5 SEO Best Practices Trending in 2015

“Content is king. But marketing is queen and runs the household”– Gary Vaynerchuk

Jay has just started learning about the scopes of digital marketing and following the advice of one of his friends, had spend money on creating a business website and writing blog posts, making videos and images and all content of the sort for the website. He waited for few weeks after creating a beautiful website to boost his business but, nothing happened! He was worried and of course, frustrated thinking what could have gone wrong?

What really happened?

May be due to his lack of knowledge or in the hurry to achieve a result, Jay forgot to add a main ingredient to his digital marketing strategy-SEO!

No matter how good the content of your website is, your marketing skills are of no use until your business grabs attention among customers. You need to have all elements to pull customers towards your brand and therefore, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a significant role.

“The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of Google search results”

Google is the most used search engine in the Internet. Internet users are always impatient and while searching online, they tend to check only the websites in the first page of the search results. Therefore, it is important for your business website to be there in the first page of search results for customers to find out about it.

SEO helps in improving your page ranking and in increasing web traffic through various techniques. Therefore, for every business, it is necessary to have a SEO specialist. If you don’t have one, you can go for a SEO specialist or hire a digital marketing agency like Jointviews that can satisfy all your marketing needs.

The SEO techniques applied vary over years and they are still in the path of evolution. If you are into marketing your business online, it is necessary for you to be up to date with the latest trends in SEO.

Here are 5 SEO best practices that are trending in 2015 that you can utilize to improve your page ranking and to help your business reach the right audience in the coming months:

1. Content is king

Content has great value in digital marketing. A good quality and informative content has the power to influence people and convert them into permanent customers.  Any content that you add to your website must be related to your business and should contain relevant keywords. This trend seems to continue even in 2015.

2. Conversations given more priority than keywords

Before, a matching keyword would have brought your website to the first page of search results. But now, things have changed. Search engine looks specifically for the meaning, context and intent of the word typed in the search query.  Therefore, you should focus on putting efforts towards a key word phrase in order to engage in a conversation with your customers.

3. Visual-based SEO

2014 was the year of visual content when websites that topped search engine results had high quality videos and images as content. The trend remains the same in 2015. The Search Engine Results Pages are choosing websites with text and visual elements in them over those websites with just text as content.  Also, video marketing in YouTube can help you build website traffic by sharing the video in social media sites.

4. Mobile-friendly SEO

No one bothers to carry a laptop around these days. Internet is easily available in mobile phones and that is what the people prefer. According to the statistics, mobile Internet usage has surpassed desktop Internet. According to the estimates, there will be at least 50 billion local searches via mobile Internet and therefore, mobile-friendly SEO is the need of the hour.

5. Online security is a priority in rankings

If your website deals with online transactions and contains sensitive information, make sure that you are using proper security measures to guard the information.  Online security certificates and use of https instead of http is going to decide your website rankings in 2015.

Role of Digital Marketing in e-commerce

Driving or walking all the way to the shop, spending hours to purchase a thing or two and then waiting in the long queue to pay for it..

This was what shopping meant to everyone until e-commerce happened and then, the shopping routine changed to –

Going through different websites, purchasing products with a click and then paying online and waiting for the product to be delivered..

E-commerce makes it convenient for customers to shop at home and hence, it is trending. Due to its popularity, almost all businesses have gone online. But to list the businesses that made it big in the field of e-commerce, there may be very few of them; the reason? Most of them forgot a major element to their success- DIGITAL MARKETING!

Are you wondering what difference digital marketing can make to your e-commerce site? Let’s check out these aspects of digital marketing for e-commerce:

It takes months to find a customer and only seconds to lose one”

You create an e-commerce website and then you wait for customers to flock in and shop things from your site just like a physical shop! This dream of yours could have come true only if your website is the only E-commerce website existing online. But, unfortunately, it is not.

Marketing through online ads and various other methods may attract some web traffic. But, even that very small number of users may not stay in your website for long if they don’t find it easy to use. Greater the user experience, more will be the number of visitors to your website and for that, you need to have enough functionalities. Confused, are you? Well, don’t be. Improving the functionalities of your website is also definitely a part of digital marketing.

If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy in the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends”

That is the power of social media. Social media platforms are where you can find your customers belonging to the younger generation. Through proper marketing techniques, you can easily spread the word about your e-commerce venture in social media and win customers, causing your business to flourish. Therefore, social media marketing is always a great choice for brand building and word of mouth publicity.

Building a website without SEO is like building a road without direction”

Yes, it is true because you are not famous! Not everybody online knows you or your business. For people, to reach a website, it all starts from the search engine and it is common for them to click only those websites in the first page of the search results and just because you own a website doesn’t mean that you are there in the first page. That’s where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and PPC (pay per click) come to our aid.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”-R Collier

Success can’t come to you in a day and being a newcomer in the e-commerce field, you may be very well aware of it. It is not at all a loss if you really spend a very small amount of your money in the process. Yes! We are talking about affiliate marketing here, where an affiliate places your ad on their website and when a customer clicks the ad and converts the sale, it is tracked. The affiliate then gets a commission while you get a sale!

A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all”-Michael LeBouef

When it comes to business online or offline, customer is the king. If you happen to satisfy your customer’s need, you win. Digital marketing gives you the opportunity to connect directly to your potential customers. This in turn helps you in knowing what the customers think about your business and what they expect from you. Thus you can improve your online business and reach greater heights.

Creating an online presence for your e-commerce business isn’t that easy as you think, especially when you don’t know the ABCs of digital marketing. You can’t act “I-know-it-all” when it comes to business and you will have to depend on a team of experienced people well versed with digital marketing such as JointViews.

We keep track of the latest trends in digital marketing and hence our approach is always result oriented to make your presence felt online. Our team of content writers, SEOs, animators, graphic designers and word press developers make it possible through our efforts. If you are still doubtful of what we are capable of or if you think you need our service, feel free to Contact Us.