7 Ways To Provide Great Social Media Customer Service

Social media has become a major part of our marketing landscape and is a remarkable way to engage with your customers’ while building your brand and your brand’s reputation in the industry.

However, along with this wonderful new way to engage with your customers comes a whole new set of problems, many of which most companies don’t know how to properly address. I’m talking about social media customer service. That’s why I’m going to give you seven tips that will help you effectively address your social media customer service without alienating your followers in the process.

1. Proper Online Verbiage Matters

Just because you are communicating online doesn’t mean your voice isn’t being heard. It’s just as important to use proper verbal communication online as it is offline, such as using online best practices like:

  • Not typing in all caps

  • Use proper grammar, capitalization and make sure your responses aren’t littered with misspelled words, etc.

You have to remember that every online conversation will be seen by thousands of people year after year, so how you present yourself and how you handle issues will directly reflect on your brand and how your potential customers will perceive your brand for years to come.

Read Also: What Kim Kardashian Can Teach You About Social Media Marketing

2. Appropriate Online Customer Interactions

Even though you are responding on social media your online customers should not be responded to like you would with a friend on your personal social media pages. Your customers should never be treated as friends. What I mean by that is you should avoid using emojis, internet slang, too-casual language and meaningless banter, etc. Keep it professional yet friendly and your social media interactions will reflect positively on your business.

3. Implement a Strict 24 Hour Response Policy

The easiest thing to let go by the wayside is social media customer service because social media has always been a secondary thought for most businesses. However, that’s no longer the case and it’s imperative that you respond to all social media requests, comments and complaints within 24 hours, if not sooner. If you don’t, just one nasty, unfounded comment or complaint could be seen by thousands of people before you’ve even had a chance to address it or comment on your end of the issue. And viewers who have seen those complaints might never look back at your page again to see how you responded and you will have lost a potential customer forever.

4. Develop an Effective Follow-Up Schedule

Online customer service follow-up is just as important as your quick response to the customer’s initial inquiry. You must make it a policy to follow-up with all resolved and unresolved customer service issues within 24 hours; otherwise, you might as well not have even bothered contacting them at all. Because if you don’t follow-up in a timely manner, your customer’s will view that as if you don’t care and this will reflect poorly on your brand.

5. Hire the Right Attitude

Customer service can’t be trained, customer service has to be hired. What I mean by that is you can’t hire a person who doesn’t have the right personality for delivering exceptional customer service and think you can just train them and expect them to deliver. It won’t happen. You have to hire the right attitude. There are certain personalities that have the proper temperament, attitude and common sense to deliver customer service with an empathetic, nurturing demeanor that comes across as sincere and positive. And that goes for your online customer service hires as well.

6. Strive To Resolve Issues Offline

Everything you do online will be there for everyone to see forever. Therefore, it’s best, whenever possible, to try and take your customer service issues offline. This will give you the opportunity to talk with your customers face to face and address their issues on a more personal level. This will also help keep your dirty laundry off the world wide web for all to see.

7. Empower Your Customer Service Team

There’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with a company whose customer service team has absolutely no authority to resolve issues. When this happens, your customers problems won’t be handled immediately causing them to wait. It also gives them more time to be angry about the situation. It also gives them the opportunity to post a rant on your social media pages about how you were not willing to help them, etc. Even if their request is pending a supervisor’s approval. You should provide your customer team with a certain amount of authority to resolve customer service issues on the spot.

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Do you know where most people spend their time online?

On their mobile devices. That’s why it’s so important that your customer service team be proficient in handling themselves properly whether they are delivering text messages or social media customer service.

Your online customer service goes way beyond a few social media pages. Your team will be texting, blogging, commenting, mobile marketing and a myriad of other tasks that all reflect on your brand.

If you would like more information about how to skyrocket your online marketing efforts without breaking the bank, please contact us today and let us show you what we can do for you.

Author Biography

Sophorn Chhay

Sophorn is the marketing guy at Trumpia, a mobile content delivery service that allows users to customize their one-to-one marketing efforts by interconnecting and optimizing all digital platforms. As an innovator in two-way SMS/MMS marketing, Trumpia’s mission is to empower brands and public figures with interactive access to their audiences, reaching targeted affinity groups in a personal way. Trumpia delivers world-class content such as video, ticketing, polling, products sales, contests and giveaways.

Follow Sophorn on Twitter(@Trumpia), LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+

Google Dropping Custom Date Range Search Filter for Mobile Users

Google is removing another search option filter for mobile users.

Mobile users will not be able to use the custom date range search filter.

After much thought and consideration, Google has decided to retire the Search Custom Date Range Tool on mobile. Today we are starting to gradually unlaunch this feature for all users, as we believe we can create a better experience by focusing on more highly-utilized search features that work seamlessly across both mobile and desktop. Please note that this will still be available on desktop, and all other date restriction tools [e.g., “Past hour,” “Past 24 hours,” “Past week,” “Past month,” “Past year”] will remain on mobile.”, AJ from Google wrote.

Read Also: Google’s Newest Mobile Friendly Update- Winners and Losers

This is the custom search date range filter found under the “Search Tools” option by clicking on “Any Time” and then selecting “Custom Range.”

They can access this feature only in the desktop version of Google.


What Kim Kardashian Can Teach You About Social Media Marketing

If you’re a Netizen, Kim Kardashian needs no special introduction. As you know, she is the star of popular reality show “Keeping Up with the Kadarshians”. She runs a clothing line shop popularly known as DASH store. She even published a successful app on her name.

She has taught the online world how selfies work as a promotional tool for any brand. She even published a book on selfies describing her success.

Last year, a silly photo of her kissing her husband managed to get 2.4 million likes via Instagram. It sounds interesting, no?

What magic she is doing with social media? Why other popular brands and celebrities fail to achieve such kind of success? Should social media marketing services have something to learn from this hot online superstar?

Here are five social media lessons businesses can learn from the sexy online enchantress Kim Kardashian:

Get involved in social media passionately

If you analyze Kim’s career you can find she never misses an opportunity to praise social media as a fuel for her success. Kim teaches you, love social media and do every activity passionately, meaning, get involved in social media sites by sharing intimate details of your life with your friends and followers. This will really shake the minds of people.

In fact, Kim allows people the possibility to interact with her in a platform both she and her followers loved. She deliberately tries to involve her audience into her personal life. For instance, she always seeks the opinion of groups on petty things like which face cream to buy, yada yada yada. This will make her followers feel that she treats them as a part of her life.

Always keep in touch

There might be good days and bad days for you. Sometimes you don’t want to engage with people and love to remain into your shells. But Kim never does this. She loves to interact with people irrespective of her mood changes and keeps the conversation going. Literally, it is hard to show such kind of commitment, but it will reward you in the long run for sure.

Read Also: What to Look for When Hiring Social Media Marketing Services

Empower women (crossing international boundaries)

If she’s pregnant and beautiful or pregnant and complaining, with make-up or without make-up, whatever it is, despite of her state, Kim Kardashian can motivate and instill confidence in the minds of women from all over the planet to believe in themselves and take delight in work, interests, family time.

Stick to some healthy values

As far as Kim is concerned, she gives primary importance to her family. People all over the world give importance to moral values. When you look for a role model, you appreciate their consistency and healthy values. Like that, Kim has evolved as a successful online marketer because of her consistency and values.

Businesses and social media marketing services have to learn a lot from her. There is nothing wrong if Kim is the role model for their business tactics.

Social media: A catalyst for your brand

Social media do not create personal brands very often, but you can use it as a vehicle for popularizing your brand. Truth to be told, Kim didn’t become a celebrity because of social media sites. Her personal brand makes her a celebrity. She used social media as an efficient tool to promote her brand.

In fact, she wants to convert her brand a well-defined one. She made more people addicted to her brand by conversing with her fans with this efficient communication channel.

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It’s seen that many brands sending their social media marketing team to study how to engage with their followers. Actually, it’s a sheer waste of money. You guys just think how Kim Kardashian did marketing via social media; it’s nothing but common sense. So love your followers, don’t hesitate to share your details with them and yeah, keep the conversation going!

Google Launched Springboard- Search Engine for Business Users

Recently, Google introduced search engine “Springboard”, an app search tool for enterprise users.

This tool is designed to “put the right information at your fingertips.”

In addition to search, Springboard will also act as an assistant of sorts by “proactively providing useful and actionable information and recommendations.”

Read Also: Google Tests New Look for “People Also Search For”

Springboard ‘searches easily and quickly across all of your information in Google Apps including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Drive, Contacts and more”, says the company.

Along with this, Google also announced that they are upgrading its sites also.

It is “one of the most popular products among our enterprise customers”, to make it easier for professionals to share information with work colleagues”, said Prabhakar Raghavan, Vice President of Engineering at Google.

These new sites can build great functional pages aggregate and distribute content across the enterprise.


Why Successful Content Writing is not as Easy as its Assumed to be

The demand for content marketing services is at an all time high. With most of the global as well as local brands jumping into the digital/content marketing wagon, it comes as no surprise. In fact,

“just like water is the elixir of life, content is the elixir of online success”

But people unfamiliar with content marketing services seem to assume that successful content writing is quite an easy job. But is that so?



To understand that, we need to know what makes content writing successful. A lot of digital marketers assume that writing huge articles to gain search engine visibility makes content successful. Another section of marketers might think that well researched articles make your content successful.

But take a look at the content produced by brands such as Buzzfeed, Coca Cola, Mcdonalds that has been the most successful. One realizes that the above mentioned traits are not necessary for succesful content.

So, what are the core traits of successful content?

Marketers would probably say a lot of things – a good headline, ideal length, user-friendliness, etc. But when stripped to the bones, only three things matter. They are:

  • Is it Engageable?

  • Does it have Shareability?

  • Can it Convert?

content writing services

If your content makes them think its share-worthy and gets enough conversion, then you have successful content.

Now, lets go back to our initial question

Why is successful content writing not easy?


you need to ensure that each and every piece of your content can engage your audience and make them share; all the while, having conversion as the final goal.

It doesn’t matter how many blogs say that you just need to write the most researched and valuable content, that is not going to be true. You need content that is interesting and talks to you. Informs you. Enlightens you.

This makes successful content writing a skill that requires practise and perseverence.

It is a blend of reader psychology, subject knowledge and good language.

content writing services

Does experience have a role in this?


Writers need to have a certain level of experience before they can write such quality content. Experience not in terms of time, but in terms of actually creating and experimenting with content.

As a writer, not every type of content would suit you. You might be a blogger, an article writer, a script writer, a social media specialist, a copy writer, technical writer, a long form specialist or a content marketing services writer with all of these skills. But you need to identify your strengths, weaknesses and develop your own voice. It is a continuous process.

“Learning never ends for a content writer.”

This is exactly why most digital marketing services cannot replicate the content marketing success of bigger brands. There is an acute shortage of quality writers who understand the essence of content writing and its ultimate goal.


Digital marketers working with SMBs either hire a freelance writer or take in inexperienced writers inhouse.

Either way, they are not utilizing the full potential of content.

As more brands are jumping into digital content marketing, the volume of content created everyday is huge. To get the attention of readers among such competition, the quality of content needs to be really good. With writers who doesn’t produce compelling content, you are just adding to the volume.

Read Also: 7 Tips to Choose the Right Content Writing Services in India

With time, search engines, including Google are focusing on content that the user wants. If your content has the traits of successful content, you wouldn’t have to worry about getting visitors. All you will need is an initial exposure to kickstart the activity. The well-formulated content will take care of the rest.

Google Tests New Look for “People Also Search For”

Google seems to be testing or launching a new look for the “People Also Search For” feature.

This helps searchers to expand their search queries.

Usually when searchers use Google, they can also see “people also search for”, and some additional search phrases expanding extra search results. This is reported several times, most recently in April 2015.

Read Also: Google’s Newest Mobile Friendly Update- Winners and Losers

This new look is for the mobile search interface. The new look is cleaner and more boxed-in. It also scrolls left and right, like many of the Google carousel features in mobile.

This can’t be a surprise as Google is constantly testing new interfaces,


Why is Blogging the Best Form of Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the mantra for modern marketers. But without interesting content, marketing via content is toothless. People follow brands on social media owing to interesting content (you might already know this)

You might be thinking about the best medium to publish attractive content. Here are some facts that may give you an answer. You know, Blogs have some 329 million readers globally. In fact, blogs are approximately 240 million in number. This is why millions of brands rely on Content Marketing Services for blogging.

Social Media Reach is Waning

You might know that Google has changed their algorithm over the past year. This makes troubles for even Content Marketing Services to keep up.

Facebook and Twitter also changed their algorithm following Google. So, social media strategies of businesses do not work anymore.International Business Times reported that Facebook’s organic reach has declined from 16% to 2% because of the new algorithm change.

Read Also: Why Businesses Should Hire a Content Marketing Agency in India

Ads Is Useful, But Not Much

So, what’s next, if social media reach is declining. Will it be good to depend on banner ads? A recent study reveals that clickthrough rates are only 0.1% and 50% of clickthroughs are accidental.

The ads, via print media are not that useful, as it doesn’t provide engagement.

Additionally, you may get surprised knowing that 70% people learn about a brand via blogs.

Compelling images increase blog readership

It’s good if you can add attractive images to your blog content. A research by the MDG advertising company shows, 94% blogs are get noticed owing to their content with compelling images. Also, keep in mind; search engines prefer images with text. It gives you room to highlight your keywords on images.

Blog promotion with videos, and vice versa

A research by Content Marketing Institute says “Blog promotion via video was a popular online marketing strategy over the past 2 years”. Since online videos have more popularity, you can use videos to promote your blog and vice versa. Customer testimonials, quick tips etc can be demonstrated via videos.

Post your videos on social media in such a way that links back to your blog.

More information to start blogging

If you are not confident enough to start blogging, we are going to tell you some more aspects of blogging.

Reputed brands reveal that if you can generate 15 blogs per month, you might get 1,200 leads, at least. Companies create blogs in order to improve their SEO.The interesting factor is that blogging can improve inbound links by 97%. Google checks inbound links while ranking.

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Some more aspects to start blogging

  • Be a smart leader:Blogs are the best medium to start an interactive relationship with your customers. It will help you to show your customers that you care about their needs and trying to provide quality products and services. You can remain as a trusted resource by sharing your expertise via blogs. Communication with your customers via hashtags and reply to feedback will increase the reliability of your brand.

  • Know your audience:You can judge the interests of your audience using blog analytics. Like analytics you can rely on other tools to gather information about your website, blogs and social media channels.

  • Improve your skills:To gain customer loyalty, you should stay live in the competition. Blogging is the medium to stay live in content marketing, because you constantly search for trends and news to attract your audience. When you write blogs for your business, you focus on more aspects to improve your business strategy.

There’s no further explanation needed for blogging. The advantages of blogging are indisputable. It’s time to generate more leads for your brand. So, what are you waiting for! Start blogging today with the help of Content Marketing Services

Google’s Newest Mobile Friendly Update- Winners and Losers

Google’s John Mueller, last week on Twitter confirmed that Google’s stronger and newest mobile friendly update has been completely rolled out.

FYI The mobile adjustments talked about here are now fully rolled out”, said John Mueller (@JohnMu) May possibly 12, 2016

Read Also: Sundar Pichai Says 20% of Mobile Queries are Voice Searches

This update can provide a powerful increase to mobile friendly pages.

“We looked at the mobile visibility for 200 domains for the time frame among April 25th and May 16th, 2016. We only took those domains into account which had a visibility score of at least three points for the Mobile Visibility Index.”

This also indicates that modest constructive modify, bought on by the website’s search engine marketing can increase the visibility of both mobile and desktop benefits.
