How SEO Companies Can Take Advantage of Bitcoin Marketing

Bitcoin SEO Company

The Bitcoin revolution showcases the increasing relevance and power of digital money and cryptocurrencies. It’s the current industry buzzword. Just take a look at below Google trends chart to see search for Bitcoin related keywords has surged in 2017.

Bitcoin Marketing

Arguably cryptocurrency has been the most significant development since money was invented. Combine that level of impact with the vast reach of the internet and you get a glimpse of what’s on everyone’s mind. To understand the potential of Bitcoin as a keyword we need to dive deep into the sea of questions fed through search engines. This allows us to find and pick the right keywords and conclude on a clearer picture of the buyer’s intent.

These keywords, especially the ones surrounding “bitcoin” opens a door to opportunities that can be immediately leveraged by SEO companies.

But, let’s get our facts and figures straight. This will help us better understand the impact of the Bitcoin revolution. From Dec 2017 till Feb 2018, the total market cap of the crypto market moved from $258 billion to over $437 billion.

Bitcoin Marketing

As you can see the crypto market is growing by leaps and bounds.
Now let’s compare the value of bitcoin from mid 2016 to Feb 2018. It has taken off from $1000 to $10,211.80. That’s a tenfold increase! The returns on investment in the crypto markets are impressive and unlike anything that has come before it.

You can visit sites like CoinMarketCap to monitor going rates for every cryptocurrency. You can view the market trends for each coin in the past day, week or year. You can also see the top currencies in the crypto world as well.

So, despite the dubious reputation, Bitcoin is a popular and growing trend. Now, how is that useful to SEO companies? How can bitcoin traffic be of benefit to SEO companies?
Here’s what can be done to cash in bitcoin traffic.

1. SEO consultancy in Bitcoin Market

One of the obvious opportunities for SEO companies is to collaborate with bitcoin agencies and companies. This way SEO companies can jump in on the profit making market. An SEO company specialized in Bitcoin marketing will attract many current players in the cryptocurrency market.

The demand and sheer interest for bitcoins, generates a great deal of online traffic towards cryptocurrency exchanges. These exchanges conduct all transactions related to the buying and selling of bitcoins and cryptocurrencies through their website.

“Coinbase” is one such example of a crypto trading platform that is reputable and trustworthy. There are roughly 70 such exchanges in existence.

This is why it’s critical for them to rank high in search listings. The goal here is to drive traffic to the website. Anyone who wants to buy or sell bitcoins should get directed to client’s platform. It’s clear that having an SEO strategy for Bitcoin players is a must.

SEO companies can use the increasing search interest for Bitcoin related keywords. Given below are a list of a few Bitcoin buyer keywords to focus on:

buy Bitcoin
buy Bitcoins
buy Bitcoin using credit card
bitcoin buy
where to buy bitcoins
buy bitcoins instantly
buy bitcoin online

Remember that these users usually consist of bitcoin owners or prospects who want to trade in cryptocurrencies. This is traffic of risk loving affluent investors which is immensely valuable in digital marketing.

Bitcoin prices leaps up and plunges down within a short span of time. This means that the traffic is also repetitive and engaged online for trading.

For example, there instances where you buy bitcoin for 100$ and within a couple of months, it can grow by 400% or vice versa.

Of course the benefits and risks of crypto trading are up for argument and is still a hot topic of discussion. However, this only makes it an even better keyword for SEO purpose. Also, Bitcoin owners monitor their investments regularly.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are infamously unpredictable but this leads to hidden opportunities as well. This is when investors decide to comb the web for alternatives, quickly searching Google to know the latest Bitcoin prices. This is a good opportunity for SEO companies to focus on other cryptocurrency keywords such as Ripple and Etherum.

The Investors goal here is to buy bitcoins from exchanges which offer the lowest valuation and quickly resell it at exchanges that display a higher valuation. Hence, there is a goldmine of opportunity for bitcoin keyword variations with changing buyer intent

Niche Opportunities

Since Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have become somewhat competitive to focus, SEO companies can look at longtail keywords within the space. An example of one such opportunity would be all keyword variations of the search entry “What is bitcoin?”. The traffic for such a search will be people who most likely have disposable income at hand.

They are naturally drawn by the growth opportunity and flexibility offered by cryptocurrency. But they are still hesitant to invest or trade in them.

The bitcoin revolution has encouraged many people who normally don’t trade in stocks or make investments to try their hand at trading. For many, this might turn out to be an expensive learning curve. The chances of failure are high, especially when you are not aware of any basic trading principles.

Let’s not forget that folks who invest in these ventures have already decided to gamble. They are ready to try their luck with money which they can afford to lose. This means that if you do your SEO homework well, you will end up building a potent list of leads.

You can easily build a list of ‘would be’ investors with disposable income who are willing to gamble on uncertainty. This is a valuable audience which most probably wishes to be informed on traditional investment options and the latest stock market trends as well.

2. Develop a Bitcoin Blog

Another way to cash in on the Bitcoin craze for SEO companies is to start their own website or blog in the space. This will not be your main business as an SEO company but it can be an innovative way to build your traffic and subscriber list. By nurturing these leads, you can even find customers for your Bitcoin marketing services.

Some Ideas to rank higher in Bitcoin Market

You can build your niche over a wide range of topics in the cryptomarket. It depends on your interest and experience over the subject matter you are involved with. You can target Bitcoin newbies who have just started learning bitcoin basics.

By educating this market you can have a niche website. You can start blogging about leanings of Bitcoin investors and even invite guest blogs. Posting relevant examples and educating the bitcoin audience in your niche will give you a steadily growing audience.

As you progress, you can move on from educating beginners, to providing valuable market insights. While it’s not mandatory, it’s always better to have someone on board with experience in cryptocurrencies. Tying up with cryptocurrency agencies is also a great idea.

You can start educating everyone who visits your websites by reviewing the various currencies that exist in the crypto world. Follow major players in the industry, keep your audience updated and any SEO company can soon have an audience of their own.

Understanding the Bitcoin traffic and search intent is key here. The ability to retain and convert your leads depends on your marketing funnel and services offered.

Make sure that a good SEO strategy gets followed up with solid content that loaded with value. If you don’t give value, people generally don’t stay. So make sure your blogs and content benefits your audience.

Earning through referral programs and affiliate marketing are also an option in case you want to monetize your blog.

Let’s Wrap it Up

Until it gains complete global acceptance, the path for cryptocurrencies are fraught with risks. However, we know that Bitcoins will continue to be the sizzling keyword in search engines.

SEO companies can take advantage of this by offering services to Bitcoin agencies and companies or building their own blogs focusing on niche content in Bitcoin space. These are some of the ways to cash in on the keyword that has taken the financial world by storm.