How to Spot a Good Content Marketing Agency in India?

One of the biggest challenges for businesses is to pick a right Content Marketing Agency. The demand for content marketing services has increased the number of agencies offering a variety of content related services.

Truth to be told, many people offer content services, but a few of them know the essence of Content Marketing. It’s really tough to choose the perfect practitioners of this marketing technique.

If you want to create a successful brand, you should find a sensible marketing partner who can help you with right Content Marketing strategies.

You should consider many aspects while hiring an agency. Here are some tips that may help you to spot a good Content Marketing Agency in India.

  1. Strategic Capability is Important

A recent survey reveals that lack of a shrewd content strategy is affecting the content marketing initiatives of many brands. It’s evident from their ROI’s.

So, it’s crucial to choose a Content Marketing Agency that has powerful strategic capabilities. Analyzing the track record and methodologies will help you know their strategic capabilities.

Ask them to share their case studies and if possible contact their clients. Try to know if their content strategies have helped brands to get potential customers. In addition, make sure that their content marketing efforts are in such a way to meet your business goals.

You May Also Like: 7 Ways To Reinvent Your Content Writing in Mumbai

  1. Check Whether their Tools are Capable of Giving you Feasible Results

Before hiring an agency, you should make an attempt to know their tools that enhances marketing. Agencies use several methods to identify the progress of their marketing efforts.

You should make sure that their marketing efforts are in such a way to boost your ROI. Also, check whether they are able to identify problems and streamline your marketing efforts to achieve your business goals.

  1. Converse with the Team Members

It’s usually seen that businesses find an agency and sign the deal after meeting the head of the marketing team. In fact, this is a big mistake. You have to make sure that they have a strong project management system. You can confirm it by conversing with the members of their team.

Effective communication with your advertising partner is vital for the success of your brand. Ensure that the team members are experienced and they can communicate with you effectively on a regular basis. In addition, discuss your business goals with them. This will help them to meet the values of your brand.

  1. Marketing Technology Matters

As the competition is high, proficient marketing technology is crucial to survive. It can make a positive impact on your overall marketing efforts. It will help you measure the engagement of audience and find potential customers.

If you and your agency share a common technology, you should be careful about its user interface. It should be user friendly.

Marketing technology platforms help you to analyze the quality of Content Marketing efforts done by your marketing agency. So, if you have your own marketing platforms ask your agency how they are going to plug their campaign into it.

Read Also: 9 Ways Content Marketing in Mumbai Improves Advertising for Businesses

  1. Know their Clients and Validate their Efficiency

Last but not least, let’s talk about the clients who became successful via their content marketing efforts. Many Content Marketing Agencies promise quality services, but you should check whether they are able deliver services on time.

You can ensure the efficiency of an agency by contacting their clients. They can tell you whether the agency is able to deliver quality services on time.

So, keep in mind all these aspects. We hope our blog will help you to spot a Content Marketing Agency in India that can work well for you. Good luck guys!

Google Updates Local Review Guidelines!

Google has updated the local reviews guidelines or marking up reviews explaining when you can make use of Scheme markup and when not.

Here is the new list of guidelines:

  • If the content provider or the business are not independent and genuine then they can’t provide the snippets.

  • Customers are allowed to express both positive and negative sentiments. They may not be restricted by the content provider according to the positive/negative sentiment prior to the submission to Google.

  • While putting reviews, keep in mind that template sentences built from data or automated metrics cannot be used.

  • Reviews for multiple-location businesses cannot be used in every business locations of the same company.

  • Content providers are not supposed to have any paid or commercial agreements for adding new reviews.

  • Duplicate or similar reviews are not allowed.

  • Only include reviews that have been directly produced by your site, not the third-party reviews.

The main change is only “directly produced by your site, not reviews from third-party sites or syndicated reviews” should be marked up, according to these guidelines.

This may impact a large number of websites that have implemented local reviews markup.


Google to Launch New Penalty to Improve Mobile User Experience

Google announced that it will be penalizing webpages with intrusive interstitials such as pop-ups. This move will help users to access content easily.

According to Google, the new algorithm will launch on January 10, 2017 and will try to make pages with such intrusive elements “not rank as highly” as they once did. This is actually replacing the app interstitials ad penalty that launched in September 2015. So that penalty is going away but the new one should cover and have the same impact on app interstitials ads.

Websites having pop-up ads which covers the entire page will rank low in Google’s search results. But pop-ups notifying users about the site’s cookies policy, users age and having small banner ads will not be get penalized.

“Pages that show intrusive interstitials provide poorer experience to users than other pages where content is immediately accessible. This can be problematic on mobile devices where screens are smaller,” Google product manager Doantam Phan said in the blog post.


7 Ways To Reinvent Your Content Writing in Mumbai

As we all know, content marketing is strenuous and requires a lot of attention. But at times our wrong strategies make it more difficult. For any business, organization is crucial for success. Like that proper planning is vital for content marketing success. When it comes to content marketing, your success depends upon the quality of content you create. You need to outline a step by step plan to accomplish your goals.

As 2016 is a promising year for content marketing you should make sure that your content writing efforts are in such a way to get maximum conversions.

Let’s have a look at 7 ways to reinvent your content writing in Mumbai

  1. Begin with a content review

When you reorganize your strategies the first thing is to analyze where you stand. A content review will help you to analyze what all areas needed improvement.

You need to ensure that you are getting good metrics for your content marketing efforts. Some of the metrics which demands your keen attention are website traffic, time of posting blogs, social media conversions, word count, keywords focused, etc. For instance, a content review will reveal which all keywords and length of posts assure you higher levels of social conversions.

Now let’s move on to the ways to improve your content writing…starting with your titles.

You May Also Like: 9 Signs of Good Content Writing Services

  1. Catch attention with amazing titles

In this mobile age, majority of users access web pages via their smartphones. In fact, your titles decide the popularity of your blogs. A recent study reveals that majority of users read a blog when they get attracted to the headlines.

For instance, you read content on social networking sites only when the headlines are interesting. Search for the contents that become sensational in social media, you could find that headline have a crucial role in such posts. You can’t create posts going viral without catchy titles.

  1. Enlighten with stories

A better way to engage audience is to enlighten them with stories. As we all know, everyone loves to hear stories. Though the topic is dull and uninteresting, if you present them in the form of a story it will bring you leads and followers.

You can introduce the success stories of businesses. There are many instances of popular brands once started as a small business and later turned into business tycoons. These stories will be helpful for bringing hope in the lives of businesses, especially startups. You can publish these stories in various social media platforms as a part of your social media marketing strategy.

You could seek our expertise to improve your social media marketing strategies as a move to target your audience.

  1. Enrich your content with expert quotes

Never allow your content marketing strategies to underperform just because your blogs are not up to the mark. You can enrich your content by adding quotes from expert sites.

It’s obvious that readers are more interested in content from trustworthy sites such as Forbes and the NY Times. But why can’t you create your own authority without depending on these sources?

When you choose topics for your blogs, just google whether the same topic has been written before by any who has dominance in content over the web. You can take quotes from their blogs and add them in your post. You can provide links to the sites where you have taken quotes, so that your readers can visit these sites for additional information. It seems like losing your site traffic, but in fact it will strengthen readers’ trust on you.

  1. Use images for better engagement

A recent study reveals that users respond more to text plus visual content when compared to text – only content. So, don’t forget to add compelling images matching your text content. Sensible images speak what your blog has to say. If you examine the current trends in social media sites, you could see that compelling images have driven better engagement.

Read Also: Why Successful Content Writing is not as Easy as its Assumed to be

  1. More conversions by removing barriers

The ultimate aim of your content is to win maximum sales for your product. You need people to read your blogs and increase the reach of your brand.

Understanding the usual barriers to conversions help you accomplish your targets. Firstly, try to identify the needs of your customers and publish blogs that may give solutions to their queries. You can allow customers to share their biggest challenges and connect them with experts to give them professional guidance. This will bring you more conversions.

  1. Seek expertise in writing your content

Last but not least, let’s discuss the need for seeking expertise for content writing. If you are creating content on your own that may be the reason for your poor conversions. Hiring content writing services will bring professionalism to your content.

Professionals know how to make more conversions owing to their experience with various clients. They know the real reader psychology. In fact, they are the real players in the game. So, give professionalism to your content by hiring the right content writing services.

We hope these 7 ways may help to bring freshness to your content writing efforts. So, reinvent your content marketing efforts with a right content writing service in Mumbai.

9 Ways Content Marketing in Mumbai Improves Advertising for Businesses

Nowadays, the demand for Content Marketing Services is at an all time high. Many brands proved it as a successful method for online advertising. Unfortunately, many businesses are still sceptical about the long term benefits of content marketing. Lack of awareness of this innovative method is one of the principal reasons.

If you are doing any online business and haven’t tried the possibilities of content marketing, you struggle a bit to survive among your competitors. As content marketing is one of the most feasible and successful marketing strategies used today, you should know about it in detail.

We are going to make you aware how Content Marketing in Mumbai can help businesses to improve advertising.

Here are 9 ways to improve advertising via Content Marketing

  1. More leads with more on- site content

It’s obvious that more content on the website will attract more users. Quality content gives room for your customers to become familiar with your brand. If they spend more time on your website because of your content, they will trust your products as well. As a result, you will get higher conversion rates. Quality content is the soul of content marketing; it will bring you quality leads.

To know more about blogging, see our blog Why is Blogging the Best Form of Content Marketing?

  1. Improved visibility in search engines 

Adding new blogs does not give you more search traffic. It will be another page in Google’s index. Google has some criteria to rank your blogs. Only quality pages can drive more search queries. Focusing popular keywords and topics that users frequently search for will lead potential customers to your website.

  1. Total domain authority via quality content

You can increase the expected authority, expertise, relevance and trust of your website by publishing high quality content. As quality content can attract more inbound links to your website, you will attain complete authority of your website’s domain. Truth to be told, higher domain authority is always associated with higher search rankings. So, you will find higher organic search visibility of your site with respect to the quality of content you produce.

  1. Increased referral traffic

Referral traffic is an integral part of your content marketing strategy. Your commitment towards guest blogging of your content strategy determines how much referral traffic you will get. When you do guest blogging, chances are high to link back to your site. Guest blogging might bring potential customers to your website.

So, always contribute your external publications on an engaging website with high traffic. This will bring you quality leads.

  1. More leads via social media

As you know, social media is an effective platform to get maximum exposure for your brand. Users share or like a blog only if the content is relevant and engaging. Interesting content can drive thousands of followers to your site. As a result, you are able to get the right customers.

  1. Improved conversion is possible (than ever before)

One of the principal reasons for publishing attractive content is to help, inform and engage your audience. Once they are interested in your content, you can easily introduce your products and services to them. If done thoughtfully, the number of conversions will increase considerably. Remember the keyword “thoughtfully”- never convert your content into an advertisement.

  1. Enhanced brand reputation 

Relevant and quality content is capable of creating an impression of your brand. If your audience finds your blogs informative and helpful, they will consider your brand as a thought leader. If your content is found in external platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. readers will consider your brand as more trustworthy.

You May Also Like: 9 Signs of Good Content Writing Services

  1. Promising customer relationships

It’s indisputable that sensible content can improve the loyalty of your customer relationships. If you produce and share content on personal brands of individuals, readers will find you as a reliable source of information on product queries and gradually they develop a personal relationship with your brand. This will persuade them to buy your products as well.

  1. Economic marketing costs

As Content Marketing is cost- effective, secure and accessible for anybody irrespective of industries, businesses find no other effective medium for advertising. Many brands already claimed that they could reduce half of their marketing expenses with Content Marketing.

We hope these 9 ways make you know how Content Marketing in Mumbai helps businesses to improve advertising. So, if you do not invest in it yet, leverage your business with Content Marketing.

Google Adwords Adds a New Feature- Report Editor

Recently Google adwords added Report Editor- a new feature.

This feature will allow you to engage with your performance data through multi-dimensional tables and charts.

Here is the screenshot:


You can access it by clicking on that arrow down button when viewing a campaign/keywords/ads in the AdWords console.


Google Restricts Keyword Planner Officially

Google keyword planner, a tool used by most advertisers and SEOs has become restricted for many users.

Over the past few weeks, keyword planner has been getting affected by some technical issues. The situation has become such that, only those who are having an active Adwords account can see the actual search volume.

”To use Keyword Planner, you need to have at least one active campaign. If you have an active campaign and are still seeing this message, try reloading Keyword Planner in a few minutes.”

A high percent of advertisers can see keyword planner data as like before but AdWords users with a “lower monthly spend” could see only limited data in the planner.

There has been some technical trouble with the keyword planner in the past few weeks. And google reported that these have been fixed. But so far, it seems like the restrictions are permanent


Google’s Browser to Block Flash Content

Google announced that its chrome browser is going to block the flash seen in the background of web pages in September.

Flash can slow down your web browsing experience, which is why Google has made this decision.

“HTML5 is much lighter and faster, and publishers are switching over to speed up page loading and save you more battery life. You’ll see an improvement in responsiveness and efficiency for many sites” , says Google.

Apart from this, Google also announced that it will make HTML5 as the default standard for videos and games on Chrome 55.

This change will be effective from the month of December.


Top reasons for Hiring SEO Services in India (Especially In 2016)

As everyone knows, today, internet is available even in small villages. This worldwide network is spreading its possibilities around the globe rapidly and efficiently. The online marketing has reached a tougher competitive level because of this. Online businesses want to fare well in the market by improving their rankings in search results. Enhanced search results are crucial for brands to stay ahead in the market, as it brings better leads and clients to them.

As competition in the market is high, the demand for SEO services in India is going to increase in the upcoming years, especially in 2016.

If you are doing any online business, it’s time to devise new SEO strategies for your website success in the coming years. You might be thinking, why it is essential to seek the help of a professional SEO company.

Read Also: 6 Ways Hiring SEO Services in India is Vital for Your Success

As you know, today people do their shopping and come to know about a product via online. People chat and discuss on various products via online social media channels as well. This implies that everything is through online nowadays. So, what happens if your website is not properly SEO- optimized? Will it bring leads to your site? Truth to be told, if your site is not SEO- optimized, your venture is going to be a failure. It won’t matter how terrific your products and services are, unless people are able to find your products in top search results.

Recent updates on Google’s Panda and Penguin reveal that the future of online marketing is in the hands of SEO experts.

Here are some reasons why your business is going to fare with professional SEO services in India (especially in 2016).

Save Workforce and Money

If you are going to manage Search Engine Optimization related tasks of your website yourself, then you are unnecessarily wasting your valuable resources. You could have used it for some other productive purpose of your company. Hiring a professional SEO company can solve all your website related worries. As they know the latest SEO trends, they keep your brand stay live in the online market.

Save Your Time

As far as business owners are concerned, they don’t have enough time to manage all issues related to their websites. Time is a valuable commodity for an entrepreneur. Here comes the relevance of a professional SEO team. They will do all the keyword and SEO research for your e-commerce success. In addition, they will monitor all your marketing and social media efforts and ensure whether it is working or not.

This will give you room to focus on other things for the success of your business.

Proficiency and Experience

Handling your website with the employees in your company is not going to make results in the long run. You and your business associates might have a mere knowledge about SEO. You should understand that SEO companies stay ahead in the digital world because of their successful SEO campaigns. They know the ins and outs of SEO owing to their experience and expertise in this field.

They know how to provide you maximum services in tune with your marketing budget owing to their working experience with different clients.

You May Also Like: 7 Tips for Hiring the Right SEO Company in India for your Business

Stay ahead in SEO Game

It’s obvious that you have to beat your online competitors to stay live in the SEO game. For instance, you need professional players to win an international game. Like that, seasoned SEO experts are the best players in the SEO game. They know all the angles of SEO to beat your online competitors.

Enhanced Return on Investment (ROI)

Many people think that SEO is just to drive traffic to the websites. In fact, it’s much more than improving traffic. Better SEO gains the right customers by driving the right kind of traffic. Only professional SEO experts can find your potential customers. Potential customers can only give you better ROI.

So, start your ventures with professional SEO Services in India and feel the impact of professionalism in your business!

9 Smart Tips to Choose the Best Content Marketing Agency

Content marketing is a solid way to enhance your brand. So, you would naturally be interested in jumping the content marketing bandwagon for your brand. But content marketing is not an easy job. You have two options – either build an in-house team or hire an agency.

Building an in-house content team is not an easy job. It requires patience, proper vision a talented bunch of people and proper budget. But on the other hand, a content marketing agency provides you a readymade team of experts.

Read Also: How Can Content Marketing Make Your Presence Felt in the Internet?

But not all content marketing agencies are genuinely dependable. The main reason is simple. Most of them were originally SEO, Social Media Marketing agencies. On seeing the possibilities of Content Marketing, they reinvented themselves as Content Marketing agencies.

Here are a few smart tips to choose a Content Marketing agency that suits your business best:

Domain Expertise: No two businesses function the same way. Each is unique in its own way. Its not easy to have expertise over every domain. That said, if your content marketing agency has previous experience working with your domain, or if they are a team that is comfortable with your domain, the chances of success is high.

Because, in content marketing, quality is everything. If they have great domain knowledge, it will provide you massive advantage.

Success Stories: Do they have past success stories to share? If they have, it means they do know their stuff. If they don’t, be very careful. They might have the potential, but at the same time would have the disadvantage of being newbies. You would have to take a gamble if you plan on continuing with them.

Look for Social Media Presence: Do they have good social media presence? Good rankings alone is not enough for businesses to grow online. Social media presence is vital as well. Check if they are actively engaged with their social media audience, and has some viral posts. Also, do they have experience generating leads from social media? These are vital points you shouldn’t miss out on.

Check their Website & Blog – Do they have a decently designed website which is navigable and user-friendly? Any good content marketing agency would have a variety of content displayed on their website. Look out for videos, infographics, slideshare presentations, ebooks, etc.

Also, pay close attention to their blog. See if they have the latest updates, both from industry and from the company.

Takes time to learn the way you worked so far– Any good content marketing team would look for the work you have done so far. Because generating quality content is no simple task, and they have to lookfor every bit of information available to them. And if you have an existing style of working which could be tweaked for better results, then nothing like it.

Provides you a fresh perspective – Do they provide a fresh perspective to your business? An angle you yourself might not have noticed, or did not think mattered much, but now that they talk about it, you realize its importance and the scope it offers. There might be new techniques your competitors might not be using, and gives you lots of opportunities to grow. Such people would also be able to predict future trends that your business would be able to make the best of.

Produces a variety of content – No matter how great the content, if its the same kind, success will not be sustainable. Your audience would get bored of the same form and style. There should be variety to keep their interest high. Include a variety of videos (Read:Online Video: The Future of Content Marketing), blogs, images, infographics, slideshare presentations and more to make it interesting.

Knows Content Marketing is not just producing content – There aren’t a lot of people who understand the concept of content marketing (Read: Content Marketing: What is it all about?). Due to this, a lot of agencies and people think that content marketing is nothing more than just producing content.

But it is not so. Content marketing involves marketing of the created content as well. How do you do that? Well, that’s a question your content marketing agency needs to answer.

If possible, reach out to ex-employees of the company – To know how a company is, there is no better way than to talk to ex-employees. Their views might be biased, but talking to them can give you valuable insights about the company. You would be able to know their workflow, capability, past clients, culture and a lot more.

So, there you have it.

If you think there are other valuable tips, please share with us in the comment section.