How to Kickoff App Store Optimization the Right Way

For App Store Optimization (ASO), there are two types of people we have to deal with: the first group consists of people who have no idea about app store optimization and the second group who thinks that app store optimization is basically like search engine optimization. The opinion of second group is partly true but a bit more complex, deep and interesting.

The real difference between App Store Optimization and search engine optimization is after users enter a website or an app page. Once that’s done, the process ends for search engine optimization. SEO is done by carefully selecting and promoting keywords that are used for making the content appear among top search results whenever relevant.

But, in the case of App Store Optimization, the purpose is not to generate app-page traffic but making sure that our app is reached to relevant and loyal users who not only visit the page but also download it to use it on a regular basis. And it is more about conversion rather than traffic.To optimize for app stores, one needs to have special attention to various aspects during the potential user’s visit. For creating a compelling, creative and informative experience, these are the key steps to be followed:

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For creating a compelling, creative and informative experience, these are the key steps to be followed:

1. Keyword Research

This step is similar to Search Engine Optimization. The content should contain relevant terms that lead potential users to the app. For this purpose, you can make use of certain tools such as App Annie and Sensor Tower. The real purpose is to create an appropriate balance between traffic and difficulty.

2. App Description

For generating the best results in Google and Apple’s algorithm, keyword research can be of great help. But we cannot force them to read the app description and thus download the app. Hence it would be a bad idea to stuff the content with keywords and create a perplexing app description. App description should be brief, relevant, smart and attractive.

3. App Logo

The icon used should do more than just give a clear idea on what the app is all about. It has to be attractive and grab users’ attention. You can try innovative methods to make your app logo stand out. For instance, you can try creating a 3D effect.

Your logo is the first thing potential users notice. Make it catchy and you win their attention.

4. Screenshots

Screenshots must simply be considered as an advertising platform. Brands that are less popular can use screenshots as an opportunity. Rather than using a dull and simple banner it is better to use screenshots to tell a story.

5. Video Trailer

Video trailers are very much useful and handy. It gives users a brief idea about what a product actually does and how creative its makers are. At the same time, the users will be entertained and informed.

6. Competitive Research

One should be closely aware of their competitors. It is always good to have an eye on your competitors, especially about the techniques and possibly ignored keywords. The app page must be updated according to one’s common sense and existing measuring tools. For becoming an app store superstar, one should try something different and unique.

7. Reviews and 5 Star Rankings

It is obvious that users will carefully examine the previous user’s experience regarding the app. Review section is prominent and visible in Google Play. One should make sure that they immediately reply to negative comments and also highlight the positive reviews.

8. App Name

The name of the app should be informative, catchy, unique and memorable. Also, title should contain keywords. One of the biggest challenges in App Store Optimization is to choose the right name for your app. Always remember how keywords can influence ranking rather than make it funny and entertaining.

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9. Category

Ranking for a specific arena is always influenced by the choice of category. Based on the level of competition and generated revenue, choose the category most relevant to your app. As part of iOS 8, Apple introduced subcategories that divide app store into micro-segments and thus allow the developers to rank accordingly.

10. Price

If you plan on putting a price on your app, always be sure that the price tag makes sense to your customers. Launching special sales and offers during the holidays are good ideas that can boost your App Store Optimization.

11. Localization

App marketers and developers must speak the user’s language. App description should be appropriate for the preferred audiences.

12. Analytics

After creating title, screenshots and app description, one should constantly measure and optimize results. Add creative content, change keyword and app description for the best results.

All the above steps can be very much essential for app store optimization. Basically, ASO is a trial and error business. Always try to create an emotional shopping experience for your users and thus seek appropriate results.