How SEO Companies Can Take Advantage of Bitcoin Marketing

The Bitcoin revolution showcases the increasing relevance and power of digital money and cryptocurrencies. It’s the current industry buzzword. Just take a look at below Google trends chart to see search for Bitcoin related keywords has surged in 2017.

Bitcoin Marketing

Arguably cryptocurrency has been the most significant development since money was invented. Combine that level of impact with the vast reach of the internet and you get a glimpse of what’s on everyone’s mind. To understand the potential of Bitcoin as a keyword we need to dive deep into the sea of questions fed through search engines. This allows us to find and pick the right keywords and conclude on a clearer picture of the buyer’s intent.

These keywords, especially the ones surrounding “bitcoin” opens a door to opportunities that can be immediately leveraged by SEO companies.

But, let’s get our facts and figures straight. This will help us better understand the impact of the Bitcoin revolution. From Dec 2017 till Feb 2018, the total market cap of the crypto market moved from $258 billion to over $437 billion.

Bitcoin Marketing

As you can see the crypto market is growing by leaps and bounds.
Now let’s compare the value of bitcoin from mid 2016 to Feb 2018. It has taken off from $1000 to $10,211.80. That’s a tenfold increase! The returns on investment in the crypto markets are impressive and unlike anything that has come before it.

You can visit sites like CoinMarketCap to monitor going rates for every cryptocurrency. You can view the market trends for each coin in the past day, week or year. You can also see the top currencies in the crypto world as well.

So, despite the dubious reputation, Bitcoin is a popular and growing trend. Now, how is that useful to SEO companies? How can bitcoin traffic be of benefit to SEO companies?
Here’s what can be done to cash in bitcoin traffic.

1. SEO consultancy in Bitcoin Market

One of the obvious opportunities for SEO companies is to collaborate with bitcoin agencies and companies. This way SEO companies can jump in on the profit making market. An SEO company specialized in Bitcoin marketing will attract many current players in the cryptocurrency market.

The demand and sheer interest for bitcoins, generates a great deal of online traffic towards cryptocurrency exchanges. These exchanges conduct all transactions related to the buying and selling of bitcoins and cryptocurrencies through their website.

“Coinbase” is one such example of a crypto trading platform that is reputable and trustworthy. There are roughly 70 such exchanges in existence.

This is why it’s critical for them to rank high in search listings. The goal here is to drive traffic to the website. Anyone who wants to buy or sell bitcoins should get directed to client’s platform. It’s clear that having an SEO strategy for Bitcoin players is a must.

SEO companies can use the increasing search interest for Bitcoin related keywords. Given below are a list of a few Bitcoin buyer keywords to focus on:

buy Bitcoin
buy Bitcoins
buy Bitcoin using credit card
bitcoin buy
where to buy bitcoins
buy bitcoins instantly
buy bitcoin online

Remember that these users usually consist of bitcoin owners or prospects who want to trade in cryptocurrencies. This is traffic of risk loving affluent investors which is immensely valuable in digital marketing.

Bitcoin prices leaps up and plunges down within a short span of time. This means that the traffic is also repetitive and engaged online for trading.

For example, there instances where you buy bitcoin for 100$ and within a couple of months, it can grow by 400% or vice versa.

Of course the benefits and risks of crypto trading are up for argument and is still a hot topic of discussion. However, this only makes it an even better keyword for SEO purpose. Also, Bitcoin owners monitor their investments regularly.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are infamously unpredictable but this leads to hidden opportunities as well. This is when investors decide to comb the web for alternatives, quickly searching Google to know the latest Bitcoin prices. This is a good opportunity for SEO companies to focus on other cryptocurrency keywords such as Ripple and Etherum.

The Investors goal here is to buy bitcoins from exchanges which offer the lowest valuation and quickly resell it at exchanges that display a higher valuation. Hence, there is a goldmine of opportunity for bitcoin keyword variations with changing buyer intent

Niche Opportunities

Since Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have become somewhat competitive to focus, SEO companies can look at longtail keywords within the space. An example of one such opportunity would be all keyword variations of the search entry “What is bitcoin?”. The traffic for such a search will be people who most likely have disposable income at hand.

They are naturally drawn by the growth opportunity and flexibility offered by cryptocurrency. But they are still hesitant to invest or trade in them.

The bitcoin revolution has encouraged many people who normally don’t trade in stocks or make investments to try their hand at trading. For many, this might turn out to be an expensive learning curve. The chances of failure are high, especially when you are not aware of any basic trading principles.

Let’s not forget that folks who invest in these ventures have already decided to gamble. They are ready to try their luck with money which they can afford to lose. This means that if you do your SEO homework well, you will end up building a potent list of leads.

You can easily build a list of ‘would be’ investors with disposable income who are willing to gamble on uncertainty. This is a valuable audience which most probably wishes to be informed on traditional investment options and the latest stock market trends as well.

2. Develop a Bitcoin Blog

Another way to cash in on the Bitcoin craze for SEO companies is to start their own website or blog in the space. This will not be your main business as an SEO company but it can be an innovative way to build your traffic and subscriber list. By nurturing these leads, you can even find customers for your Bitcoin marketing services.

Some Ideas to rank higher in Bitcoin Market

You can build your niche over a wide range of topics in the cryptomarket. It depends on your interest and experience over the subject matter you are involved with. You can target Bitcoin newbies who have just started learning bitcoin basics.

By educating this market you can have a niche website. You can start blogging about leanings of Bitcoin investors and even invite guest blogs. Posting relevant examples and educating the bitcoin audience in your niche will give you a steadily growing audience.

As you progress, you can move on from educating beginners, to providing valuable market insights. While it’s not mandatory, it’s always better to have someone on board with experience in cryptocurrencies. Tying up with cryptocurrency agencies is also a great idea.

You can start educating everyone who visits your websites by reviewing the various currencies that exist in the crypto world. Follow major players in the industry, keep your audience updated and any SEO company can soon have an audience of their own.

Understanding the Bitcoin traffic and search intent is key here. The ability to retain and convert your leads depends on your marketing funnel and services offered.

Make sure that a good SEO strategy gets followed up with solid content that loaded with value. If you don’t give value, people generally don’t stay. So make sure your blogs and content benefits your audience.

Earning through referral programs and affiliate marketing are also an option in case you want to monetize your blog.

Let’s Wrap it Up

Until it gains complete global acceptance, the path for cryptocurrencies are fraught with risks. However, we know that Bitcoins will continue to be the sizzling keyword in search engines.

SEO companies can take advantage of this by offering services to Bitcoin agencies and companies or building their own blogs focusing on niche content in Bitcoin space. These are some of the ways to cash in on the keyword that has taken the financial world by storm.

A Checklist to Succeed at International SEO Strategy

Back in the days, deciding to go international was a huge step in a company’s history. Businesses would enter another country only after 10 to 15 years of success in home country.

This is not the case now. Technology has shrunk the world and accelerated growth stages of a company. Today, companies are going international within a year of their business. In fact, start-ups are being launched with vision of a global presence.

Read on if you are spreading your digital presence online and want to know how your SEO efforts should change country to country.

Launching your site in a different country is more than just translating. In fact language is only one part of your site transformation. Sometimes, your site will have to change according to the region even in two English speaking regions. For example, Amazon has different sites for each country. (This is called country targeting).

A Checklist to Succeed at International SEO Strategy

Follow this checklist to launch your website successfully.

Domain Name viability

There is something that comes even before you figure out your regional hosting, target market and translation. It is your business name feasibility in other countries.

Launching popular Dublin whiskey brand “Irish Mist” was an embarrassing mistake in Germany because ‘Mist’ means manure in German!

It’s important to test your product name, brand name and domain name in another country before you think of implementing SEO strategy. P&G had to change its brand “Mr. Clean” to Flash in Ireland as the name was already taken.

In case of such legal complications and cultural misfit you may want to consider buying a different domain name altogether.

Competitor Market Research

One reason why international SEO strategies fail is because they do not adapt to the different competitive landscape of the new market.

New regions will have new players who could be more competitive or more aggressive in their ad spends.

Besides, Google is not the primary search engine in some countries. China has ‘Baidu’ and Russia has ‘Yandex’ as the most popular search engines.

You will have to find how search results are ranked here and tweak your SEO strategy if you want to launch in these countries.

Looking at the country’s top competitors will give you good idea of what SEO strategy is working. Use tools such as SEMRush and Google Trends to find keywords others are using for successful SEO strategy.

Keyword Research

Keywords are crucial to your SEO strategy. Search terms and context change from country to country depending on products and services.

A search for flights will be more or less similar throughout the world. However, search terms for clothing may be completely different. Soft sport shoes are called ‘sneakers’ in the U.S. and ‘trainers’ in U.K.

This is why going into a new market may mean doing your keyword research all over again.
Never assume the same keyword will work in another country. You will also have to re-purpose your content keeping the new keywords in mind.

Localize Content

The next step after deciding on your keywords is to localize your content of your website.
This includes translation to language, change in currency, metric systems etc.

Translation is a major part of it although you may need to re-position your content in some cases. Remember that different audiences interpret words, messaging, and colors differently. It is advisable to involve local digital marketing firm or consultants to be sure that your brand message is coming across correctly.

Website Structuring

There are various ways to structure your international website. Here is a video of terms you must be familiar with before you consider your options:

Here are some additional terms to know for international SEO:

  • Country code top level domain (ccTLD) – these are country specific such as ‘.fr’ for France in ‘’
  • Sub-Directory- It is simply a folder on the site. ‘fr’ in ‘’
  • Sub Domain – A unique subset of the domain name. It appears just before the domain name. ‘www’ in ‘’

As of 2018 the international SEO consultants recommend that you use Sub-directories to differentiate country specific sites. This is because Google does not treat this as a separate site and uses your root domain name authority to rank page.

Localization Signals

Google also provides webmasters with various tools to help it rank the right localized page for the intended audience. Here are some tools and signals that your web developer / web master must optimize targeting:

1. Hreflangs – This is an attribute (‘just a part of site code’) which tells Google how different versions of your site are related and which page is meant to be shown in a country / language search.

2. Geo-targeting Settings– You can also set your target country in the country targeting tool in Google Search Console. Select this for site versions that you want to restrict to one country only. Do not set this if you want to target multiple countries with the same site.

3. Backlinks – It would benefit your Germany targeted website if most of its backlinks came from German sites. Backlinks from all over the world could confuse the geo-targeting signals.

4. Server Locations– A server closer to your audience is a signal for targeting the region. This means using a server located in Germany will help to target a Germany target site.

Final Thoughts

We are lucky to live in an era where the whole world is open to businesses old and new. Launching your websites across the globe requires some thought and planning. Checking everything off this list will take your international SEO strategy closer to success.

How AI and Machine Learning Will Shape the Future of SEO

Since the inception of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), it has been going through various transformations. It is evident that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning is going to change SEO soon.

AI is a system which is constantly evolving and changing. Nowadays, SEO prioritizes more on content, links and user experiences.

Machine learning

It is a form of artificial intelligence. Machine learning gives the opportunity to computers to learn without being programmed.

That means software programs will be able to change and grow accordingly when exposed to new data. This will make computers more adaptable to new data.

Machine learning is not a new concept. Even in 1990s, basic machine learning algorithms existed but with minimal usage of applying it.

From recently only, Google started making use of it in its searches and we started seeing rapid changes whenever there are new major updates.


RankBrain is Google’s new game changing algorithm introduced in conjunction with Hummingbird. It was introduced to help in identifying and interpreting the intent of the content and showing result pages which don’t include the words users searched for; but contains information related to the category or idea of the query.

RankBrain is designed in such a way to continuously determine and integrate new features on its own. Even though, you may not have noticed any major changes in searching; RankBrain is definitely doing an outstanding job.

On the billions of searches Google process everyday, 15% of those enquiries had never been processed before. From 2016, Google uses RankBrain to process each of them; where its resources are used to learn how to investigate all kind of queries including the rare ones.

To analyze how AI and machine learning will shape the future of SEO, we need to study about the history and current scenarios of SEO. Let’s take a look at those:

How SEO evolved?

When SEO started, it was very easy to rank top in a search engine as the results were based on keywords used. If you wanted a top position in search results, all you needed to do was use the phrase suitable for your title and the content and you are done! You were guaranteed one of the top most positions in search results.

The basic idea was that the number of times the keyword used was more on your page; your ranking will be higher.

But this also paved ways for some unethical search engine optimisation practices by various companies such as hiding keywords in the background of websites or putting keywords off screen.

Different types of tactics were developed for ranking high on search engine which led Google to change the algorithms used.

As Google had enough with the unethical SEO practices, Penguin 1.0 was introduced by Google on April 2012. It was developed to block various web spam tacticssuch as duplicate contents, stuffing of keywords, link schemes and also unwanted redirects.

Based on Google’s quality guidelines, Penguin decreased those sites’ ranking where it felt has violated the guidelines.

Current scenario of SEO

Various algorithms used by Google have helped a lot in kicking out spam filled sites. Also this scenario forced marketers to create high quality contents to get into search results.

In the past, if the SEO techniques were based on keywords; at present, it’s based on technical SEO, link building and speed of the page.

In the past, technical SEO only makes sure whether you use suitable keyword, but now it also focuses more on creating greater user experiences.

Now it includes various factors such as user behaviour, page speed and responsiveness of mobile pages.

Now Google focuses more on quality content rather than keyword stuffed contents. Engaging on high quality content will always decrease the ranking of low quality content even if it has high keyword density.

Future of SEO

The future of SEO will mostly rely on artificial intelligence rather than relying on a formula to create organic search result listing.

AI will be relying on machine learning, big data and user experience. Using AI and machine learning, search engines can learn from user behaviours and will be able to provide a list of contents users will most likely search for.

The following are the trends that are more likely to shape the future of SEO:

In 2015, Google has introduced RankBrain into its search algorithm. As said before, it has made keyword phrases irrelevant.

RankBrain is the third most important ranking factor in their search algorithms.

  • Understanding user intent

It will play an important part in ranking as major part of search results are based on artificial intelligence. Now, when marketers are thinking of creating content for their website, they need to think more than just keywords to hit the ranking on the search engine results page.

They also need to think what users will hope to find on your web page when they click from the results on search engines.

Marketers should be vigilant to get clues from search intent from their queries. There are four types of queries based on the user intent:

  • Navigational: A user looking for a specific information on a specific website
  • Informational: A user trying to get some information to read
  • Transactional: User trying to pay a bill, creating a new account or even trying to subscribe newsletters
  • Commercial: A user wishes to purchase or trying to get information to purchase later
  • Schema Markups

It is code or semantic vocabulary that you create on your webpage which helps the search engines to have a better understanding of your content.

This in turn enables search engines to give informative and accurate results for the users. It looks like Google will be making use of new schema markup supports for carousels, data feeds, job listings etc.

Impact of AI and machine learning in the future of SEO

Emergence of machine learning and artificial intelligence will definitely bright up the future of search engine optimization. In favour of SEO, AI not only delivers useful content to users but also makes sure of what fits to user’s need.

Rather than sending users to a page that has more likely content, machine learning AI system will send users to the page that not only answer their initial queries but also can answer follow up queries.

It is very evident that AI and machine learning are definitely going to revolutionize SEO in delivering a greater user experience.

So don’t even think of compromising the quality of content on your website because no one wants to get listed last on the search engine ranking.

If you are not sure in creating content that will hit the top rankings in SEO, you can definitely outsource them. Our team is happy to help you with. Learn more about our products and services.

How to Host Webinars to Increase Conversions

Deciding on the format of content is one of the key aspects of content marketing. There are many formats that your content can take.

This includes blog posts, podcasts, video, e-book, webinars, etc. How do you know which one is best suited for you?

Well the best format depends on your target audience and the stage of buyer’s journey they are in. Webinar is known to give great results in converting leads to customers.

According to Content Marketing Institute, over 60% of marketers are using webinars as a part of their content marketing programs. In this blog we will talk about webinars and how you can use them to convert more customers

What is a Webinar?

Webinar is just like a seminar event except that it is conducted online. It is a presentation that is done live for the people who sign up for it.

Presenter and attendees are also able to communicate through live chat.

What makes a webinar unique is:

  • It gives a personal touch
  • It gives you more focused attention as it is live
  • It gives you more time. A typical webinar is between 45 mins to 2 hours
  • t gives you a chance to resolve objections in real time
  • It builds relation through a two way communication
  • You can reach anyone across the globeYou can see that a webinar keeps your audience more involved than a blog or video post. It is the closest to meeting to your leads face to face.

What are the conversion rates for Webinars?

For this reason webinars also have a high conversion rate. Whereas email marketing has a conversion rate of 3-5%, most webinars convert between 10- 20% of attendees down the line..

Companies like Adobe, Buzzsumo and KISSmetrics have confirmed above 20% conversion rates through webinars.

How to Use Webinars in Your Marketing Funnel?

Webinars can be used at two stages in a digital marketing funnel. Firstly, they can be used to connect with your visitors.

Webinars can even be used as lead magnets to convert visitors into leads.

Secondly, they are especially effective in the conversion stage, the last stage of marketing funnel.

Someone attending your webinar has set aside an hour for you, which means that they trust you to deliver value.

Most of the webinar attendees are hence qualified leads that are ready to buy.

How do I host a Webinar?

Hosting a webinar is not difficult. There are many webinar software that are user friendly and intuitive.
Here are the steps to follow to host a webinar:

1. Decide on the Topic and Presenter- Pick a burning question that your readers have or a pain point they face in their lives. A headline that speaks out to the visitor is half the job done.

2. Make your presentation – Make you presentation ready. A BIG mistake for any marketer would be treat your webinar as a sales pitch. A webinar is first and foremost a valuable training session for your attendees.

Remember they signed up to learn what you promised in the title, not to buy your products and service. Make sure you are giving tons of value in return of one hour that they have allotted to you.

3. Choose webinar software – There are many options to host your webinar like Webinars on Air by Google, Go to Webinar, Cisco WebX, Mega Meeting etc.

Go to Webinar is the most popular one with impressive features and reasonable pricing. It has a free 7 day trial and a monthly fee of $79 after that.

The software is easy to use with intuitive design. They allow you to share your screen with attendees, set up email notifications and reminders, take polls and surveys, chat with attendees and view webinar dashboard.

Practice a mock presentation a few times for successful live webinar.

4. Promote Webinar- Start promoting your webinar on social media, web-site pop-ups, email lists and any other channels you may have to reach your audience.

Make sure your topic matches your audience’s requirement. For example, a high school student is more likely to sign up than an undergrad for a webinar on ‘How to prepare for SAT Entrance’.

5. Host Webinar and Follow up- Use the tips shared below to host your webinar. Most of the attendees don’t sign up immediately but do end up buying up from you eventually.

Add the attendees to your email marketing list and follow up with your offer within 48 hours. Nurture these leads over time by sending webinar recording and other valuable content.

Tips to Host a Successful Webinar

  • Be well rehearsed

If you are a B2B company share your company story along with your personal story too.

Learn all the functions of webinar software and make sure you know how to get over technical setbacks even if they occur. Being well rehearsed will also make you sound confident.

  • Arrive before time

Arrive at least half an hour before the scheduled time. This will give you time to check if everything is working.

It is also a good opportunity to strike up a conversation with people have arrived early and are eager to start. Ask them about their expectation from the webinar.

  • Keep it interactive

The beauty of a webinar is that you can get direct live feedback from your attendees. Keep your webinar interactive by asking questions and also receiving questions.

Keep moderators on your team who will answer questions in chats and keep everyone engaged. Take names of people who are responding, mention geographies from where people are logged in. All this will make attendees feel connected and part of a live event.

  • Bring your personality

An event is way to know each other personally. So share your story and connect with your audience.

Tell them how you landed up here and highlight the similarities between you and your audience.

If you are a B2B company share your company story along with your personal story too.

  • Keep it Light

One hour is a long time to ask for focused attention from your audience. If your presentation is long and boring they will either exit or drift off.

So keep your webinar light and entertaining. Use a lot of stories, short videos, jokes and real life examples.

There will be parts where you will be giving heavy information, but make sure you prepare your audience and spread out the heavy material throughout the presentation.

The rule of thumb is to keep no more than three slides of heavy concepts.

Final Notes

Hosting your first webinar may seem like a difficult job. However, it is easy once you get used to it. With a conversion rate of 20% you are sure to do more of them once you get started.

How to Use Social Media Profiles to Get Quality Links

Getting backlinks from social media platforms is critical for your SEO and inbound digital marketing strategy.  Quality links to your site indirectly help in your search engine ranking while also giving you targeted traffic for your website. With over 60 popular and niche social networking platforms there is plenty of opportunity to get right visitors to your site.  According to Econsultancy’s State of Search Marketing Report  82% of digital marketing agencies integrate social media in their SEO strategy.

econsultancy sem graph screenshot

Are You Getting Enough Backlinks from Social Media?

You can check traffic from social media platforms by using Google Analytics. Use Campaign URL builder to tag your links and measure them in Google Analytics.

If you are not getting good amount of leads from social media consider using following methods to get quality links.

Use Personal Profiles Too

All social networking platforms have an option to create a personal profile or a company profile. Personal profiles with pictures and names of real persons generate more engagement than brand profiles. This is because people want to connect with real people on social media sites. While brand pages are good for announcements and advertisements, real conversations happen with actual people.

This doesn’t mean you have to discontinue your brand profile/page. What’s important to note is that both brand and personal profile have their own advantages. For example, LinkedIn does not allow company profiles to start a conversation with others. That means you can only respond to queries and your reach is limited. However, LinkedIn company profile allows targeted sponsored posts and many other helpful features.

It is ideal to have personal profiles along with business profile. Be sure to have genuine profiles as fake profiles will damage your reputation. You can use employee profiles to do this.

Build Links in Your Profile

The next step is to build maximum links in your social media profile that point to your website. Without these links all the social following and engagement would be wasted. You can move people further in your marketing funnel by inserting links to lead pages in:

1) Profile Descriptions

2) About us section

3) Pinned posts in Facebook and LinkedIn

4) Video descriptions in Youtube

5) Instagram Stories

6) Photos and photo descriptions(Instagram only allows this for paid ads)

7) Social Media Posts

social media icons screenshot

Add Value to Communities

 Only conversations that are in context gain engagement on social media. Promoting your own services or page is not meaningful to anyone. Instead respond to what people and communities are talking about and add value to the conversation with your knowledge. This could be your take on the point raised or a link to related and informative blog. It could even be something entertaining like a funny meme.

People will naturally get curious about you once you start sharing knowledge on a regular basis. This is when they will click to check out your profile and what you do. Promoting your services before building trust and authority is poor strategy to get links from social media. So do not sneak a link to your blog in comments section just yet.

Meaningful Interactions

It’s easy to lose depth of communication in likes and comments. You have many friends on your Facebook, however it doesn’t necessarily mean that all of them will value you equally. To have meaningful interaction is to build relations by helping others reach their goals too. Since you only have so much time to devote to each person you follow, you must choose a few influencers or users that you plan to build long term relation with (more on this in the next point).

Try to reach important users through other channels like email or phone to build stronger relation. Help them reach more followers through cross-promotion or turn their post into an infographic and offer to link it on their blog. Over the long term these relations will pay off by sending more links to your profile and site.

Follow Right People

It’s important to be seen as industry authority if you want good quality links to your site. Your relationship and engagement with the right users is essential here.

Obviously your time is limited and this is the reason you must strategically choose the right people to interact with. Use tools such as Klout, Buzzsumo, FollowerWonk to find right influencers in your industry and monitor social media.

These tools also look at followers list to find an overlap between your and other industry influencer’s followers. This makes getting new followers and links more likely. Cross promotions and comment interactions with these influencers will benefit both of you in the end.

Join Niche Networks

There are lots of niche social networking sites apart from the big players such as Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter etc. Find out where your target audience is and start posting there. These niche sites typically have higher user engagements because of a stronger community. You will definitely find more success here if you strike the right chord.

For example, Imgur is a great platform to target geeky millennial men. Reddit has an active discussion on different topics (also called subreddits). Quora is another platform to build your authority and drive traffic through your links in answers.

Another advantage of these sites is that they have a transparent voting system which determines which posts, answers and comments are shown first. This makes it very easy to monitor content and know your user engagement.

Post Linkable Content

Some content has more potential to drive traffic to your pages. Links to quiz, comparison blog posts, interview with industry celebrities etc., are compelling invitation to your site. Be creative with content and use fresh features such as live videos, stories, online polls to drive traffic.

Your posts on social media platforms must be a preview into something interesting that drives users to click on it.

These are some of the ways leading content marketers are using to drive traffic from social media platforms. Do you use any of these and what has been your success with them? Let us know in the comments below.

6 Remarkable Ways to Build a Great SEO Team

A great SEO team is essential for successful digital marketing. Their job is to get more views on a webpage. This needs skills such as understanding audience behaviour, cracking the reader’s patterns and AI Algorithms.

A recent study shows that 93% of online experiences begin with search engines. This number should be good enough to encourage any business to hire and build a great SEO team. This blog will provide you some tips on how you can do that.

1. Hire a complete Team

 The first step in building an SEO team is to hire the right people. This hiring has to be done by keeping the positions and work responsibilities in mind. The following experts are required to build a quality team:

Manager: Like every team in a company, SEO team also needs an effective manager. The manager must understand the roles of SEO employees in his team.

A varied experience in web development, content creation, social media marketing and other areas of digital marketing is beneficial as right SEO strategy requires knowledge of many areas of digital marketing. Your manager will also be responsible for making an SEO strategy so a strategic thinking will be an add on.

Data analyst: The job of a data analyst is to conduct research on keywords, studying the webpage traffic and giving meaningful insights after number crunching.

Web development: This is an important role in an SEO team as web developers have to take care of page loading time, internal navigation, and indexing. Their job can also require them to design the pages. Sometimes web developers are shared with other teams.

Content writer: To appear on search engines a blog/web page requires lots of content, it requires good content. Without good, creative and innovative content the web page will not show up in the top links of search engine.

Link building: SEO takes into consideration the quality of links pointing to your content to validate the authenticity of your content. Hence it is advised to designate this work to an expert who understands when and where the internal or external links should be provided. Sometimes this role is merged with a content writer’s role.

2. Keep them updated

Search engines keep on updating their crawling algorithms from time to time. Google is a search engine which keeps SEO experts on their toes. Some of their major updates include Google Panda, Google Penguin, Google Hummingbird. These updates mainly depend on the development of Machine Learning. (ML).

To understand how to get more views on a page, SEO teams must be up-to-date with the ever changing algorithms. To ensure that your employees are on the same page as the latest SEO trends, your team must be continuously learning. In fact, research should be a part of their daily activity.

Good research brings good results. Information related to latest ML developments can be found on many websites and online journals as well. Some examples are: Moz, Search Engine Journal, and Google SEO Guidelines. Subscribing to journals and blogs can help the team in predicting the upcoming SEO trends.

3. Train employees

You may not be able to hire the best SEO specialist in the world.  But nothing stops you from training them to achieve world class success in SEO. A good SEO team should comprise of employees who are ready to learn new things. SEO is all about understanding content and what the audience likes to read/watch.

Get them to read all about SEO and conduct SEO related workshops. You could even create courses to train the employees. Make sure your SEO team is working closely with market research to understand their target audience and what they want.

4. Encourage with Awards

Acknowledging the efforts of employees motivates them to work harder. It makes them believe that their efforts have a positive effect on the business and hence it boosts the self esteem of the employees.

Incentives can be provided on a quarterly basis in the form of bonus or it can be given yearly in the form of promotion or raise. Regular recognition of their quality work in the form of awards and titles also works to motivate your team.

5. Create a healthy environment

There is no doubt that a healthy workplace should be provided to employees of every department but the work of SEO operations requires focused attention and sometimes working for long hours. Data crunching, meeting content calendar deadlines and continuous learning can be stressful too.

Breaks for other activities such as games, debates, discussions, art, etc reduce stress as well as build stronger relations. The employees should have good relationship with one another as well. This way they can work as a team together. This would also make them open towards receiving others suggestions as well as giving them.

6. Interact with other SEO experts

Certain exclusive knowledge can be only learnt with experience. Not everything is found online. Make sure your team learns from those who have spent years in the industry. Encourage them to attend conferences, discussions and workshops about SEO operation.

In all these events employees will get tips from the experts, they will witness ideas in the process of being made and most of all these events will inspire them. Seminars are a great way of meeting other SEO teams in your industry and other big influential companies. You team will also pick up new strategies that help them to think out of their daily work.

Final Thoughts

For years businesses have focused on advertisement to attract more customers and in today’s internet age, appearing on the first page of search engines is the perfect advertisement. Try out these tips and prepare yourself to see your business grow.

90 Link Building Strategies to Use in 2018 [Infographic]

Higher search engine rankings are based on the authority of webpages. As you probably know, quality links can increase your site’s authority as well as improves its SEO value. Link building helps you to increase the flow of high-quality links pointing to your website. It‘s a proven marketing strategy by many businesses for improving their brand awareness.

Contact Jointviews

Google considers quality links to your site while ranking. Links indicate that whether your page is useful as a result. Search engines only want to show useful results to its users. So, all your SEO efforts for higher rankings are imperfect without link building strategies.

Do you want increase your domain authority through link building? Here is an infographic illustrating 90 linking building strategies that you can include in your SEO strategy in 2018.

90 Link Building Strategies to Use in 2018 infographic

10 Competent Strategies for Enterprise SEO Success

Enterprise SEO, in particular, focuses on implementing the best SEO strategies on every page of your website. This is not easy since you have several stakeholders as well as the constraints of budget, time, technology etc. to deal with. If you wish to be successful at enterprise SEO, you need to be prepared to handle internal hierarchies, inter-departmental chaos and the tendency of professionals to disagree with what they have not done before.

Here are 10 Enterprise SEO strategies compiled by experts from major SEO companies that are recommended for success:

  1. Educate

The tech people, marketing and sales people, the management and the product people may not understand SEO well. Take every opportunity to educate them about the practice. Conduct in-house workshops, include topics in internal newsletters and share links that can be used for the further study on enterprise SEO. Also, share case studies of how SEO efforts have helped other companies gain leads and earn more revenue.

  1. Influence

Read about the SEO practices of other companies and keep case studies ready with you. Discuss these whenever you get an opportunity with the right examples and right output at the right time. You could attend internal meetings of departments you think should contribute to your approach and let them know how SEO can benefit in accomplishing their goals. Also, have informal conversations with key stakeholders during lunch or tea breaks.

  1. Be data-relevant

Spend time collecting data and analysis that is relevant to your domain. Prepare dashboards that you can instantly access when questions arise. Be alert so that you are on top of everything whenever an SEO issue emerges in your organization.

  1. Focus on the KPIs

While having case studies and data is important, you must establish clear ways of evaluation to understand how success will be measured. These KPIs are not just for your own benefit but also include the targets that need to be achieved by other stakeholders. Discuss the KPIs with your senior management and get into an agreement on how these will be achieved in the future.

  1. Develop relationships

This is one of the most important strategies. SEO professionals tend to be too technical and do not generally interact or be social with other colleagues. The fact is that in order to get more approvals on your ideas and proposals, you need to be liked. Make sure you leave your monitor every now and then and talk to people about how SEO can change the dynamics of the organization’s business objectives.

  1. Have technical knowledge

SEO people often need to communicate with developers and if you want to become the indispensable SEO expert in your company, you need to be technical yourself. Only when you understand the challenges of your developer will they empathize with the changes you want them to implement. They will be more open to your recommendations if you are able to speak to them in the technical language they understand.

  1. Communicate

It’s obvious that only the SEO people recognize the need of this marketing strategy. However, if you go on selling your ideas telling people how it can be beneficial for the enterprise, you would get ignored. You must be equally willing to listen to the individuals of the other departments, understand their goals and thereby suggest the actions that need to be taken. You must craft your recommendations in a manner that they are a win-win for both you and others.

  1. Dynamic content

A website can have several pages. The content you develop for these pages must be such that it is leveraged to your benefit. Every domain understands that they need to have relevant, in-depth content about their service. However, you also receive a lot of region-specific searches. This means that you must have unique content for different geographic locations so that there are appropriate answers for every searcher.

  1. Content Consolidation

It is generally observed that large-scale websites are split into sub-domains or completely separate websites. However, if enterprises want to maintain their market position, they must adopt content consolidation as an effective strategy. Different pages and domains can be used to support each other giving a more consolidated image of the enterprise.

  1. SEO Site Health Monitoring

Minor alterations and technical glitches on the website could drastically reduce the traffic you would have otherwise received on your website. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor and evaluate the health of your website from an SEO perspective and any issues identified must be addressed immediately.

When you utilize the above-mentioned enterprise SEO strategies, chances that you succeed at your efforts and drive more organic traffic to your website are higher.

Top Global Search Trends in Google 2017 [Infographic]

Google has revealed its lists of top global search trends in 2017. The lists are based on search terms that had a high spike in traffic in 2017 as compared to 2016. iPhone X and celebrities  like Gal Gadot  and Melania Trump were the search terms for many people in 2017.

Google has listed top global searches of 2017 into 15 categories. The categories are Searches, People ,Global News, Actors, Consumer Tech, Elections, Global Sporting Events, How to…, Losses, Memes, Movies, Musicians and Brands, Songs/Lyrics, TV Shows and Recipes.

Each category lists top 5 searches of the year. We are going to illustrate the search trends of the year in the form of an infographic. We hope that this infographic will give you a clear picture of Global search trends in 2017.

So, let’s see what was trending globally in 2017!


Top Google Search Trends in India 2017 [Infographic]

Google has released its country specific lists of the top trends in online search data for 2017. As usual, showbiz and cricket dominated the Google search trends in India. Google has listed top searches of the year into 9 categories. The categories are Overall, Near me, How To…, Entertainers, Movies, Songs, Sporting Events, What is…, and News.

Each category lists top 5 searches of the year. We are going to illustrate the search trends of the year in the form of an infographic. We hope that this infographic will give you a clear picture of the search trends in India this year.

So, let’s see what was trending in India throughout this year!

top google search trends in india 2017 infographic