Choosing the Best Content Marketing Agency: Tips for Startups and Small Businesses

Marketing can be a changeable world, as the trends to keep up with,analytics to track, reports to create, consumers to reach, distribution channels to optimize, emails to send, and a ton of other things fighting for your attention.

Startup marketing is a unique challenge often times because of the limited resources, whether it’s time, money or talent. The key role content marketing plays in driving leads and delivering results is something most businesses are aware of.

Content marketing has become an integral part for businesses, whether it is a start-up or small business.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing can be defined as “ A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

If you are not familiar with content creation or marketing, it is better to outsource the task to any professional content marketing agency.

A reliable agency can help you to focus on your target market. Here are certain tips for businesses to consider when choosing the best content marketing agency.

1. Flexible with Diverse Forms of Content: It is important that the agency of your choice should understand where and how your potential customers spend their time online. From landing pages and white papers to eBooks and news articles, it is important to make sure that content marketing efforts are in such a way to attract your targeted audience.

2. Look for the Quality of Previous Works: By reviewing marketing agency’s previous and current customer references and piece of content, campaigns and work, start-ups or small businesses could evaluate their capability before hiring.

3. Content Marketing Success and Latest Technology: It’s important to know that your agency is using the latest technology. Make sure that you ask questions, research technologies and tools they are using to improve content writing skills and understand how your agency will use the data to optimize performance.

4. Checkout their work and its quality: Make sure to have a clear idea about their current as well as previous work. Read out their content marketing case studies and how they assisted their clients, how skilled their content writers are. If possible, get a phone interview with those clients.

5. Check whether they are trustworthy, transparent, and credible: Trust is the vital part of any business; you should have a clear view about the agency, meaning, you should make sure that the agency is good for its word and they can work in line with your business goals.

Take the time and study your needs and options available. People buy from business they trust and you can build their trust by utilizing high-quality, intended, and properly optimized content that your target market actually wants to read and is likely to share.

You may find many agencies, where each agency is different and every provider carries unique specifications. All you have to follow is to partner with the best content marketing agency, who can assure you quality services with consistency.

Why Hire a Content Marketing Agency for Startups and Small Businesses

Needless to mention, any business thrives only when it has a solid customer base. With so many startups and businesses targeting the same consumer segment, it is your prerogative as an entrepreneur to do everything that is within your reach to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

In what way is my product or service meeting the needs of my customer?

In how many ways is my product different from others?

These are the two questions of introspection that should drive you to take certain measures in line with your marketing strategy. All for the sake of generating leads which will ultimately become your brand loyalists, thereby increasing your sales, your marketing strategy should be your prime instrument for change.

It is a thing of the past when customers were influenced to buy certain products that flashed on their TVs or in their morning newspapers. Billboards and hoardings too became promising advertising tools promising a greater reach. But this is not the scene anymore. With technology penetrating into every sphere of human life, the World Wide Web is the pivotal marketplace to checkout and order stuff.

Just signup with your chosen e-commerce website, select a product of your choice, order it online and receive the delivery at your doorstep without any fuss. Doing away the strain of physically knocking on the doors of a showroom, shoppers can shop for their needs from the comfort of their living rooms.

Offering a great deal of freedom and convenience to the shopping fraternity, online shopping has revolutionized the way in which people pick up and use stuff. And what makes this type of business proposition click?

Content – The Magic Wand of Words and Pictures

Primarily focused on customer engagement, it is only through good website content that you can attract the attention of potential customers. It can be a social media update or a compelling blog post. Both these are the techniques that will engage your customers while paving way for a stronger brand positioning.

Genuine content tagged with images and videos is what drives your customers to pause for a second to understand what you are conveying. And if they like it, they will go a step further by sharing it within their contacts.

Commenting about your offering is another way in which online shoppers influence each other. Basically adding value to your service or product, it is only through effective content that you can increase traffic to your website; eventually leading to good sale figures.

The Need to Hire a Content Marketing Agency

Notwithstanding the fact that a professional setup can handhold your business on to the right path, the same belief holds good when it concerns hiring the services of a content marketing agency. Signing up the dotted line with such agencies will deliver you the following advantages.

1. The team of content marketing executives will help you organize, implement and test your content marketing strategy. Along with this, the added advantage comes in the form of tracking the progress of your strategy.

2. The agency can step in to give your current content marketing activities a facelift.

3. When you compare the cost v/s the numerous benefits that an agency has in store for you, allocation of a certain budget will lower your expenditure when you do not have to hire a full-time content strategist or a graphic designer. The team will step in to take care of all your content requirements at a much lower cost.

The Job Description of a Content Marketing Company

Having identified the functional and financial advantages of hiring a content marketing agency, now is the time to discuss about the different ways in which such companies help boost your sale figures.

1. A single-window service that will take care of all your content marketing needs including web content writing, SEO initiatives and all the aspects of your content marketing that will impact your supply chain.

2. The agency helps you gain a comprehensive idea of your business goals looking through the lens of your online presence. Recommending changes to the content alongside fixing content deficiencies will hence be the responsibility of the team.

3. As an outside agency, the team of content marketers will be able to offer you objective suggestions to build your brand. Tagged as a reliable source of marketing information, it is through their years of marketing experience that you will be able to create your market niche.

4. A consolidated report from the professional agency will help you assess whether the current situation is in sync with what was agreed upon earlier as part of the agency contract requirements.

5. Teaming up with a content marketing agency is a purse-friendly decision when you will be spared of incurring employee training costs.

6. Helping you realize your short terms goals, a content marketing agency can be of utmost help when you are hard pressed to deliver an urgent project. While your workforce is getting tuned to the upcoming project, you can be at peace to work around a complete marketing plan offered by the agency. The prompt implementation of your marketing plan does wonders to your bottom line, allowing you to make the most of an unexpected opportunity.


Mindful of the advantages of hiring a content marketing agency for your small entrepreneurial venture, it comes as a wise move to hand over the reins of your content requirements to professionals. Bringing to the fore the cost-benefit analysis, it is evident that the benefits outweigh the costing factor of availing professional content marketing services.

Allowing your business to thrive with unique and high quality content, you will able to differentiate yourself from your competitors by signing up with professionals who can bring in informative and engaging text, videos, webinars, podcasts and infographics. All these enhancements to your website will make you stand apart in your business circles, not only through a better online presence but also in terms of long-standing profitability.