How To Be Successful On Instagram

How To Be Successful On Instagram

If you are looking for ways to be successful on Instagram, you have come to the right place. There are more than 800 million active accounts, on a monthly basis, on Instagram. However, it is still possible for you to be successful on this social network.

All that you have to do is put in a little bit of effort to gain some targeted following. You have to take the trouble to implement a few strategies, but it is worth the effort. Read on to know more about how you can apply the strategies to personal or business accounts.

1. Provide A Proper Bio

It is very important that you include an attractive bio on your Instagram account. The bio should make it clear to your audience as to who you are and what is it that you do. It should definitely include a clear call-to-action to follow you on Facebook.

In fact, it is mandatory to include an impeccable bio if you want to be successful on Instagram. The audience that you are targeting will not follow you if they don’t see any value in what you are offering. Finally, your bio should be clear and concise.

2. Create Interesting Content

Now that you have sorted out your Instagram bio, you can start thinking about your content strategy. This social network is all about sharing interesting and high-quality content. If your content is not interesting and/or attractive, you cannot expect to have many followers.

The content should also not have too many words in them. In fact, you should include high-quality, eye-catching images and/or videos if your goal is to be successful on Instagram.

There are a number of tools such as Photoshop, Typorama, Canva, and Adobe Spark Post that are available on app stores and the World Wide Web to help you create superior content.

3. Add Content Regularly

Posting content on a regular basis is a prerequisite for succeeding on this social platform. This is to say that you need to be reasonably active on Instagram. Ideally, you should submit at least one post every day. If you are able to submit two or three posts in a day, you can expect to get a better reach and engagement.

It is not easy to post many times in a day, but you can use Schedugram to make it easy for you. It also helps you to automate your posting by setting up a content queue. In addition, it is important to identify the best times to post on this social network.

4. Identify The Best Hashtags

People make little mistakes ranging from not using hashtags to using non-related and random hashtags when posting content on Instagram.

When you share content, it is very important that you make use of the right and best hashtags. This is because it will help you to maximize your chances of reaching across to the target audience, keep them engaged, and ensure growth.

It is, therefore, a good idea to make use of all the 30 hashtags permitted to ensure maximum exposure. Further, it is also important to do in-depth keyword research regularly to identify the best hashtags so that your post shows up in the top nine contents.

5. Make Use of Stories Feature

You can use Instagram Stories feature in many ways. In fact, it is highly recommended that you use it on a regular basis, especially if more than 10,000 people are following your account.

It helps you to add hyperlinks within your posts. Actually, this is a great way to not only attract more traffic but also to generate more business through this social media platform.

In addition, you can create Instagram story polls to gather specific information as regards your followers. For example, you can create a poll to find out as to what type of content your followers prefer. You can also use this feature for announcing your new or next post. This will also help you to increase engagement quickly.

6. Make Use of Highlights Feature

If you have a fairly big account, then you should think of connecting with other large accounts as well as Instagram influencers. You can find out as to whether they are interested in collaborating with you.

However, if the size of your account is not as big as the other accounts or have the required engagement ratio, then you must consider providing value prior to asking them to collaborate with you.

This is really helpful in improving follower engagement and growth. It is also possible to effectively implement this strategy through Instagram Stories.

8. Instagram Live Streaming

Instagram Live has the ability to bring in a great deal of engagement as well as new followers. However, you need to provide value and share the same across your social networks.

If you promote live streaming well before the actual streaming with the help of hashtags through your stories and posts, then you are likely to add on a few new potential followers that are curious to know as to what you have to offer.

Instagram’s live streaming feature can also be used for driving traffic to your website if you have a large number of viewers. You can consider providing a few call-to-actions. For example, you can ask the viewers to click on the link included in your bio for receiving exclusive content.

Here are a few suggestions for making Instagram Live more interesting

  • Share a few things that happen behind-the-scenes.
  • Have a question and answer stream once in a week or month.

These will help your audience to get to know you better and you will also be in a better position to find out what they would like to know about you. This, in turn, would help you in generating more content ideas as well.

9. Engage with Your Targeted Audience and Followers

All said and done, if you want to achieve success on Instagram, you have to engage well with your followers. You need to show it to them that there is no bot and that you are the person operating your account by actively replying to your audience’s queries and comments through direct messages on a regular basis. This will encourage them to recommend your content and you to their family, friends, and followers.

The same applies to the content provided by you as well. You can leave a few likes, comments, and follow back your audience to build positive and healthy relationships. This will not only encourage engagement but also builds trust. This is an effective way to grow your account.

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Final Thoughts

Summarizing, the nine tips discussed in the post will help you to become successful on Instagram. However, you need to put in some effort and experiment with many different kinds of content and hashtags. You should never be scared of experimenting when it comes to marketing.