How To Overcome Web Design Flaws And Earn Potential Customers

In the high-paced search and click world,a website is undoubtedly the first digital marketing tool to attract customers. It is a tool, a cost-effective solution to put in your sales-pitch 24×7. With customers browsing through numerous websites before making their buying decision, it becomes necessary for a company to represent themselves properly.

Your website should be designed keeping in mind the target audience and conversion of visitors to potential customers. It would not be wrong to say that a great design is worth a thousand words. Yet, most company websites have web design flaws that they are totally unaware of and which are costing them customers as well as reputation.

So, here’s a quick insight on the common web design mistakes and what can be done to rectify them to earn potential customers.

Capture the Wandering Eye

The attention span of the average online customer is very limited – 8 seconds according to most studies. If your website does not manage to capture their attention within that time gap, then you need to rethink your web design.

Several studies have been conducted and it has been found that people tend to view content across e-commerce sites or articles in an ‘F’ pattern. Therefore the best thing to do would be to place your most essential information, like your most important links or call-to-action buttons in this pattern.

Put your most valuable information on the upper half of the website or as it is called above-the-fold. Having said that, they do scroll down, and when they do, their eye reaches right at the bottom where the scrolling stops. This is where you can bank on to put your call-to-action. Another time-tested method to capture the wandering eyes is to use BIG BOLD headlines.

Mind Your Colour

One of the most important things that make your website stand out is the usage of colours. And it is also one of those things that is least understood and often incorrectly used. The result being – difficult to read web pages, nearly impossible to read if printed or in other words plain ugly.

Even the most seasoned graphic designers make blunders and abuse colours.

So, what are the colours or rather colour combinations that actually work? Before using any colours, you have to consider the fact that aroung 0.5% of women and 8% of men have some form of colour blindness. One of the most common being colour blind to red-green.

So, avoid using plenty of colours that will make the design heavy on the eyes. Rather, just stick to two or three basic colours and use other images and graphic symbols to make it attractive.

Readability & Legibility

Yes, an attractive design/interface does matter, but readability and legibility are crucial elements.  The text should be easy for the reader to be able to grasp it. Bizarre font styles, combined with some awful colour combinations will just render the entire page unreadable.

Fortunately, there are some really simple tricks that you can use to make your site user-friendly.First and foremost, keep it simple. Simple letterforms and simpler design make the site more legible. To make it more readable avoid capitals, use a reasonable point size and create even word spacing.

Consistent Interface Design

Excessive creativity is a killer. Some designers just go over the top, and try to bring all aspects of creativity into the design. A different design for every single page within a website can be utterly confusing and annoying to the customer. So the key point here is consistency.

No matter how well you design the website, if the overall look and feel is not consistent, then customers will not be able to relate to the website and will leave the pages soon. Again the keyword is SIMPLE. If you want your customers to feel at home then a consistent template is a must. That combines with an aesthetically simple design with uncluttered page and uncomplicated menus will work wonders.

How Can Content Marketing Make Your Presence Felt in the Internet?

Any smart entrepreneur would have long understood that the traditional means of marketing is a thing of the past. What is required in this age and technology is online marketing backed with the most reliable and up-to-date techniques. Though there are different modes of making your presence felt in the online world, one marketing strategy most marketers bet on is content marketing.

A colourful, well designed website and a couple of social media accounts is just not sufficient to make your presence felt in the Internet. Content is one of the most powerful tools to make a dominating presence online. As a marketer, if you have still not forayed into content marketing and set across a strong team for that, then just read on to know why you should do it right away.

What is Content Marketing?

As a marketer if you plan to promote your business online, you would have certainly heard about content marketing. And if you are wondering how content marketing can make a difference to my business, then here’s a simple explanation to it. Content marketing is nothing but a means to create and share valuable details about your business in such a way that it will not only attract customers, but will convert potential customers into customers and customers into repeat customers. The right content will be your key to get customers to buy your products and change their views regarding your company. So, if you interested in doing your business online, content marketing is a reliable strategy to make customers to know, like and trust your brand.

Power of Content Marketing

Content has proven to be a successful strategy no matter what the business or vertical. Marketers are beginning to realize the value of a planned and well-executed marketing strategy. In fact, in a recent study conducted, content marketing well surpassed several marketing activities like social media marketing, SEO and paid advertising.The reason why content marketing is considered a valuable tool is due its versatility and its ability to reach. By delivering custom-made content to your customers, you not only make the customer feel better about the company and build stronger relationships, but also increase the inbound traffic to your site. It is also a great way to increase brand awareness and pull in unexpected customers. And best of all, it is the most cost-effective form of marketing, when compared to other alternative forms of marketing.

The Future

It is hard to deny the fact that content marketing is the next big thing in digital marketing. It is expected to overtake different marketing avenues like social media marketing. Content that is tailored to meet the marketing needs and is designed to lure the target customers is slated to rule the roost in future. In this generation of smartphones and unlimited Internet, where we are bombarded with information, the challenge lies in making you stand out. And this task can be trusted to content marketing. Companies with a proper content marketing strategy in place are expected to generate more leads in comparison to others.

Tips & Tricks

Long blog posts with high-quality and detailed content will be the future. With the Internet world overloaded with poor quality content, such kind of quality blogs and articles will certainly work wonders. Don’t limit your blog posts with just content. Pep them up with videos. Yes! Videos in blog posts will improve the learning experience and will create a dedicated group that will come back for more. Content marketing with the use of infographics and instructographics is a sure shot way to hit the bull’s eye. Publishing inforgraphics that stand out on a regular basis will be a successful content marketing strategy. The basic idea should be to focus on making an impact rather than just making noise.

To sum it up, content marketing is a powerful approach to promote your business online. Quality content can be in any form. Be it in blogs, videos, infographics or articles, it is an efficient and cost-effective way to make your presence felt on the Internet.

9 Authentic Email Campaigns to Boost Your Sales

“So long as new ideas are created, sales will continue to reach new highs”-Dorothea Brande

E-mail marketing is the foremost effective e-commerce marketing channel. There are only a few without an e-mail id of their own. Conquer success with the most effective methods.

Here are the 9 successful e-mail marketing campaigns you cannot ignore, if you want to boost your product sales;

1. Keep talking about the product you already sold to receive useful feedback or motivate them to buy related products through email

How to do it?

1. Set up Automated Personalized E-mail
2. Schedule it to 2 days of product delivery
3. Ask for reviews and rewards with discounts


• 12.5% in conversion in products with review than those without
• 83.85% increase in conversion on products with 20+ reviews

2. Use A/B testings to optimize open and click through rates

How to do it?

Preform A/B test in one of these

1. Subject Line
2. “FROM” field
3. E-mail content
4. Delivery time


Obama’s team found out that one subject line outperformed the other by generating more than 84% of donation

3. Soften those deals that were Just Abandoned

The number of abandoned carts is huge in the e-commerce industry. There might be various reasons for this. Identifying them is vital in improving customer experience, which in turn can improve the conversion rate.

How to do it?

1. Set up Cart Abandoned emails
2. Ask customers why they didn’t complete their transaction


The average order value of purchase from carts abandoned emails is 19% higher than typical purchases.

4. Reward your Most Loyal Customers

Segment your customers by loyalty and campaigns that are relevant to their level of activeness. Reward emails must be dedicated to those who spend 25% above average order value.
Categorizing the customers into five categories based on the engagement and loyalty, and targeting certain categories with gift card incentives increased their short-term revenue by $ 250,000.

5. Care for customers even when they don’t buy

It’s better to gift a life time experience to the customer even if they don’t shop. Remind them about the numerous offers that you have put forward.

How to do it?

Design an automated reactivation sequence with incentives for those who haven’t purchased within 12 months


400% success rate in reactivating lapsed customers when done after careful segmenting and powerful customizing.

“Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale”. – David Newman

6. Skip arbitrary, start being specific with free credits

Announcing discounts is not always enough. There should be some extra attractions for better sales.

How to do?

Instead of offering percentage based, give customers point based discounts or free shipping gifts


An email sent to customers with $4.25 in score credit to use within 24 hours boosted their conversions by more than 50%.

Limited period offer can boost up more customers.

7. Use your Transactional Emails for Marketing

A better customer experience can be created with transactional email marketing. These operational messages results in enormous marketing opportunity to increase loyalty and boost revenue.

How to do it?

Send personalized and branded transactional email including seasonally relevant items for cross-sell.


Adding cross-sell recommendations in shipping confirmation emails increased transaction rates by 20%

8. Getting Personal with customer

At first it might seem impossible. But it isn’t. Wishing them on their special occasions helps gain the trust of customers. Always remember, caring your customer does matter.

How to do it?

Setup milestone campaigns for Birthdays and Anniversaries and send them before and on the D-day


Personalised birthday and anniversary mails had almost 6X the transaction rate of standard bulk mailings.

9. Take your Email Marketing Beyond the Inbox

It’s not only the e-mail inboxes you can depend on. There are lot more possibilities round the corner. As we know that social media has become a part of human life, boosting your company through social media can make the magic possible.

How to do it?

Up sell and cross sell products through social media and through peer pressure, ads and recommendations.


A study by e-marketer found out that 53% of people are more likely to purchase a brand after following and engaging with that brand on Facebook than just email subscription.

Now here are some awesome reasons to switch to Email-marketing;

• People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than people that do not     receive email offers.
• 37% said that more than 20% of their inbox comes from marketers, and 53% said they’re                happy with the number of marketing emails they get.
• 91% of people check their email daily
• 33% of email recipients open email based on subject line alone.