Facebook to Finally Introduce “Dislike” Button


As per popular opinion, Facebook “Dislike” button has long been overdue. The company finally seems to be listening. During a town hall meeting at the company’s California headquarters, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said the feature would be coming soon.

He also said that the “Dislike” button would not “downvote” posts, but instead let users express other emotions.

“People have asked about the ‘dislike’ button for many years, and probably hundreds of people have asked about this, and today is a special day because today is the day that I actually get to say we are working on it, and are very close to shipping a test of it,” said Zuckerberg

Read Also: This is Why Marketers will love Facebook’s New Sign-Up Ads

Whatever the intentions, the public might have a different opinion.

Also, Facebook is where news publishers manage to get a majority of their traffic to their websites these days. So a “dislike” button might influence the traffic inflow. In that case, brands would have to change their content strategy and approach.


Google Has A New Logo!

Have you noticed a difference in the google logo? Yes, the search giant has updated its logo. It’s the same colours, but now, according to the official google blog, the logo has been designed considering people interact with Google products across many different platforms, apps and devices.

Check out the evolution of the Google Logo over time here:

Google’s New CEO is India-born Sundar Pichai

Google co-founders—Larry Page and Sergey Brin announced Chennai-born Sundar Pichai as the new CEO of the search giant. Creating a new organisational structure, the co-founders are now heading a mother company called Alphabet.

The 43 year old Chennai native Sundar Pichai is a product of IIT Kharagpur. He had later went to Stanford and Wharton universities. He will be in charge of a slimmed down Google, which has been rechristened as Google Minus.

Pichai had joined Google in 2004. He worked on Chrome and Android, both of which have made amazing progress.

 “very fortunate to have someone as talented as he is to run the slightly slimmed down Google and this frees up time for me to continue to scale our aspirations…I know Sundar will always be focused on innovation—continuing to stretch boundaries…”.  Wrote Larry Page in a letter to investors on 10 August.

Regarding the restructuring of Google, Page said in a blog "We've long believed that over time companies tend to get comfortable doing the same thing, just making incremental changes. But in the technology industry, where revolutionary ideas drive the next big growth areas, you need to be a bit uncomfortable to stay relevant,"  He further added "new structure will allow us to keep tremendous focus on the extraordinary opportunities we have inside of Google."

Sundar Pichai joins an elite group of Indian-origin CEOs, including Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. There are at least half a dozen of them in Fortune 500 companies. Indra Nooyi at Pepsi, Ajit Banga at Mastercard, and Sanjay Mehrotra at SanDisk are among them. Also, Ajit Jain is strongly tipped to succeed Warren Buffett at the third ranked Berkshire Hathaway.

Digital Commerce Market in India to Exceed Rs 1 Lakh Crore This Year: Study

New Delhi: Digital commerce market in India is expected to cross Rs 1 lakh crore this year.  Growing preference towards online shopping helps digital commerce market to a great extent. According to a recent report, in the year 2014 digital commerce market in India had grown 53 per cent to Rs 81,525 crore.

A joint report by IAMAI and IMRB International added that by the end of 2015, this is expected to raise further by 33 percent and cross Rs one lakh crore.

Digital commerce market saw a steady growth from 2010 to 2013. Rs 26,263 crore in 2010 raised to Rs 47,349 crore in 2012 and to Rs 53,301 crore in 2013. Over 61 per cent that is Rs 50,050 crore of the total market was accounted to online travel. E-tailing segment saw growth by 29.4 per cent.

"Significantly, e-tailing has grown by around 1.4 times over 2013 and constitute nearly 29 per cent of the overall share," the report said.

In the year 2014, E-tailing segment was dominated by mobiles and mobile phone accessories (41 per cent or Rs 9,936 crore) in sales. It is followed by apparels, footwear and personal items (20 per cent or Rs 4,699 crore) in 2014. The report confirmed that consumer durables and kitchen appliances added another 14 per cent or Rs 3,404 crore.

Digital consumer devices like laptops and tablets contributed Rs 2,780 crore. Home furnishing and books contributed Rs 1,059 crore and Rs 648 crore. The report confirmed that 45 percent customers, who shopped online preferred cash on delivery as the mode of payment. 21 per cent said that they preferred debit card payment, 16 percent credit card, 10 per cent Internet Banking and 8 percent through other modes like prepaid cash cards and mobile wallets.

The report said that in 2014, segments like financial services, matrimony and classifieds grew at 5.5 per cent and one per cent.

"The financial services market has grown at a CAGR of 20 per cent since 2010. This market was valued at Rs 4,508 crore. On the other hand, the classifieds market has seen significant growth and is valued at Rs 896 crore by December 2014," the report said.

Since 2010 with a CAGR of 73 per cent other market services had grown and by 2014 it was valued at Rs 2,025 crore. Service categories like online entertainment ticketing, online commuting, online food and grocery deliver belongs to this segment.

Last year, maximum growth in emerging service marketing was witnessed by online food delivery market (40 per cent). By the end of 2014 online food delivery market will be valued Rs 350 crore.

This is Why Marketers will love Facebook’s New Sign-Up Ads

Businesses are in constant search for e-mail addresses to find prospective customers.  But to sign up for a newsletter or to request a sales call by typing in the e-mail address is a tough task, especially using a mobile phone. Therefore, Internet users generally refuse to do that.

However, with Facebook’s new sign-up ads, it’s going to be easier. Your e-mail address, phone number and other details can be filled in automatically just by tapping twice. Facebook is still testing these “lead-ads” with small business groups for their credibility.

With Facebook ads, information such as Full Name, E-mail, Street Address, Phone, Zip, City, State, Country, Company Name, Job Title etc. can be filled in.

Facebook ads do care about user privacy and therefore, the information will be handed over only when the call-to-action buttons like “Subscribe” and “Submit” are clicked. Users can also edit the information according to their convenience. Also, it’s up to the user to choose to give away their data to marketers or not.

Facebook Partners With Kaspersky Labs to Get Rid of Malicious Software

Facebook had announced on Tuesday that they have been recently using a new security tool in order to identify and remove malicious software to make the usage of the site easier for people.

Facebook has joined hands with Kaspersky Labs to develop a program along with other security firms like ESET, F-Secure and Trend Micro.

Trevor Pottinger, a Facebook security engineer, said, “Thanks to the collaboration with these companies, in the past three months we have helped clean up more than two million people’s computers that we detected were infected with malware when they connected to Facebook. In these cases, we present a cleanup tool that runs in the background while you continue using Facebook, and you get a notification when the scan is done to show you what it found.”

The program is said to use “a combination of signals to help find infections and get the malware off of your computer for good, even if the malware isn’t actively spreading spam or harmful links.”

According to Kaspersky Lab’s Kate Kochetkova, Facebook users are often prone to various online fraudulent schemes like “phishing,” where faked e-mails are sent to the users to download malware. “Facebook is a major aim for phishers: one in five phishing scams targets Facebook notifications. So be vigilant when you receive emails appearing to be from Facebook: as they can be fake. There are lots of Trojans targeting Facebook users as well,” she said.

Twitter to Enhance E-Shopping Experience with New Product Pages


Twitter is finally transforming from being just a social media website to a good marketing platform.

The social media platform has introduced new product page and another page that the company called “Collections” where information about a specific product or places are given. Also, customers can buy products from there.

A product page in twitter consists of things like tweets about the product, user reviews, pricing and sometimes, a buy button. However, Collections page is a bit different. It contains more of recommended products and places selected by a brand or a high-profile curator.

Though Twitter has tried various shopping experiments before, this time they are at a much advanced level. Twitter already has a user base from which they can collect information about different products to be features in product and collectible pages. They can use the information to educate the potential buyers. Also, the website is going to collect a huge revenue with these pages.

Mid-Sized Businesses Get 246% Return from E–Mail Marketing

Only 1.5% businesses are making use of mobile marketing automation but guess what, they earning major return on investment. Marketers enjoy when they get more money than invested. New study on email marketing conducted by Jon Cifuentes evaluating a broad audience of 1,300 marketers and over 48,000 companies revealed that email is still the best way to get maximum return on investment (ROI).

Thanks to email marketing, mid-sized businesses are enjoying 246% ROI. Even though returns are high, email marketing is also one of the most expensive marketing channels to manage.

An analyst at VB Insight, Cifuentes said “You can think of email as the center of orchestrating all of your customer relationships,”, He continued. “It can be an expensive control booth, just based on all the things you can accomplish with it. The infrastructure costs add up. Email infrastructure partners, ESPs, analytics partners, agencies and content services, media spend for growing subscribers, and finally talent to run the show. It adds up, but the potential ROI you can achieve with email marketing shows you how vital it is to get it right.”

Cifuentes discovered similar cost pattern in his “State of Marketing Technology Winter 2015 report”. According to 2,119 marketing technology users email marketing requires high resource for proper management. 85% of the email marketing users are at manager level or above.

Even when email marketing is costly to maintain, there is no doubt in the result it fetches. Small to medium businesses can gain up to 183% return. Enterprise-level organizations average 117% return of investment.

Even after instant in- app messaging grabs the headline; emails have not fallen out of place. According to the prediction of research firm Radicati, email users world wide will be increasing to 2.8 billion over the next four years. Email is still the most prevalent form of online communication.  Email has become the part of daily life for marketers.

For a number of reasons, we’ve been trained to be sold to via email,” Cifuentes said. “It may be that with targeting on a mobile device, there’s just a finer line between useful and creepy. I’m watching that space with interest, and am excited to see new research on data privacy, and consumer preferences”

It’s high time that you target audience with the help of email marketing. High internal costs, expanding target audience and 246% average return at risk, email marketing requires your attention for sure.

Twitter and Google are Back at it After 4 Years!

After about four years, Google and Twitter are joining hands again for a mutually benefitting relationship. In a bid to provide better real-time search to its users, Google announced they would be bringing tweets to their search on mobile devices.

Here is the excerpt from the official Google blog:

Google blog excerpt






At the start, tweets would feature only in Google.com English version on Android as well as iOS. But Ardan Arac, Senior Product Manager has promised that they are working on bringing the same feature to other languages as well as to the desktop.

Twitter had given hint about this development earlier this year. Twitter had talked about reaching a deal with the search giant for allowing access to the Twitter firehose – at least half a billion tweets per day.

Google has been showing twitter results even before this week. But it was doing so by scraping Twitter, meaning the results were not really comprehensive. This deal will allow Google to show comprehensive results including trending tweets. 

As for Twitter, this is expected to give a new lease of life as their growth has been stagnating in the recent past. The social network would hope that showing up more often in Google results would result in improved traffic and engagement.