How to Filter Spam Traffic From Google Analytics [Infographic]

How to Filter Spam From Google Analytics

As we all know, Google Analytics is the most powerful web analytics service on the Internet. It’s a powerful tool which provides in-depth insights of the website traffic. As it helps to make decisions based on the data it is easier to measure the performance of the marketing goals.

There are many other web analytics tools such as Kissmetrics, Woopra, Piwik, Clicky, and Audience Data & Content Analytics for Digital Media, etc.

Despite the good number of competitors, Google Analytics still remains unbeaten on the top owing to its built- in filter functionality. This helps against spam, bots, and other junk traffic that damage the integrity of the data.

But, are we following the right practices to install filters on our websites? Of course, not. Most websites don’t use filters or they use them but in the wrong way.

Here’s an infographic illustrating the right practices to filter spam from Google Analytics.

Take a quick look!

filter spam from google analytics