Google Introduces New Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool

Google launched a new mobile friendly page testing tool which can be reached from the mobile usability report in Search Console.

The new mobile friendly test actually started showing up earlier this month to some users. But now it is in the process of rolling out to all users.

Read Also: Google Testing Black Links Instead of Blue in Search Results

Google said it brings more “room to continue to improve on its functionality, and over time, we expect it to replace the previous Mobile Friendly Test.”

Yaniv Loewenstein from the Google Search Console Team wrote:

“The updated tool provides us with room to continue to improve on its functionality, and over time, we expect it to replace the previous Mobile Friendly Test. Additionally, of course this tool also works well on your smartphone, if you need to double-check something there!”

The tool is live as of today, so check it it to make sure your site still meeting Google’s standards for mobile usability.


How to Get your Facebook Page Verified

Almost every social media networking sites have their own verification process. As a normal Facebook user, we all create accounts or pages with our name.

Within minutes, you can open a Facebook page. Many people want to have a verified Facebook business page as it enhances their credibility. But, a lot of us don’t know how to verify a facebook page.

Are you one among them? No need to worry…

Here are the steps on how to get your Facebook page verified:

Step 1. If you are not a journalist, musician, actor or athlete, then change your category from writer, business person or whatever category to public figure.

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 1

Step 2. Under awards, put the publications, titles of the articles followed with links.

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 2

Step 3. Write a long description about yourself.

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 3

Step 4. Download Facebook mentions on phone.

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 4

Step 5. Once you download the application, open it and click the ‘Get Started’ button.

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 6

Step 6. Write your name as your page will not appear if you are not verified.

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 7

Step 7. After writing your name, click ‘My page isn’t verified’

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 8

Step 8. Now you can see a form is loading, then select page for your personal brand.

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 9

Step 9. After selecting the page, upload a copy of your photo ID and add a website link, then click submit.

How To Get Verified On Facebook With Mentions Step 10

Step 10. Run boosted ads or posts for around $5 a day for a week.

After submission, you have to wait. If your profile was verified in week with a blue check mark, then you will get a notification. You can also use the app which is super clean and easy to use.


Google Testing Black Links Instead of Blue in Search Results

Google is testing an alternative to its iconic blue links in search results.

Worldwide, Google serves over 1 trillion search results per year, so even a simple color change can provoke a loud response.

When reached for comment, Google was characteristically cryptic. “We’re always running many small-scale experiments with the design of the results page,” a spokesperson told The Verge. “We’re not quite sure that black is the new blue.” Of course, it’s all but certain the new link color is tracking click-through rates. We can’t be sure if the company is simply testing the color, or if the color has something to do with the type of link being displayed, the type of user seeing the link, or what that user is searching. Still, if it does expand to more than a select few people, this could be one of the more radical changes to the relatively austere Google search results page we’ve seen in years.

Read Also: Google’s AI Reads 3000 Romance Novels to Improve Conversational Search

Besides trying out black links, Google is also testing with diverse shades of blue as well. Business Insider’s Rob Price says that he’s been seeing a lighter blue than usual when not logged into his Chrome browser.


Google’s AI Reads 3000 Romance Novels to Improve Conversational Search

In a bid to improve its conversational search abilities, Google has been reading close to 3000 novels. Google engineers are feeling such huge volumes of romantic novels so that the AI can learn the subtleties of conversational language.

The list of steamy novels fed to the AI include Fatal Desire, Unconditional Love, Ignited, and Jacked Up. Apparently, this exercise is working as well. The team at Google was able to Make the AI write sentences that are similar to the ones in the books.

Read Also: Google Secures Every Blogspot Domains by Changing it with HTTPS

The aim is to make use of the AI’s language abilities to make Google’s products more human. For instance, Andrew Dai, one of the leads of the novel reading project said – “In the Google app, the responses are very factual,” he continued, “Hopefully with this work, and future work, it can be more conversational, or can have a more varied tone, or style, or register.”

There are other products as well, which can benefit from the AI’s improving language ability. The ‘Smart Reply’ feature of Google Inbox is an example. There are three different smart reply suggestions. There can be improved if the AI’s linguistic abilities are improved.

Eventually, we might see google engaging in deep conversations with us, maybe in a couple of decades.


Google Secures Every Blogspot Domains by Changing it with HTTPS

Recently, Google added an additional security layer to all blogs hosted on its Blogger service by moving to HTTPS.

HTTPS is fundamental to internet security; it protects the integrity and confidentiality of data sent between websites and visitors’ browsers… Today, we’re launching another milestone: an HTTPS version for every blogspot domain blog. With this change, visitors can access any blogspot domain blog over an encrypted channel.”

In September, Google introduced the option to move to HTTPS, but bloggers have to opt in. Now every blog hosted on the platform will have an HTTPS-enabled address by default.

Read Also: Google is Showing Additional Search Filters for the Local Results in Mobile

“With this change, visitors can access any Blogspot domain blog over an encrypted channel.”

Google warns that certain functionality such as incompatible templates, gadgets or post content may not work on the HTTPS versions of websites. Google is working on it to fix errors.


Internet Explorer- Not the Primary Window into the Web Anymore!

Google Chrome won the crown for most popular browser for the first time in nearly two decades.

Google introduced a coding plug-in called “Google Chrome Frame” for Web site developers that instructs Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers to use Google Chrome technologies.

According to the April 2016 report Internet Explorer holds 41.37 percent market share but Chrome holds 41.67 percent.

Internet Explorer is being pushed out by Microsoft itself, which is replaced with Microsoft Edge.

Read Also: Microsoft Blocks Google and Chrome from Cortana on Windows10

“Microsoft Edge is an integral part of Windows 10, which is off to the fastest start in Windows history with 270 million active devices,” a Microsoft spokesperson told the Daily Dot. “We’ll continue to deliver improvements and innovations to help users get more done.”

Google is great as you can ask something really obvious and nobody has to know.”


Facebook Changes Branded Content Policy, Makes Verified Facebook Page Mandatory!

Recently Facebook updated to its branded content policies.

Now, in order to post a branded content, you need to have a verified Facebook Page as if you don’t have a verified Facebook page, you can’t post a sponsored content.

Read Also: Facebook Tweaks News Feed Ranking Algorithm

If you do not have a verified Page with a blue badge, you cannot post sponsored content advertising someone else’s products or services. What you can do is post branded content advertising your own business featuring your own logo.

Verified pages are those having blue badge.

For non-verified Pages, you cannot post: affiliate links, ad images, links to info about anyone else’s products or services.


Microsoft Blocks Google and Chrome from Cortana on Windows10

Microsoft makes it really hard to recommend its products lately. Windows 10 was a great way to wash the disgusting Windows 8 taste from consumers’ mouths — initially, at least.

Microsoft explains in that section that obviously some software programs “circumvent the design” of Windows to redirect to other search engines “not designed” to work with Cortana.

Read Also: Google Search Will Show Live TV Listings Soon!

Here’s the key section:

“Unfortunately, as Windows 10 has grown in adoption and usage, we have seen some software programs circumvent the design of Windows 10 and redirect you to search providers that were not designed to work with Cortana. The result is a compromised experience that is less reliable and predictable.”

“The continuity of these types of task completion scenarios is disrupted if Cortana can’t depend on Bing as the search provider and Microsoft Edge as the browser. The only way we can confidently deliver this personalized, end-to-end search experience is through the integration of Cortana, Microsoft Edge and Bing – all designed to do more for you.”

Microsoft says blocking search providers and 3rd party browsers improves user experience.


Google Testing Purple Ad Labels On Google Maps

Recently, Google was caught testing green colour search ad labels almost a week ago. They are at it again!

This time, Google testing purple color on “Ad” label found in Maps matching the purple pin noting the advertiser’s location on the map itself.

Read Also: Is Google Testing Green “Ad” Labels?

The purple pin distinguishes it from the red organic pins.

It doesn’t appear to be too malicious or annoying; the locations are accurate, and it will help some businesses to populate their results right to the top.

Google also began testing green “Ad” labels in the main search results a couple of weeks ago. That test appears to be running in most major markets at this point.


Facebook Tweaks News Feed Ranking Algorithm

On Thursday, Facebook announced that it will start using time spent reading or viewing content on third-party pages as a factor in its news feed ranking algorithm.

This update to ranking will take into account how likely you are to click on an article and then spend time reading it.”

Facebook will also try to avoid too many posts from the same page that are together in a row in people’s News Feed.

We anticipate that most Pages won’t see any significant changes. Some Pages might see a small increase in referral traffic, and some Pages might see minor decreases”, Facebook said

Read Also: Facebook will Allow Publishers to Post Sponsored Content

Among the many factors Facebook takes into account when ranking items on a user’s News Feed are who posted the item, when it was posted, the type of content published and how other users have interacted with such posts. Each factor plays a part in the unique relevancy score Facebook’s algorithm assigns to News Feed posts for each user, according to vice president of product management Adam Mosseri.

Thus, Facebook will now make an attempt to predict how long people spend viewing a piece of content.
