Penguin 4.0 will be launched soon, says Google

Google revealed that the latest update to Penguin 4.0 will be launched as soon as its ready.  It’s been a year and 10 months, since Google launched Penguin 3.0 in October 2014.

Google Mueller of Google said “”we are working on an announcement for that there, so like when it’s ready we will let you know.” He made such an announcement at the 44:30 mark into yesterday’s hangout on YouTube Live.

This clearly indicates that Google is already working with press to ensure users get the Penguin announcement precisely. When enquired whether the Penguin announcement will come before or after it goes live, John added “I don’t know about before but we will try to get the timing so that we don’t confuse everyone.”

So, it’s obvious that Google is serious about Penguin release and hopefully they will come with a better version soon.


Finally Google Publishes Labor day Logo for American Workers!

For the first time, Google has posted a Labour day Doodle.

Labour Day is a public holiday honoring several achievements of labour unions since the 1800s in the US.

Till now, only small American flags were posted on Labour days.


google doodle



Google Launched “Search Live Coverage Carousel” Powered by AMP and Atom!

Google said “content that makes sense for this live coverage carousel includes “live sports, elections, and breaking news” and “can include live blogs, full length articles, videos and more.”

You should use AMP HTML to take part in this. Here are the more detailed requirements:

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) should be used while publishing content: Making use of AMP will allow your pages to be get loaded immediately to user’s devices.

Structured data markup should be used in AMP: It allows the preview for your live coverage article on the search page and also helps Google to understand the context around a piece of content.

Content should be pushed to Google with the use of Atom XML feed: You must use HTTP POST request in an Atom XML feed containing AMP page content immediately after it gets published on the web when you send content to Google.

This is a PILOT to select publishers and will allow Google to “surface content more quickly as compared to now”.


Google Updates Local Review Guidelines!

Google has updated the local reviews guidelines or marking up reviews explaining when you can make use of Scheme markup and when not.

Here is the new list of guidelines:

  • If the content provider or the business are not independent and genuine then they can’t provide the snippets.

  • Customers are allowed to express both positive and negative sentiments. They may not be restricted by the content provider according to the positive/negative sentiment prior to the submission to Google.

  • While putting reviews, keep in mind that template sentences built from data or automated metrics cannot be used.

  • Reviews for multiple-location businesses cannot be used in every business locations of the same company.

  • Content providers are not supposed to have any paid or commercial agreements for adding new reviews.

  • Duplicate or similar reviews are not allowed.

  • Only include reviews that have been directly produced by your site, not the third-party reviews.

The main change is only “directly produced by your site, not reviews from third-party sites or syndicated reviews” should be marked up, according to these guidelines.

This may impact a large number of websites that have implemented local reviews markup.


Google to Launch New Penalty to Improve Mobile User Experience

Google announced that it will be penalizing webpages with intrusive interstitials such as pop-ups. This move will help users to access content easily.

According to Google, the new algorithm will launch on January 10, 2017 and will try to make pages with such intrusive elements “not rank as highly” as they once did. This is actually replacing the app interstitials ad penalty that launched in September 2015. So that penalty is going away but the new one should cover and have the same impact on app interstitials ads.

Websites having pop-up ads which covers the entire page will rank low in Google’s search results. But pop-ups notifying users about the site’s cookies policy, users age and having small banner ads will not be get penalized.

“Pages that show intrusive interstitials provide poorer experience to users than other pages where content is immediately accessible. This can be problematic on mobile devices where screens are smaller,” Google product manager Doantam Phan said in the blog post.


Google Adwords Adds a New Feature- Report Editor

Recently Google adwords added Report Editor- a new feature.

This feature will allow you to engage with your performance data through multi-dimensional tables and charts.

Here is the screenshot:


You can access it by clicking on that arrow down button when viewing a campaign/keywords/ads in the AdWords console.


Google Restricts Keyword Planner Officially

Google keyword planner, a tool used by most advertisers and SEOs has become restricted for many users.

Over the past few weeks, keyword planner has been getting affected by some technical issues. The situation has become such that, only those who are having an active Adwords account can see the actual search volume.

”To use Keyword Planner, you need to have at least one active campaign. If you have an active campaign and are still seeing this message, try reloading Keyword Planner in a few minutes.”

A high percent of advertisers can see keyword planner data as like before but AdWords users with a “lower monthly spend” could see only limited data in the planner.

There has been some technical trouble with the keyword planner in the past few weeks. And google reported that these have been fixed. But so far, it seems like the restrictions are permanent


Google’s Browser to Block Flash Content

Google announced that its chrome browser is going to block the flash seen in the background of web pages in September.

Flash can slow down your web browsing experience, which is why Google has made this decision.

“HTML5 is much lighter and faster, and publishers are switching over to speed up page loading and save you more battery life. You’ll see an improvement in responsiveness and efficiency for many sites” , says Google.

Apart from this, Google also announced that it will make HTML5 as the default standard for videos and games on Chrome 55.

This change will be effective from the month of December.


Google Honors 2016 RIO Games With an Animated Fruit Game App

Google honored 2016 RIO Games with a video of animated fruits competing in various athletic events. In addition to this opening event, it is also an official launch of free “Fruity Games” mobile app which can be played on both Android and iOS.

“For the next couple of weeks, we’ll journey to an otherwise unassuming fruit stand in Rio, where produce from all over the market competes for the title of freshest fruit,” says the Doodle Blog regarding Google’s new Olympics-themed gaming app.

Google informed that users with the latest version of the Google app are able to download the “Fruity Games” mobile app by tapping the doodle.

Google’s Olympic video posted on its home pages increased the google search for “Olympics” all over the world. At the top results of “Olympics” google search leads to a display of Olympics Games RIO 2016 box.

Along with the video, users are able to get a list including details about games and athlets, overview of an event, schedule, and medal counts.

The Google Doodle blog invited readers to return tomorrow and following weeks to know about the latest updates of 2016 Doodle Fruit Games.


Google’s Hasten Mobile Pages to Make Their Way to Search Results

Google announced their plans yesterday of expanding AMP, accelerated mobile pages, from the top news section.

They said first, they are launching it in a preview form at – note, it works only on mobile.

“There is NO ranking boost for AMP specifically, at least now. Of course, mobile friendly and speed are ranking signals and AMP is mobile friendly and fast. But AMP vs mobile friendly is not any better for rankings – thank goodness”, Google said

“To clarify, this is not a ranking change for sites. As a result of the growth of AMP beyond publishers, we wanted to make it easier for people to access this faster experience. The preview shows an experience where web results that that have AMP versions are labeled with The AMP Logo. When you tap on these results, you will be directed to the corresponding AMP page within the AMP viewer.”, Google wrote.

Accelerated mobile pages came to each and every Google’s platforms which includes its news app also for Apple and Android devices.
