Google Introduces Fast Loading AMP for Advertising


Google plans to introduce fast loading AMP into mobile search from early next year.

Google’s Vice President David Besbris announced “Google will begin sending traffic to your AMP pages in Google Search early next year, and we plan to share more concrete specifics on timing very soon”.

Google said that several new advertising platforms have joined the AMP project, including its own DoubleClick and AdSense:

Read Also: 348085 “Right to be forgotten” Requests Received by Google

“Today we’re announcing that Outbrain, AOL, OpenX, DoubleClick, and AdSense are working within the framework to improve the advertising experience for users, publishers and advertisers on the mobile web. More to come as we continue to ramp this aspect of the effort.”

AMP would open a new chapter for advertising of Google in 2016 with its fast loading feature.


348085 “Right to be forgotten” Requests Received by Google


Google has received 3, 48,085 requests for “Right to be forgotten”.

This “Right” allows a user to ask the search engine to remove results that are inaccurate or no longer relevant about them.

There was a ruling from European Court of Justice in May 2014 recognizing the “right to be forgotten”, which opened the door for Google users.

A report released by Google showed that most requests were sent from France.Google set up an online form for users to fill and ask for information to be excluded from search results especially for people in Europe.

Read Also: Yahoo Directory is Now Officially Gone, Forever!

Google said that right-to-be-forgotten requests have targeted slightly more than 1.23 million Internet pages. And Google agreed to remove 42 per cent of them from online search results in Europe.

The report indicated that Google granted about 38 percent of the 43,101 requests submitted in the United Kingdom. 37 percent of the 33,106 requests are from Spain. 30 percent of the 26,186 requests made from Italy.


Snapchat Reimagines Content Discovery with “Story Explorer”


Snapchat has launched its latest feature, called Story Explorer. Story Explorer is a setting that will let users for more perspectives of the same moment within a Live Story.

Story Explorer lets users get deeper into Stories   and helps to view related images that were taken at the same location.

“Story Explorer relies on technology developed by our research team to provide more depth to every Snap in a Story,” Snapchat wrote in the announcement on its blog.

Read Also: Yahoo Directory is Now Officially Gone, Forever!

Story Explorer is just one of the features introduced by Snapchat recently.

Story Explorer is currently available for only Los Angeles and New York City.  Snapchat‘s new UGC-discovery feature is expected to reach in other cities in the near future.


Yahoo Directory is Now Officially Gone, Forever!


The Yahoo Directory, core part of Yahoo, is now officially closed.

The core service that launched Yahoo as an internet company, the Yahoo Directory has finally closed 20 years after it began.

This Directory used to offer free, standard listings and a paid submission process before moving to a model of $299 for a non-refundable “review fee”. Each year it would cost the same amount for the sites.

For some of them there has always been Google and it is the main way people have found things on the web. It was the Yahoo Directory that came first and its hand-compiled list of websites which is organized into topics.

The closure of the most notable directory indicated major shift in the history of modern web.

Recap: Social Media Sites and Applications to Be Exempted From the Encryption’s Domain Policy

Yahoo gave AltaVista’, was another effort by Yahoo which also met the same tragic end.

The Yahoo Directory now redirects to Aabaco.


Snapdeal on Its Way to Create Digital Commerce Ecosystem

Snapdeal is planning to build a discovery platform and associated tools for brands as well as for its sellers on the marketplace.

This platform would leverage artificial intelligence, real-time data and other tools, delivering high return on investment for advertising campaigns.

It is being built by an engineering team led by technology entrepreneur Ali, which has customers across UK, US and India.

Read Also:Brick and Mortar Stores Still Important to Digital Buyers

Speaking about this acquisition, Rohit Bansal, Co-founder, Snapdeal, said, “At Snapdeal, we are always on the lookout for talented people, who come with specialized skills that augment our capabilities. Ali comes with 17 years of rich experience in building web scale technologies, Product Management and building highly specialized teams focused on a data platform and ad tech products. We are confident that Ali and his team will further strengthen our technological capabilities.”

Snapdeal has the widest assortment of 15 million products in more than 500 categories.

Ali joins a growing battalion of successful entrepreneurs and technology leaders who are joining Snapdeal to build most impactful digital commerce platform in India.

 As a part of this vision, Snapdeal has partnered with several global marquee investors and individuals such as SoftBank, BlackRock, Temasek, eBay Inc., Premji Invest, Intel Capital, Bessemer Venture Partners, and Ratan Tata amongst others

Brick and Mortar Stores Still Important to Digital Buyers


Recent survey by e-tailing group for B2C Partners established how important brick and mortar stores are to digital buyers. According to digital buyers, “stores have a lot to offer”.

In the survey, 84% responded that they liked combining the efficiency of digital with the tangibility of retail stores.

In terms of digital buying, digital buyers always needed a knowledgeable associate to make their final decisions.

Complication in purchase and how they work makes the digital buyers think twice.

Read Also: Amazing! Facebook Testing New Features for Users

Digital buyers support Brick and Mortar as they offer more speed and efficiency.

Stores with more technology can be an added advantage to digital buyers in the future.

So, entrepreneurs would be rewarded better by empowering brick and mortar stores with additional technology.


Amazing! Facebook Testing New Features for Users


As Facebook becoming the one and only place where many people spend most of their time, its effort to transform News Feed into a storefront is once again raising up.

Facebook is in the opening tiers of testing a feature- “Local Market”.

Abs Elmaz, Reader of Social House Media shared the screenshots with SocialTimes, informing about “Local Market” icon.

The feature took the place of icon for messages at the bottom of Fb software.

These are the latest steps Facebook has taken in the retail area. The company has tested “buy” buttons already in its app allowing users to buy products directly without leaving.

It also rolled out “Shop” sections on small businesses’ pages.

Recap: Facebook Introduces SIGNAL, A Social News Gathering Tool for Journalists

“On Facebook we’ve seen that people are coming to our platform not only to connect with friends and family but also with products and brands,” the company said in a blog post. Nearly half of people come to Facebook to actively look for products, the company said.

Elmaz, residing in Melbourne, Australia, brought that clicking “sell” said that the function was no longer to be had in his area once but he stated that every proof of “Local Market” has vanished from his app now.


Instagram Tops Twitter, Hits Over 400 Million Users

Instagram has just dealt a significant blow to its rivals”

Instagram has more than 400 million users, with over 80 million pictures shared via this platform.

Most of the latest subscribers are European or Asian, with the likes of Brazil, Japan and Indonesia standing out with significant surges in subscribers.

Instagram was created and launched by Mr Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. It gained popularity quickly and had attained over 100 million active users by April 2012.

Read Also: Social Media Sites and Applications to Be Exempted From the Encryption’s Domain Policy

“When Instagram launched nearly five years ago, 400 million seemed like a distant dream,” said the company in a blog post.

“Now, we continue to strive to improve Instagram – helping you experience the world through images and connect with others through shared passions.”

The company introduced a new app, Layout from Instagram. With this users can select and combine three photos into a single image that too in several layouts.


Social Media Sites and Applications to Be Exempted From the Encryption’s Domain Policy


New Delhi: Shortly after a debate emitted over government’s proposal to explore each message send by an individual by WhatsApp, SMS, or Google Hangouts, the Department of Electronics and Information Technology cleared up in a draft that online networking sites and applications will be exempted from the Encryption’s domain Policy.

The draft posted by Deity indicates that there are classifications of encryption products that will be excused from the draft’s domain national encryption policy.

Encryption products, which are as of now being utilized in web applications, social media sites, and social media applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter etc are excluded from the purview of the draft National Encryption Policy, confirmed a proposed addendum to the policy posted on the department’s website.

Encryption items utilized as a part of Internet banking and payment gateways, and for e-commerce and password-based transactions will be exempted as well.

Read Also: Facebook Introduces SIGNAL, A Social News Gathering Tool for Journalists

Earlier Deity had proposed that all the messages which are sent through encrypted messaging services like WhatsApp (Android version supports encryption), Google Hangouts or Apple’s iMessage, must be stored safe for 90 days.  Privacy concerns triggered heated debate.

The draft of New Encryption Policy proposes that upon demand users of encrypted messaging service must reproduce same text, transacted during a communication before law enforcement agencies. It should be in a plain format. Failing to do so may result in imprisonment of the user as per the provisions.

The proposed policy of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology will be made applicable for everyone including government departments, academic institutions, normal citizens and for all kind of communications.

All the modern messaging services like WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Google Chat, yahoo messenger etc, has high level of encryption and many times security offices think that it is difficult to catch these messages.

“All information shall be stored by the concerned B/C entity for 90 days from the date of transaction and made available to Law Enforcement Agencies as and when demanded in line with the provisions of the laws of the country,” the draft said.

The ‘B category’ in the draft is defined as all statutory organizations, executive bodies, business and commercial establishments, including all Public Sector Undertakings, Academic institutions.

The draft has defined ‘C category’ as all citizens including personnel of government and business performing non-official or personal functions.

The user should provide the readable plain text along with the corresponding encrypted information if they communicate with foreigner or entity abroad.

As per the draft, all service providers located inside or outside India which uses encryption technology for providing any type of services in India should register themselves with the government.

Recommended Read: Facebook to Finally Introduce “Dislike” Button

The New Encryption Policy is introduced under section 84 A of Information Technology Act 2000, as proposed by the draft. Through amendment in 2008, this section was introduced. Sub-section 84 C introduced through the amendment has provision of imprisonment for violation of the act.

“Encryption products may be exported but with prior intimation to the designated agency of Government of India. Users in India are allowed to use only the products registered in India. Government, reserves the right to take appropriate action as per Law of the country for any violation of this Policy,” the draft said.

October 16, 2015 is the last date for public to comment on the draft.

“Having a draft on issue is a welcome step. It looks at everything with prism of law enforcement. It will create a license raj. There is very much concern around privacy of citizen. The policy wants messages to be given on demand. If my private information is sought by government, it should be done through courts,” Arun Sukumar,Head Cyber Initiative, said.


Facebook Introduces SIGNAL, A Social News Gathering Tool for Journalists


Facebook unveiled SIGNAL, a new tool to help journalists to gather social news.

News is sourced from both Facebook and the Facebook-owned Instagram platform. It is made for journalists using social media as a part of their reporting efforts.

The tool will be free for journalists.

“We came to know from journalists that they need a simple way to make Facebook a more important part in their newsgathering,” Andy Mitchell, director of media partnerships, posted on Facebook.

Read Also: Facebook to Finally Introduce “Dislike” Button

The tool is the newest effort of Facebook to interlink itself with the media publications and journalists who achieved success in attracting large number of viewers by social community.

“Search functionality makes it easy to surface content directly related to a topic or story they are tracking,” Mr. Mitchell stated.

Journalists can access the lists of public figures that are mentioned most on Facebook, including real-time conversations across authors, politicians, actors, sports teams, musicians, players, etc. more.

This is a first step to help journalists using Facebook and Instagram more effectively.
