to Google’s Big Migration

Google webmaster trends analyst, John Mueller announced that Google is moving all their official blog having domain name to

It helps users to ensure that these are official blogs managed and operated by Google itself.

The original URL was now redirects using a 301 redirect to

Google is planning on finally migrating all of their blogs to over the next several months.

John Mueller added that “the previous address will redirect to the new domain, so your bookmarks and links will continue to work.” The RSS feeds and comment URLs will not redirect, and you will need to resubscribe to those separately.

Several SEO’s are waiting eagerly to visualize the migration from SEO perspective.


Meet the New Google Analytics Design Rolling Out

A couple of weeks ago, it is reported that some users seen the Google Analytics in a new design.

But now not only some, more and more users are reporting the same.

Below shown are the screen shots showing the previous and new Google Analytics design:




google analytics




google analytics changes



Report Says 87% Brands are Now Opting for Digital Marketing

Social Beat, digital marketing agency released digital marketing industry report 2016 in May and June 2016 with 376 Chief Marketing Officers and marketing heads of various companies.

According to the report, 87 per cent of brands are choosing digital marketing instead of television and print medium for customer engagement and brand promotion due to increased usage of internet.

“The report highlights the rise of digital marketing services, though brands continue to use television and print medium to have a 360 degree approach. About 87 per cent of brands surveyed, leverage digital marketing,” Social Beat Co-Founder, Vikas Chawla said.

“While brand awareness and lead generation seem to be the primary goals, digital marketing is increasingly being leveraged for customer engagement and customer service too,” he said.

Social Beat Co-Founder Suneil Chawla noted that about 10 per cent of brands surveyed spend more than Rs one crore annually on digital marketing and 50 percent of them spend over Rs six lakh annually.”

Overall 20 per cent brands plan to increase their digital marketing spends by 25 per cent in next financial year, he said.


Did Google Sneak Out Another Algorithm Update Last Month?

Glenn Gabe at G- Squared Interactive shows strong evidence proving that Google algorithm updated occurred this month.

“It’s pretty clear that Google rolled out a major algo update in June,” says Gabe, pointing to specific dates where has has seen the most movement. June 1, 8, 21, and 26 are the dates where the most volatility was seen, suggesting that the update rolled out at the beginning of the month with “tremors” occurring through the remainder of the month.

Update could be either Panda-related, or it could be one of Google’s quality updates, Gabe suggests.

The update appears to be targeting websites with obvious quality issues.

It can be an another Panda Update.


Google Dropping Custom Date Range Search Filter for Mobile Users

Google is removing another search option filter for mobile users.

Mobile users will not be able to use the custom date range search filter.

After much thought and consideration, Google has decided to retire the Search Custom Date Range Tool on mobile. Today we are starting to gradually unlaunch this feature for all users, as we believe we can create a better experience by focusing on more highly-utilized search features that work seamlessly across both mobile and desktop. Please note that this will still be available on desktop, and all other date restriction tools [e.g., “Past hour,” “Past 24 hours,” “Past week,” “Past month,” “Past year”] will remain on mobile.”, AJ from Google wrote.

Read Also: Google’s Newest Mobile Friendly Update- Winners and Losers

This is the custom search date range filter found under the “Search Tools” option by clicking on “Any Time” and then selecting “Custom Range.”

They can access this feature only in the desktop version of Google.


Google Launched Springboard- Search Engine for Business Users

Recently, Google introduced search engine “Springboard”, an app search tool for enterprise users.

This tool is designed to “put the right information at your fingertips.”

In addition to search, Springboard will also act as an assistant of sorts by “proactively providing useful and actionable information and recommendations.”

Read Also: Google Tests New Look for “People Also Search For”

Springboard ‘searches easily and quickly across all of your information in Google Apps including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Drive, Contacts and more”, says the company.

Along with this, Google also announced that they are upgrading its sites also.

It is “one of the most popular products among our enterprise customers”, to make it easier for professionals to share information with work colleagues”, said Prabhakar Raghavan, Vice President of Engineering at Google.

These new sites can build great functional pages aggregate and distribute content across the enterprise.


Google Tests New Look for “People Also Search For”

Google seems to be testing or launching a new look for the “People Also Search For” feature.

This helps searchers to expand their search queries.

Usually when searchers use Google, they can also see “people also search for”, and some additional search phrases expanding extra search results. This is reported several times, most recently in April 2015.

Read Also: Google’s Newest Mobile Friendly Update- Winners and Losers

This new look is for the mobile search interface. The new look is cleaner and more boxed-in. It also scrolls left and right, like many of the Google carousel features in mobile.

This can’t be a surprise as Google is constantly testing new interfaces,


Google’s Newest Mobile Friendly Update- Winners and Losers

Google’s John Mueller, last week on Twitter confirmed that Google’s stronger and newest mobile friendly update has been completely rolled out.

FYI The mobile adjustments talked about here are now fully rolled out”, said John Mueller (@JohnMu) May possibly 12, 2016

Read Also: Sundar Pichai Says 20% of Mobile Queries are Voice Searches

This update can provide a powerful increase to mobile friendly pages.

“We looked at the mobile visibility for 200 domains for the time frame among April 25th and May 16th, 2016. We only took those domains into account which had a visibility score of at least three points for the Mobile Visibility Index.”

This also indicates that modest constructive modify, bought on by the website’s search engine marketing can increase the visibility of both mobile and desktop benefits.


Sundar Pichai Says 20% of Mobile Queries are Voice Searches

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced in Google I/O keynote that 20 % of queries on its mobile app and on Android devices are voice searches.

Actually 20% is lower than the figure mentioned by Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt in September 2010. He also said “25 percent of Android searches in the US are voice searches.” No matter of the precise number, it’s clear that voice searches are growing.

Read Also: 

Google Introduces New Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool

As more voice searches are being initiated, there are some essential content and SEO implications which has to take into consideration. And also, these mobile queries are going to become more transactional in time.

For example, Amazon Alexa allows users to order a pizza from Domino’s or an Uber ride. Google also announced that it has already integrated a range of 3rd party transactional services into Google Home, including Uber, Pandora, OpenTable, Spotify, WhatsApp and Ticketmaster.


Now Google Might Review Your Website!

John Mueller and his friends do lots of things in a day what they call “office hours,” known as Google hangouts where they run through the questions which are submitted and answer them.

Now John Mueller might be doing a site clinic and will review your website for an hour in front of everyone.

Read Also: Google Introduces New Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool

The time required for this will be considered as special hours and this will be starting from May 31 st at 10am ET.

It is mainly for brick and mortar sites. If you want your website to be reviewed, then feel free to submit your details in this Google form.
