11 Examples of Successful Content Marketing by Travel Companies

Travel & Tourism is one of the most exciting industries to work for. With a gross booking of $1.6 trillion in 2017, global travel industry is one of fastest growing sectors. Increased connectivity and technology are only going to make it easier for travellers to explore the world.

Today, travellers make their own booking after extensive research on the internet. 97% of millennials share their travel experience on social media. Hence, there is tremendous scope for digital marketers in the travel space.

Right from dreaming of a destination to booking accommodation, travellers search for information in all stages of their planning. Because of this, online marketing success for travel companies is largely dependent on providing the right content at the right time.

These 11 companies used content strategy to inform and help travellers in various stages of their search and saw phenomenal success in booking revenue.

Contact Jointviews

#1 TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor is a giant in travel industry with more than 300 million unique visitors every month. TripAdvisor originally hired content curators to develop content for the website but soon saw that user generated reviews were attracting more traffic.

The site encouraged user content and has been known for helpful posts by real travellers ever since. In fact user generated content is the main contributor in the site’s rise to number on travel accommodation site.

TripAdvisor has proved that user generated content can be a solid content strategy. It is not only a credible form of content but also self-sustaining requiring minimum work from TripAdvisor.

#2 Mr. and Mrs Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Smith operate in luxury segment for couples. This is an example of business that had its target niche carved out right from the beginning.

This is also the reason for inspirational content on their website. From content on northern lights to feature on stylish boutique hotels, their site is enough to make you pack your bags right now!

They have also used content to position their brand as a mix of luxurious and quirky. Speaking on their brand, founder James Tamara said “We wanted something playful and a little bit mischievous, because a sense of humor is an important part of who we are.” The brand has reached enviable position since its inception in 2003.

#3 AirBnB Guidebooks

AirBnB is the star child of both travel and tech industry. They rely heavily on content by local guides and hosts to provide value to users.

The app and websites gives travelers an inside scoop on local experience and events.
AirBnB has also used helpful guidebooks to share information with travelers looking for in-depth information.

Every local host could post a guide meaning that there is tons of information available on AirBnB app or website.

#4 SNCF Europe

SNCF, France’s state owned railway company, combined experiential marketing with video content. They placed doorways in the middle of busy cities that opened into LED screens displaying live feed from other cities. Here is a video of the campaign that went viral.

The video got millions in views and the campaign titled ‘Europe: It’s just next door’ saw massive publicity for the brand.

#5 Four Seasons

The fiercely competitive travel industry keeps all players on their toes. The Canadian hospitality giant Four Seasons is known for its successful content marketing strategy in travel space.

The hotel chain has taken on a role of travel content media house by producing upto 3400 content per week across 400 distribution channels.

They have a comprehensive content strategy and leverage real stories, attractive visuals and quality content to engage with customers.

The phenomenal success of their content marketing has led to more than 2 million weekly impressions across all channels.

#6 Bonvoy Adventure

Bonvoy Adventure implemented their SEO and link-building strategy to draw traffic to their website. They did this by inviting guest posts which earned them credible referral links.

With a deeper understanding of their target audience they were able to provide better content and leverage it for their existing email marketing channel. They also did a page by page audit to improve their SEO signals and rank higher results.

The result was a 148% increase in website traffic and 200% increase in onsite transactions.

#7 Kimkim

Kimkim helps travellers to plan itineraries. A well thought content strategy is how they were able to grow their organic search by 300% !

Content Marketing by Travel Companies

Their strategy was to partner with local travel specialist to come up with their exciting profile snapshot and blog content. This way they could also focus on long-tail keywords that travellers were searching for.

Targeted content along with link building and PR grew Kimkim’s traffic massively within 4 months.

#8 Tenon Tours

Tenon Tours has successfully implemented the inbound marketing funnel to increase their conversions. They concentrated on converting visitors to leads and leads to customer by applying sound principles of inbound marketing.

Of course the foundation of any inbound marketing is great content. For this, Tenon re-purposed their best performing content in the form of guidebook and used it as a lead magnet to build a list. They were able to increase their conversion rate by 34% after nurturing leads through email channel.

#9 Shorefield

This is a great example of how targeting can help your company to go to the next level. Shorefield had luxurious properties across UK as well as fair amount of traffic to their site.

However, operating in the luxury market, it was important that they had the right kind of visitors on their site.
Plagued with irrelevant traffic, the company decided to invest in SEO. With focus on buyer personas and long tail keywords the site increased its organic conversion rate by 86%.

#10 Intrepid

Intrepid is an Australian travel company with strong brand values. As the name suggests they target travellers who are adventure loving, fearless and looking for new experiences.

Having figured out their target market, implementing on content strategy was much easier for them. They started with their content website –  The Journal which focuses on responsible travelling and off beat experiences.

With a targeted content, the company has successfully built a following of travellers who are aligned with the brand’s value. They have more than 496 K followers on Facebook, 86,000 followers on Twitter and are steadily growing their YouTube channel too.

#11 Trivago

Here is another example of a company who has invested in a long form regular content in the travel industry. Trivago has a digital magazine called ChekIn.

An interesting point to note in CheckIn is that Trivago is extremely cautious about promoting itself in unrelated articles. The magazine is genuinely helpful mix of articles and videos that are meant to inspire and inform travellers.


There are a lot of content opportunities in travel marketing to play around with. The rising popularity of visual content is good news for travel industry that uses videos and images extensively.

Today’s independent traveller is starving for information and sound advice on new destinations. The examples in this blog prove that knowing your target audience and providing them with required content can take your brand to a whole new level.

How SEO Companies Can Take Advantage of Bitcoin Marketing

The Bitcoin revolution showcases the increasing relevance and power of digital money and cryptocurrencies. It’s the current industry buzzword. Just take a look at below Google trends chart to see search for Bitcoin related keywords has surged in 2017.

Bitcoin Marketing

Arguably cryptocurrency has been the most significant development since money was invented. Combine that level of impact with the vast reach of the internet and you get a glimpse of what’s on everyone’s mind. To understand the potential of Bitcoin as a keyword we need to dive deep into the sea of questions fed through search engines. This allows us to find and pick the right keywords and conclude on a clearer picture of the buyer’s intent.

These keywords, especially the ones surrounding “bitcoin” opens a door to opportunities that can be immediately leveraged by SEO companies.

But, let’s get our facts and figures straight. This will help us better understand the impact of the Bitcoin revolution. From Dec 2017 till Feb 2018, the total market cap of the crypto market moved from $258 billion to over $437 billion.

Bitcoin Marketing

As you can see the crypto market is growing by leaps and bounds.
Now let’s compare the value of bitcoin from mid 2016 to Feb 2018. It has taken off from $1000 to $10,211.80. That’s a tenfold increase! The returns on investment in the crypto markets are impressive and unlike anything that has come before it.

You can visit sites like CoinMarketCap to monitor going rates for every cryptocurrency. You can view the market trends for each coin in the past day, week or year. You can also see the top currencies in the crypto world as well.

So, despite the dubious reputation, Bitcoin is a popular and growing trend. Now, how is that useful to SEO companies? How can bitcoin traffic be of benefit to SEO companies?
Here’s what can be done to cash in bitcoin traffic.

1. SEO consultancy in Bitcoin Market

One of the obvious opportunities for SEO companies is to collaborate with bitcoin agencies and companies. This way SEO companies can jump in on the profit making market. An SEO company specialized in Bitcoin marketing will attract many current players in the cryptocurrency market.

The demand and sheer interest for bitcoins, generates a great deal of online traffic towards cryptocurrency exchanges. These exchanges conduct all transactions related to the buying and selling of bitcoins and cryptocurrencies through their website.

“Coinbase” is one such example of a crypto trading platform that is reputable and trustworthy. There are roughly 70 such exchanges in existence.

This is why it’s critical for them to rank high in search listings. The goal here is to drive traffic to the website. Anyone who wants to buy or sell bitcoins should get directed to client’s platform. It’s clear that having an SEO strategy for Bitcoin players is a must.

SEO companies can use the increasing search interest for Bitcoin related keywords. Given below are a list of a few Bitcoin buyer keywords to focus on:

buy Bitcoin
buy Bitcoins
buy Bitcoin using credit card
bitcoin buy
where to buy bitcoins
buy bitcoins instantly
buy bitcoin online

Remember that these users usually consist of bitcoin owners or prospects who want to trade in cryptocurrencies. This is traffic of risk loving affluent investors which is immensely valuable in digital marketing.

Bitcoin prices leaps up and plunges down within a short span of time. This means that the traffic is also repetitive and engaged online for trading.

For example, there instances where you buy bitcoin for 100$ and within a couple of months, it can grow by 400% or vice versa.

Of course the benefits and risks of crypto trading are up for argument and is still a hot topic of discussion. However, this only makes it an even better keyword for SEO purpose. Also, Bitcoin owners monitor their investments regularly.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are infamously unpredictable but this leads to hidden opportunities as well. This is when investors decide to comb the web for alternatives, quickly searching Google to know the latest Bitcoin prices. This is a good opportunity for SEO companies to focus on other cryptocurrency keywords such as Ripple and Etherum.

The Investors goal here is to buy bitcoins from exchanges which offer the lowest valuation and quickly resell it at exchanges that display a higher valuation. Hence, there is a goldmine of opportunity for bitcoin keyword variations with changing buyer intent

Niche Opportunities

Since Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have become somewhat competitive to focus, SEO companies can look at longtail keywords within the space. An example of one such opportunity would be all keyword variations of the search entry “What is bitcoin?”. The traffic for such a search will be people who most likely have disposable income at hand.

They are naturally drawn by the growth opportunity and flexibility offered by cryptocurrency. But they are still hesitant to invest or trade in them.

The bitcoin revolution has encouraged many people who normally don’t trade in stocks or make investments to try their hand at trading. For many, this might turn out to be an expensive learning curve. The chances of failure are high, especially when you are not aware of any basic trading principles.

Let’s not forget that folks who invest in these ventures have already decided to gamble. They are ready to try their luck with money which they can afford to lose. This means that if you do your SEO homework well, you will end up building a potent list of leads.

You can easily build a list of ‘would be’ investors with disposable income who are willing to gamble on uncertainty. This is a valuable audience which most probably wishes to be informed on traditional investment options and the latest stock market trends as well.

2. Develop a Bitcoin Blog

Another way to cash in on the Bitcoin craze for SEO companies is to start their own website or blog in the space. This will not be your main business as an SEO company but it can be an innovative way to build your traffic and subscriber list. By nurturing these leads, you can even find customers for your Bitcoin marketing services.

Some Ideas to rank higher in Bitcoin Market

You can build your niche over a wide range of topics in the cryptomarket. It depends on your interest and experience over the subject matter you are involved with. You can target Bitcoin newbies who have just started learning bitcoin basics.

By educating this market you can have a niche website. You can start blogging about leanings of Bitcoin investors and even invite guest blogs. Posting relevant examples and educating the bitcoin audience in your niche will give you a steadily growing audience.

As you progress, you can move on from educating beginners, to providing valuable market insights. While it’s not mandatory, it’s always better to have someone on board with experience in cryptocurrencies. Tying up with cryptocurrency agencies is also a great idea.

You can start educating everyone who visits your websites by reviewing the various currencies that exist in the crypto world. Follow major players in the industry, keep your audience updated and any SEO company can soon have an audience of their own.

Understanding the Bitcoin traffic and search intent is key here. The ability to retain and convert your leads depends on your marketing funnel and services offered.

Make sure that a good SEO strategy gets followed up with solid content that loaded with value. If you don’t give value, people generally don’t stay. So make sure your blogs and content benefits your audience.

Earning through referral programs and affiliate marketing are also an option in case you want to monetize your blog.

Let’s Wrap it Up

Until it gains complete global acceptance, the path for cryptocurrencies are fraught with risks. However, we know that Bitcoins will continue to be the sizzling keyword in search engines.

SEO companies can take advantage of this by offering services to Bitcoin agencies and companies or building their own blogs focusing on niche content in Bitcoin space. These are some of the ways to cash in on the keyword that has taken the financial world by storm.

A Checklist to Succeed at International SEO Strategy

Back in the days, deciding to go international was a huge step in a company’s history. Businesses would enter another country only after 10 to 15 years of success in home country.

This is not the case now. Technology has shrunk the world and accelerated growth stages of a company. Today, companies are going international within a year of their business. In fact, start-ups are being launched with vision of a global presence.

Read on if you are spreading your digital presence online and want to know how your SEO efforts should change country to country.

Launching your site in a different country is more than just translating. In fact language is only one part of your site transformation. Sometimes, your site will have to change according to the region even in two English speaking regions. For example, Amazon has different sites for each country. (This is called country targeting).

A Checklist to Succeed at International SEO Strategy

Follow this checklist to launch your website successfully.

Domain Name viability

There is something that comes even before you figure out your regional hosting, target market and translation. It is your business name feasibility in other countries.

Launching popular Dublin whiskey brand “Irish Mist” was an embarrassing mistake in Germany because ‘Mist’ means manure in German!

It’s important to test your product name, brand name and domain name in another country before you think of implementing SEO strategy. P&G had to change its brand “Mr. Clean” to Flash in Ireland as the name was already taken.

In case of such legal complications and cultural misfit you may want to consider buying a different domain name altogether.

Competitor Market Research

One reason why international SEO strategies fail is because they do not adapt to the different competitive landscape of the new market.

New regions will have new players who could be more competitive or more aggressive in their ad spends.

Besides, Google is not the primary search engine in some countries. China has ‘Baidu’ and Russia has ‘Yandex’ as the most popular search engines.

You will have to find how search results are ranked here and tweak your SEO strategy if you want to launch in these countries.

Looking at the country’s top competitors will give you good idea of what SEO strategy is working. Use tools such as SEMRush and Google Trends to find keywords others are using for successful SEO strategy.

Keyword Research

Keywords are crucial to your SEO strategy. Search terms and context change from country to country depending on products and services.

A search for flights will be more or less similar throughout the world. However, search terms for clothing may be completely different. Soft sport shoes are called ‘sneakers’ in the U.S. and ‘trainers’ in U.K.

This is why going into a new market may mean doing your keyword research all over again.
Never assume the same keyword will work in another country. You will also have to re-purpose your content keeping the new keywords in mind.

Localize Content

The next step after deciding on your keywords is to localize your content of your website.
This includes translation to language, change in currency, metric systems etc.

Translation is a major part of it although you may need to re-position your content in some cases. Remember that different audiences interpret words, messaging, and colors differently. It is advisable to involve local digital marketing firm or consultants to be sure that your brand message is coming across correctly.

Website Structuring

There are various ways to structure your international website. Here is a video of terms you must be familiar with before you consider your options:

Here are some additional terms to know for international SEO:

  • Country code top level domain (ccTLD) – these are country specific such as ‘.fr’ for France in ‘www.example.fr’
  • Sub-Directory- It is simply a folder on the site. ‘fr’ in ‘www.example.com/fr’
  • Sub Domain – A unique subset of the domain name. It appears just before the domain name. ‘www’ in ‘www.example.com’

As of 2018 the international SEO consultants recommend that you use Sub-directories to differentiate country specific sites. This is because Google does not treat this as a separate site and uses your root domain name authority to rank page.

Localization Signals

Google also provides webmasters with various tools to help it rank the right localized page for the intended audience. Here are some tools and signals that your web developer / web master must optimize targeting:

1. Hreflangs – This is an attribute (‘just a part of site code’) which tells Google how different versions of your site are related and which page is meant to be shown in a country / language search.

2. Geo-targeting Settings– You can also set your target country in the country targeting tool in Google Search Console. Select this for site versions that you want to restrict to one country only. Do not set this if you want to target multiple countries with the same site.

3. Backlinks – It would benefit your Germany targeted website if most of its backlinks came from German sites. Backlinks from all over the world could confuse the geo-targeting signals.

4. Server Locations– A server closer to your audience is a signal for targeting the region. This means using a server located in Germany will help to target a Germany target site.

Final Thoughts

We are lucky to live in an era where the whole world is open to businesses old and new. Launching your websites across the globe requires some thought and planning. Checking everything off this list will take your international SEO strategy closer to success.

How AI and Machine Learning Will Shape the Future of SEO

Since the inception of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), it has been going through various transformations. It is evident that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning is going to change SEO soon.

AI is a system which is constantly evolving and changing. Nowadays, SEO prioritizes more on content, links and user experiences.

Machine learning

It is a form of artificial intelligence. Machine learning gives the opportunity to computers to learn without being programmed.

That means software programs will be able to change and grow accordingly when exposed to new data. This will make computers more adaptable to new data.

Machine learning is not a new concept. Even in 1990s, basic machine learning algorithms existed but with minimal usage of applying it.

From recently only, Google started making use of it in its searches and we started seeing rapid changes whenever there are new major updates.


RankBrain is Google’s new game changing algorithm introduced in conjunction with Hummingbird. It was introduced to help in identifying and interpreting the intent of the content and showing result pages which don’t include the words users searched for; but contains information related to the category or idea of the query.

RankBrain is designed in such a way to continuously determine and integrate new features on its own. Even though, you may not have noticed any major changes in searching; RankBrain is definitely doing an outstanding job.

On the billions of searches Google process everyday, 15% of those enquiries had never been processed before. From 2016, Google uses RankBrain to process each of them; where its resources are used to learn how to investigate all kind of queries including the rare ones.

To analyze how AI and machine learning will shape the future of SEO, we need to study about the history and current scenarios of SEO. Let’s take a look at those:

How SEO evolved?

When SEO started, it was very easy to rank top in a search engine as the results were based on keywords used. If you wanted a top position in search results, all you needed to do was use the phrase suitable for your title and the content and you are done! You were guaranteed one of the top most positions in search results.

The basic idea was that the number of times the keyword used was more on your page; your ranking will be higher.

But this also paved ways for some unethical search engine optimisation practices by various companies such as hiding keywords in the background of websites or putting keywords off screen.

Different types of tactics were developed for ranking high on search engine which led Google to change the algorithms used.

As Google had enough with the unethical SEO practices, Penguin 1.0 was introduced by Google on April 2012. It was developed to block various web spam tacticssuch as duplicate contents, stuffing of keywords, link schemes and also unwanted redirects.

Based on Google’s quality guidelines, Penguin decreased those sites’ ranking where it felt has violated the guidelines.

Current scenario of SEO

Various algorithms used by Google have helped a lot in kicking out spam filled sites. Also this scenario forced marketers to create high quality contents to get into search results.

In the past, if the SEO techniques were based on keywords; at present, it’s based on technical SEO, link building and speed of the page.

In the past, technical SEO only makes sure whether you use suitable keyword, but now it also focuses more on creating greater user experiences.

Now it includes various factors such as user behaviour, page speed and responsiveness of mobile pages.

Now Google focuses more on quality content rather than keyword stuffed contents. Engaging on high quality content will always decrease the ranking of low quality content even if it has high keyword density.

Future of SEO

The future of SEO will mostly rely on artificial intelligence rather than relying on a formula to create organic search result listing.

AI will be relying on machine learning, big data and user experience. Using AI and machine learning, search engines can learn from user behaviours and will be able to provide a list of contents users will most likely search for.

The following are the trends that are more likely to shape the future of SEO:

In 2015, Google has introduced RankBrain into its search algorithm. As said before, it has made keyword phrases irrelevant.

RankBrain is the third most important ranking factor in their search algorithms.

  • Understanding user intent

It will play an important part in ranking as major part of search results are based on artificial intelligence. Now, when marketers are thinking of creating content for their website, they need to think more than just keywords to hit the ranking on the search engine results page.

They also need to think what users will hope to find on your web page when they click from the results on search engines.

Marketers should be vigilant to get clues from search intent from their queries. There are four types of queries based on the user intent:

  • Navigational: A user looking for a specific information on a specific website
  • Informational: A user trying to get some information to read
  • Transactional: User trying to pay a bill, creating a new account or even trying to subscribe newsletters
  • Commercial: A user wishes to purchase or trying to get information to purchase later
  • Schema Markups

It is code or semantic vocabulary that you create on your webpage which helps the search engines to have a better understanding of your content.

This in turn enables search engines to give informative and accurate results for the users. It looks like Google will be making use of new schema markup supports for carousels, data feeds, job listings etc.

Impact of AI and machine learning in the future of SEO

Emergence of machine learning and artificial intelligence will definitely bright up the future of search engine optimization. In favour of SEO, AI not only delivers useful content to users but also makes sure of what fits to user’s need.

Rather than sending users to a page that has more likely content, machine learning AI system will send users to the page that not only answer their initial queries but also can answer follow up queries.

It is very evident that AI and machine learning are definitely going to revolutionize SEO in delivering a greater user experience.

So don’t even think of compromising the quality of content on your website because no one wants to get listed last on the search engine ranking.

If you are not sure in creating content that will hit the top rankings in SEO, you can definitely outsource them. Our team is happy to help you with. Learn more about our products and services.

How to Run a High Performing Growth Team

Growth Manager is relatively a new role that was created by the start ups of Silicon Valley around year 2006-07. Although the official role of growth manager and growth team is new, the concept of growth itself is not new to companies.

Every company obviously wants growth and takes decision to grow their business every day. Growth team just removes the hurdles and discovers new ways to grow faster every day.

Companies such as Facebook, Uber and AirBnB have been using growth team to keep up their fast pace of growth. Check out the growth graph of Facebook below.

The company introduced growth team in 2008 and has been keeping a steady growth pace since then. This is also because growth and experimentation is a core value at Facebook.

Run a High Performing Growth Team

What is a Growth Team?

Traditionally, growing a company’s customer base has been the responsibility of marketing and sales. As new age start-ups found out, working in silos is not a good way to make breakthrough changes that accelerate a company’s growth.

Growth team is a cross-functional team of members who are charged with the responsibility of growth discovery and business innovation.

This is based on the realization that growth of a company is not just a function of marketing but also product innovation, better customer experience and so many other factors.

For this reason a growth team is typically made of growth manager, product manager, marketing expert, designer, engineer and data analyst.

This structure may change according to industry and stage of each company. The important thing is to have different perspectives in the team.

Working closely with other roles gives birth to game changing ideas that would never be possible with separated business functions.

What does Growth Team Do?

So what does a growth team do on a day to day basis?

The larger goal at any company will be to drive growth in business through innovation in product, delivery and marketing. The specific goals will depend from company. However, many companies prefer not having specific goals that limit creativity and out of box thinking.

The whole point of a growth team is to have unexpected results from the free flow of ideas between different functions.

As far as day- to- day activities are concerned, growth team is busy in brainstorming for new ideas, experimenting, A/B testing, data analysis, tweaking of products etc. Weekly meetings to analyze test results and implement what is working are also a part of the work.

How to build and Run a Growth Team?

According to Sean Ellis, founder of GrowthHackers.com, success of growth team depends on two things:

1. Team
2. Process

Let’s look at both of them closely to understand how to run a high performing growth team.

1. Team

As mentioned above growth team is made up of experts form marketing, product development, product design, customer support and data analyst.

The growth team could be one growth manager with other resources borrowed temporarily when required or a ten person team with full time dedication to growth team.

A good way to start is to have a growth manager and important roles such as marketing and product manager in the team. Designers, engineers and data analyst can be borrowed as and when required.

You can always hire full time resources in case the external resources are being used very frequently.

Bigger companies with elaborate hierarchy will require a more defined team structure with role authority and responsibilities specified.

The growth teams in bigger companies will also need full support of senior management. For example, growth team must be given the authority to use data from any team, run tests in any department and recommend changes as per results.

A start up with a small team will automatically have everyone working together and hence a better environment for a growth team.

In the end success of growth teams also depends on the company culture. Rapid learning and data driven testing must be a part of company DNA for growth teams to thrive.

2. Process

Even the best of teams need an effective process to deliver. Here is a process that Sean Ellis recommends and is also being followed by most of the successful companies in Silicon Valley.

Run a High Performing Growth Team

The process starts with coming up with ideas to test and looking at re-arranging things in your business that could impact growth. For example, the marketing manager may want to try targeting a completely different market segment.

After brainstorming on ideas the next step is to select the tests to run. Tests should be selected based on the ICE parameters.

Impact Potential – there is no use running a test that will increase traffic by 1% only
Ease of testing – Some tests are easy to set up whereas others take weeks. Choose tests that are worth the effort.

The next step is to launch your test, collect results and make sense of it. Learning from these results must be captured and shared with everyone. Changes that show positive result must be immediately implemented and measured for success.

Final Thoughts

Successful companies run three to ten experiments every week. Facebook ‘people you may know’ feature and Amazon’s product listings are all result of tests run by growth teams.

In today’s high paced world companies cannot afford to fall behind changes in the market. Growth teams allow you to learn about your product and market rapidly and continuously.

15 Strategies to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Crowdfunding is an exciting alternative for start-ups to raise finance. The method allows founders to raise capital from general public who believe in their idea and support their cause.

Crowdfunding is growing as an idea every year. In 2015, $34.4 billion was raised through crowdfunding. Start-ups on Kickstarter, an online platform for crowdfunding has received donations $3 million in funding so far.

Not all crowdfunding campaigns are successful though and getting people to pledge money requires a lot planning. In fact, only one in three crowdfunding campaigns reach their goals.
Here are 15 Strategies to make sure your crowdfunding campaign is successful.

#1: Involve your Investors

Crowdfunding appeals to the regular audience because it gives them a chance to participate in innovation and business creation. Give your investors a say in your business by involving them in market research, product design and marketing.

You will not only receive valuable feedback but will also multiply your word of mouth by involving many other people.

For example, NikeID by Nike provides a platform for customers to design their own shoes. These practices can be extended to crowdfunding easily as public involvement is at the centre of this concept.

#2: Support a Cause

Pledging your capital and efforts for a social cause will convince more people to support you. Don’t worry if your business is not a social service.

You can show sustainability and care for community in many parts of your business.

Mexiuan is an e-commerce platform raising funds on Kickstarter. They support socially committed Mexican brands that employ underprivileged Mexican artisans and children with disabilities.

Supporting a social cause makes success of your crowdfunding campaign more likely.

Strategies to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

#3: Make it a Personal Story

People take decisions emotionally rather than logically. They make decision based on the emotional ‘why’ and justify it later with the logical facts of the matter.

This is the reason why crowdfunding for college bills and funeral expenses also sees tremendous success.

Strategies to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Sharing your story is essential as it answers the ‘why’ in your business. Always make sure you talk to audience in the video and share your journey as an entrepreneur.

Apply the techniques of good storytelling to make your case more compelling.

#4: Benefit Investors

Though the main objective of your campaign is to raise money, remember that crowdfunding campaign must be designed to benefit your investors too.

A deep understanding of your investors is necessary for this. What are the investor’s needs and pain points? How can you solve it? Your customers and potential investors are often the same for a crowdfunding campaign.

Benefits offered could be limited edition of product, discounts and offers, exclusive content or equity in company. A benefit doesn’t have to be monetary all the time.

Recognition for a cause, a thank you note or satisfaction of helping is also benefits that entrepreneurs are using successfully.

Make sure that the benefit fits into your story and is compelling enough for people to take action.

#5: Visual Presentation

Make your campaign as visual as possible. Include videos, pictures, testimonial and screenshots wherever possible. Your campaign page must give your viewers a peek into your business.

Good explainer videos have been shown to increase conversion rates by upto 30%.

Make a video that reflects the ethos of your company. Here is a funny video from Sensibo for their crowdfunding campaign.

Remember the video doesn’t have to be fancy. Many entrepreneurs have raised good amounts based on a sincere message on a clear video shot at their desk.

#6: Set realistic Goals

Here is an important tip on crowdfunding campaigns. People support campaigns that are closer to achieving their goals.

Most of the platforms show the percentage funded relative to the goal you set.

Strategies to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Setting up huge targets for your campaign can be a mistake sometimes. People are less likely to fund you if page says $10 pledged or 4% funded.

Set up small targets that are achievable and repeat another campaign if required. Running small and successful campaigns will also build your reputation as a regular fundraiser on the platform.

#7: Launch with a Bang

This is where most of the entrepreneurs go wrong. They think that money will just start rolling in once they have uploaded a great video.

It’s important to understand that crowdfunding campaigns need traction to get going. People want to put their money in a campaign that is likely to succeed.

Therefore it is important to launch your campaign on the right note. According to Indiegogo, 42% of funds are raised in the first and the last 3 days of campaign.

Raising funds must start before the campaign is launched. Ask your offline investors to invest via the crowdfunding platform as soon as the campaign is live.

Your campaign should ideally reach 30% of its goal within a week. This will give it more visibility and accelerate conversion.

#8: Use all Digital Marketing Channels

There are hundreds of crowdfunding campaigns launched every week. How do you make sure that yours is noticed?
Outreach or marketing of your campaign is required to get traffic to your campaign page.

Spread the word on your campaign on social media. Plan PR in popular publications, blogs and websites in your industry. Email marketing is another channel that will give you lots of traffic.

Build a targeted email list of at least 5000 email address to support your crowdfunding campaign.

You have to promote your campaign just like you promote your website to get traffic.

#9: Influencer Marketing

Support from right influencers can get you highly targeted audience that is ready to invest. Start a blogger outreach campaign a few weeks before your campaign.

Narrow down on 15-20 bloggers in your industry and request for guest posts, campaign mentions and backlinks to your page.

#10: Build a Community of Investors

Crowdfunding does much more that raise capital for your idea. It also builds a community of enthusiastic supporters for your business.

Putting your investors in touch with each other will build a stronger support system for you.

This also gives your investors a platform to communicate their shared value and support for a cause. This can be done on Facebook closed groups or forums on websites.

This active community will create excitement around your campaign and make it more attractive for their friends to join. It can also be a source of feedback from early adopters of your product.

#11: Update your Investors

It’s important to keep your investor community updated and engaged. Your investors have risked their money to invest in a start up that has no previous record.

Investors for iBackPack that raised $720,000 were left hanging when all communications from iBackPack were stopped with no delivery date promised

Strategies to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Regular communication builds investor’s confidence and assures them of good investment. This also helps in spreading goodwill and word of mouth in the community. Investors can easily pull in their friends to a campaign that is running profitably.

#12: Use the Right Platform

There are many options available to launch crowdfunding campaigns. Some of the famous ones are Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, Patreon and Tilt.

Each platform has its advantages depending on your business and project.

For example, Patreon is mostly used by content developers of videos and podcast who require recurring investment every month.

Fundly.com is the largest site for raising funds for non-profit social cause.

Strategies to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

#13: Create Excitement

Some campaigns gain a lot of attention because of the innovative product that they are marketing. Think of how Apple builds excitement for its product launch.

They keep a mystery element until their launch and have their customers waiting in excitement by the time the product is shipped.

Your product may not be inherently as exciting and will require even more marketing in that case.

Most successful campaigns plan their marketing strategy 8 to 12 months in advance.

Use storytelling and influencer marketing to build up excitement until your launch day.

#14: Leverage Offline channels too

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking that crowdfunding will raise 100% of funds from strangers online.

The truth is that you need the support of all your friends, family and contacts to get your campaign going.

Do not underestimate the role of offline channels such as networking events, pitching to investors, support from friends and mentors.

Besides, having reputed investors and PE firms already invested in you greatly increases your credibility on crowdfunding platforms.

#15: Do the Math

Last but not least, research on all facts on crowdfunding before you jump in. What are the average contributions that you can expect? Which platforms convert the most for your kind of projects?

You must calculate the estimated collection, budget and ROI for crowdfunding just like you would do for any other business activity.

Also remember to factor in video making costs, prototype development, marketing expenses while budgeting for your campaign.

Here are some numbers to help you plan your campaign in advance:

1.The average conversion rates is 3%. That means 3 out of 100 people who visit your page will back your campaign (Forbes)

2.Having a video increases your contribution by 20-30%

3.30 Day campaigns are the most successful (Indiegogo)

4.Campaigns that work in teams raise 3 times as much funds as solo campaigners (Indiegogo)

Bringing it all together

At its core crowdfunding is all about cutting out the traditional financing institutions and setting up a democracy for funding ideas.

It is a great way to raise funds, build supporters and get a customer base that believes in you.

Do your research, start planning a detailed strategy early and launch with a bang to maximize your success.

Do not forget to do online as well as offline methods of promoting your campaign to build excitement.

How to Host Webinars to Increase Conversions

Deciding on the format of content is one of the key aspects of content marketing. There are many formats that your content can take.

This includes blog posts, podcasts, video, e-book, webinars, etc. How do you know which one is best suited for you?

Well the best format depends on your target audience and the stage of buyer’s journey they are in. Webinar is known to give great results in converting leads to customers.

According to Content Marketing Institute, over 60% of marketers are using webinars as a part of their content marketing programs. In this blog we will talk about webinars and how you can use them to convert more customers

What is a Webinar?

Webinar is just like a seminar event except that it is conducted online. It is a presentation that is done live for the people who sign up for it.

Presenter and attendees are also able to communicate through live chat.

What makes a webinar unique is:

  • It gives a personal touch
  • It gives you more focused attention as it is live
  • It gives you more time. A typical webinar is between 45 mins to 2 hours
  • t gives you a chance to resolve objections in real time
  • It builds relation through a two way communication
  • You can reach anyone across the globeYou can see that a webinar keeps your audience more involved than a blog or video post. It is the closest to meeting to your leads face to face.

What are the conversion rates for Webinars?

For this reason webinars also have a high conversion rate. Whereas email marketing has a conversion rate of 3-5%, most webinars convert between 10- 20% of attendees down the line..

Companies like Adobe, Buzzsumo and KISSmetrics have confirmed above 20% conversion rates through webinars.

How to Use Webinars in Your Marketing Funnel?

Webinars can be used at two stages in a digital marketing funnel. Firstly, they can be used to connect with your visitors.

Webinars can even be used as lead magnets to convert visitors into leads.

Secondly, they are especially effective in the conversion stage, the last stage of marketing funnel.

Someone attending your webinar has set aside an hour for you, which means that they trust you to deliver value.

Most of the webinar attendees are hence qualified leads that are ready to buy.

How do I host a Webinar?

Hosting a webinar is not difficult. There are many webinar software that are user friendly and intuitive.
Here are the steps to follow to host a webinar:

1. Decide on the Topic and Presenter- Pick a burning question that your readers have or a pain point they face in their lives. A headline that speaks out to the visitor is half the job done.

2. Make your presentation – Make you presentation ready. A BIG mistake for any marketer would be treat your webinar as a sales pitch. A webinar is first and foremost a valuable training session for your attendees.

Remember they signed up to learn what you promised in the title, not to buy your products and service. Make sure you are giving tons of value in return of one hour that they have allotted to you.

3. Choose webinar software – There are many options to host your webinar like Webinars on Air by Google, Go to Webinar, Cisco WebX, Mega Meeting etc.

Go to Webinar is the most popular one with impressive features and reasonable pricing. It has a free 7 day trial and a monthly fee of $79 after that.

The software is easy to use with intuitive design. They allow you to share your screen with attendees, set up email notifications and reminders, take polls and surveys, chat with attendees and view webinar dashboard.

Practice a mock presentation a few times for successful live webinar.

4. Promote Webinar- Start promoting your webinar on social media, web-site pop-ups, email lists and any other channels you may have to reach your audience.

Make sure your topic matches your audience’s requirement. For example, a high school student is more likely to sign up than an undergrad for a webinar on ‘How to prepare for SAT Entrance’.

5. Host Webinar and Follow up- Use the tips shared below to host your webinar. Most of the attendees don’t sign up immediately but do end up buying up from you eventually.

Add the attendees to your email marketing list and follow up with your offer within 48 hours. Nurture these leads over time by sending webinar recording and other valuable content.

Tips to Host a Successful Webinar

  • Be well rehearsed

If you are a B2B company share your company story along with your personal story too.

Learn all the functions of webinar software and make sure you know how to get over technical setbacks even if they occur. Being well rehearsed will also make you sound confident.

  • Arrive before time

Arrive at least half an hour before the scheduled time. This will give you time to check if everything is working.

It is also a good opportunity to strike up a conversation with people have arrived early and are eager to start. Ask them about their expectation from the webinar.

  • Keep it interactive

The beauty of a webinar is that you can get direct live feedback from your attendees. Keep your webinar interactive by asking questions and also receiving questions.

Keep moderators on your team who will answer questions in chats and keep everyone engaged. Take names of people who are responding, mention geographies from where people are logged in. All this will make attendees feel connected and part of a live event.

  • Bring your personality

An event is way to know each other personally. So share your story and connect with your audience.

Tell them how you landed up here and highlight the similarities between you and your audience.

If you are a B2B company share your company story along with your personal story too.

  • Keep it Light

One hour is a long time to ask for focused attention from your audience. If your presentation is long and boring they will either exit or drift off.

So keep your webinar light and entertaining. Use a lot of stories, short videos, jokes and real life examples.

There will be parts where you will be giving heavy information, but make sure you prepare your audience and spread out the heavy material throughout the presentation.

The rule of thumb is to keep no more than three slides of heavy concepts.

Final Notes

Hosting your first webinar may seem like a difficult job. However, it is easy once you get used to it. With a conversion rate of 20% you are sure to do more of them once you get started.

What Content Marketers can do differently in 2018

Content marketing has emerged as the top marketing activity today. Every business is bullish on content marketing and is investing even more into it this year.

Here is the result of survey conducted by Smart Insights asking 850 marketers to pick the most important marketing activity.

Content Marketers can do differently in 2018
Image Credits

As you can see all marketers are aggressive on content marketing. This has increased the competition marketers face despite great content.

In this blog we will discuss what you can do differently this year to stand out and pull more traffic through your content.

• Long form in-depth Content

There was a time when a decent quality 650 word blog post had a chance to rank on page one on Google. This is not the case now. Ranking high on Google requires quality backlinks, domain authority, time and so much more.

When it comes to blogs, think of long form anchor posts of 1500 to 2500 words. These should be like a helpful guide covering A to Z of your industry or topic.

Anchor posts are blog posts that are the pillar of your site and pull in tons of traffic consistently. Do not expect to get traffic within a month.

It is typical to see your traffic rising after 6 months of posting. Do everything to make your content really helpful for your audience. Use infographics and videos to explain concepts.

Any content which does not make your reader say ‘ Wow! That was helpful’ has little chance to rank in top three searches. This is how you can differentiate your content and rank higher on Google in 2018

• Go niche

Differentiating your content in an already overcrowded web can be challenging. In any industry there will be in- depth blog posts that have been on the web for five years or more.

How can you possibly compete with those pieces? The answer lies in narrowing the focus of your content.

Write about nutrition for dancers instead of writing on general nutrition. Focus on long tail-keywords that will have less competition.

For example, instead of writing on ‘ladies shoes’, focus on ‘office shoes for working moms’. This way you will not only rank higher on search engines but will also attract highly targeted visitors that are easier to convert.

• Semantic Search

Google no more relies on just keywords to rank results. It uses something known as semantic search.
Semantic search takes into account the intent of the searcher.

This means weighing in the context, location, searcher history, language style and device.

That means Google now understands that a user typing in ‘green dress online’ is more likely to purchase the dress online than if she had typed ‘green dresses’.

For marketers this means that they have to be more aware of the context of searchers and conditions under which they are searching. Content should now match situations instead of just keywords.

• Target Google Featured Snippets

There is something better than position one on Google search. It’s position 0 .
You may have noticed that Google also gives the answer to your queries in a highlighted search box above all search results.

This gives the searchers the answers at a glance without having to go to another page.

Content Marketers can do differently in 2018

Ranking in featured snippets increases your traffic and decreases bounce rates. The great news is that you don’t even have to rank number one on Google to be able to feature in rich snippet.

To increase your chances to be featured in a rich snippet make sure your content:

  • Has a structured format with sub-headings
  • Keep your answers to the point, short and snappy
  • Mark up your article with structured data
  • Answer popular questions asked

• Explore other formats of Content

Audio podcasts have made a big comeback last year. There are more than 42 million people who listen to podcasts weekly in the US alone.

‘How to’ searches on YouTube have gone up by 70% in 2017. YouTube is also the second most popular search engine after Google.

The trend is clear. Users prefer video and audio form of content and marketers must produce this if they want to reach their audience.

Bringing it all together

Content marketing is here to stay as the most profitable channel to get leads. However, digital marketing landscape is changing continuously and marketers must concentrate on long-form quality content and niche topics to stay at the top.

Understanding Google’s semantic search and featured snippets will help to reach more audience. Lastly, experimenting with fresher format of content such as podcasts and videos will differentiate you from the other content.

Above all, it is important to keep experimenting in digital marketing. New trends emerge quickly and demand agility from content marketers.

15 Social Media Trends You Should Focus in 2018

Long gone was the time when social media is used only to share your pictures of vacation or honeymoon.

Even though, that trend still remains, nowadays, social media is used by many brands to promote their items.

Brands have chosen social media as a channel to promote and endorse their products because people 24*7 check on portable devices such as mobile to browse and more time is spent on social media.

If people have any frustrations or dissatisfaction with any of the brands, they express their emotions on social media.

Mostly people search on social media to get ideas about new brands.

More brands are using social media to build relationships with their customers which will help them to create loyalty towards their brands.

Let’s take a look at the social media trends you should focus in 2018.

1. Ephemeral Content

The phenomenon of Ephemeral content is introduced by Snapchat. Wondering about what exactly is that?

The content which user has created vanishes after 24 hours and followers only have that limited time period to view that content.

Snapchat pioneered this phenomenon but Instagram copied that idea and introduced it as Instagram Stories.

Each month more than 200 million people are using Instagram Stories; which is more than 50 million of Snapchat users.

If it’s continuing by this rate, by the end of 2018, more than half of Instagram users will be using Stories.

Since launching the Instagram Stories, the average time per day spent by users on Instagram has increased to 28 minutes.

This is definitely 7-13 minutes more time spent before introducing Stories.

Each month, stories feature is actively used by more than 1 million advertisers.

The advantage of using stories for brands is that any Instagram user can see your brand stories even if they are not following you.

2. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the best ways for the companies to get connected with next generation audiences.

World famous companies such as Rolex, The North Face, and HubSpot have made huge profits by making use of influencer marketing .

On the other hand, companies who have used traditional marketing strategies struggled to get connected to social media users.

This clearly indicates that 2018 is definitely a year for influencer marketing to bloom.

3. Understand Learning Styles

When you are trying to build and enhance personalized experience and categories for your targeted customers, you need to take an extra care in understanding learning styles.

Learning styles indicates the pattern how each people learn and process information is different.

The way you handle different learning styles on social media must be different.

Social Media Learning Styles from Nan Ross

4. Generation Z or Gen Z

This is one important area to focus more in 2018. Generation Z or Gen Z is more valuable to brand owners because this group is influenced more by the social media than they are by other sales and discounts.

Gen Z is also known as Post-Millennials, iGeneration, or Homeland Generation which includes freshly passouts from colleges who will enter corporate life or have already entered.

As they enter into workforce, their buying capacity also increases.

More than 80% of Gen Z says that they spend at least one hour in watching videos. This in turn will make more influencers move towards the brands.

Influencer marketing is an instant hit among Gen Z as they deliver 11 times Return On Investment (ROI) over other usual digital media channels.

5. Live Streaming

Live streaming was one of 2017’s top marketing trends and it will continue the same in 2018 as well.

Videos are always preferred over photos. In comparison with photos, Facebook videos get more than 135% of views.

Brands stream live videos on social media platforms which helps them dramatically to increase user engagement and followers.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other platforms offer in-app live video streaming which help them in creating more user engagement.

6. Chatbots

Chatbots is a software application which is used to interact with customers; usually it adopts texual conversations with users.

Already, Facebook messenger have more than 100,000 active bots on a monthly basis. These chatbots have helped in increasing prodictivity of the organization up to 3.5 times.

More than 60% of Millenials says that they have already used chatbots in their business and other 71% wants to try hands in experiencing chatbots used by brands.

Don’t mistake chatbots to be robots. Using machine learning technology, chatbots are programmed to speak like human agents.

Brands are able to customize their bots in such a way they perfectly reflects personality of the brands and also send personalized messages to its users.

7. Messaging Platforms

More than 2.5 billion people use various messaging platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp and, Kik to communicate with companies.

Instead of simply posting marketing content into profiles and feeds, companies should take an extra care to make it simple for customers to start one-to-one conversations.

It is more suitable to integrate chatbots and voice assistants into messaging platforms to create a unique and personalized experience for users.

Engaging more number of users through these platforms will contribute a huge difference in taking your business into new levels of success.

8. Social Listening

Social listening is the science of tracking conversations of the users which involves certain phrases, brands or words.

Then you can make use of these phrases/words together in finding new opportunities to create content suitable for your users.

Social listening tools help brands in synthesizing their customer’s digital footprint.

Using social listening, brands are able to track brand health in social media, develop marketing campaigns suitable for customers and therefore able to provide excellent brand experiences.

9. AI Marketing

Wondered when you search for something in internet and has seen related ads on pages you visit?

It’s because social media marketing has collaborated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables corresponding ads to appear.

More than 50% of marketers already make use of AI in their businesses.

With the advancements in technology, the growth of AI is expected to reach around 53% in coming years.

10. Sentimental Analytics

In 2018, social media marketers will be concentrating more in analyzing emotions and feelings of customers towards brands rather than looking just into Likes, Views, Shares and Clicks which are great.

Social media marketers will be analyzing the following questions:

  • What is the customer sentiment towards the brand?
  • How social media can change that sentiment?
  • What’s the strength of our Brand Health Index?
  • Does our brand have high Net Promoter Score?
  • Do people think about our brand frequently?

The answers to these questions do matter as these answers can help you in analyzing what people feel about your brand and how you can improve the image of your brand.

11. Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality

Most brands are not aware of the marketing possibilities Augmented Reality(AR) / Virtual Reality (VR) possess and still thinking it’s expensive and take years to adapt to it.

AR/VR are able to drastically enhance content marketing, media relations and customer service.

AR/VR is expected to give whole new dimensions to SEO, social media, public relations and enhance better experiences to audiences.

12. Visual Content

Visual content gives brands a major opportunity to grow in 2018. As tons of contents are cluttering the social media, people don’t pay attention to these contents as they scroll very fast through the social media pages.

This trend can be avoided by videos (pre-recorded or live stream) as they stand out in between the junk contents.

So, visual contents are going to be a stand out trend in 2018.

13. Support Key Influencers

Another important social media trend to focus in 2018 is to support key influencers related to your industry.

It is important because by providing data, ideas, products and support to people who can easily connect large groups of followers to your business brand is a major trend to be focused.

Definitely a key influencer can outreach your marketing strategies by their influence in the followers.

They can do so much for your products, services and brand but you have to make sure that they also receive equal value for the relationship they have with your brand.

14. Video Ads

 Video was one of the hit trends for 2017 and it still continues to be same in 2018 as the need for videos are only increasing.

43% of users prefer to see more video content from marketers.

Social media ads is the area where brands can capitalize more on social media in 2018.

As social media ads are already trending and expected to continue the same throughout the year.

It’s clear that video ads can influence people greater, because 95% of the message conveyed through the video stays in minds of people compared to 10% while reading content texts.

15. LinkedIn

Last but not least, LinkedIn. You will be thinking why LinkedIn not any other platforms?

It is because LinkedIn is a mix of culture, business, life insights and lot more. LinkedIn doesn’t have any limiting algorithms like other platforms to bind its activity.

Content can be published by anyone and also can be seen by anyone; this makes the platform as an open source for its users.

While other platforms need someone to follow to even see their published content.

As it is an open source, there is more chance for achieving success. This makes LinkedIn one of the hottest  social media trends in 2018.

Why You Should Care About Social Media Trends?

Social media trends are definitely the ice breakers in gaining large number of customers.

To achieve success in your business, not only you should take care of social media trends but also in keeping up trust and transparency for your customers.

As you now know the top social media trends to be focused in 2018, we hope that this will definitely help you in achieving heights of success.

Please let us know if you have any questions or queries.

How Will Wearable Technology Change the Ways of Marketing

Wearable technology has arrived in mainstream gadgets such as smart watches and fitness wrist bands during the past years.

According to Tractica, total shipments of all wearble device is set to cross 560 million pieces  with an estimated device revenue of $95 billion by 2021.

From eye-wear that gives additional information on the world around you to smart-wear t shirts that track your athletic performance, technology is going to fused with daily objects.

Levi’s has already partnered with Google for Project Jacquard (smart jacket).

The denim jacket has a smart tag on the sleeve cuff that allows cyclists to control their paired smartphone.

For marketers this is an opportunity just like mobile device was in early 2000s.

Wearable technology has the potential to change how marketers gather data, reach out to users, advertise and convert customers.

Here are the aspects of marketing that wearable technology will change:

  • Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing strategy will have to adapt to wearable devices. Smaller screens on smart watches and eye-wear mean that information has to be less than 140 characters.

Marketers cannot rely on blogs and videos to pull in users. This will put pressure on marketers to come up with snippets of information that are relevant to readers.

This is not necessarily bad news though. Wearables will also give marketers lots of real time information (as we will see in next point) that will allow them to come up with extremely targeted messages.

Content may also be delivered in voice as most wearables lack screens.

Integrating wearables in your content marketing plan requires changing your content length, format and delivery.

  • Data on Users

Until now we have only been collecting data on user demographics and online behaviour.  Wearables will give offline data on users that was previously impossible.

Data on physiological changes, daily routines and decision making process can be ground-breaking revelations for your brand.

Imagine knowing the eye pupil dilation of a consumer as she walks across shelves in departmental stores.

This will give an indication of level on interests in products and her reaction to new product.

This data is possible with wearables that monitor user bodily functions 24×7.

Such detailed data will allow marketers to define their audience, build better products and give more personalized content.

  • Buyer’s Journey

How we purchase products today is very different from the way we purchased ten years ago.

Today, a typical consumer goes through search information, multiple websites, mobile apps and sometimes in-store visits before deciding to buy.

In fact, Google’s ZMOT research suggests that an average consumer has more than 10 brand touch-points on his customer journey.

Wearables will also alter this buyer’s journey by adding to it or maybe even making it shorter.

Timely push notifications by a brand may speed up the process by giving enough touch-points in a shot span of time.

More importantly, brand interactions will become part of the usual day where brands don’t have to sit around waiting for users to log in online for interaction.

An example could be a blood sugar level alert after every meal by a healthcare brand.

  • Wearables App Development

Most wearables do not have screens fit for traditional website and mobile applications.

For this marketers will have to invest in wearable optimized application. The content of the application must be customized to buyer’s stage with clear call to action to move the customer further along the funnel.

Wearable apps could be used to send push notifications that compel users to check brand apps or website.

The marketing funnel itself may not change much but the steps and call to action will change according to the device.

Whether users will actually make purchase on smart watches remains to be tested.

However, going by the number of people using mobile apps for sensitive tasks such as banking, it is possible that people will embrace any channel that is convenient and safe.

  • Paid Ad Strategy

Marketers will also have to rethink their digital paid advertisement strategy. Consider the following advancements in technology:

  • No screen for wearable will mean more emphasis on voice search
  • Internet of Things (IoT) means all your gadgets are interconnected
  • Emergence of Artificial intelligence means ad platforms are continuously learning about you

All these changes mean that users will no longer be targeted by keywords but by real- life situations they are in.

For example, your smartwatch would know through connection with smart coffee machine that your coffee beans are over.

In turn your ad could be ‘read out’ by the virtual assistant (like Siri) as a suggestion to order coffee beans.

This could be wearable’s own ad platform or an extension of current platforms like Google Adwords to wearable.

Let’s Wrap it Up

Wearable technology is still in its early phase but will be common by 2021.

The interplay of wearables, AI, machine learning, voice search and internet of things is going to bring about a massive change in how businesses market their products.

Marketers must use this to serve relevant information. Pushing intrusive content on a personal wearable can ring data privacy alarms for consumers.