that your customers want to come back for more purchases, you need to provide them with personalized experience that matches their wants and needs.

This means that more visits equal to more leads and more leads equal to more happy customers. Let’s take a look at how to implement a personalized marketing strategy:

1. Review your strategy

Before you execute your marketing strategy, think about the following questions to perceive how your organization can handle the strategy implementation:

  • What brand value I would like to offer my customers?
  • What kind of customer trends should I enable for e.g., repeated customer visits, increased trust, lot of purchases etc.?
  • What are the marketing resources that we have/can create which may change one strategy over another?
  • How much time does the plan need – whether short term/long term requirement?
  • Do I actually have enough resources such as people, tools, time etc. to achieve success?

2. Research and Analyze your audience

When you are done with planning your strategy, it’s time to gather some information about your audience and you will be able to use that for your marketing program. These are the ways you can research about your audience:

  • Surveys
  • Questionnaires
  • Discussion groups
  • Feedback via website or email
  • Social media platforms

Try to collect maximum amount of information from your potential prospects or customers. One or two queries might be enough rather than a drawn-out survey.

3. Choose right marketing tactics

Choosing the right marketing tactics is very crucial in the process of personalizing marketing strategy. Here are some of the marketing strategies to choose from:

  • Send emails from humans, don’t sound like a brand

Email is one among the simplest ways to create a personalized experience for your prospects. Rather than having the sender name as company’s name, create it from the name of an actual agent working on your promoting or marketing team.

Also, think about adding that agent’s photograph and his/her’s email signature to the body of the email to indicate that actually that agent took their time and energy to craft the message and can get some responses.

Even if you employ email templates, guarantee that they don’t appear as if they have been designed by a promoting/marketing machine. It is because you want to sound credible in your emails.

  • Use recipient’s name for emails

Writing “Dear Customer,” “Hi Customer,” “To [First Name]” etc. are all not at all preferred for your email communication with your prospects.

A lead’s real name is one among the best items of lead intelligence to assemble. If a prospect has filled out a form at any point of time, you can easily get their first name and email address.

If not, most likely you should not be emailing them. Most of the email service providers give you the opportunity to customize the email messages with recipient’s forename; so what’s more to think? Take advantage of it!

  • Make use of marketing automation tools

Based on content interest, automation tools will be able to trigger lead nurturing campaigns. While you will address completely different business problems and topics inside your content, that does not mean that each one of the prospects have an interest in all told topics.

If a prospect downloads an e-book targeted on specific topic, for instance, program your automation tools to automatically enter them into a lead nurturing campaign which will deliver content relevant to the initial topic and personalizes email messages based on supported data of that original content which was downloaded.

  • Segment email database by marketing persona

There are number of ways to segment email database; but the most effective and easiest way is by marketing persona. For example, if you have classified three separate marketing personas that combine your ideal customers, segment your email list into three different blocks.

Then, personalize the messaging used in independent emails sent to each blocks using the language that individual persona always uses and responds to.

  • Focus on creating persona driven content

Persona driven content is a key factor to consider when you begin with the process of personalization. Produce new content or modify the existing one to handle the exact needs and problems of your varied marketing personas.

Contemplate the very fact that one persona might have issues that the other persona doesn’t have. When you prepare a non personalized campaign, your one-size-fits-all content policy won’t fit with the particular problem of persona, which will be a drawback.

However, with a personalized approach that is targeted at a selected group of prospects, you will be able to address that drawback and make more customized and valuable content for those potential prospects.

  • Respond personally to customers on social media

Nowadays customers depend upon social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google + to research about the products and to make buying decisions.

It may appear to be an easy task to assign a real person to respond to customer queries on social media; however, several companies choose to automate it.

You need to check your social media activity on a daily basis and respond to them in a personal manner which provides suitable and rightful content that can address each persona’s needs.

  • Generate targeted landing pages

If you lack the bandwith to create content targeted for each of your personas, you have an option to create targeted landing pages for your different offers.

Make sure to customize the messaging and language on your targeted landing pages to handle the precise needs of particular segment, and do that for every phase.

  • Build targeted company’s product page variations on LinkedIn

LinkedIn company pages provides amazing targeting tool that permits you to personalize the products or services that a visitor sees on your product page in LinkedIn.

You will be able to target based on demographic info such as trade, job function and geographic area.

  • Use Google + topic circles to target content

Google + topic circles is another way of using social media platforms to supply a lot of personalized content distribution. By using Google + Circles, you will be able to create many totally different topic circles depending upon the different interests of your targeted page followers.

The next step is to poll your followers, raise that Circles they would wish to be side to, and simply distribute only targeted content to those Circles. This offers an individuality and personalization.

  • Lead intelligence to help in personalizing sales follow up

Lead intelligence or knowledge you gather concerning your leads/prospects consists of demographic data, customer behaviour on your website etc. which can be very useful as you outline segments of your business’ client personas.

However, it may also function as a robust lever to assist your sales team to personalize their sales pitches and perceive the wants of a lead before they even pick up the phone to dial the prospect. A well prepared sales agent can close the deal in no time.

4. Regularly update and refine personalization process

Like all other methods, personalized marketing process needs constants review and improvement to make sure of 100% effectiveness. The best way is that let the campaigns run for some weeks and then evaluate the results.

By this way, your team will be able to get a correct impression of exact progress over time, instead of getting a quick picture of how your personalization process is advancing.

It is also crucial to re-check all of your technological integrations to make sure that you have got access to holistic image of information.

During the refinement phase, marketers may take a step back and judge certain strategies or aspects of their personalized marketing campaign.

Let’s see how incorporating personalized marketing campaigns can be beneficial for your business:

1.A large compilation of client data: Personalization methods track the habits and activities of potential prospects; which in turn provides marketers with valuable knowledge that may not be available with conventional marketing campaigns.

If you are passing your leads to sales team, they will get a better clarity of whom they are merchandising and how the products/services matches with the client’s needs.

2.Loyal brand followers: Once customers feel that their needs are fulfilled and a company actually takes care of them, it is doubtless that they will definitely come back to the company in future to shop additional services or products.

3.Valuable business insights: Data gained from trailing customers will assist you in confirming what works and what doesn’t work in regard to marketing tactics and messages.


It is evident that customers prefer to buy more from retailers who can personalize their shopping experience across various channels.

Don’t be too late if you haven’t started implementing personalization strategies listed above. Companies who can successfully implement personalized marketing experiences will be able to witness an increase in sales and customer loyalty.

15 Social Media Trends You Should Focus in 2018

Long gone was the time when social media is used only to share your pictures of vacation or honeymoon.

Even though, that trend still remains, nowadays, social media is used by many brands to promote their items.

Brands have chosen social media as a channel to promote and endorse their products because people 24*7 check on portable devices such as mobile to browse and more time is spent on social media.

If people have any frustrations or dissatisfaction with any of the brands, they express their emotions on social media.

Mostly people search on social media to get ideas about new brands.

More brands are using social media to build relationships with their customers which will help them to create loyalty towards their brands.

Let’s take a look at the social media trends you should focus in 2018.

1. Ephemeral Content

The phenomenon of Ephemeral content is introduced by Snapchat. Wondering about what exactly is that?

The content which user has created vanishes after 24 hours and followers only have that limited time period to view that content.

Snapchat pioneered this phenomenon but Instagram copied that idea and introduced it as Instagram Stories.

Each month more than 200 million people are using Instagram Stories; which is more than 50 million of Snapchat users.

If it’s continuing by this rate, by the end of 2018, more than half of Instagram users will be using Stories.

Since launching the Instagram Stories, the average time per day spent by users on Instagram has increased to 28 minutes.

This is definitely 7-13 minutes more time spent before introducing Stories.

Each month, stories feature is actively used by more than 1 million advertisers.

The advantage of using stories for brands is that any Instagram user can see your brand stories even if they are not following you.

2. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the best ways for the companies to get connected with next generation audiences.

World famous companies such as Rolex, The North Face, and HubSpot have made huge profits by making use of influencer marketing .

On the other hand, companies who have used traditional marketing strategies struggled to get connected to social media users.

This clearly indicates that 2018 is definitely a year for influencer marketing to bloom.

3. Understand Learning Styles

When you are trying to build and enhance personalized experience and categories for your targeted customers, you need to take an extra care in understanding learning styles.

Learning styles indicates the pattern how each people learn and process information is different.

The way you handle different learning styles on social media must be different.

Social Media Learning Styles from Nan Ross

4. Generation Z or Gen Z

This is one important area to focus more in 2018. Generation Z or Gen Z is more valuable to brand owners because this group is influenced more by the social media than they are by other sales and discounts.

Gen Z is also known as Post-Millennials, iGeneration, or Homeland Generation which includes freshly passouts from colleges who will enter corporate life or have already entered.

As they enter into workforce, their buying capacity also increases.

More than 80% of Gen Z says that they spend at least one hour in watching videos. This in turn will make more influencers move towards the brands.

Influencer marketing is an instant hit among Gen Z as they deliver 11 times Return On Investment (ROI) over other usual digital media channels.

5. Live Streaming

Live streaming was one of 2017’s top marketing trends and it will continue the same in 2018 as well.

Videos are always preferred over photos. In comparison with photos, Facebook videos get more than 135% of views.

Brands stream live videos on social media platforms which helps them dramatically to increase user engagement and followers.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other platforms offer in-app live video streaming which help them in creating more user engagement.

6. Chatbots

Chatbots is a software application which is used to interact with customers; usually it adopts texual conversations with users.

Already, Facebook messenger have more than 100,000 active bots on a monthly basis. These chatbots have helped in increasing prodictivity of the organization up to 3.5 times.

More than 60% of Millenials says that they have already used chatbots in their business and other 71% wants to try hands in experiencing chatbots used by brands.

Don’t mistake chatbots to be robots. Using machine learning technology, chatbots are programmed to speak like human agents.

Brands are able to customize their bots in such a way they perfectly reflects personality of the brands and also send personalized messages to its users.

7. Messaging Platforms

More than 2.5 billion people use various messaging platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp and, Kik to communicate with companies.

Instead of simply posting marketing content into profiles and feeds, companies should take an extra care to make it simple for customers to start one-to-one conversations.

It is more suitable to integrate chatbots and voice assistants into messaging platforms to create a unique and personalized experience for users.

Engaging more number of users through these platforms will contribute a huge difference in taking your business into new levels of success.

8. Social Listening

Social listening is the science of tracking conversations of the users which involves certain phrases, brands or words.

Then you can make use of these phrases/words together in finding new opportunities to create content suitable for your users.

Social listening tools help brands in synthesizing their customer’s digital footprint.

Using social listening, brands are able to track brand health in social media, develop marketing campaigns suitable for customers and therefore able to provide excellent brand experiences.

9. AI Marketing

Wondered when you search for something in internet and has seen related ads on pages you visit?

It’s because social media marketing has collaborated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables corresponding ads to appear.

More than 50% of marketers already make use of AI in their businesses.

With the advancements in technology, the growth of AI is expected to reach around 53% in coming years.

10. Sentimental Analytics

In 2018, social media marketers will be concentrating more in analyzing emotions and feelings of customers towards brands rather than looking just into Likes, Views, Shares and Clicks which are great.

Social media marketers will be analyzing the following questions:

  • What is the customer sentiment towards the brand?
  • How social media can change that sentiment?
  • What’s the strength of our Brand Health Index?
  • Does our brand have high Net Promoter Score?
  • Do people think about our brand frequently?

The answers to these questions do matter as these answers can help you in analyzing what people feel about your brand and how you can improve the image of your brand.

11. Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality

Most brands are not aware of the marketing possibilities Augmented Reality(AR) / Virtual Reality (VR) possess and still thinking it’s expensive and take years to adapt to it.

AR/VR are able to drastically enhance content marketing, media relations and customer service.

AR/VR is expected to give whole new dimensions to SEO, social media, public relations and enhance better experiences to audiences.

12. Visual Content

Visual content gives brands a major opportunity to grow in 2018. As tons of contents are cluttering the social media, people don’t pay attention to these contents as they scroll very fast through the social media pages.

This trend can be avoided by videos (pre-recorded or live stream) as they stand out in between the junk contents.

So, visual contents are going to be a stand out trend in 2018.

13. Support Key Influencers

Another important social media trend to focus in 2018 is to support key influencers related to your industry.

It is important because by providing data, ideas, products and support to people who can easily connect large groups of followers to your business brand is a major trend to be focused.

Definitely a key influencer can outreach your marketing strategies by their influence in the followers.

They can do so much for your products, services and brand but you have to make sure that they also receive equal value for the relationship they have with your brand.

14. Video Ads

 Video was one of the hit trends for 2017 and it still continues to be same in 2018 as the need for videos are only increasing.

43% of users prefer to see more video content from marketers.

Social media ads is the area where brands can capitalize more on social media in 2018.

As social media ads are already trending and expected to continue the same throughout the year.

It’s clear that video ads can influence people greater, because 95% of the message conveyed through the video stays in minds of people compared to 10% while reading content texts.

15. LinkedIn

Last but not least, LinkedIn. You will be thinking why LinkedIn not any other platforms?

It is because LinkedIn is a mix of culture, business, life insights and lot more. LinkedIn doesn’t have any limiting algorithms like other platforms to bind its activity.

Content can be published by anyone and also can be seen by anyone; this makes the platform as an open source for its users.

While other platforms need someone to follow to even see their published content.

As it is an open source, there is more chance for achieving success. This makes LinkedIn one of the hottest  social media trends in 2018.

Why You Should Care About Social Media Trends?

Social media trends are definitely the ice breakers in gaining large number of customers.

To achieve success in your business, not only you should take care of social media trends but also in keeping up trust and transparency for your customers.

As you now know the top social media trends to be focused in 2018, we hope that this will definitely help you in achieving heights of success.

Please let us know if you have any questions or queries.

Why Marketers Should Have a Content Plan for Social Media

Do you have a social media strategy prepared?

Do you know what to tweet, share on Facebook and write as your blog posts?

If you answered a yes, great! You are on the right track. If you answered a no, you’re just like the others in the market.

Marketers understand the importance of social media but don’t generally know how successful their campaigns are. They don’t focus on the content and cannot figure out what must be posted when.

If you’re also sailing in the same boat, here are a few questions that you need to ask yourself:

  • Do I have my existing and prospective customers here with me?
  • Is my post of any benefit to the consumers?

There are some other questions to ask as well but if you didn’t have the right answers to the above questions, you need a content plan.

Let us go through some of the key reasons to understand why creating a content plan for social media is so important:

1. Gives you a direction

Writing, posting, sharing – these actions become redundant if you don’t have a content plan in place. You must have clearly defined goals along with pre-decided metrics for success. You must know how and where you need to communicate with your target audience and what is it that they are expecting from you. A content plan adds a sense of purpose to your business and at the same time gives you a blueprint for the journey to your final destination.

2. Have a better sense of the target audience’s needs

If you have a content plan, you will know how to target the right audience with the right services. In the absence of a plan, customer demand for online services can be incorrectly evaluated.

3. Develops Opportunities for Conversations

A content plan helps you measure the success of your conversations. You know what works and what doesn’t with your audience. Social media platforms help you engage with the end consumer and if you are doing correctly with an appropriate content plan, you will notice an increased social media ROI.

4. Helps with Integration

A social media content plan enables everyone in the team and organization to remain integrated. All employees know what communication must be made with the target audience and there are clearly defined goals for everything.

5. Scope of New Strategies

If you are aware of your content plan and its ROI in terms of the metrics you set, you have the option of tweaking it to make it work. Without a concrete plan, knowing what works and what doesn’t is challenging.

Social media changes regularly. This means that you must also change with it. However, this change must be planned according to the current strategy. You must adapt to the changes introduced by the different social media platforms.

6. Identify your Audience’s language

If you keep tweeting without a specific content plan, you would be talking about anything and everything without knowing what your audience is searching for. It is important that you have a well-defined voice and use it when you are sharing content.

7. Eliminate the Guess Work

Once your content plan is ready, you know where your efforts need to be invested. You know how your content functions and are not wasting any time finding what you need to post. Social media platforms are time sensitive and if you are ready in advance, you are ready to make the most of this marketing tool.

8. Increased traffic

Website traffic is an important KPI for every business organization. Well planned and well placed social media updates attract more engagement, thereby generating higher click-through rates and leads for conversions.

9. Better Engaged Visitors

There are options to buy followers and traffic on social media. However, with a solid content plan, you can engage with your target audience realistically. The quantity of followers, clicks, and traffic does matter but the quality must be your focus.

10. Improved Customer Retention

Your bounce rate will start to lessen if your social media campaigns are being executed effectively. This means that you are reaching out to the right audience with the right information, and they are appreciative of the content you are providing.

Remember, social media does not have any magic formula. You need to understand what works for your business and what does not and this can only be done by devising a social media strategy and content plan.

A Checklist to Optimize Your Facebook Ad Campaigns

Facebook is the leading platform for Pay per Click (PPC) ads. The precision of targeting audience in Facebook is unmatched by any other platform in the history of marketing. Optimizing ads to get best returns has become easier with Facebook adding many new features for better returns on marketing spend.

However, the process itself has become complicated. There is a reason why pay per click advertising is now a profession within itself.

There are tools to optimize how your ad looks, where it is placed, when it is shown and who it is shown to. The acquisition of Instagram by Facebook has also led to integration of Instagram as an extended advertising platform.

Terms such as lookalike audience, Ad relevancy, bidding options can be confusing to many. Fast changes in Ad Manager and Facebook algorithm do not make things any simpler.

In this blog we will look at a checklist to optimize your Facebook Ad campaigns for maximum reach and higher conversions.

  • Optimize Ad Frequency

 Ad frequency is the average number of times each user see your ad. Too little exposure or too much exposure to your ad can hurt your campaign performance.

Too little exposure means that your message will not get through. On the other hand, too much ad exposure will lead to ad fatigue where the audience mentally blocks out your ad or even reports it irrelevant.

Ad frequency of two to three times is recommended for most industries though your optimum frequency may differ. So how do you test your optimum ad frequency? Keep increasing your ad frequency until your Click Through Rates (CTR) and conversions are good. Beyond a point your ad clicks will start to drop and cost per click will start increasing. This means that you have crossed your optimum ad frequency and should keep it lower than this point.

You can manage and monitor ad frequency from Facebook Ads manager > Edit Ad Set. To automatically limit reach, go to Optimization and Pricing to choose daily unique reach option which limits your reach to once a day per user.

facebook ad optimization and pricing screenshot

  • Optimize Audience

 Facebook’s ability to target audience right down to the micro level makes it so appealing to marketers. No other platform gets more specific than Facebook when it comes to choosing your audience. You must use full targeting features available to get maximum out of your campaign.

You can select your audience based on nationality, region, gender, interests, age and language. You can also input your ideal audience and create a lookalike audience.

Selecting custom audience show your ad to selected groups such as current customers, visitors to your site, or custom list of people you input. This allows you to integrate Facebook right into your conversion funnel. For example, with custom audience you can show relevant ads to customers who abandoned your shopping cart page.

facebook create a custom audience screenshot

  • A/B Testing

 The success of your Facebook depends on many factors. Some of them are audience selected (age, country, interests, profession etc.), ad frequency, images, ad title, ad copy, call to action, color scheme. You can have many ads by varying each of these parameters. How do you know which ad copy will perform the best? The answer is simple – A/B testing.

A/B testing is a way to run different versions of same ad and measure which ad performs better. You may find out that a green colored call to action button performs better than blue. Or that a particular image results in increase in click-through rate.

Setting up A/B testing is easy. Go to your ad manager in Facebook and create different versions of the same ad. Do not change more than two parameters in the testing version as you will not know which change led to higher success.  You can test both the version :

1. You can hide one version and start another or,

2. You can create two separate ads sets under one ad campaign. The new split testing features allows you to compare the results of ad sets within campaign.

  • Optimize for Ad Relevancy

Ad relevancy is a score of your campaign performance on the scale of 1 to 10. The score calculates how well your ad is performing with the set target audience. It is calculated based on factors such as:

  • Ad performance and engagement
  • Positive actions such as clicks, video watches, app installs
  • Negative feedback like someone clicking ‘hide this ad’

Many marketers suggest that a good ad relevancy score boosts your ad reach and lowers your costs. However, Facebook maintains that ad relevancy is just a measure of your performance and is not used in calculating ad reach or bidding price.

Whatever the case may be, ad relevancy is a good measure of your performance and should be optimized to maximize your ad success. Try the following to improve ad relevancy:

1. Narrow your target audience to make your messaging more focused

2. Improve your ad visuals

3. Create new ad to keep your audience interested. People grow fatigues of same ads again and again

4. Use split testing to learn what works best with your audience

  • Optimize Bidding

 There are many ways to pay for your adverts in Facebook. Spends could be per click, conversion or impressions.

Facebook automatically recommends the best strategy and daily spend for optimum result as per chosen objective of your campaign. You can also manually control the bids and daily spends according to your budget.

Optimizing for bids is subject to your objectives and budget available. For starters, you can trust in Facebook’s automatic bidding to deliver best results.

facebook ad budget and schedule screenshot

Let’s brief it up

Setting up Facebook ad campaign can seem daunting at first. However with so many options to fine-tune your ad it is well worth the effort. The important thing is to monitor and keep making changes to get maximum out of your ad spend.

Remember, what works today may not work next month. User behavior and Facebook algorithms are ever-changing. Continuous learning and optimization will give you most out of this most profitable advertising platform.

How to Use Social Media Profiles to Get Quality Links

Getting backlinks from social media platforms is critical for your SEO and inbound digital marketing strategy.  Quality links to your site indirectly help in your search engine ranking while also giving you targeted traffic for your website. With over 60 popular and niche social networking platforms there is plenty of opportunity to get right visitors to your site.  According to Econsultancy’s State of Search Marketing Report  82% of digital marketing agencies integrate social media in their SEO strategy.

econsultancy sem graph screenshot

Are You Getting Enough Backlinks from Social Media?

You can check traffic from social media platforms by using Google Analytics. Use Campaign URL builder to tag your links and measure them in Google Analytics.

If you are not getting good amount of leads from social media consider using following methods to get quality links.

Use Personal Profiles Too

All social networking platforms have an option to create a personal profile or a company profile. Personal profiles with pictures and names of real persons generate more engagement than brand profiles. This is because people want to connect with real people on social media sites. While brand pages are good for announcements and advertisements, real conversations happen with actual people.

This doesn’t mean you have to discontinue your brand profile/page. What’s important to note is that both brand and personal profile have their own advantages. For example, LinkedIn does not allow company profiles to start a conversation with others. That means you can only respond to queries and your reach is limited. However, LinkedIn company profile allows targeted sponsored posts and many other helpful features.

It is ideal to have personal profiles along with business profile. Be sure to have genuine profiles as fake profiles will damage your reputation. You can use employee profiles to do this.

Build Links in Your Profile

The next step is to build maximum links in your social media profile that point to your website. Without these links all the social following and engagement would be wasted. You can move people further in your marketing funnel by inserting links to lead pages in:

1) Profile Descriptions

2) About us section

3) Pinned posts in Facebook and LinkedIn

4) Video descriptions in Youtube

5) Instagram Stories

6) Photos and photo descriptions(Instagram only allows this for paid ads)

7) Social Media Posts

social media icons screenshot

Add Value to Communities

 Only conversations that are in context gain engagement on social media. Promoting your own services or page is not meaningful to anyone. Instead respond to what people and communities are talking about and add value to the conversation with your knowledge. This could be your take on the point raised or a link to related and informative blog. It could even be something entertaining like a funny meme.

People will naturally get curious about you once you start sharing knowledge on a regular basis. This is when they will click to check out your profile and what you do. Promoting your services before building trust and authority is poor strategy to get links from social media. So do not sneak a link to your blog in comments section just yet.

Meaningful Interactions

It’s easy to lose depth of communication in likes and comments. You have many friends on your Facebook, however it doesn’t necessarily mean that all of them will value you equally. To have meaningful interaction is to build relations by helping others reach their goals too. Since you only have so much time to devote to each person you follow, you must choose a few influencers or users that you plan to build long term relation with (more on this in the next point).

Try to reach important users through other channels like email or phone to build stronger relation. Help them reach more followers through cross-promotion or turn their post into an infographic and offer to link it on their blog. Over the long term these relations will pay off by sending more links to your profile and site.

Follow Right People

It’s important to be seen as industry authority if you want good quality links to your site. Your relationship and engagement with the right users is essential here.

Obviously your time is limited and this is the reason you must strategically choose the right people to interact with. Use tools such as Klout, Buzzsumo, FollowerWonk to find right influencers in your industry and monitor social media.

These tools also look at followers list to find an overlap between your and other industry influencer’s followers. This makes getting new followers and links more likely. Cross promotions and comment interactions with these influencers will benefit both of you in the end.

Join Niche Networks

There are lots of niche social networking sites apart from the big players such as Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter etc. Find out where your target audience is and start posting there. These niche sites typically have higher user engagements because of a stronger community. You will definitely find more success here if you strike the right chord.

For example, Imgur is a great platform to target geeky millennial men. Reddit has an active discussion on different topics (also called subreddits). Quora is another platform to build your authority and drive traffic through your links in answers.

Another advantage of these sites is that they have a transparent voting system which determines which posts, answers and comments are shown first. This makes it very easy to monitor content and know your user engagement.

Post Linkable Content

Some content has more potential to drive traffic to your pages. Links to quiz, comparison blog posts, interview with industry celebrities etc., are compelling invitation to your site. Be creative with content and use fresh features such as live videos, stories, online polls to drive traffic.

Your posts on social media platforms must be a preview into something interesting that drives users to click on it.

These are some of the ways leading content marketers are using to drive traffic from social media platforms. Do you use any of these and what has been your success with them? Let us know in the comments below.

10 Successful Affiliate Marketing Strategies for Social Media

Affiliate marketing is one of the first methods marketers and bloggers use to make money online. It is, in fact, one of the oldest ways of making money online. Affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry and is rapidly growing.

Affiliate marketing is a process wherein you promote another company’s products or services and when sales increase, you earn a commission. Depending on the efficiency of your marketing skills, you can achieve great sales targets and ultimately make more money. Revenue is generated in affiliate marketing only after a specific action is performed. This action needs to be completed by a sale and only then will you get your payment.

Here are the top 10 social media affiliate marketing strategies that will help you gain success:

  1. Create Affiliate Redirect Links

A raw affiliate URL does not look friendly and therefore, people are afraid to click on it. They are unsure of where it will deter them. A re-direct, on the other hand, looks much cleaner and attracts more clicks. It is ideal to use in affiliate marketing, email marketing or on any other social media platform.

  1. Create Excellent Content

Creating excellent content that is better than other affiliate marketers and proving to be the best in the value chain is a challenge these days. Affiliate marketers have the ability to create content of high standards while others don’t have the ability to compete them. This helps them in winning their customers and increasing sales towards their product.

  1. Know Your Audience

Affiliate marketers are always smarter and know what their audience wants. The most successful way to use affiliate programs is to try and promote the products and services that match the needs of your audience. In short, try and educate your audience about the relevant products and the services that they are interested in and give them the right content for their product. This will help in generating more sales.

  1. Keep Your Relationships Clear

Feel free to disclose your affiliations with your clients. They will appreciate this quality and work with you for longer, increasing your earnings. If they are not satisfied, they may just bypass you and go directly to the vendor.

Honesty is very important to build a healthy relationship with your client. Transparency between both of you also helps you in offering some kind of bonus or incentive from time to time to your reader. Trust building can definitely be a powerful tactic that can increase the number of affiliate sales you generate.

  1. Write Timeless Content

Try and write content that can be updated from time to time simply by adding links to your recent articles. Even if your article gets shifted from the front page, your readers should be impressed going through it. Most platforms allow you to show ‘most recent’ or ‘most popular’ on every page, so even if your article is not new, it will always show access to your new pages. Old content shared by you can still give you good revenue.

  1. Be Patient

Affiliate marketing strategies need time to build and revenue from these also builds with time.  Some of these affiliate programs give lifetime revenues. It forms a chain. So, if you refer a visitor, you continue to make money from that visitor even if he doesn’t come back to your site.

If your focus is on promoting a particular type of product, you can keep getting your commission every month on the same product, thus increasing your revenue. Affiliate programs are not a get rich fast plan but can give you an opportunity to make slow and steady income from your blog.

  1. Select Affiliate Products Carefully

Try and go through all the different options for products or services available through different marketing programs. Study them well and figure out which ones are best for the end users.  Next, try and put attractive logos or change the ad patterns and use different graphics and texts to see which are the most expensive. Working on all this might take some time but you can figure out the best way.

Trying and changing ads regularly will definitely attract more viewers. You should strongly promote digital information products. These products are very active because customers can get instant access when they purchase them and these provide higher commission rates than buying physical products.

  1. Promote High-Quality Offers

Affiliate marketing tends to do exceptionally well on social media when you promote a high-quality offer. In such a situation, everyone wins. The customer wins since they obtain an awesome deal; the affiliate marketer wins since they earn a heavy commission on driving traffic to the website, earning sales and the product manufacturer wins by generating revenue for what they have created.

  1. Content Comes First

Content marketing strategy should be your first priority. Content is the base foundation for any product or service. It behaves like a life-saving drug for any product. There will be no traffic on your page if your content is not interesting or effective. If you compromise with your content and only think about making money online, you will lose viewers on your page.

Your strategy for the site should be to find products that add value to the site’s readers and also products that have the potential to increase the site’s revenue.

  1. Use email auto-responders

Email auto-responders help to convert new subscribers into trusted readers. These readers will click on the links you recommend and get influenced by the products you propose. Set weekly responders to remind the customers and readers about your products every alternate day.

Affiliate Marketing helps to increase sales and when effectively combined with the right social media strategies, the results are highly commendable.