SEO Content Writer Vs Normal Content Writer

SEO Content Writer vs Normal Content Writer

Over the years, content writing has emerged as one of the most lucrative and promising careers in the field of digital media. One of the most important aspects which make content writing such a lucrative option for the people is the fact that the payout is pretty good and the career growth can be very promising as well.

Content writing is one of the most crucial aspects of any form of business. Any venture requires content for marketing and letting people know about it. Content writing is thus a profession which is quite stable and a good career option for people who are creative.

Diversity in content writing makes it yet another extremely lucrative option. The two most prominent types of content writers rooted in the industry are SEO content writers and normal content writers.

There are a few factors which differentiate a conventional content writer from that of an SEO content writer. It is time to take a look at such factors.

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1. An insight into the differences

Regular content writing is entirely different from that of SEO content writing. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is mainly associated with the promotion of web pages on the Google Search Index. The content which is orchestrated by SEO has a set of factors which tend to differentiate it from that of average content.

Among all the factors, keywords are the most crucial ones. The keywords are extremely important because they play a dominant role in optimizing the content for search engines rankings. Keyword density is yet another factor that SEO contents must oblige.

The leading search engines have their own set of protocols which tend to differentiate from one another. It is the reason as to why contents need to be optimized carefully while following each set of guidelines independently.

Ordinary content writers, on the other hand, do not need to take heed of such factors. Standard content, in general, can be of many types. They can be categorized into blogs, informative articles, web articles, web content, infographics, creative content, press releases and much more.

While conventional content writing ensures diversity, unlike its counterpart it does not involve a complex structure which is meant for search engine optimization.

To summarize the differences, the following points can help

  • Conventional content writing is more diverse than that of SEO content writing
  • SEO content writing can have a complex structure associated with it. At the same time, it can also involve a series of complicated instructions and rules that need to be followed for optimum results.
  • Conventional content writing does not require keyword optimization in every case, but SEO content writing needs for keyword optimization for better search engine visibility.
  • SEO content writing isn’t mainly categorized into subparts, but conventional content writing can be categorized into blog writing, article writing, creative writing and much more.

Thus one can say that conventional content writers have greater diversity at their disposal when compared to SEO content writers. However, it would fair to envision the fact that it takes more effort to incubate SEO content owing to its set of guidelines and complexity in general. Thus the quotient of difficulty can be a tinge more for SEO content writers.

2. The importance of SEO content writing

SEO content writing is among the core fundamentals of “Search Engine Optimization.” It is associated with ensuring a better ranking. As SEO content is the fundamental form of information available to the public, it works as the forerunner of the entire business promotional campaign.

SEO content writing helps to promote the service associated with the designated keyword. These keywords can be derived from the niche of the business or its typology. Either way, the SEO content enhances search engine visibility to a considerable extent.

The Google (the largest search engine in the world) algorithm is always on the lookout for keyword phrases across dedicated sections of the content. With proper formatting, the SEO content can help grab the attention of Google algorithms and bring forth the desired results.

The content is also an essential part of marketing any venture. It needs to be of the highest quality and thoroughly optimized for the search engine algorithms.

SEO content in general needs to be of the first order since engaging SEO content ought to yield the best of results. However, if the content is not appealing, then all probable SEO benefits are lost, and the entire effort might go into vain.

As a part of an effective content marketing strategy, SEO content has a pivotal role to play. It promotes search engine rankings, provides for efficient and prudent backlinks, enhances audience engagement and helps to support social media campaigning.

This type of content ensures social validation which is among the most critical credentials sought after by the Google algorithm.

3. Job opportunities for SEO content writer

Search Engine Optimization has transcended into an absolute must for any aspiring or upcoming business venture. Be it a simple blogger, or any MNC entrepreneur, everybody wants to make their online presence known to the world. It makes SEO as the right tool to make this happen.

It has brought forth the digital media industry onto the threshold of a revolution. The SEO industry has independently shown exponential growth in the previous decade and has been following the same pattern ever since.

The revenue collected overall is in millions of dollars, and the number of associates has been steadily on the rise.

There are enormous prospects for SEO content writers as both freelancers and full-time workers in this industry. The median salary can stretch from anywhere between 25,000$ annually to as much as 225,000$ for the professional full-time content specialists.

The freelancing wing of this industry, in general, is extremely lucrative. There are millions of freelancers across the world with some of them making as much as ten times of what they made during the hours of their regular day jobs.

A Final Thought

With the current trend on board, it is highly possible that this industry will flourish even more in the coming years. The exponential growth pattern isn’t bound to show any signs of slowing down within the coming years.

It brings forth the inception of brighter prospects for SEO content writers who aspire to a steady career with long-term growth and dependability.