8 Steps to Create a Strong Brand Identity

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Entrepreneurs make different kinds of brand-related mistakes. Some create a false opinion about their products in the market, on the other hand, some over marketing their products, but the biggest mistake which most entrepreneurs make is poorly creating the brand identity. Brand identity highlights the image of a company which helps customers to form their first opinion.

A successful brand should be consistent in the communication – banners, prints, online ads, website, social media, and customer service. Below are the steps to create a strong brand identity:

Step 1 – Define the Mission and Vision of your Company

You clearly need to draft the reason of your existence, your target audience and what your company is passionate about. No need to start focusing on a big group of audience at the start itself. Concentrate on the target audience and as time would pass, your branding would expand.

Step 2 – Research other Brands within your Industry

You should be fully aware of what your competitors do, what they lack and what they are good at. Make sure you can convince your customers how you are different and better than others in the same industry. You must concentrate on the quality and uniqueness of your products. Hence, you have to dig deep into your research such that you are able to offer products or services which no one else is offering.

It’s a good idea to offer your customers a more authentic product or provide better support system or help in saving money over others brands.

Step 3 – Create an Attractive Logo and Tagline

The logo is one thing that would appear everywhere. It would be on your product, product packaging, ads, website and all other places you can think of. You should try to create something that is unique and extremely attractive. You must spend money wisely and develop a visual presence for your brand. Hire a professional designer to do this for you.

Step 4 – Decide the Tone of Communication

You should be sure of the tone you would like to talk to your customers in. Your tone could be friendly, formal, professional, informative, etc. Choose a brand tone which suits your product and the product marketing style.

Step 5 – Create a Good Personality for your Brand

All customers look for something different and demand extra personal attention. The personality of your brand should be such that people don’t forget it easily and also talk about it. You have to be consistent all around regarding your brands’ personality.

Be consistent with the tone in which you communicate, the description you give about your products, your success stories, your learnings, your business idea, and so on. Everything should be consistent as this helps in gaining people’s trust and interest in your brand.

Step 6 –Your Brand should be a part of every Step taken in Business

In any form of activity, you perform for your business, your brand value should reflect. Always remember, brand building is a gradual and continuous process. It never stops. If your client is walking into your office, then he should be able to feel your brand presence in your communication and also in the surroundings.

All your product packaging, visiting cards, advertisements should have the brand logo on it. Your website and social media activities should also have the logo present.

Step 7 – Think 100 Times before changing your Brand

Once you have decided the tone of communication, the logo, and the name, then you should avoid changing it. Change only if it has a relevant story behind it. By changing your branding, your customers can get confused and might lead to losing their trust on the brand.

Step 8 – Advocate your Brand

You know your brand the best and you are the best person who can advocate it in public. You must spread the word around on your brand. Also, you must train your new recruits well and imbibe in them your brand value. The whole company needs to be talking in the same brand tone.

You would definitely realize that by having a good brand, you can gain the customer’s trust. It takes quite a while to build your brand value and is an ongoing process.It is very important to build your relationship with the customer, and therefore you should be patient and consistent.

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