Instagram Tops Twitter, Hits Over 400 Million Users

Instagram has just dealt a significant blow to its rivals”

Instagram has more than 400 million users, with over 80 million pictures shared via this platform.

Most of the latest subscribers are European or Asian, with the likes of Brazil, Japan and Indonesia standing out with significant surges in subscribers.

Instagram was created and launched by Mr Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. It gained popularity quickly and had attained over 100 million active users by April 2012.

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“When Instagram launched nearly five years ago, 400 million seemed like a distant dream,” said the company in a blog post.

“Now, we continue to strive to improve Instagram – helping you experience the world through images and connect with others through shared passions.”

The company introduced a new app, Layout from Instagram. With this users can select and combine three photos into a single image that too in several layouts.
