15 Popular Jointviews Digital Marketing Blogs of 2017

The end of the year is just around the corner and it’s time to look back at some of the best blogs published by Jointviews Digital Marketing team. We have generated some good piece of content this year in the form of blogs, infographics, and videos.

Considering the popularity, we have sorted out 15 best digital marketing blogs generated by our team this year. Let’s have a look:

15 Best Social Media Monitoring Tools You Can Use in 2017

Social Media Marketing is crucial for any marketing business. But, today social media marketing is not confined to posting and sharing content. You need to use social media monitoring tools to create effective marketing strategies and campaigns. This blog has introduced 15 best social media monitoring tools in the form of an infographic.

9 Digital Marketing Certifications You Can Get in 2017

If you are a person who is so much interested in digital marketing the first thing you should do is to get certified by Google, Bing or HubSpot.  Nowadays companies prefer digital marketing professionals with marketing certifications.  A lot of free certification courses are now available on the web. This infographic has listed out popular digital marketing certifications that you can acquire in 2017.

15 Best Content Curation Tools You Can Use in 2018

Publishing content that is relevant to your audience gives you good results in Digital Marketing. Content curation helps you to find interesting topics from a variety of sources. It helps you to know the interests of your target audience as well. Using the right content curation tools will help you to offer content that your target audience like to read. This infographic has listed some popular content curation tools to help you create high quality content.

22 Top Email Marketing Tools of 2017

There is a widespread misconception that email marketing is just about creating an attractive email and sending it to many through automated software. That’s all in the past. Now the tools used for email marketing has become so much sophisticated and guarantees excellent results.

A striking feature of these new age tools is that they can predict the outcome of an email or even a social media marketing campaign. We have illustrated 22 top email marketing tools through this stunning infographic.

What is the Scope of Content Writing in India

Can you believe that content for business marketing was implemented since eighteenth century? It’s quite surprising, no? Yes, Content Marketing began in the eighteenth century when Benjamin Franklin published his yearly paper. In early 2000s search engines gave birth to SEO copywriters who finally evolved into copywriters. As Google rewarded quality content and penalized spammy content businesses now wanted professionals to write content.

This blog from Jointviews throws light on different aspects of content writing such as brief history of content writing, role of content writers, importance of quality content, scope of content writing in India and the future of content writing.

How to Set Up Google AMP on Your WordPress Website

Google has officially declared that more than 52% search requests are from mobile devices. SEO experts have confirmed that latest search updates of Google are giving prominence to mobile friendly websites. These facts clearly suggest the desperate need for mobile friendly websites.

This blog talks about the ins and outs of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) installation. We hope that this blog might help you to set up Google AMP on your wordpress website in the right way.

10 Outdated SEO Practices You Need to Discard in 2017

If you are a digital marketer it’s important to reinvent your SEO skills and strategies to stay ahead of the game. Sticking to the old school SEO strategies cannot assure you higher rankings and some of them are deemed as black-hat by Google. Do you want to get rid of outdated SEO practices? If you want to avoid such wrong SEO practices go through our blog on outdated SEO techniques. This blog has discussed 10 outdated SEO practices you need to discard in 2017.

How does Social Media Support Content Marketing?

Content is at the centre of all digital marketing efforts. But how do you ensure that your content reaches your readers once it is ready? According to CMI 93% of B2B marketers list social media as one of the top five content marketing tactics. This blog helps you understand that how you can use social media for successful content marketing.

How Influencer Marketing Powers Content Marketing

Influencers are users who are popular online and have good number of followers and user engagement with them. They are looked up to by many people and have the ability to influence opinions. They could be popular YouTubers, Instagram celebrities with following of more than 10,000 of Facebook users with active user engagement.

This is one the popular blogs published by us in 2017. The blog gives you a clear picture of Influencer marketing and how it boosts your content marketing efforts.

Top Google Search Trends in India 2017

Google has released its country specific lists of the top trends in online search data for 2017. As usual, showbiz and cricket dominated the Google search trends in India. Google has listed top searches of the year into 9 categories. This infographic illustrates the search trends of the year in an interesting manner.

Creating Stunning Infographics Improve Brand Awareness. Learn How

Infographics are a great way to present your content visually. Research shows that our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text! Let’s understand the different ways you can use infographics to improve brand awareness via this blog.

10 Best Ideas to Promote Your Business Using Instagram

Instagram has more than 80 million users now and it is likely to increase in the coming years. If you are planning to put your business on Instagram you can read on this blog to get 10 best ideas for business promotion.

9 Indian Startups that have Aced Content Marketing

Startups have more advantages over established businesses when it comes to content marketing. Startups may not have the budget to create and promote large amount of content like their bigger counterparts. However, being passionate about making it to the top will force startups to work hard and churn out relevant but creative content.

Get ready to know about 9 Indian startups that have done exceptionally well with content marketing!

How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy that Works Best for SEO

Most businesses are now focusing on creating more content than ever before. The major thing to note is that the content is used everywhere and influences every other type of marketing strategy. This blog discusses some points that help you create a content marketing strategy in line with your business goals.

25 Best Tools for Improving Your Content Writing Skills

Improving your content writing is one of the best ways to succeed in the SEO world. High-quality content can boost organic site traffic, improve SEO rankings and strengthen your on-site conversion rates.

Get familiar with 25 best tools for improving your content writing skills via this blog.

Final Thoughts

So, that is all about our digital marketing efforts in 2017. We will strive to generate engaging and relevant content in 2018 as well. Thanks for reading and we wish you a great year ahead.