5 SEO Factors That Are More Important Than Keywords

5 SEO Factors That Are More Important Than Keywords

Keywords are gradually losing its position as the top SEO factor that determines search engine rankings of sites.

Days were gone, where keywords were the top SEO strategy to achieve better rankings. All websites had to do use relevant keywords in their content and URLs to be rewarded and ranked.Though keyword selection still plays a major part in the SEO process, search engines algorithms and guidelines have changed. So what are the other factors that dominate keywords?

Content still matters: Incredible content that people will want to share can earn links and improve web traffic. Make sure to create content that not only answers a reader’s questions, but is informative.  Include blogs, and web pages that get deeper into the topic and present the reader with information that they may not already know. Images and infographics can also enrich the viewing experience. Social sharing buttons on each page of the site will make it easier for users to share your content throughout social networks, which is sure to influence your site’s SEO. Professional digital marketing agencies will provide services from skilled content writers experienced in writing all types of content.

Responsive designs: Google reports that in the USA, 94% of people with smartphones search for local information on their phones.With Google’s latest “mobile-friendly” algorithm, responsive web designs are becoming mandatory for any website. Following Google, Bing has also recently announced its launch of a mobile-friendly algorithm in the coming months.Digital marketing agencies are also focusing on providing their clients with quality responsive designs that help them rank them better for search engines.

Site structure and navigation: Easily navigable sites are what users prefer. Ensure that your site’s navigation is cleanly organized. The better navigation your site has, the better are its chances to rank higher on SERPs (search engine result pages).  The site should include sub-menus and a sitemap, as well as traditional standby pages like Contact, About Us, and Services pages.

Focus on loading time and security: Site speed and security are important factors that search engines notice with increasing competition.Users will not be patient enough to wait till your site load. Remembers they have diverse option to leave your site and choose one of your competitors. Both Google and Bing use page loading speed as a ranking factor. By implementing a clean caching system, you can maximize the site loading speed. Also reduce the image size and remove unnecessary clutter in your back end. Site security can be improved with SSL encryption. For instance, while using ecommerce sites, user should feel sure to enter their credit card number or to enter other banking details.

Semantic search: Released as part of the Hummingbird update back in 2013, semantic search is now indispensable feature for any user trying to find an answer to a specific question. With semantic search, users need not have to provide the exact search terms to get the information they search for. Rather this search delivers results based on a range of factors including context, location, what the user is really trying to find, and why they are trying to find it. This advanced search option can take account of synonyms, related concepts and whether the query is specialized or generalized. It also allows users to search for information or content using natural language. Bing and Google are also developing capabilities where users can type a question in their own language, and get back relevant, personalized and accurate answers to that question.

For instance, imagine you are searching for “cheap car washing service in NY”. Instead of looking for any site with the words like “cheap”, “NY” and “car washing” ,semantic search interprets the meaning behind the search query that the user is likely looking for an inexpensive car washing service in New York and then searches for companies that might fit that description.

In their busy schedule, most online businesses will not be able to optimize their website with the latest algorithms. Choosing a reliable digital marketing agency is the right option for them. Such agencies will provide their team with quality training on how to use the latest algorithmic updates.

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